wretchedspirit · 2 years
I pray that every child feels home and safe. That the world will spare them from any cruelty.
I pray that every child knows that it is a good thing to be alive.
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wretchedspirit · 6 years
I'm on the verge of giving up. My mind is literally killing me. My heart is failing me and I'm losing myself.
I... just want to live. Like everybody else. Like everybody else.
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wretchedspirit · 6 years
Sometimes I wonder if I'm lovable because to be honest, I am having a hard time loving myself.
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wretchedspirit · 6 years
The truth is, I no longer know myself and that what's hurting me the most.
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wretchedspirit · 6 years
I can't be saved. I'm beyond that.
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wretchedspirit · 6 years
If you open my heart and tries to see what's inside, I don't think you'd see something.
It'll be pitch black and void.
I want my heart to find the peace it truly deserves. To find purpose and meaning.
Maybe not now nor later but I want to chase it.
I am always afraid and lost. Help me find my way.
Even my mind feels unsettled. It keeps on thinking about my uncertain future.
I just want to have a happy and peaceful life. Is that too much to ask?
But yeah, as the famous saying goes, "There's no rainbow after the rain."
Endure, endure, endure. This is what hard.
It's hard to endure and juat to go by but I love life and I know there is beauty in it.
My heart and mind may fail, but I know that there is a future that awaits me because He who promise is faithful.
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wretchedspirit · 6 years
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One day I’m gonna switch career paths and open up a landscaping business.🌴 #traveldiary
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wretchedspirit · 6 years
I think this place is where my heart lies. This is where my unsaid words are being uttered, my undecoded thoughts are being laid and restrained emotions are being delivered.
Where I just could be me. Just ME. With flaws and all. This is where I could just say whatever my heart feels--insecurities, doubts, fears and darkest moments.
I just wish I could share the pain with someone. Someone who could give me an advice or two or would just listen.
You know, I'm afraid of most things. Basically the unknown. Good thing I know who holds my future and I trust Him.
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wretchedspirit · 6 years
Calling the crowd to join his disciples, he said, “Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You’re not in the driver’s seat; I am. Don’t run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I’ll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to saving yourself, your true self. What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you? What could you ever trade your soul for?- Mark 8:36 MSG
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wretchedspirit · 6 years
I'm barely living. I'm scared and insecure.
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wretchedspirit · 6 years
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Colossians 3:2 (NIV) Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
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wretchedspirit · 6 years
Dear self,
You'll breakthrough. It's okay if you're not as good as everyone or as smart as them or as skillful as your friends and batchmates. Everything can be learned and all you need to do is be patient with yourself. Don't be too harsh. God got your back 😊
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wretchedspirit · 6 years
Darating yung time na when I look back masasabi ko na lang, "Pambihira! Akalain mo yun kinaya mo? So proud of you!!!!" Then I'll give myself a pat. Hihi.
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wretchedspirit · 6 years
Can you fly me? Somewhere I can be free?
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wretchedspirit · 6 years
Love endured the ancient cross.
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wretchedspirit · 7 years
The thought of death is frightening So does emptiness.
The thought of fear is overwhelming, Love isn't haunting me yet.
Why, of all people, why despair runs after me? Surely I am weak and fragile.
Help, when will you come? Suffering, when will you bid your good bye?
The sun is shining brightly, Yet I am a little stormy.
My heart wanders, my mind scatters.
How I wish this would end soon, A suicide, a little idea of it is quite.. sickening.
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wretchedspirit · 7 years
When it is no longer fulfilling, quit. Then find your happiness.
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