wounded wisdom
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woundedwisdom-blog · 6 years ago
Band Interviews:  Zakk Giordano
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Zakk Giordano is the frontman and lyricist of IOH, a boy band based in Tampa, Florida. Being a musician is a particularly challenging occupation with nearly perpetual struggles. Not only do they put their content out into the world to be judged- but it comes down to a matter of their genre, the scene, live performance (can you put on a good show?), and so much more. As a friend of Zakk’s, I’ve supported him at local shows- and found myself inspired by the high energy he and his band give to the audience with such passion. I’ve come to love each of their personalities- yet I’ve always wondered what goes into their craft, and how it translates to their lives. That being said, I wanted to tap into Zakk’s mind and gain a deeper understanding of him as not just an artist, but his vulnerability as an individual.
What’s your story?
How did you become a musician? What inspired you?
I was inspired to do music at a VERY young age. I’ve always been so into Elvis & Michael Jackson and just how important they were to music in their times and I have always wanted to put on a show like them, so becoming a singer always felt like something I HAD to do with my life.
What’s it like to be involved in the local music scene?
It’s amazing and rewarding, we get to know every band that we play with really and we know all of our supporters are on a first name basis. Being local really allows us to get to know all of the people who are at our core base right now.
What are some of the highs and lows that come with it (being a local band)?
The highs are that when we look into the crowd; it’s all friends, we genuinely try to talk to everyone we can at shows and we feel that that is so important. We are genuinely trying to create an all inclusive family around this band that can grow and learn together as the band goes through time. It definitely has it lows too, being so small we don’t get the opportunity to work on our craft as much as we would like and we definitely don’t have a lot of the funds to go tour and meet people outside of Florida very often. We still have jobs, we still have to balance work life, school, family and the same everyday issues that everyone else does. Side note to this, I think that that’s what makes the packed shows so worth it, seeing all the hard work and practice pay off makes the hard times worth it.
How has music and songwriting impacted your mental health?
Songwriting is kind of a double edged sword in a way. It’s a therapy session for me to get the pictures and emotions in my head out and set them to the music that Dan, Logan, David and Spencer create. I am the sole lyricist in IOH so everything that I write is me getting out some sort of thought, the downside to songwriting is that some of my best songs lyrically have stemmed from the darkest times of my life. I’m not very vocal to those close about what goes on in my head, I’ve always kind of turned to songwriting to say when I’m hurt, or when I’m happy, or when I’m madly in love. I guess that’s beautiful in a way. Lyrics give me confidence to use my voice.
What’s a philosophy that you live by?
Work hard and do things the right way. I’ve seen so many people in my life cheat their way to the top. I’ve always thought it’s crazy that people can do shady things and still sleep at night. I want to always be able to look back and say I’ve truly worked for everything that I’ve earned and accomplished.
What does mental health mean to you?
Mental health is so important. No one is alone in this life and no one should ever feel like what they’re feeling is wrong. I’m so excited for the future of mental health care. Our generation has made more strides in the past two to three years than any generation ever before. The awareness is there, people now understand that this is a real issue and it’s up to us to translate this awareness to action. A lot of my songs have expressed that as well. I feel like if people see me on stage and know that I’m fighting similar battles as them, they’ll be encouraged to get out there and fight every single day.
As the frontman of IOH, what message are you trying to spread to your audience?
So much goes into being the type of frontman that I am, I want the energy, I want the audience to see me moving and feel included in the stage show. I want them to leave the venue feeling like they just had the greatest night of their lives. I want them connect with us and no that even though there may be a stage in between us, I and the rest of the band, are one of them, and they are one of us. If nothing else, I want them to to at least cry with me during December.
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woundedwisdom-blog · 6 years ago
interview masterlist
zakk giordano
david caban
aster and ivy
mitch fountain
ryan cox
irno kola
a wolf in the city
joshua jeurgensmeyer
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woundedwisdom-blog · 7 years ago
Our Mission:
Our goal with Wounded Wisdom is to create a community. A community of beautifully different individuals who can come together to create a feeling of solidarity by sharing their stories, and finding comfort in a safe space.
No matter how greatly we differ, we are all still connected- and we want to create that connection through our struggles and triumphs, our weaknesses and strengths.
A bond that leaves others inspired and feeling empowered. We hope that through spreading our message about mental health, it transcends to everyone and it resonates with at least one soul.
Wounded Wisdom is not meant to reiterate the tired, stigmatized selling of mental health in attempts to remain “relatable.”
It’s to welcome everyone with open arms, to acknowledge ongoing and accomplished journeys.
It’s to remind everyone that it takes takes time to truly embark on such a venture…
But why not start being a little less alone, and feeling a little more at home?
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