writemymemoir · 3 years
Aaaaahhhh ok I’ve been sitting in this one but like reader x Bruce where reader is helping him to like restart renewal and just like he’s quiet emo boy and their just so warm and hopeful and like opposites attract vibes
Oh I also love the idea of reader helping Bruce out after he adopts Dick and just Dick and Alfred working together to get them together
Basically Bruce being stupid and pining and then fluffy endings
Okay, okay I am dying at all these ideas, but let's start with the first one because I.......... am an absolute sucker for opposites attract. Bear with me, this is just a snippit! I'd love to do more headcanons on these ideas! !!!!
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There was an incredible ache in his entire body. And the longer that Bruce thought about it, the more longing the ache became, like a distant cry but right in his ear. Radiating from scars on his shoulder blades, down his back to rest uneasily in his tailbone was a tingle, but that wasn’t why Bruce raised his head in what seemed to be amusement, his train of substantial thought, of nothingness actually if he were willing to admit it to himself, was interrupted to acknowledge the fact that Alfred had lightly kicked him under the table to keep him from nodding off. By all means though, if Bruce wanted, he absolutely could. They were, and by they Bruce was referring the suits in front of him as they drawled about the possibility of renewing the Renewal program, all encased around the heavy table garnished with the Wayne family emblem. They were in his home, his tower, his personal space and taking up his personal time that he’d rather be using to his own advantage.
Meetings, in any way and form, were never his strong point. Sliding his fingers against each other, he had a thought pass the front of his mind. They were his fathers, though… Charismatic, smart, well-spoken… But the way that Bruce’s mind worked, the scattered nature, aligning with pin-point precision, was too active to sit through numbers, to sit through drawl, though… He smirked to himself at a thought as his head went back to its previous position. He liked it when he put himself in situations like that, not when Alfred convinces him to participate in a sitting where all his back does is vibrate from pain inflicted from two years of constant beating.
Now, if this were his own doing, if Bruce had his way in all things, he’d tell Alfred to leave him alone, that this was never what he wanted, but he was ultimately persuaded. Gotham as it was could not keep going the way that it was, The Batman knew this. The crime, the rage, the anger that boiled deep within the city was getting worse and worse, and he found that hiding in the shadows was less and less common. Put your feet on the ground and go to work, these people deserve that, essentially was the outcome of Bruce’s project that now was spanning closer to three years. The Batman could only do so much to help, but Bruce Wayne could also contribute. A fair and valid point, but to sacrifice years of seclusion and loneliness for meetings like this seemed a bit on edge for Bruce.
“Mr. Wayne,” One of the men said, captivating attention by the pure irritation in his voice. There was no doubt that he noticed Bruce’s inability to pay any mind to what was being said. “The best we can do right now for you is to give you an assistant, to help reboot the Renewal projects.”
Okay, he thought to himself and readjusted in his chair. Bad idea, pain shot up and rested in his shoulder blades now, dancing around like little match sticks on fire. Just dump the workload on them, I don’t have to actually put my hand in any of this.
“Who?” His voice came out rougher than he wanted, but he didn't bother clearing his throat either. This was his home and by any God that existed, he was going to be himself.
“(Name).” The man speaking then pointed over to another person, one that Bruce neglected to see the few times he scanned the room before completely zoning out. Attention clearly caught them off guard, but they had to be expecting it, right? Bruce thought and allowed himself to glance over at the body that was being addressed. There was tension in their shoulders, they were crumpling and un-crumpling a piece of what looked like tissue between their fingers, their legs were crossed almost to the point where if Bruce squinted, he could see them turning blue from lack of oxygen.
Clearly, anxious. Subtly? Bruce eased his eyes and sat back in his chair after investigating and decided that you must have snuck in while he was not paying attention, hence he didn't notice you sitting there until you were introduced. There was no subtlety in your behavior, Bruce decided. You were anxious, maybe the first time doing this based solely off of your young appearance. And eagerness that was sprung upon him.
Bruce clenched his jaw slightly as you stood up and made your way to him, a binder in your hand. ‘Renewal’ it read, in what he figured to be your handwriting. Neat, but not too neat. Interesting, most people would go for their best handwriting in situations like this to make a good first impression. His blue, nearly green eyes peered up at you almost too dramatically as your hand reached forward so you could properly introduce yourself. It was a scathing glance that you ignored as it seemed almost malicious.
“I’m (Name), I look forward to working with you, Mr. Wayne.”
Bruce swallowed gently and just looked at your hand before looking at your eyes again, this time quizzically before accepting the small gesture by barely placing his hand in yours before pulling away and peering over at Alfred who had a look of smugness as he sipped at his tea. Bruce didn't know how or why but this was most definitely Alfred’s doing. And the worst part? He had no say.
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writemymemoir · 3 years
the sheer offensiveness of rereading something you wrote, discovering that, hey, it’s actually pretty good, and then reaching the end, wherein you realize that if you want more you actually have to write it
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writemymemoir · 3 years
Being-A-Creative-On-Tumblr-Culture is going through all of the 24 reblogs on your post with 357 notes just to get just enough serotonin to get through your day by reading what the five god sent people who left tags wrote
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writemymemoir · 3 years
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writemymemoir · 3 years
me reading my own character’s lore after completely forgetting about it and randomly finding it on my blog
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writemymemoir · 3 years
another world [1]
after your boyfriend, peter parker, is killed by the green goblin, you take on the mantel of spiderwoman. a few years later, you're suddenly shoved into a multi-versal war after being called to another universe to help a (smaller) version of peter. a familiar face leaves you shaken.
PAIRING: tasm!peter parker x reader
CONTENT: NO WAY HOME SPOILERS!!!!!, mentions of suicide, angst angst angst angst, may parker deserves so much better and i apologize for putting her through this
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Here lies Peter Parker. Beloved son.
We shall meet again.
[Y/N] stands over his grave. There's a chill in the air, autumn has finally taken New York. She shivers, her coat a few sizes too big, and two hands make their way to her lapel to tuck the girl in tighter. May Parker let's out a sigh.
"We've got to get you a thicker coat," May says. There's a tired look in her eyes. The lines on her face seem deeper. She's pushing on fifty-two now. The grief has aged her far more. "You're going to freeze when December hits."
"This one was his, May," [Y/N] replies. The words make May take a temporary pause. "I can't just find a new one."
Wind sends the leaves skittering along the graves. The red and brown contrast greatly to the pure white bouquet of cleomes sat on the headstone. Spider flowers, [Y/N] thinks with a small smile. He'd appreciate the irony.
"I think Peter would rather you be warm and cozy in your own well-fitting coat than freezing to death in one of his old, worn, baggy ones," May eventually responded. [Y/N] wrapped her hands around her body, subconsciously pulling the coat even closer. She could still pretend it smelled like him if she tried hard enough. The warm scent of cinnamon with hints of oak and amber. The smell of home.
The older woman gave her a sad smile and comfortingly rubbed her back. "But, I understand. It's hard to let go of it when you can imagine it's him. You wouldn't believe how many of Ben's old flannels are still folded up in my dresser."
Quiet crept in again. [Y/N] could still remember Ben Parker's death, how Peter shut down, how May crumbled. How could that have been nearly eight years ago? May still had her days of darkness, when the grief became too much. She had lost a husband and a son. [Y/N] had watched this woman quite literally go through every mother's nightmare. How did she get out of bed? How did she go to work? How was she still breathing?
"How do you do it?" [Y/N] broke the silence, unable to hold her thoughts back any longer. "It's been three years, May, and I still wake up expecting him to be next to me. I still wait for a call, a text, letting me know he's going to be late to dinner again this week because he's gotten caught up with some robbery downtown. I come home from work and I wait. I wait for Peter to walk in with Chinese takeout, give me a kiss that takes my breath away, and sit down to explain his latest gadget idea to me. I look at the door and I wait. I wait it for to open and it never does."
A sob falls from her lips. Tears are streaming down her face openly now, though [Y/N] can't remember when they started. May embraces her, tightly, as if she's keeping the girl in one piece. They fall together as [Y/N]'s knees give in from the weight of it all. The ground is cold. The grass is dead. Peter's headstone has collected enough dirt to look beige. There is no sign of life, no sign of who he was. All of it is dull. It makes the sobs wrack through her body even harder.
The two women sit there for quite some time. May cradles [Y/N] in her arms, whispering soothing words in her ear as the waves of sorrow slowly become smaller and smaller. There's been a quiet understanding between them ever since Peter's passing. They were family now. Neither would ever grieve alone. Neither would ever be alone. This was not the first time May Parker had held her son's partner in her arms as she grieved the loss of her love, and it would not be the last.
"You won't believe me, but it does get easier," May speaks while gently petting the girl's hair. Her breath had finally evened out, she was fresh out of tears. "It took me almost three years to come to terms with Ben's passing. I'm still learning to live without him. Healing is not linear, darling. I know it seems like this is never ending, but you will make it through this. We'll both make it through this, together, hand in hand. I am never leaving you and you're sure as hell not leaving me on my watch."
[Y/N] let out a shaky laugh, pulling back from May to look level with her. There were a few tear streaks down the older woman's face and [Y/N] felt a pang of guilt. She hated upsetting May or making her worry even more than she already did. May gently pushed the hair out of her face and [Y/N] took her hand.
"I'm not going anywhere, May," [Y/N] replied, placing a gentle kiss on the older woman's knuckle. "I'd miss your meatloaf too much."
May snorted, standing up and helping [Y/N] off the ground. "Now, there is no point in lying to me to butter me up," She joked, brushing the grass and dirt off the girl's coat. "Why don't you come back to the house for a bit? I'll make some tea. We could finally take a crack at that pumpkin bread recipe you've been talking about."
As if on cue, the shrill screech of a police siren broke May's created facade of a peaceful night. The women shared a look, [Y/N]'s full of remorse while May's held sorrow.
"Duty calls." [Y/N] sighed. She really did want to try that pumpkin bread recipe.
There was a beat. May opened her mouth and closed it again, trying to find the right words to say. She didn't have to. [Y/N] already knew.
"I know, May," The girl spoke up. "He wouldn't want this for me, and you're right, but he also wouldn't want New York to be completely on its own. This city needs a hero, a symbol of hope. It's selfish, but this is for me too. Makes me feel like I'm carrying on his legacy, I guess. As long as there's a Spider, there's still a piece of Peter around."
It had been hard informing May of the double life Peter had been living after he passed, but what else could [Y/N] have told her? "Ah yes, your son died in a very tragic car accident and that's why his spine was shattered into pieces and I was left completely unharmed although I was also at the scene." Lying to May after losing him just felt wrong.
So [Y/N] told her everything, about Spiderman, about the Green Goblin and the Osborns. And a few months later, when [Y/N] decided to take her late boyfriend's place and protect New York, the first thing she did was tell May. May, of course, pleaded with the girl not to go any further with the idea of Spiderwoman, but [Y/N] had her mind set. She was going to protect New York, not only for her home state's sake, but for Peter's memory as well.
May sighed. She knew there was nothing she could do to stop [Y/N] and there was no point in wasting both of their time. She'd been trying to put an end to this for two years now, but the girl was stubborn. Peter had called it "overly ambitious". May couldn't help but think that Ben could've put an end to this somehow, but it was just her now. She'd find a way eventually.
"If you need anything," May finally spoke. "I'll be home all night. I don't have night rounds at the hospital for the rest of this week. You stop by, no matter how late, okay? Peter's old bed is always there for you."
[Y/N] felt a pang in her chest at the mention of Peter's childhood bedroom. She'd spent at least four months after his death practically rotting away in his bed. There were so many memories from their teenage years in that room. She didn't know if she could face them again without deteriorating.
"Thanks, May," [Y/N] gave her a small smile. "I'll shoot you a text if I decide to stop by. In the meantime, pamper yourself. You work too hard."
The women shared a hug, May giving the girl a warm kiss on the cheek before they finally parted ways. [Y/N] watched May make her way out of the graveyard before leaning down to Peter's headstone. She gently sat her forehead against the stone and closed her eyes.
"I really, really hope you're proud of me."
It was late. She'd been out for hours now, patrolling around the entire state of New York. Stopped a few break-ins, prevented some drug deals, the usual crime scene. It had been quiet ever since Norman Osborn's death. His passing was sudden, an apparent suicide. The news had sent [Y/N] into a fit of rage.
"That coward took the easy way out. After everything he's done, after Peter, it's over because of a fucking self-inflicted gunshot to the head? It was supposed to be me, May. I wanted to watch him bleed."
[Y/N] sat close to the top of the Empire State building. This had been her and Peter's hiding spot. She could remember the first time he had brought her up here, sometime during junior year, and the view had completely taken her breath away. Peter had taken her hand and told her he loved her for the first time. It truly felt like they could've conquered the world together.
She took a breath, attempting to let herself relax for the first time in a few days. She was exhausted; her head was pounding and her body ached. It was a lot more difficult to do the job that Peter left behind without any super-human abilities. She was extremely lucky all of his equipment hadn't taken damage, trying to follow Peter's notes and blueprints felt like reading a foreign language. It was a miracle she hadn't taken life-threatening injuries yet, though she had ended up on May's doorstep needing help getting patched back up more times than she'd like to admit. Thank God for May Parker.
The wind up this high was chilling. It seemed to bite, but it held a certain familiarity that brought comfort. [Y/N] wrapped her arms around herself, leaning against the structure of the building. The red and blue of the suit reflected against the metal. She had managed to adjust Peter's old suit enough to get it to fit her smaller frame. She was cold. She never used to be cold up here.
Her eyes were getting heavier and it was dangerous to stay up this high, but she couldn't seem to care. She gave in almost at once, letting her eyes drift shut. I'll just rest my eyes for a minute, she thought. It's not like anyone will find me up here.
There was a brief moment of complete silence. No city sounds, no wind, she could barely hear the steady intake of her own breath. It was calm, almost as if she had made her way to the end of the world. A bright, nearly blinding light made [Y/N] squeeze her eyes shut tighter. What the hell?
The noise resumed. Cars honked, people yelled. [Y/N] rubbed her eyes, trying to shake off the effect of the light, and noticed that the sun had risen. Had she accidentally fallen asleep and slept until morning? She'd have to send May a text. She always sent May an "I'm Ok! :)" after patrol. The woman must be worried sick.
[Y/N] made her way off of the building, slipping her mask back on and beginning to swing home. The sounds of Jonah Jameson's voice echoed through Times Square. Since when had he begun filming his episodes? She could've sworn the reporter only did his podcast.
J. Jonah Jameson sat at a desk, a stack of papers in his hand. His voice seemed to echo through the city. "Spider-Man continues his era of chaos with no remorse—"
That was weird. She had sworn everyone had switched to referring to the vigilante as Spiderwoman ever since the change had become more apparent. Also, when did Jameson go bald? He looked just... slightly off.
The reporter's rant on the hero continued. "When will you cease this meaningless destruction? After your betrayal to Mysterio, it's a miracle you have any public support remaining at all."
Mysterio? Who the hell was Mysterio?
The girl stopped, perching herself on the edge of a building and looking at the screen expectantly. She couldn't remember fighting a "Mysterio". There hadn't been a big bad in New York since the Goblin.
"It's time this little round of show-and-tell was put to an end," Jameson continued. "When will you face the facts? For the betterment of this city, you should be put behind bars. It's time you turned yourself in, Peter Parker."
[Y/N] felt her stomach drop.
The screen flashed. A photo of a teenaged boy was put on display. The words "PUBLIC ENEMY #1" were plastered over his face. Footage followed of the man Mysterio, accusing Peter of attempting to kill him. He revealed his identity and screen went to black.
[Y/N] could see Jameson's face appear back on the screen, but she couldn't hear a word he spoke. Something was extremely wrong here. She couldn't stop thinking about the boy that they had shown.
That's wasn't Peter.
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writemymemoir · 3 years
Who Are You Really (6)
Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker x Reader
A/n: gonna wrap this series up soon and work on my din djarin one, but feel free to send in requests bc I usually just write those in my spare time.
Warnings: ⚠️major no way home spoilers⚠️ angst, kissing…. near death
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You’d helped rig the cures along the scaffolding outside of the Statue of Liberty, waiting for Peter to call the daily bugle. You’d given Peter a number that would go directly to J Jonah Jameson, and given that you were now fired, you were not at all afraid of the repercussions. 
“So, you’re the one taking shots for the bugle?” The oldest Peter commented. He was quite curious about all the differences in this universe from his own and even the other Peter’s.
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writemymemoir · 3 years
who are you really
Peter Parker x Reader (Andrew Garfield)
⚠️Spoilers below the cut!⚠️
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writemymemoir · 3 years
Yes I re-read my own fics because I wrote them for ME
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writemymemoir · 3 years
when emily brontë said on her diary entries “I have a good many books on hands but I am sorry to say that, as usual, I make small progress with any” i felt that
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writemymemoir · 3 years
Who Are You Really (4)
Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker x Reader
A/n: for those of you who saw this coming ahead of time, congrats, for those of you who didnt… the reader’s character is based very loosely off of felicia hardy from the comics. Also thank you guys again for all the wonderful support you’ve given me. I’m so grateful for it all!
Playlist can be found here
Warnings: ⚠️No Way Home spoilers⚠️ mild angst, flirting, canon typical dialogue
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Your apartment was mostly quiet, save for the rummaging through old suitcases and boxes to find your suit. You hated it, the way it looked on you, the suggestions it made without a single word spoken. The cheesy name it had given you without any say on your behalf was also quite annoying. Black Cat. Very original.
You got to the last box, and didn’t find it… but then you looked to the top of your closet, finding an oversized shoebox with tape over the sides to keep it closed. This box had demons inside. You were not fond of them, but you had one last mission to accomplish. Maybe if it went well you’d try a few more.
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writemymemoir · 3 years
Who Are You Really (3)
Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker x Reader
A/n: i made a playlist for this because I was just listening to so many good songs when writung these parts and they all just make it more badass…. so I linked the playlist ur welcome
Warnings: ⚠️No Way Home Spoilers Under the Cut⚠️ also a little angst and breakfast
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You woke up and smelled something you hadn’t in a very long time. Home cooked breakfast. You almost wondered if you went in there what would be waiting for you. Even the distant sounds remimnded you of your mother’s cooking. 
You slowly sat up, blocking the sun from the curtains in order to wake up properly. No need to blind yourself so early in the morning… Funny, it didn’t feel early in the morning. You glanced at the clock and mentally slapped yourself. Even on a day without school, you were trying to maintain a schedule, which you’d slept long past. This whole morning felt like a fever dream… sleeping in, homecooked breakfast. You needed to investigate to see where that smell was coming from.
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writemymemoir · 3 years
Who Are You Really (2)
Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker x Reader
A/n: okay… I saw it. It was amazing. I CRIED (that scene with Mj and Spiderman 3??? Devastating. Completely wrecked me) anyways enjoy this i wrote it on an empty stomach so yeah I was hungry-… also y'all i posted the first chapter of this yesterday and y'all ate it up so thank you for the support!
Warnings: ⚠️mild No Way Home spoilers⚠️ not the big ones yet… those will come later 😈 … also kinda some touching but idefk
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“Let me go over this again, you’re Peter Parker, and simultaneously Spider-Man …. from a different universe?” You roamed around your apartment, multitaksing as he told you everything he knew, which wasn’t much. He wasn’t lying, obviously he was Spider-Man, but not the one you sat next to everyday. “Let’s say I believe you, how did you get here?
“I know it sounds crazy, but I really don’t know… I’ve also got no idea of how to get home.” 
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writemymemoir · 3 years
Who Are You Really
Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker x Reader
A/n: There may or may not be spoilers in this, I haven't seen the movie yet... gonna write one or two more parts after this when I've seen it. I'm going tomorrow at 6pm so we'll see what goes down...
Warnings: ⚠️possible spoilers ahead read at your own risk⚠️, street assualt, attempted sexual assault.
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You knew Peter Parker well. One of your class mates at Midtown, the boy you sat beside in English every day. You were just as surprised as anyone to find out he was Spider-Man. It was broadcasted everywhere in New York for everyone to see. It couldn't be mistaken as someone else. The footage was clear, and the evidence was there. Your classmate was Spider-Man.
You were supposed to have graduated a while ago, but when the blip happened, you disappeared with it, setting you back to a place where you had to redo your last year in highschool. Being a super senior was not fun, considering your friends who had survived were now five years older than you. Some out of college already and even on to their careers. It was crazy to think that so much could have happened during a time that was instantaneous to you.
No one looked at Peter the same after the day he was found out. He would walk down the hallways with his girlfriend and everyone would stare. You couldn't deny you felt bad for him. Everyone staring on as uf he had procured some sort of disastrous disease. He was a hero of this city, and shouldn't have been treated so wrongfully. One of the bullies in the school, Eugene Thompson was of course getting his kicks out of the humiliation of his classmate. He chuckled in the corner of the hall, waiting for Peter and MJ to walk by before he took an obnoxiously large step in front of them while nonchalantly walking to class. Peter dropped the papers he had under his arm, and they went all over the floor.
The others looked on this display of mishap with nothing but a second glance. They didn't dare get involved with the crime fighting Spider-Man.
You felt differently. You went over and helped him and MJ with the scattered papers and handed them over. He uttered a small thank you and a nod, and then they went on their way quietly. You thought it was awful, the whole thing. How anxious does Spider-Man have to be to get so caught off guard by a school bully. This must be taking a serious toll on him.
You didn't talk to Peter for a while, not even in the class you had together. You stayed just as quiet as everyone else, until one day.
Everyone seemingly didn't care anymore about the fact that Peter was Spider-Man. You'd even argue to the point where they forgot it entirely.
You spoke to him in your English class, simply discussing the week's assignment, and he seemed to forget himself even then. It was so strange, but you didn't question it.
Later that day news stories started coming up about strange portals opening around the city. They looked like they could be connected to the other super hero that lived uptown, Dr. Strange. Reports of strange persons turning up grabbed people's attention, and though worse things had happned in this world, you were willing to bet anything that this was really bad.
You had been living alone in your apartment ever since your mother passed away. She died during the blip from cancer, so you didn't even get to say goodbye. You'd been living pretty independently before that happened, but being by yourself in this time of craziness was not desired. You could hold your own if it came down to it, you'd just rather avoid having to inflict that upon yourself.
You wanted to see if you classmate knew anything about this mess, and having gone over to his apartment before to study, you knew where he lived. You weren't exactly friends, but if it came down to it, you knew could trust him. He was a super hero after all.
You went down the streets and tried to be discreet, knowing the part of town you were headed for wasn't necessarily kind and caring. You had your switch blade in your pocket at the ready just incase, but strayed from keeping it in your hand to avoid suspicion and extra unwanted attention.
Two guys had begun following you about a block ago, you could tell. You kept on, thinking if it was just a loose follow, you could reach your destination without any issues. The problems began when three other men decided to join their friends, making the group of five seem more intimidating.
You turned down an alley as a shortcut to the next street down, where the building you were looking for was located. Bad idea. There was a small gang of sidewalk smokers at the end to cut you off. You kept walking to test your luck, wanting to see if you were just being paranoid. You did let you hand lay closer to your pocket though.
"Ay mama, where you off to?" One of them poked at you, cutting you from the other side of the street. There were no passersby, you were on your own.
"To see Spider-Man," you taunted sarcastically, trying to push past the men while also making a slight to them.
"Oh spiderguy! He's a little punk, you know," you were pushed back to a corner, with few ways out. "You guys close or something?"
"Look, I just wanna go see my friend, can you let me pass?"
"Depends. Can you pay the toll?"
"What toll?"
The biggest man in the group stepped forward, blushing your hair strands away from your shoulder, letting his hands linger against you a little longer. Your hands were in your pocket, and you were about to stab someone, but held back, knowing the repercussions could be bad if you went against too many men without being able to handle them.
"Whatever you're willing to offer us, sweetheart."
That's it. Even just by pure unbridled rage, nothing could have stopped you from taking that knife and pressing it against the throat of the man closest to you.
"Everyone back up or he's dead," you threatened. You couldn't kill anyone, that you were sure of, but they were going to hurt you, so you could at least make them believe you could.
"That's so cute, look boys she's even got a little knife. Too bad she ain't know how to use it."
"Wanna bet?" You smirked, pressing it against the bulging veins of his neck. The red that rimmed the blade was enough to scare the man you held under it, but none of the others even flinched.
"She's all talk, grab her," one of them instructed, and two more reacted. They reached over and tried to take a shot, but you readjusted your hold on the guy in your hands, bringing an elbow around his neck so you could use the knife for better purposes.
One got sliced right through the arm, pulling back like a child who just touched a hot stove.
"Hands off, jackass," you tried ti slice through another, but now they were all on you. You were putting up one hell of a fight, you were cinfused why they still persisted.
You tried to break free, but it was more difficult now, and they wrestled the knife from your hands, leaving you pretty defenseless given your position. You struggled to get away, but then you saw a flash of red and blue swing into the picture.
"I'm not really great at talking to girls either guys, but 'hands off' seems like a pretty universal term."
Before your eyes, Spider-Man started to web up the deadbeats to the nearest wall, giving you an escape for a few seconds to put a few hits into the others. Spider-Man turned around, expecting to take down the rest, only to find them on the ground with their hands over their crotch. You lived taking cheap shots like that. Men had balls for a reason, that being so women could punish them whenever they misbehaved.
You quickly ran out of the alley afterwards, making it onto the street so that you could feek safer in the presence of the witnesses that drive by in cars every few seconds. Spider-Man followed after you, catching uo to your walking pace.
"You okay? You didn't take any bad hits did you?" He asked with a concerned tone. Funny, he didn't sound the same as in class. He looked taller, too. Glancing his way you saw a completely different costume than the one you were used to seeing on the news.
"No, I'm fine... I did actually wanna talk to you, though. I was on my over when those douchebags cornered me," you said, but the Spider-Man stopped in his tracks. You turned around and tilted your head.
"What do you- do I know you?" He asked. His voice definitely sounded different from in class a few days ago.
"You should. I'm your desk buddy in English," you furrowed your eyebrows, stepping back to be beside him again.
"I think you got the wrong guy," he chuckled, and you rolled your eyes.
"Parker everyone knows it's you, you don't have to play dumb anymore."
He froze immediately. How did you know? How did anyone know? What were you saying to him. You took a step closer and looked very closely. He definitely did not resemble the boy you knew, but then again, there was only one Spider-Man.
"Peter, you sound different, are you feeling okay?"
"How do you know my name?" He asked, afraid. This was not Peter Parker.
You reached a hand up and ripped the mask off, unprepared for the face that stared back at you. This was all too much to take in. Dark hair, yes. Brown eyes, yes. Peter Parker's brown eyes and dark hair? No.
"Who are you?"
Anyways I'm so excited for nwh can y'all tell?
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writemymemoir · 3 years
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Yes I am a whore for Dramione Ministry of AUs 
They were getting ambushed here while they’re out on a case and of course Hermione saves Draco’s ass
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writemymemoir · 4 years
I write for the dialogue the plot is just filler
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writemymemoir · 4 years
Also Me:
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*please find this relatable and funny. I made a gif too(which makes this even better). you’ll find it in my yon rogg tags*
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