wulfhurst · 2 years
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Following the arrival of the runner Rosemarri sent to his barony, who was subjected to thorough interrogation before being granted reprieve and respite...
Footsteps could be heard as he made his way through the hall, heading for a set of double doors. Each step was determined, and filled with purpose. As they were opened to let him through, upon the ramparts of Farfaith Keep did he stand. Before him, down below, was an assembled host of his people awaiting his words.
"The false lion Colfax and his rebellion have been wise enough to not assault our walls, because such would become a monumental task. Because they fear that no matter the amount of man power they'd bring to bear, they'd still lose."
Some chuckles were heard, alongside nods of acknowledgement. It was probably true.
"They fight not for the people, but for a pretender who claims relation to the dynasty of Wrynn. If that is enough to claim a throne, then we might all be the King of Stormwind!"
More laughter.
"And who suffers to put him upon that throne? Who gets trampled beneath the ambition of those that are NEVER satisfied? Why, does the LORD PROTECTOR of REDRIDGE incite a civil war in which the death of the people will cause the Nazferiti river to run RED?!"
No more laughter. Fists formed, clenching tightly, anger settling into their conviction, further cementing their decision.
"Our ally in Westfall finds themself in a similarly dangerous position, and have already suffered losses at the hand of Colfax and his reckless abandon. When we struck an accord with them, it was not based on familial bloodlines. It was to protect the people. Not just our people, or their people. EVERYONE."
"Those whose lives would be snuffed out by the flames of rebellion, the shadows of evil, the zealous crusades who smite indiscriminately. MASS MURDER only brings change in the wake of wanton slaughter."
"We will not stand for this. We CAN'T stand idly by while our ally and the people suffer, always questioning whether today will be their last. It is for that reason that this keep was built! For the PEOPLE! To protect them, to shelter them; a safeguard against ambition, greed, and politics!"
"We are the sons and daughters of the Cardinal Grove! We know better than anyone that my family's saying came from OUR history! It is not merely words on a paper. We live and breathe it! So go forth, and show the rest of the realm that the people's faith reaches far, and our wrath reaches much farther."
The conclusion brought about cheers, blades drawn and raised high in the sky. Unanimous agreement. Even the elders of the barony had fallen in line, and granted the baron their full support in the wake of the civil war that had broken out.
Two mages stepped forth, their garb that of a Warden of Tol Barad. Their hands raised, and after a minute of continuous incantations, reality was sundered in the wake of an expansive portal being opened.
On the other side; Southwatch.
A force of fifty heavy footmen, dressed in full plate with heater shields marched through. Behind them came a host of thirty expert archers. Lastly came two wagons, filled to maximum capacity with as much food and supplies that they could spare. They all bore the black and red tabard of house Wulfhurst.
All of which arrived right on his uncle's doorstep. Along with them came a letter.
I pray that this helps.
When hope seems to be lost, look towards the mountains of Redridge.
Know that your faith reaches far, and my arrows reach much farther.
True enough, if any of the people of Southwatch looked towards the far off, nigh impossible to spot Redridge Mountains, they'd be able to spot a distant light akin to a star elevated above the land. A bright, burning brazier, as a reminder to all that hope was never lost, and home was never too far.
For their faith reaches far, even all the way to Farfaith Keep.
@agilneanrose @theoldlord @theborderlandcoalition
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wulfhurst · 3 years
Reblog if you are willing to plot/RP via Discord/Skype, etc!
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wulfhurst · 3 years
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Nargothrond - Eltz Castle, Germany
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wulfhurst · 3 years
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Farfaith Hold.
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wulfhurst · 3 years
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A wayward messenger bird finds the home of Southwatch, narrowly escaping death half a dozen times. Although the vultures sought vengeance, its small and agile stature prevailed as it finally landed. With a huff, and a puff, a gentle tapping could be heard against the keep's main door.
A small scroll was bound to its leg, the literature of upon such parchment read thus;
Dear Family,
For a long time, my people have counted on the safety that Wulfgard presented the barony. As a result, we've grown complacent. Therefore, in the interest of providing a haven for both my people and yours; I shall devise a construct. A place to which we can retreat, and where our people can find temporary refuge and a secure route for evacuation. The mountains that cage us will become our safety. Details will come in time, but know that this keep; the hold of Farfaith - shall become not only my home. If the time comes, it shall be yours, as well as your people.
Lucius Wulfhurst Baron of the Cardinal Grove Warden of Tol Barad
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@theoldlord @theborderlandcoalition
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wulfhurst · 3 years
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wulfhurst · 3 years
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wulfhurst · 3 years
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With the coming of news, the people who followed the noble house of Sunshield were bustling about Wulfgard. So too were Wulfgard's people being busy-bodies, helping the Sunshields prepare for their trek to their newfound home. Horses were being shoed properly, guardsmen were being drilled, parents were doing headcounts of all their little ducklings.
The stalwart stone walls of Wulfgard stood before Varsen and Lathan, looming with guardsmen littering the battlements, as well as the four ballistae that each had a team of two guardsmen. One to aim and fire, as well as one to help load and reload.
As the two approached...
"Halt! By decree of the Baron, all who seek entry must have a writ of travel! Locate your writ, state your names, and "
The presumed sergeant of the guardsmen manning the walls quieted, turning to a duo of archers that had approached him. Their hoods were drawn forward, and their faces were shadowed, but it didn't take much to know that they were speaking in regards to the pair who had arrived.
With a concluding nod from the sergeant, one hand was brought to his lips prior to a shrill whistle piercing the air. Immediately did the guardsmen startle, stirring to action. A moment later, a heavy clunk was heard, followed by clackclackclackclack...
The wrought iron portcullis raised from the packed earth, rising until enough clearance was provided.
"Two coming through!" The call came, and was then echoed down the chain.
Once through, the gate was lowered again.
A man with a clean shaved head approached through, a scar running down across his left eye. Garbed in platemail, and bearing a tabard which housed the black and red symbol of house Wulfhurst; he announced himself thusly;
"Gentlemen, I'm Rickard, Captain of the Guard in service to the house of Wulfhurst."
"Please, follow me."
@theoldlord @theborderlandcoalition
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“Take Lathan with you and ride for the Cardinal Grove in Redridge, Sir Varsen. Give Lucius my regards if he is to be found there this afternoon. This chest of coin here should cover the costs his people have had to shoulder caring for our own.
Afterwards, find Sir Jonathan and inform him the time has come for us to move to Westfall. Sir Adamar and the others already fight to ensure the first night will be a peaceful one. It falls to the rest of you to see our people brought to Southwatch Keep before nightfall.”
The knight bowed at once, a hint of excitement showing through the professional mask he’d presented to his lord. “It will be done, My Lord.”
@theborderlandcoalition @wulfhurst @adamarmeadowcroft
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wulfhurst · 3 years
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Art by Billelis on twitter.
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wulfhurst · 3 years
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Edinburgh, Scotland.
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wulfhurst · 3 years
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by Li fuyu
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wulfhurst · 3 years
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Dear Rosemarri,
We haven't gotten much chance to talk, and as such we haven't had much chance to properly assess one another as a threat to our families or not. Apply as much powder as you must for the others, but I'm not them. Therefore, grant me your grace in order to be straightforward in our correspondence.
All good lies are spoken with a half measure of truth, to make them more believable. I was watching your conversation with Vaaco in that tunnel, it led to many questions.
We all have secrets though. I have mine, you have yours, and we both want to protect this family.
Thus, I am extending to you both my confidence, and my history. If you ever need to someone to vent to, or need someone with experience in handling the extraction of information of people without harming them physically.
I am at your disposal.
Sincerely, Lucius
Something, however, felt out of place in regards to the letter. Strange, odd in a way, but just a minor feeling that was fleeting as soon as it came.
Oh well.
It's probably nothing.
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wulfhurst · 3 years
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"They cannot do this!"
They had arrived early in the day, collars nearly as fluffed as their raised hackles in ample agitation. A group of four people, all of which made up the would-be leaders of the people in his barony.
"We must act. Hiding behind our walls will do nothing this time! It is time for action, my lord!"
Their words and minds were nearly as sheltered as their lives had been, only able to glimpse a fragment of the bigger picture. All they knew was that they were angry, and that their lord had to do something about it.
"Your father never would have sat idly by for this! You are not your father's son! Your time spent away and with that haunted little vixen of yours has poisoned your mind!"
They just wouldn't stop. One slanderous drip of bile from their tongues after another, each one more reckless than the last. As if daring their lord to act against them. As if the walls of the barony protected them from him.
"And that new found family of yours! They are naught but pushovers! You invite them into our homes, and now they eat our food far quicker than we ever have! What are we going to do for the winter?! You and that disgrace of an uncle are going to be the death of our people!"
"Anar'vis-trans; mori."
As Lucius eyes finally raised from the desk, a sinister glint of arcane was evident while a wisp of mana seeped from his lips. At once did the four assembled vassals go rigid, as if frozen in place. Their eyes glossed over, flicking back and forth as if watching some sort of moving picture.
Their lips trembled, cracked and dry, tears welling from the corners of their eyes. Some clutched at their chest, others reached towards the air in a plea for help. When at last the spell faded from them, they had fallen to the ground, crumpled, and knelt. Now though, they regained their senses, and at once their outrage bubbled to the service.
All it took was a single raise of his right hand, and the baron's guards stepped forward. Two of them, blades drawn with the brief duet of hissing metal. The threat was made clear, and as the former warden rose from his chair, his frame blocked out the sun filtering through the window behind him. A large shadow was cast over the four men, withering on the spot with fear.
For they had walked into the den of the wulf, and attacked its family.
"The walls of his barony protect us - from them. Colfax, the claimant to the throne, is nothing more than a traitor and pretender, who stakes his claim through dubious means, and whom had his land granted during the time of Prestor. -We- don't have to do anything. Redridge will become a battlefield, and I will not have us caught out in the open after fielding nothing more than farmers to fight a war single-handedly."
Each word that left Lucius' lips brought with the weight of his guards' swords upon their necks, as if the edge was pressing into the meat of their flesh like water to a dam about to burst.
"When the time comes, we will act. If Colfax seeks to claim Cardinal Grove and use it as a bastion to defend Redridge from, he will lose hundreds, if not thousands of men in the process."
The image flashed through each of their minds, the battle that would be waged at Wulfgard. The mountainous checkpoint through which all had to travel to gain entry to the barony's safety.
"Rhiannon Graves is mine. Do you understand that? Any careless word against her will be another knock on your door in the dead of night, dragging you from your homes to be questioned here in my chambers."
Another scene. Archers, as silent as the grave, poised as a threat that no person could run from with complete certainty that they'd go unharmed. At night, they would be twice as effective.
"My uncle, his people, and my father are -all- part of my family. Therefore, they are part of -your- family. As we have looked out for them, they will look out for us when the time comes. My father, in all of his wisdom, knew that he could not go out and fight battles. He turned his efforts instead to the acquisition of trade. Due to such, we have a sizable treasury saved up. He wanted for me to use it as a foundation, to take this barony and turn it into something that our people deserve to have, if not more."
"Never again will we have anything taken from us."
"Let Colfax come! Let Northgate come! Let the rebellious forces amass at the gate of Wulfgard, and be found wanting when faced with fifty bows and a hundred shields ready to lay waste upon our walls! They will taste the iron indignation of our ballista!"
"This is our grove, and these are our people. They will NEVER take it from us!"
Lucius' words could be heard echoing through his manor, a shout that would carry out unto the masses of Cardinal Grove in due time as the rumor mill ran on overtime.
@theoldlord @theweepingseraph @theborderlandcoalition
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wulfhurst · 3 years
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Jason Scottish 
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wulfhurst · 3 years
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Snowflake on a crow’s wing. 
Photo by Shawn Bergman.
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wulfhurst · 3 years
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Hunt by Ekaterina Yakovleva
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wulfhurst · 3 years
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