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Committing is key
So, it did work for a while. From NaNo last November until May this year, I wrote like crazy. It’s been difficult since then. And why? No idea. It’s not that I don’t like writing anymore. I just can’t seem to find the mindset to get started. Although getting started isn’t the only issue I’ve got. I type up two sentences and, while before that would be enough to get me to work on my story for hours on end, I’ll get distracted right after and don’t finish anything.
That’s got to change.
I work pretty well with deadlines, usually. So in order to finish this project I’ve got, I’ve been finding bétà-readers and other people who want to read my story. And this is me finding yet another way to give me that deadline.
Because I did set a deadline. I want to start uploading by September 24th. The first ‘chapter’ of my latest project should air on that Friday. And not even one day later.
And that means I still have plenty to do! The rest of this month to finish my second draft and spread that to my bétàs. Then get started on the final rewrite and editing, finding someone willing to pick apart my English. Finding someone who would like to create a promo video and someone for a cover. Spread that. Create awareness. And then making sure it’s all ready to be uploaded.
Because yeah, I’m planning to make a big project out of this. Not necessarily because I really want that kind of attention - I mean, I’d like for it to be read, but the main objective is to get myself hyped up for it. This is my biggest project so far, so why not go at it in a big way? See what that side of writing is like? And I’m looking forward to it, to working on my story without necessarily writing on it. For a little while, at least.
So maybe typing all that up is what I need to get my shoulders under it once more. I’m so close, I’m not going to give up now! But time is starting to run out and I’ve used up pretty much allt he leeway I had given myself. Go big, or go home, but we’re too far to turn around now. You’ve shouted it into the dark abyss of the Internet.
So stop procastinating and get writing.
0 notes
Happy birthday to me
Last week was my birthday. I’m about as introvert as they come, so I didn’t think I’d mind the social distancing rules too much. In the very least it meant no awkward birthday kisses that I didn’t want to receive and not holding a party that I would have gotten tired of after only an hour. But I do always like to share food with my friends and I didn’t really want to miss out on letting them taste some of the new cookie recipes I had learned.
So, I baked some things, put them in a nice package with a little candle and a balloon on top, added some drinks, then went by a couple of friends’ homes to give it to them. I put the package on the ground, hit the doorbell and stepped back to wait for them. Up until there it all went pretty okay and Corona-proof.
It was only after ringing the bell that I found it difficult to stick to the rules. See, I’m a hugger. My friends and I tend to say ‘Hi!’, ‘Goodbye’, ‘Congratulations’, and ‘Thank you!’ with hugs so to now not do that felt wrong on almost a physical level. As if there’s some underlying muscle ache that you know isn’t there, but can almost feel.
As I stood at one of the last doors, a dog broke the rules. It came up to me, stood on its hind legs and gave me an almost-hug. As if it felt I needed it. Because I most definitely did. And I’m not sure I’m the only one who struggles with seemingly small things like hugs.
On social media I generally see two types of people when it comes to covid19. There are those who don’t believe it, who think everything was made up and we should go back to the way it was before. No lockdown, no social distancing. Just ignoring, as if Corona will then think ‘meh, it’s no fun any more’ and leave.
The other type consists of people who day ‘stay indoors at all times’ and ‘don’t go out at all unless it’s for your necessary groceries’. It’s the ones who somehow think the issue can be solved by caging everyone. By sitting this out. That that won’t do any damage either. As if Maslow’s pyramid is only made up by a roof over your head and your basic groceries.
Don’t get me wrong, I know the pyramid isn’t infallible, I know it’s not completely correct. But I’m pretty sure there is a certain truth to it. Humans need more than just food and shelter to remain healthy - not just physically, but mentally as well. If you ask me where I stand in this whole Corona thing, then you’ll find me somewhere in the middle.
If you ask me, we need to find a way to pick up as much as we can, while we stick to the rules. Unfortunately, that means no hugs, but it does mean going to the park when the weather allows. No lingering, because everyone will want to be there. At 1.5 meters distance from everyone else. But still in the park, catching some vitamin D, fresh air and a change of scenery, charging our spirits and clearing our minds.
It means I believe that people should be allowed to visit non-supermarket stores, given certain limits. It means I believe a lot of now-closed places should be re-opened, with new rules. Our local cinema is trying to see if they can arrange a drive-in cinema, like I’ve only ever seen on TV. Yes, it will take a lot of effort and we will need to take a very inventive approach, but how is that bad?
Because, if I’m being honest, I really don’t want to go back to how it was. Sure, I don’t want this social distancing to go on forever, but have you seen the good sides? I’m finally able to take singing lessons, because they are now online while there were never any close enough for me to go to. Have you seen the cosplayers telling bedtime stories to children? Working at home used to be a taboo, at least where I work, and we’re now proving it can actually work pretty well.
And have you heard about the environment? Okay, so, maybe no dolphins in Venice (too bad :( ), but nature is starting to find a balance that is actually distributed more evenly towards her side. The air has never been measured to be so clean in many parts of the world. The roads haven’t been as quiet in a long time.
I know we’re still a long way from hugging friends and that does make me kind of sad, but there are so many things we can still do while sticking to the set rules. We just have to explore our options, get creative within the new boundaries. And as we go, we should think about what we want the post-Corona world to look like. What aspects of the pre-Corona life do we really want to keep and which things do we discover now that we can keep holding onto?
One thing I’m holding onto, besides no more kisses on birthdays, is almost-hugs from my friends’ dogs when I need them.
#Corona#covid19#talking to myself#birthday#musings#dear diary#diary#maslow's hierarchy of needs#dog#hug#i need a hug#social distancing
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So.. I did this! And of course it turned so huge that I kind of finished it only now. But this Tumblr noob has no idea how to make a previously reblogged prompt - to which I responded with my story - appear at the top again... Guess you’ll just have to believe me ;) Well, I did manage to find the link. No idea if this works though!
New day, new piece of writing
In normal times, I’d have travelled to work by train and bus today. In public transport you can always find someone who seems to be hiding a very good story. I’ve wondered many a time about who a certain traveller was, where they’d be going to or coming from, why they looked the way they did… I have even written some short stories about a couple of them, never to be read, but just to get it off my mind.
I have none of that now. I’m at home, alone, finally done working for today. Nothing much has happened. Well, actually, we found out something really cool today! Did you know that you could add backgrounds to Teams when on video call? And then I don’t mean those basic ones they provided, but ones you downloaded yourself! So I’ll be calling from a hill near Hogwarts in the following meetings! A colleague decided to humour me and change his background into the Great Hall. I haven’t yet told him electronics don’t work in Hogwarts (but no one said anything about the hills around it!).
Anyways, stuff like that marks pretty much the highlight of my days right now. On the one hand, that means I don’t see or experience too many new and interesting things to write about. On the other hand, it should be easy to let my mind wander and explore now I don’t have to pay attention to anything. Besides cooking! I better keep paying attention while cooking…
Also, I still have plenty of prompts saved on this account. Yet I find none of them really sparking much of a story to write. Maybe that’s also something I need to build up. Getting that inspiration-seeking part of my mind to wake up again. It never used to cost much effort to see the fantastical and surreal layer on top of the boring view of reality, but I guess with being told to “Pay attention in class!” and to “Stop acting so dreamy!” and maybe walking into trees, poles and furniture once too often while deep in thought, that’s something you quickly learn not to do.
Time to get that spark back, I say! Let’s dust off those writer’s glasses, warm up those fingers and get the extremely introverted version of a party started! I guess that makes a good aim for this weekend: write a proper story. Not something like these rambles, but something creative. Get those thoughts and words flowing until there’s a nice scene painted out by words on a virtual piece of paper.
Time to unleash the writer in me!
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New day, new piece of writing
In normal times, I’d have travelled to work by train and bus today. In public transport you can always find someone who seems to be hiding a very good story. I’ve wondered many a time about who a certain traveller was, where they’d be going to or coming from, why they looked the way they did... I have even written some short stories about a couple of them, never to be read, but just to get it off my mind.
I have none of that now. I’m at home, alone, finally done working for today. Nothing much has happened. Well, actually, we found out something really cool today! Did you know that you could add backgrounds to Teams when on video call? And then I don’t mean those basic ones they provided, but ones you downloaded yourself! So I’ll be calling from a hill near Hogwarts in the following meetings! A colleague decided to humour me and change his background into the Great Hall. I haven’t yet told him electronics don’t work in Hogwarts (but no one said anything about the hills around it!).
Anyways, stuff like that marks pretty much the highlight of my days right now. On the one hand, that means I don’t see or experience too many new and interesting things to write about. On the other hand, it should be easy to let my mind wander and explore now I don’t have to pay attention to anything. Besides cooking! I better keep paying attention while cooking...
Also, I still have plenty of prompts saved on this account. Yet I find none of them really sparking much of a story to write. Maybe that’s also something I need to build up. Getting that inspiration-seeking part of my mind to wake up again. It never used to cost much effort to see the fantastical and surreal layer on top of the boring view of reality, but I guess with being told to “Pay attention in class!” and to “Stop acting so dreamy!” and maybe walking into trees, poles and furniture once too often while deep in thought, that’s something you quickly learn not to do.
Time to get that spark back, I say! Let’s dust off those writer’s glasses, warm up those fingers and get the extremely introverted version of a party started! I guess that makes a good aim for this weekend: write a proper story. Not something like these rambles, but something creative. Get those thoughts and words flowing until there’s a nice scene painted out by words on a virtual piece of paper.
Time to unleash the writer in me!
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Why I have to write
Hey there.
Today was a good day. I’ve had some talks with people from work and it made me realise that if I want my dreams to come true, I have to put myself ‘out there’ and just get started on changing my habits and routines. If I want to become a writer, to really feel like I can call myself a writer some day, I have to start doing it. I have to write.
Yes. My conversation with people from work totally inspired me to dive into my passion. Weird, right? Then again, these are weird times. In some ways it’s hard not to drown in all the negativity that’s shown on the news. Corona is bad, people are sick and dying, and most countries are at least in partial lockdown. All that makes people even more grumpy than usual, so even things that are still allowed, like going to the supermarket, end up with more anxiety than I feel groceries are worth.
But at the same time, this is a great opportunity to change stuff. All the blogs about what to do with yourself during this COVID-19 outbreak will tell you to pick up some new hobby or learn a new skill... I don’t know about you, but I still have to work (from home) and when that’s done, I really don’t feel like learning a new language or taking a course on how to paint or whatever. So I kind of let that advice slide. ‘Not for me!’ I thought to myself.
But maybe I should have read it differently. Maybe I should’ve taken it more like a ‘time to change up routines’ or ‘time to take time for what you want’, or maybe even as a ‘time to finally get off your arse’ (figuratively, that is. Of course I’m writing this while sitting on my couch). So that’s what I’m doing now. If I want things to change, I’ll have to do it myself.
If I want to become a writer, I have to write.
It’s as simple as that. That’s why I created this blog, a couple of years ago; so I’d have a place to write. A place to just blurb all my nonsense. But I never used it because I didn’t know what to write about. That’s dumb though, isn’t it? I mean, even ramblings like this mean I’m writing and every piece of writing, no matter what, will lead to me writing more and more and more.
As you can probably see from the length of this text, I don’t have trouble with the more and more. Once I start writing, once the words start flowing, it’s kind of hard to stop. Maybe that’s another thing that has kept me from writing. It’s kind of addicting. Once I start, I cannot pull them back in. What some other people have with talking, I have with writing. Give me a keyboard and I’ll start happily typing away.
Even people at work have commented on it: “You don’t have to create a novel when you’re writing an email.” Yeah, I know. But there’s something oddly satisfying about one word after another appearing on what once was an empty page. I love to see how words come together and combine to form whole scenes. How I can use written words to paint a picture that someone else can see in their mind. It’s something that I cannot do when speaking and it’s even worse ifyou want to consider my drawing skills.
Expressing my opinion, my emotion, my wishes, all of that has always been easier for me to do on (virtual) paper. My mouth just doesn’t cooperate. My hands will never be able to visualise the picture I have in my head. But my fingers are so in tune with my mind, and so used to the keyboard, that I have to trouble using that as a tool to voice my thoughts. In fact, if I really want to get something off my mind, there’s only one way to get rid of it.
I have to write.
But then what? Then you’ve got all that written out, those giant pieces of text that my mind and fingers agreed just had to be told. Then what happens? Maybe that’s another thing that has kept me from getting started here. I’m afraid that all my pieces end up being halfway up to novels and who even takes time to read something like that any more?
But that doesn’t matter, does it? If I’m being completely honest, I’d rather type away the whole evening here, even with no one reading it, rather than just keep scrolling through all the the different kinds of social media platforms that are out there. Rather than binging yet another - albeit great - series. And in the end, every word I write is one word closer to my final goal of becoming a writer.
And just like how social media can easily make me forget the time, writing can, too. Except I always feel so much more energised after writing. Like I’ve accomplished something. Like I’ve (finally) done something useful with my time. It works in a way that a lot of other hobbies don’t.
So that’s it. That’s why I’m here. I. Have to. Write.
And I’m gonna try my hardest to stay and write like I’ve never written before.
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In the future, humans have developed the technology to download a copy of a memory from one person and upload it to the minds of anyone who is willing to pay. You work in this industry as someone who professionally experiences things for others. Describe the ups and downs of a typical work week.
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send me a:“✎” and i’ll handwrite your url
send me a:“✉” and i’ll handwrite a little message for you
send me a:“✈” and i’ll handwrite the one place I most want to go
send me a:“★” and i’ll handwrite my favorite color
send me a:“♥” and i’ll draw you a picture
send me a:“☀” and i’ll handwrite my favorite season
send me a:“✦” and i’ll handwrite my favorite animal
send me a:“☮” and i’ll handwrite my tumblr crushes
send me a:“♪” and i’ll handwrite my favorite genre of music
send me a:“♫” and i’ll handwrite my favorite singer or group
send me a:“✂” and i’ll handwrite something I find attractive
send me a:“✔” and i’ll handwrite my favorite movie
send me a:“✮” and i’ll handwrite my favorite food
send me a:“☾” and i’ll draw something of your choice
send me a:“☁” and i’ll write something of your choice
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NaNoWriMo New Character Generator
Want to add a little extra oomph into your story? Or need someone to help get your main character out of a bind? Use your name and birthday to find out what new character you should introduce into your current work in progress!
And don’t forget to update your Camp NaNoWriMo projects—it’s not to late to start!
Follow @nanowrimo and @nanowordsprints on Twitter for more inspiration, and tune in to the Virtual Write-Ins on Youtube.
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A powerful witch runs away after the villagers try to execute her, couple years later children randomly start disappearing. She’s taking abused children away from their parents and raising them in the woods. But once they grow up and leave, they forget how to get to the witch’s house and their memories of her become blurry.
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unusual asks
1: Do you ever wish you were someone else?
2: What is your full name?
3: How old are you and how old do you get mistaken for?
4: Have you ever dyed your hair?
5: What’s your eye color?
6: Your opinion about your body and how comfortable you are with it
7: Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
8: What would you say is your best quality?
9: What are you really bad at?
10: What talent do you wish you had?
11: Are you nice to everyone?
12: What do you think about the most?
13: Things you like/dislike about yourself
14: What is your least favorite word?
15: What is your favorite word?
16: Are you more like your mom or your dad?
17: Would you ever smile at a stranger?
18: A reason you’ve lied to someone
19: Are you lying about anything right now?
20: Have you kissed someone older than you?
21: Do you believe in love at first sight?
22: Do you believe in soulmates?
23: Are looks important?
24: Opinion on relationship age differences
25: Would you date someone off the Internet?
26: Have you ever cried over a boy/girl?
27: Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
28: Anyone you’re giving up on right now?
29: Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?
30: Have you ever liked your best friend?
31: How does someone win your heart?
32: What turns you on?
33: What turns you off?
34: Do you get jealous easily?
35: What is your definition of cheating?
36: Do you forgive betrayal?
37: Have you ever been cheated on?
38: Have you ever cheated on someone?
39: How often do you listen to music?
40: First concert you attended
41: Last movie you watched
42: Favorite type of movie
43: Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?
44: Are you good at hiding your feelings?
45: Do you fall in love easily?
46: Do you think people say I love you too much?
47: What’s your favorite holiday?
48: Are you a forgiving person? Do you like being that way?
49: Where’s the most magical place on earth?
50: What’s your “type”?
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You die, and Death appears before you to guide you to the afterlife. You expect a dark and cruel creature, like they tell of on earth, but he’s actually…a dork. He’s a pale, skinny kid with dark hair falling into his eyes, wearing jeans and a hoodie. Write what happens next.
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A group of friends get transported to a rpg sort of reality and are turned in the race and class that better matches them, the big jock turn into a barbarian orc, the the nerdy girl into a elf wizard, the sarcastic troublemaker into a rogue tiefling, etc. They are all satisfied by their new forms and now are watching their small cute friend transformation in something equally cute like a fairy or something, but her form only grows as tall as a building as a long tail and wings, she is now a giant blood red dragon with black horns and spikes. That is her true form.
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Everytime you fall in love, you lose a part of your soul to the person you love. Everytime someone falls in love with you, you get a piece of their soul. You die when you run out of soul to give. History only knows of two immortals so far, one who never found love and the other who makes people fall in love with them to purposefully extend their life.
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Couples receive “parent points”, which they can use to purchase their children. Most parents wait for a few thousand, but you chose to buy the cheaper, 100 point child.
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Useful Writing Resources
This is an extensive list of resources for every problem you could come across while writing/planning/editing your novel. Use it well;)
{ *** } Indicate a Highly Reccommended Resource
Planning/outlining Your Work
How To Outline ***
Zigzag Method : Creating Plots
How to Plot a Romance Novel
Seven Great Sources of Conflict for Romances
Let’s talk about brainstorming
Writing Something With Meaning ***
Past Or Present Tense? : How To Decide
Writing Your Work
How To Write A Fabulous Chapter #1 ***
How to Build a Romance Thread in Your Story
The Big Book Of Writing Sex ***
6 Ways to Get Your Readers Shipping Like Crazy
Romance Writing Tips ***
20 Tips for Writing Lovable Romance Novel Heroes
7 Ways To Speed Up Your Writing ***
80+ Barriers to Love: A List of Ideas to Keep Romantic Tension High
9 Romance Writing Mistakes to Avoid
Removing the Creeps From Romance
19 Ways to Write Better Dialogue ***
50 Things Your Characters Can Do WHILE They Talk ***
How To Write Action And Fight Scenes
10 Steps To Write Arguments
9 Ways To Write Body Language
Writing Good Kissing Scenes
Writing Murders
Create And Control Tone ***
Tips for Writing Ghost Stories
Incorporating Flashbacks
12 Tips To Avoid Overwriting ***
Behind the Name
Top Baby Names
Looking for a name that means a certain thing? ***
7 Rules of Picking Names
Most Common Surnames ***
Minor Character Development
Writing Antagonists, Antiheroes and Villains
Characters With Enhanced Senses
5 Tips to Help You Introduce Characters
How Do You Describe a Character?
How To Write Child Characters
36 Core Values For Building Character
Questions To Answer When Creating Characters ***
4 Ways to Make Readers Instantly Loathe Your Character Descriptions
5 Ways to Keep Characters Consistent
Character Archetypes
25 Ways To Fuck With Your Characters
Building Platonic Relationships Between Female Characters
9 Simple and Powerful Ways to Write Body Language
33 Ways To Write Stronger Characters
Conveying Character Emotion
How to Make Readers Love an Unlikable Character…
How to Create Powerful Character Combos
How To Describe A Character’s Voice ***
Describing Clothing And Appearance ***
Career Masterpost ***
Creating Your Character’s Personality ***
Character Flaws ***
Ultimate Guide To Editing Each Aspect Of Your Work ***
Why You Would Read Your Novel Out Loud ***
Grammar and Punctuation ***
How To Write A Captivating First Sentence
10 Things Your Opening Chapter Should Do: A Check-List for Self-Editing ***
Saving Your Story: Finding Where It Went Wrong
How To Condense Without Losing Anything
The Stages Of Editing
Dialogue/Description Balance
3 Proofreading Tips
The Short Story Form
Chapter & Novel Lengths
Anatomy Of A Novel : Chapters and Parts ***
How To Write Chapter After Chapter Until You Have A Book ***
Where Chapter #2 Should Start
Step By Step Guide To Editing Your Draft
Writing Tool: CTRL-F (How And Why You Should Use It) ***
How To Kill A Character
25 Steps To Edit The Unmerciful Suck Out Of Your Story
5 Ways To Make Your Novel Helplessly Addictive ***
{Setting} How To Describe Setting In Your Stories ***
20 Questions To Enhance Setting
How To Bring Your Setting To Life
Miscellaneous Resources You Can Use In Between
How to Write from a Guy’s POV
The Emotional Wounds Thesaurus
Text To Speech Reader
Compare Character Heights
A Visual Dictionary of Tops
Writers Helping Writers
7 Tricks To Imrove Your Writing Overnight
Work Out/ Word Count : Exercise Between Writing ***
Most Important Writing Tips ***
Let’s talk about diversity in novels
Letting Go Of Your Story
Keeping A Healthy Writing Schedule And Avoiding Procrastination ***
How To Create A Good Book Cover
Write or Die
Tip of my Tongue
Character Traits Form
Online Thesaurus
Writing Sketchy/Medical/Law
Coma: Types, Causes, etc
Tips for writing blood loss
Gunshot Wound Care
Examples of Hospital Forms
Common Legal Questions
The Writer’s Forensics Blog
Brain Injury Legal Guide
Types of Surgical Operations
Types of Mental Health Problems
A Day in the Life of a Mental Hospital Patient
Global Black Market Information ***
Crime Scene Science
Examining Mob Mentality
How Street Gangs Work
Writers’ Block Help/ Productivity
Story Plot Generator
@aveeragemusings ‘ Cure To Writers’ Block ***
50 Romance Plot Ideas
Reading Like A Writer ***
Defeat Writers’ Block
Writing In A Bad Mood ***
Writers Block
When You’ve Lost Motivation To Write A Novel ***
What To Do When The Words Won’t Flow ***
9 Ways To Be A More Productive Writer
“I Cannot Write A Good Sentence Today” (How To Get Over It) ***
Real Writing Advice ***
Info You Need To Know & Words You Didn’t Think Of
A Writer’s Thesaurus ***
Words To Describe… ***
Words & Phrases To Use In Your Sex Scenes ***
Colors (An Extensive List Of Colors)
List Of Kinks & Fetishes ***
List Of Elemental Abilities : World Creator And Map Maker For Your Imaginary Setting
Body Language Phrases
List Of Legendary Creatures
How To Write Magic
Hairstyle References
Hemingway : Writing Checker
Body Types: Words To Describe Bodies and How They Move Around
Poisonous Herbs and Plants ***
The Psychology of Color
The Meaning behind Rose color
Types of Swords
Color Symbolism
How a handgun works
How to Write a Eulogy
Types of Crying
Avoiding LGBTQ Stereotypes ***
Superstitions and More
The 12 Common Archetypes
Language of Flowers
12 Realistic Woman Body Shapes
Using Feedback And Reviews
Turning Negative Reviews Into Positive Ones ***
Proofreading Marks : Easy Symbols To Make Reviewing/Feedback Easier ***
Authonomy Teen Ink Figment Fiction Press ReviewFuse
These Are Trusted Critique Sites ;)
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People always worry about radically changing the present by doing something small when talking about time traveling to the past. Barely anyone realizes that they can radically change the future by doing something small right now. You have finally had enough and decide to reclaim your power: The Present.
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