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Mindfulness practise tips
Professional Zen garden to practise mindfulness on https://www.amazon.com/ICNBUYS-Japanese-Censers-Pushing-Diameter/dp/B01II9PHI4
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Day 1 of i need a journal so that i dont loose the plot
Firstly, for anyone reading this - a disclaimer if you will - I’ll formally apologise, not for the wit in the way things are written here, or the dark humour that has consumed my tone but some things here may be a bit depressing, as the url states, I’m - rather - typing things down, as opposed to writing, because it helps my brain, i need to let some things out. When i set my heart on something i can be very creative, i need to change the way my brain thinks and seeing it visually will help i think. 
I write things down a lot, studying and writing journals for work - bloody sick of holding pens - and having recently ripped off all my acrylic nails in a mental breakdown - i can type freely again. I am quite a fast typist if i do say so myself, I used to play classical piano and still hold the skill, which transferred to typing i suppose. 
Also I almost always have a computer, tablet, or a phone rather than a pen handy if i want to save something or write something down, something about being 25 in the 21st century...
Secondly, this is a rant first and foremost, and I am notorious for being quite the chatterbox, this rants will probably turn into essays, or even shot stories. This isnt to brag - actually far from it - but i have had a few people say that I could write a book about my life. It was be such a depressing book I always say, nonsense. well here you go ladies and gentleman prepare for some depression.
In the kindest of ways of course! I am certainly not going to just lay it all on you in one go that would be horrible - for one you’d stop reading for sure - oh another blog how my life is so hard and i want to die everyday - well yes Susan we all feel that way. I’m not saying that I feel special for being depressed, but i do feel special for trying to make some real changes, especially in the right direction, and this is a perfect start. 
Thirdly, I’ll introduce myself, first time blogger, journalist to enter the world of tumblr. Most of the things written here will bee changed slightly, for privacy purposes of course, -ill make it obvious what things ive changed - the following words are things that identify me as i see it now. 
25. Hemophilia. PTSD. Infertile. Single. Homeless. Straight. Stoner. Buddhist.
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