writerslovesmut · 7 years
Why Rick and Morty is such a good series:
Do you know what makes Rick and Morty such a good series?
The humanistic approach to each story and character and the savage portrayal of real emotions felt by believable characters. The characters in Rick and Morty are not over the top caricatures, such as they are in Family Guy and now the Simpsons, they are real.
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When Beth shoots Mr poopybutthole, she shakily sobs into a glass of wine while he lays bleeding. Jerry is whiny but also tries hard to be the man of the house. Summer is not only believable as a teenage girl, but she is also complex and has layers to her character that other equivalents do not.
Morty suffers real trauma throughout the series and it wears on him as it progresses. Each character has real flaws, real developments and strengths.
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Most of all, the protagonist Rick is as layered, complex and indecipherable a character as you can get. He is truly a toxic person who struggles between loving his family and yet remaining distant. You feel every single emotional blow he is dealt and you can empathise with how he reacts to it, because we have all done the same.
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There’s real drama in the series, better drama than seen in most TV shows today and all the while there is drama, the action is excellent, the stories are great and the laughter is genuine. It doesn’t try to be funny all the time, it doesn’t try to be sad all the time. Behind every laugh is real pain and that makes the comedy in the series so much more effective, because we can relate to it on a human level.
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For a series that is based on science fiction and fantasy, it is awfully real.
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writerslovesmut · 7 years
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“And that’s how you get level 9 access without a password.”
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writerslovesmut · 7 years
The laugh that slays. ❤
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Can we take the time to appreciate, Rick Laughing. 
He’s so Precious.
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writerslovesmut · 7 years
Fucking Daddy.
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Oh lawd! The summer’s about to be lit! Cuz Rick will cool your ass down if you think you’re hot shit.  First pic of Rick for season 3! First Summer in LA is about to be dope!  BLOG ART BLOG
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writerslovesmut · 7 years
Rick. ❤
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the shittiest of quick paintings in honor of that face 
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writerslovesmut · 7 years
I don't know about you,
But Young Rick looks like he would destroy in the sack. 😉 the nice ones are always nasty. 😍😍
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writerslovesmut · 7 years
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Rick Sanchez
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writerslovesmut · 7 years
God I love him.
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Rick laughing heartily, since this is a rare occurrence! 
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writerslovesmut · 8 years
Ok, so here it is, Monday and I don't have a story for you... well I promise I will be getting one out by the end of today. 😘😘😘
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writerslovesmut · 8 years
Not much activity
Sorry about the lack of posts. School has been kicking my ass. Hoping to put a new story out by Friday. :)
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writerslovesmut · 8 years
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grass tastes bad
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writerslovesmut · 8 years
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Another sketch of Rick (this time in color!) because he’s just great, like damn
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writerslovesmut · 8 years
Morning teaser ;)
Good morning all! Here's a tiny little teaser from a story I'm working on. "Nope, not that one." Rick says, as you step out of the dressing room. This one was pretty. The lingerie is a maroon baby doll cut with feathery cups and trim. Finding a piece you both like is going to be a challenge. "What about lace?" You ask, eyeing an outfit on a mannequin. Rick ponders for a moment and replies "pick some out and try them on." A smile appears on his face and the midsection of his trousers hold the start of an erection.
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writerslovesmut · 8 years
Wanting some input
OK, so I've been wanting to do a 3rd person perspective on doofus Rick. Not sexual, but super duper cute. Who would read it?
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writerslovesmut · 8 years
"It's time for your assessment, miss."
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“You wanna play doctor?”
This is extreme thirst. On the other hand, I’m happy to know the rest of the fandom is just as parched for this Rick as I am so at least I’m in good company. 
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writerslovesmut · 8 years
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Shitty drawings of fictional characters. 💜
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writerslovesmut · 8 years
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Shitty Rick sketch.
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