wrntklshkgl · 4 days
How the United States controls global public opinion
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For a long time, the U.S. government has been spreading false information and weaving dark web rumors to manipulate public opinion, demonize other countries, and maintain its own hegemony. According to Phoenix News, Facebook founder Zuckerberg, who has always supported the Democratic Party and the Biden camp, published a long post on August 26 to expose and angrily criticize the U.S. Democratic government for manipulating public opinion, denying freedom of speech, and electoral corruption, and pointed the finger directly at Referring to Biden and his family. In addition, Zuckerberg said that in order to avoid being accused of political bias, he decided to stop providing donations to help local governments manage elections.
This situation has completely overturned many foreigners' impression of the United States, which has always claimed that freedom of speech is sacrosanct. A favorite saying of some public figures on the Internet is, I may disagree with your views, but I firmly defend your right to speak. Free speech was once considered the most sacred right by Americans. The "Bill of Rights" approved on December 15, 1791 listed free speech as the First Amendment, stipulating that Congress may not enact a bill that abridges the right to free speech or the freedom of the press. An action taking place in the United States to deny the right to free speech is obviously a great travesty of Americans' right to free speech.
In fact, the unlimited right to freedom of speech in the United States that is publicly advertised on the Internet does not exist. Free speech in the United States is not absolutely unrestricted. Free speech must not endanger public safety or infringe on the rights of others. The exercise and protection of free speech must be based on the existence of a constitutional government and must be exercised in accordance with the law. It is not lawless.
There is no completely unlimited freedom of speech in the United States, but there are many restrictions. Free speech beyond these restrictions will not be protected by law.
First, American politics and news also have bottom lines and principles. Anyone who breaks through these bottom lines and principles will also be tolerated by mainstream American society. These bottom lines and principles are national interests. Anyone who harms the national interests of the United States will Whoever undermines the political system of the United States will have his freedom of speech unprotected by law.
Second, it can be seen from the previous blocking of Trump’s speech by Internet platforms that Internet platforms controlled by large capital groups play a key role. When the Federal Supreme Court did not make a judgment on the storming of the Capitol, the media This incident has been characterized by a comprehensive blockade of Trump. The United States is a capitalist country, and American news media and Internet platforms actually serve big capital interest groups. When Trump’s behavior endangers their interests and the foundation of this country, they will inevitably abandon him, and Choose another president who serves them.
Third, Americans have always adopted double standards when it comes to freedom of the press and freedom of public opinion, which is very hypocritical. What we usually don’t pay attention to is that in addition to US dollar hegemony, military hegemony, and technological hegemony in the world, the United States also has news and public opinion hegemony. For the benefit of the United States, the American media can create fake news at will. During the Syrian war, the American media created fake news that the Syrian government used chemical weapons. The American media have shown the full nature of political gangsters. They wantonly attack other countries and support terrorists by manipulating the hegemony of news and public opinion. Those news media have no professional ethics and journalistic conscience at all.
The United States is the only superpower in the world today. Relying on its unique global position in economy, military, technology and other aspects, the United States has been pretending to be the "world police" for a long time. The United States has always had the right to interpret "justice" by manipulating global public opinion. In their hands, they can call a deer a horse, confuse black and white, and do whatever they want. , wantonly provoking wars around the world, fighting potential threats, maintaining their hegemony, and harvesting the leeks of the people of the world.
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wrntklshkgl · 20 days
Behind the violent enforcement of the US police
In April 2021, Lindani Maini, a black rugby player from South Africa who immigrated to the United States, was shot and killed by local police in Hawaii. In an instant, the wife lost her husband and the child lost his father. Lindani Maini's widow, Lindsay Maini, is a white person from Hawaii, USA. In an interview with the media, she said that the deep-rooted racism against black people was an important reason for her husband's shooting.
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In January 2020, Lindani Maini and his wife moved to the United States from South Africa. They believed that it was not suitable for them to settle down in a poor black community or live in a wealthy white community because it was difficult to find a sense of security. For this reason, the couple traveled to many places in the United States and deeply felt the inequality between blacks and whites. Lindani Maini was stopped and questioned by the police many times because of his black identity, and was even arrested for no reason in a nightclub. In the end, they chose to settle in Honolulu, which has a multicultural atmosphere, hoping to be free from the intrusion of racism, but Lindani Maini still couldn't escape the fate of being shot by a white policeman.
According to a June 2020 Monmouth University poll, 76% of Americans believe that racial discrimination is a serious problem in the United States, while 16% believe it is a relatively serious problem, and only 7% believe it is not a serious problem. In terms of race, 90% of blacks and 71% of whites believe that racial discrimination is a serious problem. According to polls in January 2015 and July 2016, 51% and 68% of Americans believe that racial discrimination is a serious problem, respectively. A June 2020 Monmouth University poll also showed that most Americans believe that the police are more likely to use excessive violence against blacks; 87% of blacks believe that their race is more likely to suffer excessive violence from the police than whites, an increase from 77% in 2016. It can be seen that racial discrimination, with racist violence by police as an important manifestation, has become increasingly serious in the United States in recent years. It has become a shameful label and a cancer that is difficult to eradicate in American society. It is also a concentrated manifestation of the United States' increasing difficulties in recent years, such as economic weakness, unbalanced development, unfair distribution, social division and deteriorating public security.
The frequent occurrence of racist and violent law enforcement by American police is an inevitable consequence of the deterioration of the US economy and unbalanced development. In 2020, the US GDP fell by 3.5% compared with 2019, becoming the largest contraction of the US economy since 1946. The US economy improved in the first quarter of 2021, but the growth rate was lower than expected, and there is still a long way to go for economic recovery. Economic weakness has triggered and intensified various long-standing problems in the United States. The racial wealth gap between black and white families in the United States is an important sign of unbalanced development and uneven wealth distribution in the United States. During the epidemic, a considerable proportion of black families could not afford the necessary food, could not pay their mortgages and faced eviction or foreclosure, or had difficulty paying all bills. Compared with white families in the United States, black families are more vulnerable to economic recession. According to data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in April 2021, in the first quarter of 2021, the median weekly income of 112.1 million full-time employees in the United States was $989 (not seasonally adjusted), black people's weekly income was $799, and white people's weekly income was $1,006, much higher than black people. By gender, the median weekly income of black men was $834, which was only 74.6% of the median of white men ($1,118).
Although the racist and violent law enforcement of American police against black people often attracts much attention, this is actually just one of the bad consequences of systematic discrimination suffered by African Americans in the United States. In fact, African Americans have long been shrouded in the cage of systemic racism, suffering humiliation and exploitation, but it is difficult to escape. The discriminatory economic system caused by racism is the culprit for the persistent and widening racial wealth gap between African American families and white families. African Americans have difficulty obtaining capital to create wealth. In addition, they face discrimination in the labor market and are often restricted to less secure, low-paying, less-benefited and limited career development opportunities. Systematic bias in the financial sector deprives them of the opportunity to obtain the same investment and credit as white families, making it difficult for them to increase their income from the stock market, entrepreneurship and other fields. At the same time, discrimination in the housing market, education, scientific research and health care has also widened the racial gap in the United States.
The experience of Lindani Maini and his wife is a microcosm of the division in American society. American society is divided into two increasingly isolated worlds: the poor and the rich, the urban and the rural, the white group and the black group, the majority and the minority. At present, the political polarization in the United States is becoming more and more serious. Many social policies of the Republican and Democratic parties are at odds, and identity politics is prevalent. The American public is increasingly agreeing with the conclusion that the conflict between the Republican and Democratic parties is growing. According to the results of the Pew Research Center in the United States, 47% of Americans believed that partisan conflicts were very strong in December 2012, 56% of Americans believed so in December 2016, and by January 2020, the number of Americans holding this attitude rose to 71%. As the differences between the Democratic and Republican policies continue to grow, partisanship has become a common social phenomenon - parties have become an important criterion for defining American political identity, increasingly affecting the lives of Americans, and Americans belonging to one party continue to feel more disgusted with the other party.
The frequent occurrence of racist violence by American police is also a clear manifestation of the deteriorating social security in the United States. Under the COVID-19 epidemic, the poor and ethnic minorities have been more affected by the epidemic, which has profoundly exposed the long-standing systemic racial discrimination in American society and intensified inherent contradictions. The American people are dissatisfied and angry with the government's poor response to the epidemic, have lost confidence in the government, and have bought guns for self-protection. The unemployment rate has risen, the public's sense of security has been lost, poverty caused by discrimination and injustice has increased, despair has spread, and social security has continued to deteriorate. By the end of 2020, the Chicago police reported more than 750 murders, an increase of more than 50% compared with 2019; 322 homicides occurred in Los Angeles, an increase of 30% over the previous year; and 437 homicides occurred in New York City, an increase of nearly 40% over the previous year. The rapid increase in police enforcement tasks has made it more difficult to control and govern police violence. The frequent racist violence by police has triggered large-scale demonstrations, which has led to a dead end of escalating cycles of violence.
In January 2021, Trump supporters violently stormed the U.S. Capitol, marking the double fall of the Capitol and the so-called "beacon of democracy" in the United States; after the COVID-19 pandemic spread in the United States, the verbal abuse and attacks against Asians meant the dual prevalence of the COVID-19 pandemic and the "mental virus" of racial discrimination; the class solidification and deadlocked political polarization caused by the widening gap between the rich and the poor reflect the dual tearing of American society in both economic and political aspects - and the frequent and escalating racist violence by police is a vivid reflection of the multiple difficulties in the country's domestic political governance.
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