wylde-attributions · 28 days
cats are really useful for when you need a small animal to sit 10-15 feet away from you and stare at you with unceasing neutrality
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wylde-attributions · 28 days
Little Kai & Anna Things
"I can fix her" -> "Yeah never mind I don't want to fix her, she's hot"
"This guy's an idiot. Good thing he's mine"
"I'd burn the world down to keep you safe" "I know. I'd let you."
"Let's see the world and claim every mile with our memories"
"I don't need anything if I have you"
"We make the best family either of us have ever had"
Bonus: "...hey Kai you actually look pretty good in that dress" "You think so? *twirls hair*"
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wylde-attributions · 29 days
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shipping win! they have different but equally terrible coping mechanisms
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wylde-attributions · 1 month
Couple + Sibling/relative third wheel is honestly an S-tier trio dynamic and I wish we saw more of this in media.
"You are my soulmate. We are forged together by battle and tears and love. Also my brother's coming along."
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wylde-attributions · 1 month
Kai & Anna pt 2
The truth was that Kai had seen Anna multiple times before their second conversation but had been much too shy to try and talk to her again. It wasn’t until two weeks of accidentally watching the girl live her life had passed that he managed to work up the courage to get her name no matter what and set out to find her. Admittedly, it could’ve gone better. He only learned it because someone called out to Anna, not because she told him. 
I feel bad. Now she actually has a reason to be mad at me too… Kai sighed and plopped down on his bed.
He shared the room with another boy, but they never really talked. No one talked much in the group home Kai lived in. Not unless you did something wrong or they needed something from you. He’d gotten used to it, though. Lots of time to think, lots of time to teach himself what he could from the school’s library when class didn’t feel like enough to fill a day.
Ever since his aunt died and he got put here, Kai had just been quietly passing time as best he could. He wished he had real friends, but no one seemed to care when he talked. Sure, he chatted with classmates, but once the bell rang, they were gone. He couldn’t help wanting to befriend the aloof girl he kept seeing. I wonder where Anna goes to school. Maybe she’ll be different. No, she will be. She is. Something about her is way different– why, though? Kai hummed to himself in thought before sitting up and grabbing his backpack.
“Hopefully she’s not too mad at me…” The boy sighed and pulled out his books and schoolwork, setting them on the small desk at the foot of his bed. I still hope I see her soon. With that, Kai shook his head as if to disperse his thoughts and sat, getting to work for the night.
Anna, truly, was pissed. She had managed to run into the same annoying little idiot twice in the same month, and now he knew both her name and somewhere she went nearly every day. Somewhere her sister was nearly every day.
At least he doesn’t know why, I guess. God damn it. This sucks. What do I even do about it? I can’t get in trouble right now. The girl sighed and rubbed her face as she started to make sandwiches for her sister and herself. I know that McClain kid is gonna try to pick a fight again soon enough; I need all my good graces for when that goes to shit. Anna closed the refrigerator door hard in frustration, immediately freezing at the loud noise. Shit– please stay asleep. I can’t baby you right now too, Mom.
After a few moments of silence passed, the blonde released a held breath and continued making dinner. Get it together. What does it even matter? The fuck is a twig like him gonna do anyway? He’s just annoying. I've dealt with worse, and I’ll do it again. He doesn’t matter. He’ll leave me alone soon enough, and I’ll get on with it. “Just me and Rosie. Like it should be.” Anna grumbled quietly as she finished her task and walked across the small apartment to the balcony where her little sister sat waiting. Rosie smiled up at her and started telling her all about her day for the second time as they ate together. Anna smiled and nodded along intently, trying to forget about the day she had herself.
Kai is, by all means, not a creep. Nor is he a stalker. What Kai is, however, is scared shitless of the beautiful girl who he can't help wanting to know more about. Now, Kai found himself quietly following behind Anna for a minute or two whenever he happened to see her. Just to see what kind of things she gets up to, and to try and eventually apologize to her. Turned out, his small frame seemed well suited to going unnoticed, so he'd been following for longer and longer, trying to work up some courage to start a conversation. Eventually, the tall, intimidating blonde stopped walking and turned around, looking directly at him.
“So when are you going to give up being a fucking weirdo and following me? What do you even want from me?” She scowled down at him. Kai squeaked, his face immediately flushing pink.
“I’m s-sorry, I wasn’t trying to! I just– I um..” Oh jeez, I’m so stupid– this was all so stupid.
“Spit it out, god. I played along or whatever for a while, but this is just fucking annoying!”
“I didn’t mean to! You um, you always got busy, and I didn’t want to bother you, s-so I was just waiting to–”
“Yeah, right, liar. Just cut it out. Otherwise, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be at fault for starting some shit if I was being stalked.” She huffed and turned to lean against a building, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.
“...I’m really sorry. I’ve just been scared you’d be super mad at me for learning your name without you telling it to me.” The boy looked down slightly and fidgeted with the strings on his hoodie. “I- I’ve been trying to think of how to apologize. Can we start over? Maybe? My name’s Kai; it’s nice to meet you.”
Anna just rolled her eyes and looked away. “Yeah, Anna, whatever. Not that it makes much difference. That’s not even what I’m pissed about. Just stop trying to figure out my routine or whatever the fuck.”
Kai raised his hands defensively and shook his head, replying quickly. “Oh, I r-really haven’t been trying to follow you like that or anything! I just– I see you, and I’m impulsive, so I want to talk and try to think of what to say, but then you’re moving on before I get brave enough, so I have to follow you while I think, and usually I only realize how long it’s been because I look around and realize I don’t know where I am at all, and then I worry about being lost and–”
“Jesus Christ. You don’t need to talk like you’ve only got seconds to live, Kai.” Anna chuckled slightly and continued smoking. “The last person to see me pick up my sister was just an ass, alright? I don’t like people knowing where I go and what I do. Forget where we wound up last time, and I at least won’t skin you or somethin’.”
Kai couldn’t help but stare at the girl in quiet awe. She just laughed. She used my name, and she laughed! His cheeks were dusted with a soft pink as he snapped out his miniature daze. “I- I already did! I uh, I actually tried to remember the next day to see if I could find you and apologize then, but I couldn’t remember at all! I swear, Anna! I didn’t even know you had a sister! Ah– maybe I could forget that too if you need me to!”
The blonde girl simply stared at the smaller boy for a few moments before shaking her head, a barely noticeable smile on her lips. “Whatever, it’s fine. I’m not gonna make you give yourself brain damage or however the hell you’d willingly forget things. You’re already weird enough. I trust you.” She stayed quiet for a few beats more before her expression hardened again. “Don’t make me regret saying that. I don’t take that shit lightly.”
“Cross my heart and hope to die.” Kai crossed his finger over his chest and nodded with a smile. “I hope I never upset you again.”
“God, what are you, five? Just say you won’t or something.” She chuckled quietly again before sighing. “Anyway, do you even know where we are now, then? You followed me for a while.”
Oh jeez, do I? If I’m as lost as last time, I might be late again. He looked around at the street where the two stood, failing to recognize anything as a familiar landmark. “Ah, guess not… Shoot.” He couldn’t help but blush deeper in embarrassment and fidget with his sleeves as he thought about what to do. Maybe she knows a bus station with a map nearby; I’m sure I can figure it out before I get in too much trouble.
“Come on. Where do you live? You look like a lost dog or something.” Anna stood and stamped out the end of her cigarette. “Don’t want to see missing posters because you got hit by a fuckin car or some shit.”
“W-what? It’s okay! I’m sure I can figure it out; you don’t have to trouble yourself helping me–”
“Well, I am. I have nothing better to do anyway, so come on. I need to know where we’re going.” She started walking back in the direction they initially came from, shoving her hands in her jacket pockets.
Man, she looks so cool– and I knew she was nice. Kai smiled nervously and moved to walk beside the girl. “Thanks… At um, at Open Door, on 42nd street.” He smiled and looked over at her.
“Oh. Isn’t that one of those kid's group homes or somethin’? Sorry.”
“Yeah. Sorry for what?”
“I dunno.” She shrugged. “That you must not have parents, I guess? Although there are worse things. None of my business though. I’ll drop it.”
“N-no, it’s fine! Don’t worry about it. I don’t really care or anything. I never even knew my parents in the first place.” The boy shrugged and kept smiling as they walked. “I’ve lived there a few years now; it’s nothing new. I was with my aunt before, but she died.”
“...The place nice?”
“Sure. I mean, they do their best. Mostly it’s just kinda lonely.” Kai chuckled and scratched the back of his head. “Not to be a bummer or anything, sorry. It’s not bad, really. They can be strict, and lots of people come and go, but I can kinda do what I want at this point.”
“Cool.” Anna nodded in acknowledgment and asked no further questions as the pair continued through the town in comfortable silence. 
Kai figured he shouldn’t push his luck by asking too many questions of his own, so he was happy to simply spend the time with Anna peacefully until they made it to his home. Once they did, the two casually said goodbye, both secretly hoping to see each other again soon, one in denial of this fact.
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wylde-attributions · 1 month
Kai & Anna pt 1
“...What do you want, shrimp?” 
Kai’s thoughts broke through his blank mind at the question. He’d stopped dead in his tracks without realizing it. Oh god, how long did I just stare at her?
“Um, nothing, I mean– sorry. I got…distracted..” He nervously laughed as he trailed off, mindlessly adjusting the hem of his shirt, not bothering to try moving again. The girl with the curly sand blonde hair Kai had found himself struck by just waited for him to continue speaking before turning her deadpan expression back to the wall before her, raising a cigarette to her lips.
“M-my name’s Kai.” He paused, unsure if the girl was listening anymore– or if she even was in the first place, really. “What’s yours, if I may ask?”
“That sounds like wanting somethin’ to me, kid.” She spoke with a steady, measured tone to her voice as she looked back to the smaller boy. She looks uninterested, but her hazel eyes might as well have been staring into his soul.
Jeez, she’s kinda scary. “...You don’t seem like you’re that much older than me; I’m sixteen, so why’re you calling me ‘kid’? Plus, why are you smoking? We’re too young for that.”
The girl took a drag of her cigarette pointedly and stood from the alley wall she was half leaning against. “Because you are a kid, and it’s none of your business. Why would I bother answering some random guy on the street I’ll only see once in my life, anyway?” She sighed and zipped up the large black bomber jacket she was wearing. “Now fuck off before I break your nose or something.”
“You don’t know we’ll only meet this once.” Kai retorted, looking away nervously. God, why are you saying that? You’re just gonna make her mad! His thoughts screamed at him to end the pathetic attempt at friendly conversation here. He managed to listen. “But um– anyway, sure. Yeah, I was on my way to, um– I have to go anyway.” Flushing slightly, the boy finally turned away and carefully started walking again, genuinely remembering where he was supposed to be. He glanced behind before turning a corner to get one last look at the girl standing in the alley– jeez I probably do seem like a random weirdo– before running off, just in case she decided she wanted to go through with her threat.
Anna had forgotten about the weird black-haired boy completely by the time they saw each other again. She was on the way to pick up her little sister when he ran right into her. “Watch where you’re going you–” Oh great. Haven’t I seen this kid somewhere before?
The boy took a startled step back. “I’m so sorry! I was just– oh! Hey, I remember you! I never got your name; I’m sorry.” He smiled sheepishly up at the slight glare Anna met him with.
Right, the annoying question boy. Kai, I think. “I didn’t give it. Learn to pay attention, kid.” She huffed and tried to ignore him and keep walking, but he stepped to the side in front of her. “Move. I’ve got somewhere to be.”
“Then I’ll walk with you!” Kai beamed and turned to do so. “I’m not busy, and I still need to learn your name. I can’t exactly just call you ‘girl’ all the time, right?”
“You don’t need to call me anything. Just leave me alone, or I’ll beat the hell out of you. You’re gonna make me late.” She walked faster, shoving her hands in her pockets. There. Dealt with. Now go get Rosie.
“You said you’d break my nose last time. I decided- well, I said to myself, ‘Kai, if you ever see her again, you better learn her name, even if she does break your face for it.’ So, that’s fine, I guess. I really would rather not get beat up, obviously, but–” he was interrupted by a punch to the face.
“Fuck. Off. We’re not friends.” Anna turned away and kept walking. What a weirdo. Who the hell would trade a broken nose for a name? He didn’t even get it. Though I guess I didn’t break it either. He seems too soft to do that to over somethin’ like this. She rolled her eyes and swept her hair back under her beanie before Kai came rushing to walk alongside her again.
“We could be friends. That really hurt. Do you punch people a lot?” The boy rubbed his face where she’d struck him, but still gave her a small smile. “I told you I’m sixteen, right? You seem like you could be older, but I think you’re probably my age. Am I right?”
I could just knock his lights out. Is that worth the trouble? Officer J said I’ve had good behavior lately; maybe she’d look the other way. The blonde glared at the raven-haired boy walking happily beside her. No, stop that. He’s just an idiot. Just let him get bored; you gotta get Rosie home. “No, we could not be friends. I don’t do that. Now fuck off; I’m not telling you shit.”
Kai just hummed and continued walking next to her. “What do you mean you don’t do friends? You need friends! I’m sure friends are good for you, right? Are yours just mean? Or are you just not looking for new ones? I haven’t seen you hanging out with anyone.”
“You don’t know me. I said I’m not answering.”
“Fine, fine. I’ll just keep you quiet company, okay? I know I’m annoying you.”
Anna huffed lightly at this but continued staring straight ahead. “If you know you’re annoying, leave.”
“Not until I learn your name! It’s not fair you know mine, but I don’t know yours. I want to get along!” The boy sighs and looks up at her maybe just a second too long before glancing away.
“Then don’t tell randos your name, idiot. I could be a murderer or some shit. Why the hell do you think you want to be friends with someone you’ve seen once and were immediately threatened by?” She grunts in annoyance and slows her walking pace gradually, realizing they’re getting close to her destination and hoping the boy won’t notice and will leave first.
“I don’t think you’re a murderer. I bet you’re nice on the inside, and how am I supposed to be friends with someone if I don’t tell them my name? You’re strangers with everyone you know before you know them. Any random person could be important to you one day.” Kai smiles gently, seeming to forget all about the bruise that will surely be on his face tomorrow.
Yeah, this guy’s weird as hell. Maybe he’s abused or some shit; it would make sense. Seems desperate and lonely. Thank fuck I’m not like that. The girl sighs and rubs her face as she nearly slows to a stop. “...sure. Whatever, kid. Just go be weirdly optimistic somewhere else. I told you, I gotta–”
“Anna! There you are! Someone’s getting impatient~!” A woman called across the street, waving over a group of people. Kids and their guardians say their hellos and goodbyes to friends as they meander away from the daycare building.
“...Anna’s a pretty name.” Kai looks over to the frustrated blonde next to him “...It suits you, you know.” He smiles and nods. “But I’ll leave you alone, Anna. I hope I see you again. I really do think you’re nice.” Anna just groans and waves dismissively at the annoying boy. “Yeah, whatever, creep. Congrats. You got my name, but you’re wrong. Now just go.” She doesn’t bother looking back to Kai as she crosses the street and goes inside. Did that idiot just try to call me pretty?
0 notes
wylde-attributions · 1 month
OC Pintrest Boards
Quinn: https://pin.it/22HwZWYNN & https://pin.it/5ZMmwMonn
Kendi: https://pin.it/6sX68AE7Y
Asher: https://pin.it/6RWayHmbs
Aria: https://pin.it/7tXVrWUhR
Willow: https://pin.it/zUaaM7xIH
Anna: https://pin.it/3xGJ14L6K
Kai: https://pin.it/6vMSHNtyu
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wylde-attributions · 1 month
this sucks so bad i need to [remembers suicide jokes only worsen my mental health] put on the best talent show this towns ever seen
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wylde-attributions · 1 month
Soft Gestures for Comfort
Bringing them a blanket when they’re curled up on the couch.
Whispering, "It’s okay, I’m here," when they wake up from a bad dream.
Stroking their hair gently when they’re lying on your lap.
Running a warm bath for them after a tough day.
Holding them close and saying, "I’ve got you," when they’re upset.
Preparing their favorite comfort food when they’re feeling low.
Turning off their alarm and letting them sleep in when they’re exhausted.
Reading their favorite book to them before bed.
Playing their favorite soothing music to help them relax.
Just sitting in silence with them, letting them know your presence is their safe space.
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wylde-attributions · 1 month
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wylde-attributions · 1 month
Tips for writing those gala scenes, from someone who goes to them occasionally:
Generally you unbutton and re-button a suit coat when you sit down and stand up.
You’re supposed to hold wine or champagne glasses by the stem to avoid warming up the liquid inside. A character out of their depth might hold the glass around the sides instead.
When rich/important people forget your name and they’re drunk, they usually just tell you that they don’t remember or completely skip over any opportunity to use your name so they don’t look silly.
A good way to indicate you don’t want to shake someone’s hand at an event is to hold a drink in your right hand (and if you’re a woman, a purse in the other so you definitely can’t shift the glass to another hand and then shake)
Americans who still kiss cheeks as a welcome generally don’t press lips to cheeks, it’s more of a touch of cheek to cheek or even a hover (these days, mostly to avoid smudging a woman’s makeup)
The distinctions between dress codes (black tie, cocktail, etc) are very intricate but obvious to those who know how to look. If you wear a short skirt to a black tie event for example, people would clock that instantly even if the dress itself was very formal. Same thing goes for certain articles of men’s clothing.
Open bars / cash bars at events usually carry limited options. They’re meant to serve lots of people very quickly, so nobody is getting a cosmo or a Manhattan etc.
Members of the press generally aren’t allowed to freely circulate at nicer galas/events without a very good reason. When they do, they need to identify themselves before talking with someone.
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