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wotlk · 6 years ago
the mantle of warchief is passed down to the first person who earns enough chowdown champion tokens in the brewfest sausage eating contest
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wotlk · 6 years ago
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Bea’tles portrait with stipple brush
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wotlk · 7 years ago
hot take! teldrassil burned because it was missing the blessing of nozdormu.
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wotlk · 7 years ago
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Earth Mother forgive us…. What have we done.
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wotlk · 7 years ago
a dude joined our guild today and when asked who he was he just said this
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and also he apparently paid a traffic ticket with 137 origami pigs
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wotlk · 7 years ago
warchief: fucks up
horde players: <other horde leader> for warchief! #notmywarchief!
maybe. the whole warchief system is bad and people in complete power will become corrupt and act impulsively to maintain power and monarchy will always end badly
(and the second anduin screws up, it’ll be the same story on alliance)
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wotlk · 7 years ago
it’s all artistic choices, and hard ones at that.
high elves in lore are written to have all different eye colors (alleria has grey and lor’themar had brown, and the other models have more colors), but the belf skeleton in game models have blue so that the player can differentiate high from blood, and blue is common due to arcane magic.
in this cinematic, the high elves were given grey eyes to contrast the blue lich eyes of the scourge.
the night elf is a strange choice. i think she didn’t have marking to differentiate her from sylvanas and her markings, not because she was a child or a high elf. blue is a stark contrast to red, which serves to further push apart those two characters. also, nelf eyes on the models are covered by glow. they could be blue underneath that, and they needed to draw the iris and pupil for emotion.
it’s all artistic choice to differentiate the characters basically. none of these choices would’ve been easy, but, they make the starkest contrast between each faction.
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As much as I enjoyed the art I wonder where Blizz said “the high elves don’t need to have any glow to their eyes and the night elf gets to have a blue high-elf glow, high-elf upwards pointing ears and no markings”. Like this doesn’t…look like a night elf or Delaryn Summermoon at the key moment there is supposed to be…a night elf watching hundreds of her people die.
Unless they intended this person dressed like, with hair like, and voice like Delaryn Summermoon to NOT be Delaryn Summermoon, and actually just a mirror high elf to Sylvanas. Which is also pretty bad, for a night elf-significant moment.
Like. I don’t really understand how this development team constantly keeps the primary visual aspects of their key significant elf races in total inconsistent flux but at the same time I do because it’s Blizz.
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wotlk · 7 years ago
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Yesterday my guildmates helped me to finally complete Glory of the Legion Raider, and now my druid boy got his nightmate moose ♥ (I believe this Grove Defiler is a nightmare version of his Grove Warden, which is sad but at least Sorin isn’t alone in his madness)
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wotlk · 7 years ago
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Cute Orc monk girl I wanna make
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wotlk · 7 years ago
eth callout masterpost
tumblr: @sunreaving 
bnet:  Kizzaren#1137
discord: Æthelhund#4011
server: Wyrmrest Accord, Horde (Mbakuu, Mcbottom, Nasanaar, Aldoiren, Aratheren, Halien, and Ishatar.)
my callout
eiyr’s callout
halduron-brightwang‘s callout
the fucking god damn toe pic incident 
NOTES: This is just a centralized unit containing all the evidence that has been brought up against kizz/eth/sunreaving, and the information needed to block him. if you have a post of your own you’d like to add, or have any questions. feel free to contact me @lorthemar-theron (warcraft sideblog) or @lorth (my main blog)
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wotlk · 7 years ago
This has to stop.
This has to stop.
Seeing @lorthemar-theron’s post about the abuse he’s suffered… I decided that it was time for me to put my own out in the open. It’s from the same exact person, after all.
I’d been friends with Sunreaving and Dave for a long time, and I’ve been in Dave’s server for quite a long time as well. I’ve witnessed a lot of what Dave has said and can personally say that yes, all of it did happen and almost exactly like he explained. Obviously my friendship with Sunreaving didn’t last either.
Under the cut I’m going to reveal my experiences. I’ve got as many screenshots as I could scrounge up but… from the bottom of my heart, trust I wouldn’t make such a post if it wasn’t serious.
Sunreaving took advantage of my empathy, and he took advantage of the fact that I was a fairly neutral party. He is abusive. He is toxic. He is manipulative.
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wotlk · 7 years ago
alright. i’ve been too scared to make this fucking post for 5 god damn months now, but given that i’m having people come forth to me saying they’ve been hurt by eth’s actions as well. i’ve had enough of this bullshit. @sunreaving, fuck you ive had it
i was emotionally manipulated, abused, and harassed by eth/kizz/sunreaving both ingame and out of game. he has been spreading lies about me, and attempting to turn people against me with them. he has also started to do the same to others.
his tumblr is @sunreaving. discord handle is Æthelhund (i don’t have the number code). he plays mainly on wyrmmrest accord hordeside, under the names Mbakuu (tauren druid), Ishtar (belf priest), Nasanaar (nightborne mage), Aratheren (belf monk), and a few other characters i can not recall at the time.
i will update this post as needed. (last update: 7/23/18) @spineofdeathwing if you don’t mind boosting this i’d appreciate it. anyways story under the cut
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wotlk · 7 years ago
me: woah, i have a really great idea for a character in WoW! i can’t wait to make them in-game 
world of warcraft’s outdated, bland and uninspiring character creation options: 
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wotlk · 7 years ago
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Never forget that the Cherry Blossom set for the Metal Gear card game was literally just the ladies and Raiden.
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wotlk · 7 years ago
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wotlk · 7 years ago
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wotlk · 7 years ago
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The Horde on WrA got together to go burn Teldrassil, what a wonderful bonding experience
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