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ace attorney imagines w/ mod thena (she/they) ~ REQUESTS: OPEN ~ INBOX: 5 (will close requests at inbox: 10)
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writeanythingagency · 7 months ago
Hello Mod thena how are you today ☆ ~('▽^人) I hope you're having a wonderful day, well is if okay of I req for yandere Shi-long-Lang, and Kristoph for a reader who's inlove with someone, Thank you in advance \( ̄▽ ̄)/
hi yyxandere! i’m doing good, thank you. sorry this took way way way too long D: i have a very similar request for shi-long lang so this one is just gonna be kristoph. hope that’s okay!
TW: Obsessive behavior, implied kidnapping, stalking
Yandere!Kristoph Gavin with a Smitten!Reader HCs 🗡️
🗡️ Oh no, you’re in for it now.
🗡️ Kristoph, being naturally possessive and the top yandere of the yanderes, does not take well to discovering your secret affections when he first begins to “study” you. However, he also thinks himself to be the master of playing the long game. And so he waits.
🗡️ Oblivious to the extent of his “research,” you consider Kristoph something of a friend/acquaintance, and so it doesn’t startle you when he catches onto your sour mood over breakdown tea.
🗡️ He prods gently, all while knowing exactly what he wants from you, until you forlornly admit that your love life had taken a massive downturn. Your desired beloved, who you’ve loved for years by this point, was on a date at this very moment. Somehow, Kristoph’s seemingly unaffected expression grounded you to the present.
(Nothing I didn’t already know. I would wager I have spent more time following your every move than that low-grade filth has ever spent with you.)
🗡️ But he is nothing if not calculating, so he knows to bide his time until you are at your most vulnerable, when Kristoph will be your best and only option.
🗡️ The wrench to his plans comes, however, when you burst into his office with a grin. You took a chance and told them how you felt. They said yes.
🗡️ Now. Now he sees blood.
🗡️ You blabber his ears off for about three seconds before he slams his desk and straightens. He strides past where you are practically paralyzed by the sudden move. He turns to you and adjusts his glasses, as if to hide his gaze.
🩸 “You chose someone who has done nothing but shove you to the side? Who only chooses you when it’s convenient?”
🗡️ Kristoph reaches for the door and turns the lock with a purposeful click. Cool and confident as ever, Kristoph tuts as condescendingly as you could imagine.
🩸 “No need to worry, my dear. I know exactly how astute you are. Unfortunately, your silly feelings are keeping you from thinking straight.”
🗡️ The attorney thwarts your attempts to reach for the door in one fell swoop, descending upon you like a predator to prey.
🩸 “Y/N, I will show you true devotion.”
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writeanythingagency · 7 months ago
So will you ever open requests back soon please
Give me a few days to cook….
~ Mod Thena
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writeanythingagency · 3 years ago
hi!! is it okay to request juniper woods with an s/o who is equally as shy as her but also likes to illustrate in a sketchbook? maybe they doodle cutesy drawings of them and juniper holding hands with hearts surrounding them? much to think about (avid junie woods enjoyer) thank you so much!! ❤️
it’s definitely okay! i just realized that this is the first time i’ve written a fluffy piece too >.<
TW: None
Juniper Woods w/ a Shy Artist S/O 🌻
🌻 You know the saying like attracts like? That’s true for the two of you.
🌻 Junie completely understands you when it comes to your shyness. Where others might assume you’re uninterested in conversation, Junie gives you all the time you need to process.
🌻 Even though she’s more assertive when she needs to be, Junie’s natural state is much like yours. Many days, she’s content to rest her head in your lap and listen to the sound of your pencil and sketchbook.
🌻 That’s not to say you two never talk. On the contrary, you’re one of the few people Junie feels completely comfortable talking to, and vice versa. You love hearing about her passion for nature and gardening, and she loves hearing about your artistic process. You promise to sketch the garden someday.
🌻 Which leaves the question of what you do sketch when you’re hanging out with Junie. You always hold your sketchbook close to you when you’re drawing, so she guesses that you’re just shy about your art. She respects your privacy, so she doesn’t pry.
🌻 On a special day for the two of you, perhaps on Valentine’s Day or your anniversary, your nervous tic is near constant. Having dealt with nervous coughs herself, Junie immediately knows that something’s up. She can’t really blame you—after all, she’s got big plans too.
🌻 Junie treats you to dinner at a little hole-in-the-wall restaurant that she knows you’ll just love. You talk amongst yourselves by candlelight, the flickering flame subtly illuminating your smile. To her, that already made the whole night worth every second.
🌻 After dessert, you shyly take out your sketchbook and slide it across to your girlfriend. This is what you’ve been working on the entire time.
🌻 When Junie flips open the cover, she can’t believe her eyes. These sketches are amazing. So much detail and care was put into all of them…and all of them are of her.
🌻 Some of them are cutesy, depicting you and Junie holding hands or surrounded by hearts. The more elaborate ones are drawn in a realistic style; you’ve captured her aura so well that it’s like looking in a mirror. A few are even abstract, highlighting sunflower inspired designs. It’s beautiful, perfect, and she’s overwhelmed by all the emotions coming to her at once.
🌻 The last page is a sketch of two hands intertwined with each other, and she can’t imagine how long this must have taken for you. Junie glances to where you’ve drawn your ring finger. There’s just one thing missing. She takes a whiff of the sunflower on the table before removing something from her pocket.
🌻 You gasp as your girlfriend opens a small velvet box. Inside is a sparkling citrine set in a gold ring.
💐 “S/O, will you marry me?”
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writeanythingagency · 3 years ago
Yandere Kristoph Gavin? i swear he’s my fictional crush
oh boy. the most yandere of the yanderes has arisen
TW: Manipulation, abusive/controlling relationship, implied kidnapping
Yandere!Kristoph Gavin General HCs 🗡
🗡Yandere Kristoph Gavin is just normal Kristoph Gavin with a crush
🗡You probably meet him on an occasion that is completely ordinary, like both of you walking your dogs or bumping into him someplace at work. He’ll seem quite gentlemanly, if not a bit cold, but you’ll think nothing of it.
🗡You won’t know the resolve underneath his cool facade, or how the idea of you on his arm at legal functions and elaborate dinners just seemed right.
🗡 He’ll try and get closer to you with “random” encounters, each one longer than the last. You joke about how you’re always running into each other, when in reality Kristoph has memorized your entire schedule.
🗡 Kristoph is a planner, above all else. And so when you’re framed for the homicide of a coworker, he’s ready to swoop in as your defense. The verdict is not guilty, of course, and he makes it very clear that you owe him.
🗡 The date goes smoothly. He’s not as cold as you thought. You’re surprised about how interested he seems in your ordinary life and how even small details don’t slip past him. So you’re somewhat heartbroken when he doesn’t ask for a second date. It drives you crazy.
🗡 You run into him again a week later, bite your lip, and ask straight up for another date. A satisfied smile crosses his face, and he says yes.
🗡 Your relationship is completely normal. Calling him every hour to make sure you’re safe? Sure, that’s understandable in a huge city. Managing all your meals? I mean, you could stand to eat a bit healthier. Sharing your finances? You practically lived with him anyways. Giving him unrestricted access to your phone? Well…it’s coming from a good place.
🗡 He wouldn’t be caught dead saying he loves you. It would be nice, sure, but you’ve come to love him and he seems to like you well enough and that’s all that really matters.
🗡 He isn’t clingy often, as you’re often the one initiating physical contact. But when you’re all dressed up for some gala or someone dares to stare for a bit too long, let’s just say you’re gonna feel and see his grip for a while.
🗡 Kristoph, unsurprisingly, would be one of the first yanderes to snap. But it’s not so much a reaction to anything you’ve done; rather, it was planned from the very beginning.
🩸 “You understand, S/O, that you’re mine, no? Those meetings, that pathetic man’s death, it was all for you. But what does that matter now, my love? Now that you’re here.”
🗡 That’s the first and only time he’ll ever admit to loving you.
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writeanythingagency · 3 years ago
Ok. I have one 🖐🏻. In head canons, How would the three waa youngsters (Apollo, Trucy, Athena) react to their s/o losing a limb in an accident or to illness? Like it’s been a while since they last saw each other and they are suddenly missing an arm or something. I don’t care how the limb was lost I’m more interested in how they react. Thanks in advance!
so once again, this has evolved into three scenarios but the next one will be proper HCs, promise! i don't have any personal experience with this sort of stuff so i had to ask a few friends and google, i hope it turned out okay!
Spoilers for AA4, AA5, and AA6. Depiction of Trucy is post-canon.
TW: Hospitalization, light description of injury
Apollo, Trucy, and Athena with an S/O who lost a limb HCs Scenarios ���🔷🌙
💢 Apollo Justice 💢
The Khura’inese legal system is young, but thriving. Apollo has trained the newest cohort of attorneys in courtroom procedure and the delicate balance between faith and truth. Nahyuta has done something similar for the prosecutors, though he refuses to reveal his methods. Khura’in is now something of a case study for other legal systems, he’s published a paper on the reconstruction of an entire criminal justice system—hell, they’ve been nominated for a Nopel Peace Prize for spirits’ sake.
Which makes it all the more depressing that Apollo has absolutely no idea what to do with his life.
Mission more or less done, he placed the firm in the hands of Datz and Ahlbi and set off for a vacation (see also: soul searching trip) in the states. Athena called his rut a midlife crisis despite not even pushing thirty, and Trucy tried to find new hobbies for him, including but not limited to arm wrestling, crochet, saxophone, and of course magic. Mr. Wright’s even easing up on the chores; Apollo can’t remember the last time he’s cleaned the agency toilet.
He’s counting the number of tiles on the kitchen wall when his phone rings. “Apollo Justice speaking.”
“Hey, it’s S/O. You’re left handed, right?”
And that’s how Apollo learns about the accident.
You attended the same law school as Apollo and developed something of a rivalry in your criminal law classes. Once the professor paired you two up for a project on significant legal precedents (you never did find out if that was intentional) it actually turned out that you two had a lot in common, besides a mutual fascination with a certain avian testimony.
Neither of you would be caught dead admitting that you were friends; after all, that initial rivalry was a little hard to get over. But you knew, somehow, in between morning coffee runs, afternoon legal ramblings, and late nights spent with Rocky Road ice cream and cat videos that Apollo had inexplicably become your closest friend.
And maybe there was something else in the lingering touches when Apollo handed you yet another pencil, or how both of you were entirely eager to fish for various couple’s discounts on Valentines Day. Maybe you’d never know.
You stayed in contact as best as you could, but you took a job in the next city straight out of law school. And with everything that happened in Khura’in, he hadn’t seen you in over a year.
The tricky thing with losing your dominant limb is that you have to relearn everything from scratch. You were determined to do it, just like you pushed through university and law school. Fortunately, you knew exactly one (1) southpaw who could help you through the process.
“S/O, what on earth are you talking about?”
“You might need to sit down for this. I may have lost my right hand and I need you to teach me how to do basic things with my left hand.”
“I mean, you don’t have to—“
“What in the Holy Mother, S/O?”
He goes along with your idea anyways, because damn it he’s never gonna say no to you. You see each other every day now, just like how it was in the old days, with Apollo guiding you through everyday tasks. Among these, you can now use a screwdriver, crack an egg, and tie your shoes with one hand. Apollo had some surprisingly good tips, which makes you think he knows more to this new style of living than you thought.
Each day is a productive one. You reward yourselves with late-night movie marathons at the end of the day. With each day, the space between you two on your lumpy loveseat diminishes.
“I can’t believe we’re watching the Steel Samurai reboot again.”
You take your thumb off the TV remote, slightly crestfallen. “Oh…I guess we can watch something else then….”
Apollo gives you a furtive and unreadable glance, tensing his wrist. “I mean, one more time wouldn’t hurt….”
He never asks you about the accident, and you never ask him about everything that happened while he was gone, or the strange look in his eyes that’s missing something vital. It’s the perfect arrangement.
On the tenth day, you finally feel comfortable enough to try your hand at writing. It’s your hardest and most important task yet. He asks you if you’re sure about this. You say yes.
When you put pen to paper, it comes out all wrong. Your “A” looks like something an earthquake might have created. Or a kindergartner. You still your hand while Apollo cranes over to look at your work. “It’s, well. Not your best, but we’ll get in plenty of practice. C’mon, ‘I’m S/O L/N, and I’m FINE!’”
He hopes you’ll say it back, because he can’t tell if you’re really fine at this moment. You look as if you might say something, filling him with hope, but you choke out a sob instead. Your head is in your hands, and he’s dropped the happy-go-lucky act. Apollo crouches by your side, rubbing comforting circles on your shoulder. “H-Hey S/O, it’s not a big deal. You know what, I’ll go put on that Steel Samurai holiday special you love so mu—“
How…what? Apollo scratches his head absentmindedly. “Dhurke broke his arm when I was a kid, and then it happened to me a few years ago; exploding courtroom, long story—”
“No,” you choke out. “I’m not asking about that. I’m asking: how are you always fine?”
You wonder for a moment if your friend is going to dodge the question when he looks askance. “The closest person I had to a father abandoned me when I was ten. He showed up to the agency one day, made me think he’d choose to stay this time around, then it turned out he was dead the entire time and never told me. The year before that, my best friend was murdered and I was the lawyer for that trial. My coworker was tried for the same crime and a GYAXA engineer took my little sister hostage. The year before that, I watched my defendant collapse from a near-fatal poisoning on the stand during her testimony.”
“What? Apollo, I—“
“Just, listen. Things are absolutely not fine sometimes. It gets pretty damn awful. All I can ever do is keep pressing on. I-I never wanted to push you, though. I’m sorry.”
“No! Apollo, you’ve been amazing, really! I should be the one who’s sorry…I never knew all that happened to you.”
Your friend turns somewhat bashful. “Well. Now you know.”
You take a good look at Apollo, a really good look. He’s miles away from the optimistic young student you knew, tinged with more cynicism and world-weariness than he lets on. But he’s your Apollo, the Apollo who will always come through for you in your time of need. Clinging to hope not out of ignorance, but from experience. And slowly but surely, the mental fog that had consumed you since the accident began to clear.
It’s him. It’s always been him.
You take a deep breath and steady your voice. “…I’m S/O L/N, and I’m fine!”
Apollo glances at you, visibly confused, before cracking the widest smile you’ve seen from him all day. “Your technique is off, S/O. All in the Chords of Steel, like this: I’m Apollo Justice, and I’m FINE!”
You never did get back to writing. Neither of you minded. You could practice tomorrow, or the day after that. But this night with cheap Chinese take out, a Steel Samurai marathon, intense vocal exercises, and the two of you just coexisting was irreplaceable.
As you wave goodbye to Apollo and slowly shut the door behind him, he’s struck with just how much you mean to him. You’re brilliant, you’ve always been brilliant, and somehow you chose to be his friend. And it feels surprisingly okay if that’s all you’ll ever be. When he needed it the most, you reentered his life and gave him purpose. A reason to keep moving forward.
Apollo will keep pressing on, just has he always has, but this time, he’ll do it for you.
(Someday, when the timing’s right, I’ll tell you everything.)
🔷 Trucy Wright 🔷
The buzz of your phone startles you from your largely restless sleep. You shift in your hospital gown to check your messages and are immediately hit with glaring blue light.
Today at 9:13 AM
true see <3: guess whose tour just wrapped up (∩^o^)⊃━☆
You: Bonny de Famme? Wait, don't tell me: did the Gavinners get back together??
true see <3: you’re so mean, s/o (◞‸◟)
You: But it’s fun :(
You: Seriously though, congrats! Sorry I couldn’t make it to your home show ;-;
true see <3: dw!!! i got your flowers btw, i still have them in my room ^ - ^
true see <3: now that i’m back in town, we can go out for real (⌒▽⌒)
true see <3: ooh there’s this place daddy told me about, tres bien cafe i think?
true see <3: he says the food is awful, that means it has to be good (๑>◡<๑) now that i’m making good $ i can take you out more often!!
You feel a bittersweet pang in your heart, but quickly shove it down.
You: Ofc Trumoo <3
true see <3: have u been thinking of pet names while i was away?? (`_´)ゞ
You: Oh I have more. True-blue, Trucie-pie, Truce-pickles…
true see <3: truce-pickles?? now i have to come over and make that one disappear ╰(´︶`)╯♡
You weigh the options carefully. For one, you could come up with a reasonably decent excuse just as you did for the show. On the other hand, you don’t think you can hide this secret any longer.
(And maybe you just really really missed her.)
You: K, I need to give you my new address tho
true see <3: oh you moved?? daddy didn't tell me that
You: Something like that, yeah…
true see <3: s/o??? are you gonna explain that??
1 attachment sent
true see <3: you’re in THE HOSPITAL???
Needless to say, the reunion with your dear, brilliant, and oh so unfortunate girlfriend is not exactly joyous. You try to explain everything over text before Trucy sees you for yourself: how one diagnosis turned your life upside down, how the difficult decision was made to amputate your left arm, of god awful daytime soaps and flimsy ham sandwiches. But nothing in the world could prepare either of you for when you two are face to face for the first time in a year.
You think the performer’s mask might have slipped within the first few seconds, but it’s soon back up and stronger than ever. “S/O?”
“Trucy!” You use your remaining arm to pull yourself into an upright position. Mr. Wright is standing at the door with an armful of stuffed animals and chocolates. “Long time no see?”
Despite her youthful appearance, Trucy is actually quite strong when she needs to be. It still startles you when Trucy smacks you lightheartedly (or so it would have been) and then hugs you tightly, as if you might fly away at any moment.
“You were here all this time and I never knew.” You lightly pat her on the back with your right arm, hoping that she’s smiling on your shoulder, maintaining her energetic performance despite the gravity of the situation. Instead, you start to feel what might be small droplets on your hospital gown. And if Trucy’s given up the act, you don’t even stand a chance.
The weight of a year begotten with misfortune, vague explanations, and longing for the girl in your arms hits you all at once.
“Daddy,” Trucy begins with pleading eyes, “how come you never told me?”
Mr. Wright looks around the mountain of gifts in his hands. “You know I hate keeping secrets from you, Truce.”
“Then…S/O?” You curl into yourself, sheepish and shameful.
“I knew that if you found out, you’d come back home straight away.” The televised broadcasts of her Paris show play through your mind. How she simply shined on stage, brilliant and happy and unburdened. “This was a once-in-a-lifetime chance for you. I didn’t want to be a burden.”
Trucy clasps your hand with fervor. She thinks of another lie by omission told once, when Lamiroir was just Lamiroir and Polly was just Polly. Forgiving Daddy was easy, once the dust had settled. Forgiving Thalassa is a nebulous impossibility. But maybe she can understand how her mom felt, through your eyes, hiding a secret bound by some odd notion of self-sacrifice.
Despite everything that’s happened to you, you’re still the same S/O who taught her that love, in all its forms, works in strange ways. It’s the closest thing to true magic she has ever known. It’s the kind of love you need right now.
(S/O, I’ll be with you through sunshine and rain. You could never be a burden.)
She kisses you once, then twice, then makes you wonder how you can get her to do this the rest of your life. “You’re so silly sometimes, S/O. None of this means anything if I can’t be here with you.”
Your heart feels it could burst from affection, but there’s so much to talk about, so much to do—
Knock knock. A nurse stands by the door with a bored expression. “Visiting hours are over.” You glance tearfully at Trucy and embrace her one more time. You desperately wish things were different, that you could feel Trucy’s fine hair with your left hand like you used to. But you don't need to commit everything to memory now. The two of you have time.
“Next time I see you, we’ll both be smiling. Got it?”
🌙 Athena Cykes 🌙
Athena was pleasantly surprised to hear from one of her old friends from her time in Europe. Apparently, they were in L.A. at the moment and wanted to catch up over coffee.
You had the slightest hint of discord in your voice though, as if you were keeping something from her. All told, though, the defense attorney was just happy to hear from you again! She would never admit it, but her feelings for you were a little more than friendly then. You were, after all, one of only a few friends her age. Having also moved from Japanifornia a couple years before Athena, your kindness and crash course on Living in Europe 101 made a huge impression on young Athena. So did your laugh, your liveliness, your smile…
Okay, so maybe she was a little nervous about seeing you again but that was fine! She was perfectly fine! As Athena picked out a casual sundress and started walking to the address you texted her, she thanked the stars for Apollo’s mantra. Athena Cykes was doing fine!
When Athena sees you for the first time in three years, Athena Cykes is decidedly not doing fine. Your left leg is amputated below the knee, confining you to a wheelchair. You're peppered with questions right away, with all the tact of a licensed psychologist. You laugh sheepishly and recount your tale for the nth time.
Shortly after Athena left for the Wright Anything Agency, you were one of many victims in a tragic automobile accident. You were one of the fortunate ones, coming out with your life and no life threatening injuries. But it came at the cost of your ability to walk.
You managed, building a respectable life for yourself in Europe. But part of you was itching to fly to the States, and you were still waiting for your prosthesis. You figured a short sojourn couldn’t hurt, hence why you were here today.
You were worried that your friend might see you differently, that the easy friendship you built up all those years ago would be replaced by saccharine sympathy. Turns out, you needn’t have worried. Athena listens to you attentively, asking genuine inquiries you tackle one by one. When you wrap up your story, you ask about how Athena is doing as a bonafide lawyer, and it’s as if nothing had changed. While the coffee is mediocre, the conversation isn’t. You laugh over absurd WAA stories and eccentric work colleagues, and you want to do nothing but stay right here, in this moment.
“Mein Gott! Is it really that late?” Athena places a twenty in your hand, even though you’re sure coffee didn’t cost this much. “Mr. Wright is going to…ahh! S/O, I’ll see you tomorrow okay?” You nod and wave, highly amused. You can work out the details of where and when later.
The two of you refamiliarize yourself with the other over the course of several definitely-not-dates. Athena, for some reason, insists on pushing you around in your wheelchair to and fro. This isn’t necessary of course, you can move around just fine on your own, but the gesture still manages to warm your heart. In turn, you learn about what she’s been up to. She managed to save Simon as promised, albeit through extremely convoluted circumstances. You never say this out loud, but one look at Athena and you knew immediately. Her gait was lighter, absent of the burden from the UR-1 incident, and her already gorgeous aquamarine blue eyes shine brighter than ever. For a moment, you forlornly wonder if Athena is the only one whose changed for the better. The objection is near immediate when you voice your thoughts on the Santa Monica pier.
“Objection!” Athena cringes at her own volume, but she couldn’t help herself. You’re as kind and sharp as ever, but you've grown so much too! You have every reason to be bitter at the world…yet you’re not. But that’s not much of a surprise, is it? Even back then when you and the stars were always a short jog away, your optimism made the impossible task of saving Simon seem possible, even inevitable. You were that spark of hope for a better tomorrow, and you influenced her so much more than you would ever know.
(Let me be there for you this time.)
“S/O, you’ve done so much for yourself, it’s très magnifique!” And you’re even cuter now, too! Widget supplies, and her cheeks light ablaze. “Ack, Widget!”
You offer a shy chuckle and return the blush with your own. “For what it’s worth, Athena,” you reach across the armrest of your wheelchair and nestle your hand in hers, “I think the same of you.”
Those mesmerizing blue eyes widen further, and her windswept auburn ponytail catches the light of the setting sun. And then she looks at you and the world stops. “S/O, can I…?”
You nod and that does it. Athena leans from the bench she’s perched on to capture your lips in hers, sublime and sweet with the taste of kettle corn. Three years ago, you were confined to a hospital bed, wondering what your incredible best friend was doing on the other side of the world. You never thought in a million years that it would come to this.
The two of you separate, breathless. You study every contour of her visage, and you suppose she is doing the same. “That was real, right? I’m not dreaming?”
“You’re not.” You lean in one more time, but Athena directs her gaze to the boardwalk and your heart breaks.
“S/O…what about you? Your life is in Europe and there’s so much left for me to do here.” A wry smile crosses your face. If that was what she was worried about…
“I can’t predict the future, Athena. But I promise you this: I will always come back for you.” The answer undoes your Athena’s composure, tears gently spilling in rivulets. You swipe a thumb over the droplets, a gesture that seems to summon your own tears.
“I love you, S/O. S-so let’s do this together…alright?”
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writeanythingagency · 3 years ago
Is this a dead blog or are you just busy?
Ahaha….I’ve just been very busy these past few months, actually. Can’t go into much detail except for the fact that I recently graduated and I’m preparing for university life.
But for the foreseeable future, I am back for real this time! I’m working on a request right now which should be done soon. Here’s an excerpt from that WIP for accountability:
“Even back then when you and the stars were always a short jog away, your optimism made the impossible task of saving Simon seem possible, even inevitable. You were that spark of hope for a better tomorrow, and you influenced her so much more than you would ever know.”
Well, that’s all from me. It’s good to be back! ✨
~ Mod Thena
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writeanythingagency · 3 years ago
Yandere Maya fey? Just general hcs are fine!
Yandere!Maya Fey General HCs/Scenario 🔮
so yeah, i got really into this and it kind of turned into a scenario. hope that’s okay, and thank you for being my first request ☺️
TW: Manipulation, gaslighting, obsessive behavior, drugging
🔮 Maya is one of the last people anyone would suspect of being a yandere. Having loved and lost so many people, you’d think letting go would come as easily as breathing.
(Maybe all that loss was what made it inevitable.)
🔮 The Master of Kurain Village is a title as lonely as it is prestigious. Growing up, Maya rarely had opportunities to interact with the other acolytes. Pearly was an exception, but she’s…well, Pearly.
🔮 It’s a pleasant surprise when a young student her age begins to regularly frequent the village. For years, the Feys had to put up with the occasional sensationalist bombarding anyone in their sight with questions about fraudulent mediums and pseudo-clairvoyance. But you, you made the drive up the San Gabriels every week and looked at Kurain Village with nothing but sparkling eyes and wonder.
🔮 Maya starts rearranging her schedule, moving classes here, channeling sessions there. And if her free time happens to exactly align with the length of your visits, so what? The village can be a dangerous place and there was no harm in making sure you were safe.
🔮 Do you need a place to stay? She’ll clear out the best room in the manor for you. Need access to a closed off area? No matter, an acolyte will grant you unrestricted access.
🔮 Eventually, she knows, Maya has to bite the bullet and talk to you face to face. She “coincidentally” bumps into you in the Winding Way, adding several new cracks to the Sacred Urn in the process.
🔮 You get roped into buying her burgers in exchange for silence, and you find that the Master is actually very easy to talk to. You tell her that you’re researching the Kurain Channeling Technique for your parapsychology thesis.
🔮 In between mouthfuls of burgers, Maya is surprisingly forthcoming with information. All of which seemed to directly relate to your senior thesis.
🔮 You gather more information in a single day than in all your weeks snooping around the village combined. You thank her for the help, but get a cheeky grin in return.
💜 “It’s gonna take more than a few burgers to make up for freeing Ami’s spirit, S/O!”
🔮 In order to repay the debt, Maya tells you to come back to the village the next day for a few favors. And the next day, for even more favors.
🔮 Day by day, you learn a little more about the spritely spirit medium. How she’s wrung dry by all her duties as Master. What it feels like to channel a spirit, or lack thereof. All her way too numerous near death experiences and insurmountable losses. You know, the normal stuff.
🔮 Day by day, your life gets a little lonelier. You rarely return to the city anymore, with Maya always needing you in some capacity, every part of the day. Your family suddenly grows distant. So do your friends. And night after night, you expend your sorrow with Maya by your side.
🔮 You’re carving out a space in your heart for someone, a girl worlds away from the city life you once knew like the back of your hand. Textbooks make way for spiritual artifacts, gel pens for candles. Sometimes, you miss the comforts of home and the lively voices of the people you loved. But Maya gets it: she’s a woman shaped by loss.
💜 “I’ll never leave you, S/O. You better not leave me all alone here, got it?” There’s no room for debate.
🔮 In that way, the transition to a more-than-platonic relationship was only natural. Or at least you think it was, because somewhere between texts to friends going unanswered and moving your belongings into Fey Manor, you and Maya officially started dating.
🔮 Any form of physical contact was on the table. In fact, Maya seemed to hunger for it. From hand holding to languid kisses, you grew to crave her touch just as much as she seemed to.
(In retrospect: did you love her? Who knows, when she was the only person left in your life to love?)
🔮 For months, your lover/roommate/benefactor became your rock. The calm after the storm at the end of the day. Some call her childish, but you found her spirit endearing. You inexplicably got absorbed into the Steel Samurai fandom, spending many a day marathoning entire seasons.
🔮 With this newfound relationship status, you start making a few concessions. Maya repeatedly impressed on you the various murders and mishaps that occured in Kurain-associated areas, so the GPS tracking app was a necessary measure, she said. That was fine, because you trusted her. After a regrettable incident where you forgot to call Maya after your morning lecture resulting in tears, the texts became near constant. All of which you had to answer immediately. This you got used to, as texts from anyone else were seldom and ceased entirely.
(If you paid attention to the whispers of those around you, you might have realized before it was too late.)
🔮 Life continues. You hack away at your thesis, now bolstered by Maya’s guidance. You spend days and nights in the blissful euphoria of young love, all thanks to Maya. You continue helping around the village and playing with Pearly and photographing waterfalls and wasn’t your whole life dependent on her in some way?
🔮 The decision comes easy after that realization. Your senior year is nearly done, so is your thesis. You’re a little sad to see it go, but it was a labor of love in so many ways. You laugh at how cliche the sentiment is, but if you love something, you learn to let it go.
🔮 At dinner, you drop a completed copy of your senior thesis in front of a gaping Maya, a chopstick-full of ramen halfway to her lips. You tell Maya of all your grand plans: moving back to the city, entering the working world, and finding yourself. You would visit, you reassure, and you loved her as much as ever. You just need this chance to grow, to come back to Kurain Village in a position to truly help Maya rather than depend on her.
🔮 A tear comes to your eye and you quickly swipe it away. And you smile, wider than any smile from the past few weeks. All that was left to wait for was Maya’s response.
🔮 The clatter of dropped chopsticks brings you back to earth. Maya…her hands were shaking.
💜 “S/O, you’re going to leave me?”
🔮 You didn’t mean it like that. If anything, it was a promise of your dedication to her. But you needed independence, and other things outside of the village walls.
🔮 But you have her, she insists. You don’t need anything else.
💜 “Why did I spend all that time getting your stupid friends to leave us alone?!”
🔮 Wait, what? You couldn’t believe what you were hearing…was it all because of her? Please say it’s not true, you plead, please.
🔮 Maya looks to the side like a reprimanded child. Only, you don’t find it as cute as you used to. You press and press, until the admission hangs between the two of you like a tightrope.
💔 “I never meant to hurt you.”
🔮 The childish facade drops in an instant. In a second, you wonder how much of the past year was real.
💔 “Do you know how many people I’ve lost? I’m not about to lose you too, not over something as silly as this. And if I have to make you stay…” A threatening glint flashed in her dark irises. “So be it.”
(Another thing about Maya: she always gets what she wants.)
🔮 Your thesis, which had once seemed so monumental, now looked pathetic without a purpose. But it was the only genuine thing to come out of all of this, the only thing in this room you could bring yourself to love, so you take it and run.
🔮 You were fast, but Maya was faster, sending all her acolytes on a hunt to bring you back to her. Freedom was right there…you were almost there…!
🔮 You don’t even make it out of the gates. You’re dragged back to the manor, your hard work tossed aside and trampled on. As a sweet smelling rag was pressed to your nose and mouth, you realize one final truth before succumbing to unconsciousness. You had nothing.
“You can’t change my mind, S/O. I’ll do anything to keep you by my side.”
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writeanythingagency · 3 years ago
Currently Writing ⏳
listed in no particular order, but i will get to each request eventually ☺️
❄️☕️ Relationship HCs for Franziska and Godot
📿🐺 Yandere!Nahyuta Sahdmadhi and Yandere!Shi-Long Lang ask out Taken!Reader Scenarios
🎸 Klavier Gavin w/ Bailiff S/O Scenario
🪶🎼 Relationship HCs for Simon Blackquill and Sebastian Debeste
🍁 Getting Together w/ Miles Edgeworth Scenario
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writeanythingagency · 3 years ago
finally figured out how to enable anon asks :D
send in those requests 😉
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writeanythingagency · 3 years ago
Rules and Other Stuff 🥰
Hello, all! I’m Mod Thena and I run this blog, lovely to meet you! Note that this blog may discuss some triggering topics (including unhealthy/toxic relationships and yandere typical topics) that I will tag appropriately, so navigate away if that’s a concern.
Requests are currently CLOSED! But feel free to submit questions or letters to the mod any time!
Currently Writing
Please know that I have school and work as well, so apologies if I don’t get to your request right away.
Submission Rules 🖋
Submit one request at a time. Wait for your request to be completed before requesting another.
Be specific in your request! I will assume gender neutral reader unless specified.
Check whether my inbox is open and which characters I do write for before requesting.
I reserve the right to decline certain asks if they do not follow these guidelines.
What I Will Write ✍️
Scenarios up to 2 characters
Headcanons up to 4 characters
Alphabets up to 4 letters
Yandere Prompts (in fact, I enjoy writing these quite a bit)
Yandere Alphabet
Basically any sort of format not on the Won’t Write list if you ask!
What I Won’t Write ❌✍️
Noncon (I will accept dubcon, but it’s not preferred)
NSFW (I’m not a minor, but I’m not comfortable writing NSFW)
Excessive gore
OCs and Character x Character
Yandere Reader
Characters ✨
Phoenix Wright
Larry Butz (lol)
Miles Edgeworth
Dick Gumshoe
Mia Fey
Maya Fey (JFA and onwards)
Franziska von Karma (JFA and onwards)
Matt Engarde
Iris Hawthorne
Kay Faraday (post-canon)
Raymond Shields
Sebastian Debeste (post-canon)
Katherine Hall
Apollo Justice
Trucy Wright (post-canon)
Kristoph Gavin
Klavier Gavin
Ema Skye (AJ and onwards)
Athena Cykes
Juniper Woods
Simon Blackquill
Aura Blackquill
Clay Terran
Nahyuta Sahdmadhi
Notes: I have not played TGAAC (yet) so I cannot write for those characters, sorry! I have a poor memory of Investigations 1 and I have not finished Investigations 2 (yet) but I plan to pick up both again at some point. If my preference is of any relevance, I enjoy writing angst a ton :’)
Thank you for visiting and reading 😊
~ Mod Thena
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writeanythingagency · 3 years ago
Masterlist! ✨❤️
💢 Apollo Justice
Apollo, Trucy, and Athena with an S/O who lost a limb Scenarios
🌙 Athena Cykes
Apollo, Trucy, and Athena with an S/O who lost a limb Scenarios
🌻 Juniper Woods
Juniper Woods w/ Shy Artist S/O HCs
🗡 Kristoph Gavin
Yandere!Kristoph Gavin General HCs
Yandere!Kristoph Gavin with a Smitten!Reader HCs
🔮 Maya Fey
Yandere!Maya Fey General HCs/Scenario
🍁 Miles Edgeworth
Yandere!Miles Edgeworth asks out Taken!Reader Scenario
🔷 Trucy Wright
Apollo, Trucy, and Athena with an S/O who lost a limb Scenarios
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writeanythingagency · 3 years ago
Yandere!Miles Edgeworth asks out Taken!Reader Scenario 🍁
hello! i got kind of inspired and wrote this all in a hurry. this is my first post here, but my askbox is open for ace attorney x reader requests (at my discretion of course). i’ll make a post introducing myself one day :)
TW: Abuse of power, also just yandere stuff in general
There was little you could do to stop the clamminess of your palms or the quickened pace of your heart. Yes, Mr. Edgeworth seemed a tad nicer to you these days, but he was still your boss, the Demon Prosecutor. And the Demon Prosecutor seldom calls anyone up to his private office on the twelfth floor. Individually.
You knock on the mahogany door anyways, half expecting to be turned away before you hear a commanding “Enter.” from the other side. The man breaks into a wry smirk when he meets your gaze, the piercing silver as caustic as ever. “L/N.”
“Hello, Prosecutor Edgeworth. You requested my presence.”
“Please, L/N. We are work colleagues in this building but I have no qualms with you referring to me as Edgeworth. Or Miles, even.” The offhand remark takes you off guard, and you wonder if this is the calm before the storm.
“Alright…Miles,” you manage for fear of defying your boss. Odd, he almost perks up at the word. “I admit I’m a little confused as to why you’ve called me here today.”
Edgeworth motions for you to take a seat and goes to fetch a cup of tea. “You seem like an earl gray kind of person.” A steaming teacup filled with what is, yes, your preferred variety of tea sits in his hands. You realize he means for you to take it.
“Oh, thanks…Miles. How did you know this was my favorite?” Deft fingers lightly brush yours in the exchange; the motion seems nearly deliberate.
“Educated guess.” The answer feels incomplete, but you have little time to ponder the idea before Edgeworth clears his throat and speaks again. “In any case, I called you to ask if you would like to join me for dinner, 6 PM at The Ritz Parlor.”
The words stew in silence for a few suspended moments while you formulate a reply. Were it not Prosecutor Edgeworth, you’d think him to be somewhat nervous. “Of course. Will anyone I know be there?”
The tips of his ears turn as red as his suit, and you worry that you might have misspoken. “It will be the two of us. And the two of us only.”
You furrow your brows in confusion before the thought comes to you, absurdly and all at once. “Mr. Edgeworth, you’re not asking me on a date, are you?” A poorly suppressed nghhh follows.
“Well…that is to say…” Edgeworth indulges in a quick sigh to collect himself. “If your definition of a date is an outing between two people with…romantic intentions, then yes, I am asking.” The man offers a bouquet of freshly cut roses, seemingly from nowhere. You take them mindlessly and open the little envelope it came with. Inside is a check with a worrying amount of zeros and a confirmation of a dinner reservation.
You think for a moment that you should be flattered; after all, Mr. Edgeworth pays no mind to his throng of fans much less a nondescript subordinate. But the moment passes, and your only solace is the fact that this is all within the privacy of his office. Your cheeks flame with astonishment and embarrassment. Is this real life?
You might have said that out loud, because his confusion only worsens. “Mr. Edgeworth, I’m very flattered by the invitation but I cannot accept the kind offer.” The facade cracks slightly but visibly, just long enough to catch a glimpse of the disappointment simmering within. “What I mean is,” you quickly backtrack, “it wouldn’t be exactly ethical, would it?”
“If business ethics is the issue, I will deal with it,” Edgeworth interjects briskly. There’s no room for doubt in his words, which greatly concerns you. “If you have other reasons for rejecting my offer, say them now.”
His glare is scathing and condescending, despite the fact that the man had asked you out on a date not even several minutes earlier. “W-Well, you see…” Damn it, might as well drop the bomb now. “I’m already spoken for.”
The prosecutor’s face cycles through a variety of emotions, some recognizable, others foreign. Disappointment, you recognize. Humiliation, you could puzzle out despite never having expected such a look on Mr. Edgeworth. But there was something truly bizarre too, with his pupils shrinking and vacillating violently and lips pressed into a terse line, turned pale from the effort. You don’t have a name for it, but it’s gone as quickly as it came. “Very well. I apologize for taking up your time.”
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were even holding and set down the cumbersome bouquet. “Thank you, Miles. You should know I hold you in high esteem and that I hope this will not affect our working relationship.”
“Rest assured, it won’t.” He strides over to the door, holding it open for you as a gentleman would. “But do know that my door is always open for you, should you ever need me,” he adds almost as an afterthought.
You don’t really know what to say, besides “that’s appreciated.” Your best hope is that he’ll stick to his word and forget this ever happened. Of course, the Demon Prosecutor is not known in court for sticking to his word.
“If I may ask, who is this person lucky enough to capture your attention?” He might’ve been laying it on thick there, but the mention of your partner never fails to induce a smile. You give their name to the prosecutor, hardly thinking of why that information was needed at all.
As you call for an elevator mildly thankful that your salary made it out of that office intact, you can’t shake off the sense of being watched. And the feeling you have just made a grave, grave mistake.
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