wwiznerd · 10 years
"cav" || old as balls || ♂/♀
meet the new wwiznerd
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wwiznerd · 10 years
"cav" || old as balls || ♂/♀
meet the new wwiznerd
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wwiznerd · 10 years
"cav" || old as balls || ♂/♀
meet the new wwiznerd
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wwiznerd · 10 years
"cav" || old as balls || ♂/♀
meet the new wwiznerd
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wwiznerd · 10 years
"cav" || old as balls || ♂/♀
meet the new wwiznerd
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wwiznerd · 10 years
"cav" || old as balls || ♂/♀
meet the new wwiznerd
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wwiznerd · 10 years
anyone who talks to wiz often (examples are anotos and aumentoinferno's summoner) will be getting the following message in private:
 Y0ur fr1end 1s n0t dead. He has c0mpleted an exper1mental r1tual 1n wwh1ch he ww1ll l0se h1s mem0ry and change h1s appearance 1n 0rder t0 l1ve a m0re peaceful l1fe. 0nce he rece1ves the j0urnal ww1th h1s l1fe st0ry wwr1tten 1n 1ts pages he assures y0u that y0u ww1ll be f0und by h1m aga1n.
people who will NOT be receiving the message are people surrounding Vati and anyone who can have a tie to him loosely drawn. i assure you this is NOT AN OOC ISSUE. that mun is great and so are their friends they rp with. WIZ is avoiding them because he's a pissy baby, i love them all.
With that, this blog is CLOSED and won't be answering any more questions, replying to posts, etc.
When I'm ready to I'll post the link to his new blog. Stay beautiful, tumblrites.
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wwiznerd · 10 years
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bullflight replied to your post:1mp0rtant n0t1ce!
1 have a message f0r y0u. All 0f masters f1nal wwords are to be del1vered 1n pr1vate ww1th1n three days.
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wwiznerd · 10 years
1mp0rtant n0t1ce!
Master Er1dan "ww1znerd" Amp0ra 1s dead t0 th1s ww0rld, and 1 am t0 cl0se h1s bl0g f0r h1m. Thank y0u all wwh0 have stuck ww1th h1m thr0ugh h1s l1fe, and d0 h0pe t0 meet h1m aga1n 1n y0ur rest.
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wwiznerd · 10 years
Wiz: ==> Prepare lll
From the roof of your Earthbuilt estate, you look down with a scowl at the village just down the slope of the hill it rested upon. Filthy creatures, humans. So innocent but still disgustingly impure in their own way. They never had to deal with the drama that is troll life, and soon, neither will you.
You take a deep breath, and crawl back down the skylight you came from. Earth was beautiful in that way. Daylight was beautiful. Maybe once you finished this task, this ritual you've spent the last few weeks putting together, you'll be able to open your photosensitive eyes and be able to see what beauty the daylight brought.
That wasn't the only reason, oh no, you still needed this change to happen in order to be rid of your hyperactive worries. After meeting with both Salty and Sollux, you were... reluctant, to say the least. You didn't want to leave them. Bull was going to be devastated when he found out, and Mira? Gods, if only you had the courage to tell her that you would be gone. But no, she'd receive the news like everyone else, the poor dear.
You couldn't even stomach to tell Anotos what you were doing. Would he find you again? No, probably not. He hasn't been online in ages. But there was no time to waste, every piece of the ritual was in place, and your time was sunning short for how long you were able to do it.
"Here's to a new life." you said with a salute to a nervous looking Eros, who smiled and waved you goodbye and bid you sweet words once the door was closed.
You began to light the colored candles in the order of the elements they represented. Water, fire, earth, air, spirit. There was one extra candle for each one, and you lit them in the same order. Next, the blood. A slit of the palm over the dead and dried out herbs. The circle beneath the neatly arranged materials  began to glow, and the once dead plants filled again with life. You gulp as you turn the page of a large text beside you, and begin chanting the phrase stated there.
You didn't feel a thing. You were gone from this world in a flash of violet light, leaving Eros, too timid to come in the room until a few hours later, to clean up the mess you've left for them.
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wwiznerd · 10 years
Pretty Lights - Yellow Bird
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wwiznerd · 10 years
Wiz: ==> Prepare II
Even his name is enough to send chills up your spine in both fear and a sick admiration. Despite your love and devotion he terrified you, and even with the information taken from Cudi's castle, your mind was no more eased than when you began your snooping.
Yes, you knew more about your "teacher" but it didn't ease your mind in the slightest. There was nothing there you could use to your advantage though if he came after you. You were as royally boned as ever, but now you knew for sure there was no hope for poor ol' Wiz. With a sinking feeling in your chest, you simply let your head fall down onto the stacks upon stacks of handwritten documents. There was so much you wish you didn't read. You didn't even KNOW anyone named Astrea, or talk to any Dave alternate, but now you had more people to be afraid of, and even more reason to be afraid of the ones you already feared.
It just wasn't fair, ignorance is bliss is just supposed to be an expression to keep the stupid happy. You knew about these people's wrongdoings and now? You were as far from bliss as possible. You'd never be able to take over a planet like this, you were a damned ball of paranoia and it made you a downright disgusting little whelp. Sniveling and weak... Ugh, you put yourself in a bad mood again. You really had to stop doing that.
You move to stand up from the floor and as you did, the journal from Cudi's castle rolled off your back... Right, you wondered what you did with that. You called for Eros, your AI made robot (and honestly? your only 'living' friend). They came up to you, excited for hearing your voice for the first time in days. You quickly dashed their hopes that you'd be ready to come from your room when you demanded the key you had them craft to fit the hole in the journal.
Reluctantly, they hand it to you and state they'd get you dinner. Once again, you refuse. You were too busy, but they'd bring you something anyways, you knew. They refused to let you waste away, and you were grateful for that despite how you never acknowledged it. Poor dear had a thankless job.
Once they gave you the key you started flipping through the pages eagerly, and from the first few words, with a desperate intensity. Four hours and a cold plate of balanced meal later, you shut the journal and flung it across the room with a scream.
That bastard! That creep!
Cudi, somebody you considered to be a close friend up until lately, had been spying on you, taking note on your every move from the very start. He had your first conversation with him, where you yelled at Bull for beating him up, all the way to one of the last posts on your vent blog (he took it from watching Terezi's, and he wasn't supposed to have hers, that scum). He had EVERYTHING about you, including how different events affected you mentally. How did he even know of some of these?
Disgusted and livid though you were, you had a smile on your face. This was perfect, this journal had everything! What started as a single bubble of a laugh escalated suddenly, and before you knew it, you were on your back and clinging hard to yourself laughing like a madman. Eros came in to check on you, to stroke your face and try to calm you like they were your moirail/ You sat up suddenly, laughter cut off as well, and grinned at them.
"I've found the answer I was lookin' for... I need to find-"
With that, your eyes rolled back in your head and fell unconcious in your mechanical friend's arms. You didn't plan to do such so quickly, but could you really blame your body for passing out so quickly when sleep was on our mind? It'd be the first time in weeks you'd get more than an hour of rest in.
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wwiznerd · 10 years
Wiz: ==> Prepare
You couldn't live like this anymore.
The constant fear that somebody was out to get you was becoming too much to bear. You couldn't eat aside from when it would keep you alive. You couldn't sleep in case somebody was out to get you, so you stood awake until you couldn't anymore. Most of all, you couldn't find even the slightest shred of joy in life without fear that somebody was going to ruin you for showing so much as a smile.
If it wasn't Cudi sending you into a panic, it was Vati, Holly, or Mora. Everyone is your potential assassin, and you know that even if you knew they had intentions to kill you, you'd go to them with a dumb smile on your face and accept your fate the moment they called.
Your name is Eridan "Wiznerd" Ampora, and you were going to get rid of this fatal attraction to those who hurt you if it was the last thing you did.
Anotos was busy with work too often to tend to you, and that's okay. You won't burden him, because you were a big troll with big problems that were sometimes out of his league. Hell, he nearly fainted when you've told him you've basically sold your soul to the creatures of nightmares. You could handle yourself, just this once.
Magic was a study you've taken up again, and after a few months you've decided on a ritual to perform that will hopefully relieve you of some of your fears. Of course it wasn't permanent, but if you could just keep repeating that, you would be okay.
About a few weeks ago however you noticed something strange. Neither Cudi nor Vriska came online after some chat of a ritual to summon Satan. Maybe they were dead. You could only hope, but maybe, just maybe, you could get some benefit from your blueblooded nightmare's absence.
He always knows what's going on with someone, you say to yourself as you type in the coordinates to his castle, he has to have some way of keeping his information straight. No one troll can keep so much dirt on so many people when they were as twisted as Cudi, so he had to have some records. Records on dangerous people like the ones you feared. If you knew their stories, maybe you could keep yourself in the know on how to keep them at bay and hurt them if push comes to shove.
Once you were inside his castle, eerily empty, you had to keep your eyes out for servants and Riddles (if you ran into him, it was (probably) game over if he found out what you were doing here). Nobody was even here though, your fears were subdued for now.
For a good hour or so, you turn up with nothing. Of course it would be hard to find it, couldn't let everyone's dark secrets getting out to the public. Right when you were about to lose hope, you decided to look through more personal places than desk drawers and bookshelves. You rifled through drawers and closets, and at last, you found a loose floorboard beneath his bed. Beneath it, there were stacks upon stacks of papers, on top of it all an embroidered journal with a lock, but no key.
Well, you should read through what you can get into for now, before somebody discovers you're in the castle.
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wwiznerd · 10 years
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just for you
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wwiznerd · 10 years
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wwiznerd · 10 years
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Look at the shit
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wwiznerd · 10 years
I really want a science fiction story where aliens come to invade earth and effortlessly wipe out humanity, only to be fought off by the wildlife.
They were expecting military resistance. They weren’t counting on bears.
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