wrd2v · 2 months
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wrd2v · 2 months
Actual photo of me entering koda’s page and seeing he hasn’t uploaded any new videos.
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wrd2v · 3 months
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‼️ REALLY LONG - Eve Moral. Deep dive? About the 3 brothers. Find them all really interesting… Edgar in actions, Eve in character and Kai in… story? Honestly can’t get enough of the Kai and Eve dynamic. Really the 3 brothers in general but them mostly. Their story is a lot more sad when you think about it.
First of all Kai. The youngest, and also the most screwed over one. He gives you this relaxed vibe, laid back but his last part gives you a kind of depressive vibe. He goes back and forth from putting on this “fun and cool” face to this “I need help” face. I mean think about it really. His older brother, who has sociopathic behavior, practically mentally tortures their mother into running away (when she clearly already had her own problems). Then years later his twin brother runs away. Leaving him alone with Edgar. Edgar then starts to blackmail Kai, in this fucked up relationship where it’s, “clean up my mess and I’ll pay you. If you don’t I can get you arrested for literally hundreds of murders from the DNA of YOURS that I have.” Kai almost makes it seem like he’s there, doing it willingly at first., which he’s clearly not, then outright says he’s not. Almost blowing it off at first by saying “oh well he’s providing for me.” Before deciding to just tell the listener. But then you realize how much more damage Edgar is causing by lying to Eve. Saying, “Look at him… the disgusting things he does. His life, his actions, his money. It’s greedy, it’s rotten.” (Not an actual quote). Almost like he’s playing into the visions Eve has by telling him that Kai does it for money. Because it’s profitable, which is Eve’s whole theory and big idea with Hypnos… about this power imbalance between society and people with power. Eve knows Edgar is a liar, but he believes him because Edgar has played into Eve’s beliefs. That might have been the cause for Eve running away. They would have been in their teens then since we know in the videos Kai is 19. Or he could have been told that after running away. We know they had little contact due to Eve sending checks in the mail. There’s no clear timeline. But lying and misunderstanding isn’t the (main) problem. The fact that Eve never knew what was really going on. He was so caught up with his own life, and problems with Hypnos. He’ll never know how much Kai actually cared about him. Kai talks about it, about Eve, and that the money is proof Eve is well- doing good for himself and that he’s glad Eve escaped. He’s glad that there’s a chance Eve cares even a little about his family after everything, and glad that he’s “happy and healthy.”
And then we have Eve. Him and his cult can be an entirely different post. But for now, he doesn’t know. He doesn’t know that Kai still gives a shit, he thinks the roles are swapped. He thinks Kai is murdering people, streaming red rooms for money. And Edgar is just a sociopath who drove their mother insane. He has no reason to like his family really… but he tried. In an effort to get out of his own problems he used Kai.
Having no context on what the possible standoff or event was like is heartbreaking. Maybe Kai saw Eve and was happy, hopeful, excited even.., before immediately being betrayed without an explanation. Maybe he was caught off guard and never got to see Eve one last time. Whatever happened, we now know Kai never got his chance to explain because of Eve’s explanation as to why he did it. And after Eve leaves the country, he won’t ever know unless somebody makes an effort to get to him about it. Somebody as in the only two people who know which are Edgar and Kai’s listener. Both know Eve exists but know nothing about his whereabouts. If Edgar wanted to, he could try to make an effort but he doesn’t seem like the type to care. He hasn’t really lost a lot, he could easily put another person in that relationship. And Kai’s listener doesn’t have enough material to go off of, if they tried it wouldn’t be long before they got themselves stuck in some situation with somebody who has connections to this whole problem. Likely ending with them dead too.
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wrd2v · 3 months
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