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wtwif · 2 years ago
Answer (Poppy & Howdy)
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The Picture
Found by clicking the little rainbow creature in "Media"
[Sound of Poppy knitting and humming. Door slams open and Poppy yelps.]
HOWDY: [Shouting, audio getting closer as he walks in] Delivery here, I’ve got a delivery here for one Ms. Partridge!! Courtesy of Howdy’s Dependable Door-to-Door-to-Door Delivery service!
POPPY: [Overlapping his dialogue slightly] Oh-!! Oh my feathers, Howdy, you frightened me!!
HOWDY: Terribly sorry, ma’am, suppose I shoulda knocked--
POPPY: Oh, no, no, that would’ve frightened me too. Oh, is that my order of yarn? Thank you!!
[Sound of a rustling paper bag.]
HOWDY: It sure is, Poppy! Hot off the shelves, just the way you like ‘em! Boy, looks like you already got a horde here that’d make a dragon jealous! Whatcha need even more yarn for? Not that I’ll turn down a sale, heh-heh.
POPPY: Oh, just working on some scarves and sweaters and such. I want everyone in the neighborhood to have something warm to wear when winter comes along-- it feels like these changing seasons keep sneaking up on me!
HOWDY: Ha, I hear that! Never enough daylight to get everything done. Course, it helps to have an extra pair of hands!
[Howdy laughs at his own joke; there’s a smaller, polite Poppy laugh underneath.]
HOWDY: [Coming down from laughing] Hah… seems like you know that already, though. I can see you’ve recruited an extra pair of your own today!
POPPY: Oh, y-yes! [Aside voice] Thank you again for your help, dear-- [directed towards Howdy again] And thank goodness for it. I was worried I was going to get all tangled up with all these colors of yarn…!
HOWDY: Hmm, I can see why. It’s a real risk!
POPPY: I-it is??
HOWDY: Well, sure! But lucky for you, I think I might have something to help… behold!
[There’s the sound of a hand-crank mixer rotating, followed by a terrified Poppy squawk.]
HOWDY: No no, nothing to fear here!! What you’re looking at is a bona-fide yarn spinner, perfect for keeping all your extra neatly spooled up! Safe, effective, and-- [crank sound again as he demonstrates] no pesky batteries or electricity to fret over!
POPPY: Oh! Well, that-- that does sound helpful, doesn’t it…
HOWDY: Sure does!! Here, tell you what-- today only, as an extra-special deal for an extra-special customer, you can give ‘er a whirl! No strings attached! Well, no strings but the yarn, that is, ha HA!!
[As he’s speaking, there’s some quiet “oh, I, well” type stammering from Poppy.]
HOWDY: Well, I’ve already overstayed my welcome-- got a whole shipment back at the shop I’ve gotta sign for! I’ll check in on you and your new wonder-device next time I bring you an order, Poppy. Till then!
POPPY: Oh, b-b-b-but-- [Howdy’s footsteps fade out and the door closes; resigned] …all right then. [heavy sigh] Oh-- oh, I don’t know how to work these things, but, well, he was so insistent it’d be helpful… Do you think you can help me figure this thing out, Wally?
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wtwif · 2 years ago
Answers (All)
I've Noticed at the end of all the Answer videos, whenever the character says "Wally" or something referring to him, that's when the audio and the screen glitch out. Just something interesting I saw as I was looking.
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wtwif · 2 years ago
Answer (Barnaby & Julie)
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The Picture.
BARNABY: Only a hoot and a half? What happened to the other half? [Laughs]
JULIE: [Sound of indignation] Oh, you-!
BARNABY: Sides, Frank wouldn’t know a good joke if it walked up to him, introduced itself, and handed him its business card! Punch line and all!
JULIE: [Said with a pout in her tone] He would too! You know, Barnaby, you’re not the only funny one in this neighborhood!
BARNABY: Oh yeah? You might be right, Julie! Howdy’s a pretty funny fella too-
JULIE: Not Howdy! Me! I have a joke that will knock your hat off! I’ve been working on it all week!
BARNABY: [Snorts in amusement] Hoo boy, all week? It took you that long? You hearin’ this, little buddy?
JULIE: Oh, I’ll show you, Barnaby! [Clears throat] What did the number three say to the number two after beating him in a game of checkers?
BARNABY: Oh no, here it comes-
BARNABY: [Pretend howl of pain] That was just doggone terrible! Just pawful! I think I’m gonna need a doggy bag!
JULIE: Oh it was not, Barnaby! It was a good joke! Don’t you get it? One is a number but it also sounds like won! You know, when you won a game!
BARNABY: [Another bark of anguish] Now she’s explainin’ it! Oh- When will the agony stop?! I’m just a little pooch in peril! Bury me in my favorite sunny spot, kid, I’m goin’ into the light!
JULIE: Oh Barnaby, you’re just rotten! It was too a funny joke! Wasn’t it, Wally?!
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wtwif · 2 years ago
Answer Transcript (Sally & Julie)
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The picture that you can save from the video.
Edit: You can find this by clicking the bug at the bottom of "About Us"
SALLY: …Then the maiden fair with golden hair greets her kingdom and asserts herself as the new queen of her domain!
JULIE: [Clears her throat and begins to dramatically recite her lines] As queen of this land, my first decree… Is to make hopscotch mandatory every day! Two pebbles! All the way up to twenty! No- Thirty spaces!
SALLY: Hopscotch? [Sound of flipping through papers] That’s not in the script-
JULIE: My second decree is filling our moat with scrumptious breenberry ice cream! Up to the top! Enough for all of the citizens to enjoy!
SALLY: …B-Breenberry? [Sound of pages flying in the air] What is breen? Juliet Joyful!
JULIE: For my third decree-
SALLY: Those are not the words! You’ve gone so far off of the script that… That I’m not sure where we are anymore!
JULIE: Ooh, don’t worry! I know where we are, Silly! We’re in the Kingdom of Sweets, remember? I’m the beautiful maiden fair with the golden hair- The princess of pastries!
SALLY: Yes, yes-
JULIE: Who is now the Queen of Pastries! [Her tone quickens] After a series of events where her father, the King of Cake, gets eaten by a big beastly billowing bear made of broccoli! Oh Sally, that scene was so sad!
SALLY: The story, Juliet, the story!
JULIE: Oh right, right! So after I show him who's boss, I go back to my palace and take back my throne!
SALLY: If you know the story this well, then why would the Queen want to fill her moat with breenberry ice cream or declare a hopscotch law after enduring a harrowing journey of self discovery and vengeance!?
JULIE: Oh! I don’t know! She just seems like a fun lady!
SALLY: [Hums in thought] …I suppose indulging in the finer things in life would make her character more well-rounded… Alright, Juliet, proceed!
JULIE: Thank you, Sally! [Clears throat] For my third decree… You all have to listen to me recite my favorite colors in order of my most favorite color to my least favorite! Starting… now! Pink, Yellow, Red… No no, Green? Blue… Orange, Breen… [Continues in background]
SALLY: [Sighs] Such is the life of artistic collaboration! Wouldn’t you agree, Walliford?
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wtwif · 2 years ago
Answer Transcript
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That's the Picture you can save from the video. I'll mess with it in Photoshop latter to see what I can find
Edit, found this by clicking on the fly on the "What's Welcome Home?" page.
FRANK: [Excited, with pep] These sorts of flowers, though they appear blue, don’t actually have any blue pigmentation! They have to grow in soil that is basic as well, so the pine straw should be left for the other beds-
BARNABY: [Interrupting, distant] You’re telling me that those flowers are liars, Franky?
FRANK: [Exasperated sigh] I am not telling you that these flowers are liars, Barnaby. I’m talking about how these flowers are specially selected to look this way.
BARNABY: Eh, bein’ blue isn’t anything special, pal. Don’t ya know that blue is all the rage nowadays?
FRANK: [Annoyed] I don’t think that people are painting themselves blue, frankly. Are you saying your fur color isn’t natural?
BARNABY: [Feigning insult] I beg your PARDON! I am a natural beauty as far as you know!
FRANK: I doubt you’re any sort of beagle. I’ve never seen any blue dog before in my life! Now if you don’t mind, we’d like to continue tending to my flowers in peace!
BARNABY: You’re gonna have to do more than tend to ‘em if you want ‘em to grow up nice and big. You know what they say, you gotta entertain your plants to make em happy!
FRANK: That’s true… but I am not going to let your snappy patter poison my petunias! I’d hardly call your material entertaining, much less fertilizer!
BARNABY: Oh, don’t you worry, Frank! The last thing I’ll do is overwhelm your orchids. Your plants all seem clover it!
FRANK: [Annoyed, groaning] Not with these puns again! You’re going to make all of my hard work wilt! Your humor is too dry for my impatiens!
BARNABY: Hey, hey! Not a daisy goes by where you don’t get impatient… but hey, I’m just pollen your leg!
FRANK: Will you just get out of here! My plants don’t need your ridiculous jokes to grow, go find an audience for your silly gags somewhere else!
BARNABY: [Backing away] Alright, alright I’ll grow… But every dogwood has his day! I’ll still poppy in from time to time, even if you’re still rough around the hedges!
[Frank grumbles loudly.]
FRANK: [Aggravated] Honestly with him! I don’t know how you can stand to be around him, Wally!
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wtwif · 2 years ago
Wally Voice Links
Ok ok so I pressed on the house in the welcome screen and got this link, https://www.clownillustration.com/i "There you are! Welcome home! HaHaHa"
Then I saw that the end of the link was just one letter so I tried all the letters in the alphabet and a was the only one to lead to a result. https://www.clownillustration.com/a "I have more eyes then I did before. You know how to draw eyes, you draw mine many times. I know that it is thanks to you neighbor that I can see, but it is still... I can't see."
When I was looking trough the 404 error page, I found some stars that lead me to this link, https://www.clownillustration.com/soon "LET ME IN!" I find this one the most fascinating but I'll post more when I find more.
Edit: Found more!
Both of theses can be found but pressing on their respective flower at the bottom of the "What is Welcome Home?" screen https://www.clownillustration.com/help "What are you waiting for? To hear me again? Ha, I think you can hear me?"
Then you have the second flower, https://www.clownillustration.com/will-2 "That's what an eye looks like. My eyes are black. What color are yours?"
On the sticker page there is a flower behind the text, click on it and it will take you to this link, https://www.clownillustration.com/i-2 "Do you like to draw? I do. Do you know how to draw an eye? First, you draw a circle. Then, You draw a smaller circle inside. Then, You color it in." Behind this record there is a gif of the eyes that Wally is drawing and their staring at us.
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wtwif · 2 years ago
Welcome Home collection blog.
I haven't found a place to compile the new information that has come out of this new update to https://www.clownillustration.com/welcomehomeyou so I have decided that this is where I'll post what I find. On the website.
If it is a new audio file or a link I'll put that in the post. Ill also add screenshots as necessary.
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