j.flem enthusiast
3 posts
first time writer so please don’t bully me she/her ❤️
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
wosoxwriterrr · 10 months ago
hiii, please send in some requests of what you’d like me to write 🤍
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wosoxwriterrr · 10 months ago
Stina Blackstenius x Swedish Arsenal reader
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request- could u do smth with stina blackstenius where reader is very flirty with stina, making flirty comments and being touchy with her but stina is absolutely clueless and doesnt catch on at all. then reader has enough and just kisses stina ☺️
a/n- i’m aware my fics are pretty short atm but bare with me :) requests are open!!
518 words ———
You always found a way to be close to Stina, you really liked her so you wanted to be around her. You always laughed at her jokes a bit too loud making those around you give you some glares but you didn’t care.
Walking into colney you spot Stina getting out of her car, you run over to her turining into a koala as you wrap your limbs around her. “Hej på dig med y/n” (Hello to you too) She giggles at your current position. “Jag saknade dig” (I missed you) you whispered into her ear, still clinging to her.
Before training, laura caught you making heart eyes at Stina and came over to talk to you. “what’s going on between you two?” she said quietly so no one else could hear. “i wish i knew Laura, i’ve tried so many times to tell her without actually telling her but she’s just so oblivious” Laura places a comforting hand on your back “maybe just use your words” she gets no response, just a knowing sigh.
During training, you being a defender and Stina being a striker, both of you were working together on some drills. As you start defending the ball away from her, Stina accidentally clips your heal sending you straight to the grass holding your ankle. “OMG y/n I am so sorry” she says as she rushes to your side. “Stina It’s okay don’t worry about it, I am fine kärlek” (love). You get back on your feet and walk back into the building with the medics.
Sitting in your cubby with ice on your ankle, the team start to filter in. Stina makes a beeline to you. “How’s the ankle?” said with a sympathetic tone. “Just a little niggle, nothing big luckily” said with a sheepish smile. “I was so scared, wouldn’t want to hurt my best friend” the minute the words ‘best friend’ came out of her mouth, your heart sunk. “Are you okay y/n” Stina asks with concern. You stay quiet for a moment. “Ka jag kyssa dig?” (Can I kiss you?) Stina looks at you for a moment then lightly nods her head. Soon your lips were connecting with Stina’s and your heart felt like it was about to explode. You had waited for this moment for years! You pull away “Förlåt att jag inte borde ha gjort att du inte ens gillar mig” (Sorry I shouldn’t have done that you don’t even like me) “I never said I didn’t like you y/n, I just didn’t know you liked me” as she looks at the wall behind you. “I thought I was making it really obvious, I think you’re just oblivious Stina” you say with a little chuckle. “Y/n is right, you’re oblivious” Frida chimes in after over hearing the conversation.
Everyone starts to leave the changing room, leaving you and Stina. “Well em I will call you later maybe only if you want” you say kind of nervously. “Jag skulle älska det” (I would love that) as she quickly pulls you in for a quick peck leaving you both blushing messes.
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wosoxwriterrr · 10 months ago
awfc x teen reader
request: Travelling on the team bus to Manchester, R starts to feel really ill and the team take care of her.
a/n- i’m aware my fics are pretty short atm but bare with me :) requests are open!!
485 words———
Travel sickness was your worst nightmare, comes at the most inconvenient times ever! Today travelling up to Manchester you knew it would be bad. “You okay kid?” Kim asks as you sit on the coach next to Kyra, eyes closed and headphones on. “Not feeling too good” you’re able to whisper back before a wave of nausea hit you. Before you are able to warn anyone, your lunch was splattered all over the table as tears start streaming down your face, a mixture of embarrassment and sickness. The bus stopped at the next service stop and you were escorted off the bus by a comforting Stina. “Oh sweetheart it’s okay don’t cry” she says while you’re sobbing into your puke covered arsenal hoodie. The bus was cleaned up while you and Stina were in the petrol station bathroom getting cleaned up. The bus was then stocked up with a few emesis bags just incase. After you get all cleaned up you walk back onto the bus quietly, embarrassment taking over you. The embarrassment was quickly wiped from you as all the girls assured you that it’s okay and it happens to the best of us. The bus got back on the road, now sat with Kim, Leah, and Steph as they all wanted to make sure you were looked after. After a good 2 hours of playing uno and looking at photos of Calvin, you started feeling sick again but luckily were able to warn people. “Gonna puke” Kim hurriedly grabbed an emesis bag from her backpack parked at her feet and shoved it into your hands just in time for you to lose the contents of your stomach. Nobody said a word hoping to make the situation a lot less embarrassing for you which you were thankful for. The bag was disposed of and the game of uno was resumed. As the team bus arrived in Manchester ahead of kick off you started to feel that uneasy feeling in your stomach and you knew that you were about to puke. Not wanting to puke in the aisle of the seats you quickly rushed off the bus and swiftly lurched forward in order to empty your stomach. Gasps and shrieks were heard coming from the massive crowd of fans waiting on the teams arrivals which made you want to curl up in a hole and die. Leah was at your side so fast trying to escort you swiftly into the changing room so you can get away from the fans. “Oh kid i don’t think you should be playing today, you’re not going to have any energy on the field” Kim says with a sympathetic look on her face. “Yeah, don’t feel good” you said in a whispered tone not being able to muster up the energy to speak. It’s safe to say you didn’t play against city and slept the whole bus journey home.
(pretend you are katie) 🤍
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kyracooneyx- liked by leahwilliamsonn and 57,970 others
stinablackstenius- got the kid to sleep
^ kyracooneyx- better pay me for babysitting
user1- did anyone see y/n when she got off the bus? gross 🤮
kimlittle1990- poor kid
leahwilliamsonn- never knew someone could be so sick and still beat everyone at uno 🙄
^ yourusername- you’re just jealous 😒
user2- nice photo 😍😍😍😍😍😍
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