write-geek-love · 11 months
Israel’s government passed a law that will concentrate power in the hands of its most extremist, far-right politicians. Israeli protests have been all over the news, but they’re ignoring the main issue: this is about making Israeli apartheid permanent.
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write-geek-love · 1 year
So let’s talk about Flex.
I’ve been getting email from them and my apartment complex. Flex is a new payment options where they take your rent and divide it over two to four payments. But of course flex has it own fee.
So essentially Flex pays your rent with a fee and you pay flex back. Sounds good right.
But I did some digging because they are pushing this so hard.
Come to find out, Flex is horrible. It doesn’t tell you how much the fee is until you sign up. Once you sign up it’s damm near impossible to get out of it.
So let’s say you need to split September rent, but in October you are fine. You still have to go thru flex and pay the fee.
Then I found this article. Not only could the lady not get out of flex, she ended up oweing them about 1k in fees.
That article also states that Flex as a business has 1 out of 5 stars on BBB. Their customer service is damm never nonexistent.
But I think we are missing a bigger issue. Apartments are pushing flex because they know people can not afford the rent. And because people can’t afford the rent there are more evictions and loss of payment. So instead of lowering the rent they push flex. They want it to seem like they are helping when they are not.
Most people get evicted and the apartment never get their money. 7 years later it falls off your credit report.
So to keep people in these buildings and to keep a steady income they offer some shit like flex.
It’s predatory and will most likely leave a tenant in worst standing than before.
Please don’t use it.
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write-geek-love · 3 years
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Mean Girls (2004), dir. Mark Waters
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write-geek-love · 4 years
Reblog if you are or know of an adult fan fiction writer
I’m trying to prove a point
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write-geek-love · 4 years
Here's a little lesson in the Tumblr algorithm, for those who don't know: the only way for a post to be spread to someone's dash, after it's already been made, is through reblogs. Likes do very little for boosting visibility. Besides adding notes so a post has a higher likelihood of appearing at the top of search results for the tags they're featured in, likes are just caches to show/store posts you've liked. They do not significantly increase the likelihood that the post will be seen by more people. The only way to ensure this is to reblog it to your own blog, so your followers will see it.
Also, this isn't Twitter. I know that on Twitter, it's largely expected for most of your profile to consist of mostly your own tweets, and not too many retweets. Tumblr is extremely different, in that the entire site is made up of shared posts. The site is designed for maybe 5% of the content on your dash to be original content at any given moment, while 95% will be reblogs from others, and that's perfectly acceptable and expected, actually.
This is all to say that, I know a lot of you come from Tik Tok or Twitter, where liking content has a direct, positive effect on the content's visibility. I know that your FYP is dictated by what gets more likes/what the people you follow like, and that Twitter shows posts your following likes on the TL. But Tumblr is extremely different. So please, don't hesitate to reblog shit on this website, especially art/writing. If you liked an artist's work, the best thing you can do for them is reblog it because simply liking it will do very little to boost their post's visibility. This doesn't just apply to art either; if there's a PSA, theory, etc., that you enjoyed and want more people to see, the only way for that to happen is to reblog.
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write-geek-love · 4 years
I’m in this picture, and I don’t like it.
girls after saying something smart: So yeah
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write-geek-love · 4 years
y’all things are actually serious here in Texas, tons of people are without power and temperatures are at record lows. it’s supposed to snow again tonight and a lot of people are stuck where they are with limited, if any, resources and food.
I’m linking a few mutual aids below, please consider donating if you’re able and/or share this!! if there are other orgs y’all know feel free to add them!
Houseless Organizing Coalition Feed the People Dallas Mutual Aid Kick The Cold - Austin Mutual Aid Mutual Aid Houston Southern Solidarity
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write-geek-love · 4 years
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write-geek-love · 4 years
Lucasfilm did not fire Gina Carano from The Mandalorian for being Transphobic:
She got fired for being Anti-Semitic.
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Her being Transphobic is not at all okay either but,
Anti-Semitism is not talked about enough.
She basically just compared Holocaust victims to being a Republican. Do you realize how fucked up that is?!
I’m Jewish. I really don’t like when someone compares the genocide of 6 million of my people to being a Republican. When was the last time 6 million Republicans were murdered via gas chambers?
People need to know that this was why she got fired. Don’t you dare just like this post!
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write-geek-love · 4 years
I’m both pro herbal medicine and pro vaccination because you can treat burns with aloe vera juice and sore throats with lavender infused honey but you can’t rid a country of polio with plants. 
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write-geek-love · 4 years
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In May 1939, as the Nazis were tightening their chokehold on Europe, the United States government rejected the SS St. Louis, a German passenger vessel carrying 937 refugees who were trying to dock at the Port of Miami.
Almost all of those refugees were Jews fleeing violence in Germany and Eastern Europe, according to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. The ship was eventually forced to return to Europe, where 254 of its passengers were killed.
On Friday, to commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day, a pair of Jewish scholars — Russel Neiss and Charlie Schwartz — started tweeting the names of the people who were aboard the SS St. Louis, under the handle @Stl_Manifest. Read more
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write-geek-love · 4 years
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write-geek-love · 4 years
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write-geek-love · 4 years
This is why I love Misty
I miss Misty savage so much omg
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write-geek-love · 4 years
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12 Years ago I drew this for @miyatoriaka for her Pokemon Christmas Bash comic and I thought it was time to redo the drawing using my updated skills.
(Please view full res.)
Hope you enjoy again Miya!
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write-geek-love · 4 years
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write-geek-love · 4 years
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i’ma leave this here since some of y’all’s racism is jumping tf out on beyoncé’s internet
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