Everything is Shippable
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worstpossibledokis · 8 years ago
Alternately titled: Chaosify Is Not A Word.
Remember those few eps where the subs used Chaosify when people were ranking up? I loved that. Umm, yeah even Kaito and Thomas summoning is shippy now and there’s a familiar shark dragon thing making its first appearance.
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worstpossibledokis · 8 years ago
Because summoning the souls of long dead kings into the bodies of absurdly powerful teenage reincarnations is always a good plan Thomas.
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worstpossibledokis · 8 years ago
Your writing is amazing omg c:
Thank you that’s very kind I’m glad you’re enjoying it
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worstpossibledokis · 8 years ago
So I wanted to do a bit more of this stuff and asked for a ship and because they’re newer to Zexal @yuuripean got to request and picked aztecs. It’s fluffy. It’s so fluffy. (We’re watching it with them and we’re on the first ep of the Mizael v III and V haha it’s gonna hurt). But yeah, more random word ficlets for the aztecs. (Throws in random trashy animes jokes too bc I can) (tumblr is being weird and keeps cutting these if you can’t see them all let me know)
Prompts: Crusher, Amplitude, Mystical, Allowable, Prophet and Apparent
“Flirting? Is that what that is? I thought they were arguing.”
“He’s a circrusher,” Michael says with a shrug.
“Sakura?” Yuma repeats, tilting his head. “No, his name is Shingetsu.”
“His name is Vector,” he replies, shaking his head. “And not sakura. Circrusher.” Yuma frowns and Michael pokes his forehead lightly. “Circle crusher.”
“Circle crusher?”
“Someone who joins an established group, changes the dynamics in such a way that the group breaks up or argues constantly.”
Yuma frowns and Michael smiles. “That.. does sorta sound like Shingetsu back when he first arrived. How do you know these things?”
“I’m older than you,” Michael says. Yuma frowns and tugs lightly at Michael’s tie, as if silently pointing out if matches Yuma’s own. Michael laughs, turning his attention back to the clouds above them. “Besides, Thomas is kinda the same. In my experience, they’re usually lonely kids who want attention and aren’t all that comfortable sharing it. Usually never really had much positive attention from the people close to them before.”
“Not you though?”
“Like Tron used to like to point out, I’m kind hearted. I do my best to appease those I love, to a point.” He smiles and tilts his head, gazing at Yuma again. “Besides, Thomas and Vector had so many daddy issues. I’m sure that’s something to do with it.”
Yuma laughs and Michael tilting his head to watch the clouds again. It’s peaceful out here, lying on the banks on the canal and watching the sky with Yuma. Like everything else was just a distant dream.
“It’s great you can be so casual about Thomas and your dad now, Michael.”
“Mmm, isn’t it?”
“They’re flirting again,” Michael sighs.
“Flirting? Is that what that is?” Yuma frowns and tilts his head. “I thought they were arguing.”
“They’re smiling. It’s flirting.”
Yuma frowns, folding his arm on the desk and putting his head down to watch. Michael smiles absently. He’s used to this sort of thing. Both his brothers do it. Actually saying how they feel isn’t really an option. For some reason. They’ve been hurt too many times, he thinks. It’s easier to hide behind prickly fights and passion arguments.
“See,” Michael says quietly, flicking over a page. He draws a downward curves. “They get on eachs nerves.” The curve swung upwards. “But they care about each other and will protect each other. But if you average it out, this is how much they actually care.” He draws a straight line through the curves. “Make sense?”
“Kinda? It’d be easier to understand if they flirted like normal people though.”
Michael understand there are things they don’t understand.
“Magic,” Thomas says. “There’s nothing wrong with admitting there’s something magical and beyond rationale out there.”
He’s not sure it is magic. But it’s certainly something they don’t understand. The Barians and the Astrals. Chaos and Order.
“Highly advanced science,” Chris says. “Just because we don’t understand it all doesn’t make is magic. “
But Michael isn’t sure that’s right either. Is everything really there to be understood? What’s wrong with having something that you don’t understand completely.
“You’re family’s got a really weird relationships with magic and science,” Yuma says. Michael agrees. “I mean, the Barians are aliens, right? But they also have like magic. What’s wrong with both?”
“Like you,” Michael says, shaking his head. Yuma looks confused. “You’re entirely illogical and unexplainable. Like magic. But real.”
There are days when Thomas is terrifying.
He’s an incredible big brother. Michael would have no one else. Thomas had been there holding his hand when Chris hadn’t. Thomas had held him close when he cried. Thomas had stood in front of him when the bullies turned their attention to him.
And now he glares down at Yuma, the picture of an overprotective big brother, protecting Michael’s honour against some terrible predator.
Rather than sweet guileless Yuma.
“As if I’d ever allow you to be with Michael,” he huffs.
Michael narrows his eyes. They’re not dating and how dare Thomas thing he gets to decide who he dates? He’s about to tell Thomas such but Yuma steps in, standing front of Michael and glaring up at Thomas.
“Duel me,” he says determinedly. Michael frowns. Duelling isn’t really the answer to everything. “If you think I’m not good enough for him… then duel me! I’ll show you my determination.”
This is ridiculous. There’s no way Thomas and Yuma are duelling over him. No.
Thomas grins.
Michael sighs, rubbing his temples.
This entire thing is ridiculous. Chris says as much. Several times. But Yuma seems amused by the idea. Him and Thomas as too much alike sometimes.
Thomas is sitting on the bed in front of them, his fortune telling deck (Michael has stopped pointing out that fortune telling is ridiculous) spread in front of them. Yuma looks amazed and Michael just rolls his eyes. It’s cold reading. Thomas is a master of it. He knows exactly who to tell what.
Still, Yuma is riveted and Thomas is getting along with him. That matters more than anything.
“This is so cool,” Yuma says, staring down at the cards as Thomas moves them. “Michael, your brother’s so cool.”
Michael’s starting to wonder just who’s friend Yuma is. Yuma throws his arms around him and Michael frowns. What now?
“Hey, you think we’re always going to be together, Thomas? Me and Michael?”
“I think there are good things in your future,” Thomas laughs, winking at them. “If you play your cards right, huh Michael?”
There’s nothing Michael hates more than those moments when they’re alone together. Yuma’s head is lying in his lap and he’s smiling peacefully, snoring softly. Michael twists his hair lightly around his fingers.
“You’re oblivious, you know,” Michael sighs, closing his eyes. “You have no idea how special you are.”
Yuma stirs slightly and moves in Michael’s lap, letting him tangle his fingers deeper into Yuma’s thick hair. No matter how Michael hinted, no matter how unsubtle Thomas was, Yuma never realised, never considered for a moment, how precious he really was.
“You’re so strange,” he says. “How can you understand people so well all the time but then… you can’t understand so well enough to realise how we all love you.” Michael smiles bitterly. “You wouldn’t be you otherwise though, would you?”
“Michael?” Yuma whispers.
“Hey,” he murmurs.
“You’re talking to yourself.”
“No, silly. I’m talking to you. You’re passing classes somehow despite being asleep the entire time. I figured if I talk to you while you’re asleep, some of it might sink in.”
“Huh… Why, is there something I need to know?”
Michael laughs as Yuma stares up at him and shakes his head. “No, Yuma. You’ll know when you know. You’ll know when it’s the right time.”
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worstpossibledokis · 8 years ago
Ok so apparently the tumblr was weird and cut up to like 90% of the previous 3 of these. I’ve fixed them now though, so anyone who read them and thought they were short there’s at least 5 mini ficlets under each read more and I’ve fixed that. But also I had to do one of these for IV as well because he’s my precious child.
Prompts: Hollowness, Goat (as if we needed proof how random this is), Visitor, Defection, Octopus, Mightiest and Emperor
“Dragons and science. Should have known.”
Thomas can count off every trophy he’s won. Every victory, every opponent, every title, every time V and Tron told him it was necessary. Every time III handed his deck and whispered good luck.
“Age 16. Asian Champion IV.”
Trophies and rosettes and medals. Small victories to push through to the big ones. Victory after victory, never allowed to falter for even a second. A loss was a failure. A loss was unacceptable. IV was never allowed to lose. He was never allowed to even consider losing. Losing even a single duel was not an option back then.
“Age 15. East Asia Champion IV.”
Photos and posters and promotions. IV standing next to all sorts of big names. Mr Heartland standing a little too close for comfort. That ESPer Robin kid smiling awkwardly. V sulking in the background, looking every bit the perfect gentleman manager.
“Age 14. Under 15 Asian Champion IV.”
Participation medals, rare cards given out for tournament entry, signed playmats and duel disks. Pictures of him and the other duellists. Smiles and laughter. Thomas’ fingers brushed them slowly.
“Age 13. Regional Champion IV.”
There’s a soft sigh and Thomas turns a little. Tron is sitting on the bed watching him. Tron? Byron. Supposedly Byron Arclight now. They’re looking into how to regenerate him, so he looks like their father once more. He’s still Tron right now.
“I don’t remember that one,” Tron says.
Thomas’ fingers brush the next crystal glass trophy one along. “It’s my favourite.”
“It looks cheap.”
“Age 12. Lady Carol Care Institution Champion. Tom Arclight.”
Tron makes and noise and Thomas glances back to see his nose scrunched up and mouth pulled down at the corners. “You’re not a Tom.”
Since Yuma’s WDC Champion (and somehow that does count as a recognised world championship putting his world ranking somewhere just below Thomas’ own) he now gets invited to tournaments. Michael so generously offered Akari Thomas to chaperone him in foreign countries.
Suddenly Thomas wished Kaito had more interest in competitive duelling. Or that Ryoga’s reputation was still intact. But what was done was done and Thomas is escorting Yuma to a world tournament.
Yuma’s a typical tourist. Wants to see, do and eat everything. So Thomas, mostly to shut him up, has treated him to at least eighty percent of the room service menu.
“Let me try yours,” Yuma says.
“Not unless you can ask in English,” Thomas replies.
How desperate is he to try Thomas’ pizza? Yuma huffs, puffing out his cheeks and watching Thomas with the stringy, melted extra cheesy pizza as if he’s not eaten his own weight in fast food that day. They were in an English speaking country, Thomas was going to make Yuma speak his language for once.
“At least try,” he says. He switches to English, leaning forward so Yuma can see only two slices left in the box. And he’s at least kind enough to speak slowly and clearly, purposefully using all the words Yuma needs so he can hear them. “You can have some of my pizza if you ask properly and say please, Yuma.”
Yuma hesitates for a moment before nodding. He licks his lips and swallows thickly before trying. It’s awkward and hesitant, but it’s obvious Michael has been working with him. “Can I have some pizza please, Thomas?”
He tilts the box and Yuma grins, taking a slice and moaning blissfully as he eats. There’s something that might be a thanks through the mouthful of pizza. Thomas sighs, shaking his head and drinking slowly.
“I thought it was goats that ate everything not horses.”
“Hey, it’s IV.”Haruto says. “What are you doing with Princess Cologne, IV?”
He turns and Kaito is there at the bottom of the staircase with Haruto and Orbital. He shrugs and returns to work silently. Haruto hurries up the stairs, Kaito warning him to be careful, and sits on the step below Thomas.
“Thomas, Haruto, and I’m fixing her,” Thomas replies. “I thought it was sad she couldn’t have guests in her house anymore. I want to see her working like when I first came here.”
“Cologne is a highly advanced piece of robotic engineering with a state of the art AI,” Kaito says. “Park visitors can’t just fix her. You’d have to be-”
“You?” Thomas says. “Or Chris? Or our dads?”
“Well, yes.”
“And not as dumb as me?”
“Well, I-” Kaito scowls as Thomas smiles. “As a matter of fact-”
“Don’t be mean, Kaito,” Haruto scolds.
Thomas smiles and pats Haruto’s hair before turning his attention back to Princess Cologne. Kaito is glaring, no doubt waiting to point out something wrong or Thomas to ask for help. No such luck.
Thomas switches Cologne on and Haruto beams as she opens her eyes and greets them. He glances at Kaito, who’s staring up at them, mouth opening and closing uselessly. As if Thomas has spent that long in that family and not learnt complex sciences and engineering.
“How did you…?” Thomas rattles off a list of problems and how he’d fixed them, watching Haruto and Cologne together. He glances down at Kaito at last, finding he’d come up the stairs to join him, still staring. And slightly flushed. Kaito frowns as he pauses. “Go on.”
Thomas laughs. “So that’s what does it for you, huh? Dragons and science. Should have known.”
Ryoga sighs, giving Thomas that annoyingly condescending, pitying look that makes Thomas sick. “Are you really that lonely?”
Thomas’ fists clench, his cheeks burn, his chest aches. Yes! Yes, he’s that damn lonely he only has his little brother! Yes, he looks forward to spending time with him! And yes, it hurts that Michael will drop everything and go running off after Yuma and Ryoga and their friends with only two words to Thomas about maybe some other time!
He turns and storms away down the hall to his room, ignoring Michael calling after him. What does he care what Michael’s doing? What does he care if his only friends (are they really even that?) are years younger than him? Who needs friends anyway?!
It’s late when the door to his room opens again. Thomas is sulking on the bed, covers pulled up over his head and buried in the pillows and he doesn’t care if it’s immature. Michael sit’s on the bed behind him. No one else is that small and would visit, so of course it’s Michael. He’s not forgiving him. He’s not that much of a sap.
A book is dumped on his side and the weight gets up. Thomas scowls and peaks out from under the covers. It’s his work book from school. He frowns and sits up slowly, gazing down at the book with his school crest on. What…
Oh. It’s not his work book. He stares down at the name before slowly lifting his head and gazing up at not-Michael.
“You’re more interesting than them,” Rei mutters. “He’s already on a couple of hundred points on a new count.” Thomas isn’t sure he understands the joke but Rei grins. “But that’ll make Yuma cry and that’s so damn pathetic I can’t stand it. So, do my homework for me instead. I’ll replace your brother.”
“You can’t replace Michael.”
“I’m here, he’s out with the other Barians and Yuma. It’s up to you.”
Thomas scowls and wrinkles his nose before getting up with Vector’s book. “Fine.”
Ryoga is completely distracted by the aquatic life in the clear tanks. Thomas gazes up above them as a shark looms over the top of the glass tunnel and Durbe seems just as drawn to it.
“Look at those teeth,” Iris says, leaning in Rio’s arms and pointing up at it. “Is that a Great White?”
Of course, this is where Ryoga takes over. Iris falls into his arm and he points up at the shark with Iris. “Sand Tiger. Mostly docile. Eats fish. Generally harmless.”
“Like Nasch.”
“And down there’s a Cat Shark,” Ryoga says, taking her to the side of the tunnel and pointing down into the reefs.
“It doesn’t look like your card.”
“Are Cat Shark babies still called pups?” Thomas says.
“Yes. But they lay eggs. You know, the mermaid purses, Iris?”
“Oh yes, on the beach back on the island.”
They wander off as Ryoga explains all the fish to Iris as they go. The three sigh, watching quietly as the King and his greatest admirer fawn over the sea life. Even Thomas has to admit, he might be beaten to the title of Ryoga’s number one fan by little Iris.
“Oh, hey,” Thomas says, batting Rio’s arm and dragging Durbe around. They press against the glass and Thomas points to the rocks. “It looks like Ryoga.”
“It does,” Rio giggles.
“It’s uncanny,” Durbe agrees.
“What is?” Iris calls. “Something majestic and fierce like Nasch.”
They laugh and point at the creature in a familiar violet and blue, legs curled slightly as it glares back. Iris huffs, clinging to Ryoga, telling them how it’s proof of Nasch’s greatness that even sea life wants to look like him and Ryoga distracts himself and her with a ray passing over. The three just laugh, deciding to name the grumpy looking octopus Nasch as they wandered after Ryoga and Iris.
A purple octopus plushie mysteriously appears on Ryoga’s pillow that night.
Or so Thomas is told.
Thomas once saw Chris as a hero. He was perfect. He could hold their (Thomas’) dog lead when he pulled. He could reach the kitchen counters without standing on a box. He count understand their father’s work. He didn’t have to go to the orphanage when their father went missing. But he’d promised he would find their father and bring him home. He’d promised they would be a proper family again.
Of course, Thomas had believed him wholeheartedly. Chris was perfect. Chris was his big brother. He’d never lie. He’d never break a promise.
Now Thomas knows better.
Chris says, “I promise.”
Thomas laughs in his face.
Chris has promised enough times. At least V had the decency not to promise him anything.
Thomas walks away and leaves Chris staring. All Chris’ broken promises. All his lies. That Tron’s plan was for the best, that following him would bring their father Byron back, that he wouldn’t let them get hurt again. That there was no way they’d ever lose. There was no way Chris would ever lose to Kaito.
“I don’t need anymore lies and broken promises, Chris.”
“No more lies,” Chris says, shaking his head. “No more broken promises. Things will be different this time.”
He’s heard that before. Chris sighs and sits on the balcony with him. Things will be different? He’s heard that over and over and it’s always lies. He closes his eyes, trying not to think about Chris sitting across from him. It was easier when they were V and IV. V didn’t promise anything and IV didn’t expect anything.
They had it all. They had the world. Now they’re sat here, unable to trust and unable to be honest. The bond between them will never be the same. Chris will never be Thomas’ hero again.
How the mighty had fallen.
They’re in the old museum again.
The moonlight poured in through the stain glass windows and Thomas gazes up at the statues around them. They don’t talk. They barely look at each other. When they’re with others, it’s easy. They laugh and joke and chat like there’s nothing wrong.
But they meet here anyway. Like they should talk. Like they should say something. They should acknowledge what’s happened. They never do. They’re silent and cold. They say nothing and ignore the world outside them. They never talked about what has happened between them.
They’ve been meeting here like this for a few months.
Someone has to say something.
Thomas scowls and turns his head, glaring are Ryoga. “You’re a stubborn bastard. We can’t just sit here in silence and pretend nothing happened.”
“I know. But let’s do it for a bit longer anyway.”
He sighs and closes his eyes. Idiot. Thomas doesn’t want to lie here and say nothing. He doesn’t want to waste time. If he wanted to ignore the issue and resolve nothing, he could do that every day, biting his cheek to keep smiling and laughing. He stands slowly and brushes himself off.
“Where are you going?” Ryoga says, sitting up.
“I don’t see any point sitting here and ignoring the issue,” Thomas replies, walking away.
“And if facing it ruins everything? What if talking about it makes it worse?” Thomas glances back and Ryoga scowls, looking away. “At least you’re here right now.”
“I won’t be for much longer,” he mutters, shaking his head. “I don’t even know what this is. Are we friends? Are enemies? Nothing?I don’t want to sit here in some kind of relationship limbo, Ryoga.”
Ryoga laughs and Thomas frowns. Now what? He smiles, eyes softening and brings his knees up to his chest, leaning on them as he watches Thomas. “Do you remember, Thomas? Return from Limbo?”
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worstpossibledokis · 8 years ago
Haha, Memories update. It’s an adorable self indulgent IVKai piece. Because one thing I love about Ruins IVKai is just the casual contact that no one makes a big deal out of and is just there.
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worstpossibledokis · 8 years ago
So apparently something with my formatting got totally messed up last night and those 3 random word fics were only doing thie first 1 or 2 ficlets when there’s at least 5 in each. That issue is now fixed.
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worstpossibledokis · 8 years ago
A Long Way
I’m not going to promise that now I’ve done one of these random word things for each of the main trio I’m going to stop, because I’ve accidentally got super into doing these, they’re lots of fun. But I’m not really intending to do more. So yeah, Yuma random word interactions.
Prompts: Drifting, Distant, Caregiver, Gaunt and Absolution
“It’s a long way to the moon. Like, a really long way.”
It was fun at first. Having everyone together. Yuma knew Astral was where he belonged, with his ‘family’ and Yuma was with his friends and family too. Everything seemed normal and fun and calm. It had been a novelty.
But then things began to settle and Yuma noticed the lack of excitement. After all the chaos it’s oddly quiet to just return to school, even with everyone. Everything is quiet.
Shark is on the roof again. Alit is a few rows in front of Yuma, squirming and bouncing and Anna pushing at him, hissing at him to shut up and stop moving, it was distracting. A few seats over, Michael smiles, chin resting on his palm watching them.
There’s quiet noise outside and the class glances back to see the Student Council President and Durbe escorting a very grumpy looking Shark back towards class, both lecturing him from the looks of things. It’s been noticed Durbe is something of a master at Shark wrangling.
Yuma supposes it’s easy for Durbe. As long as he has someone like Shark around, he’s never going to have a moment of peace, is he? Yuma imagines it’s the same for Michael, seemingly the only person who can really get Thomas to fall into line.
Yuma finds himself wanting the world to be in danger again. He wants to go running into danger. Making new friends. Facing new dangers.
School is just not exciting.
“It’s a long way to the moon.” Kaito nods. “Like, a really long way.”
“Yes, Yuma. It’s a really, really long way,” Kaito says.
Yuma nods. Haruto is lying against him, wrapped in a blanket as they sit on the balcony, watching the world below them. The lights of Heartland City that they’d save together. He pats Haruto’s sleeping head and Kaito almost smiles.
“I wouldn’t have been able to visit you.”
Kaito actually laughs. “I wouldn’t have noticed, don’t worry.”
Yuma frowns and tilts his head, considering for a moment. Kaito’s right, he supposes. He died up there, it’s unlikely Kaito would have noticed. Even so, Yuma thinks he’d want to visit anyway. Isn’t that the point of gravemarkers? So you can hold on and remember and make sure the people who’ve gone aren’t lonely?
“You’re not lonely anymore, are you?”
“I was never lonely,” Kaito replies.
“You went to the moon on your own,” Yuma argues. “Rather than trust us-”
“I trusted you,” he says, shaking his head. “That’s why I went alone. You had your own fate to face. I trusted you to do it, no matter what became of me.”
“Adults are so weird,” he sighs. “You went all that way just so you and Mizael could argue about dragons? Would have been safer to do it here on earth, you know? You might not have died. If people had stopped arguing over these fate things we wouldn’t have needed the Numeron Code anyway.”
He frowns at glares up at the moon as Kaito leans back against the rails. People really did go such a long way for such ridiculous fates.
Yuma is trapped. It’s a living hell. Nothing he’s been in through the war has ever compared to this. He slips out, crossing the floor as silently as he can and reaching for his uniform only for a floorboard to creak under his feet.
“Yuma!” Akari’s voice shakes the house. “Get back in bed!”
“But, sis-”
“In bed now!”
Yuma groans and collapses back into bed. He’s not that sick. He’s just slightly dizzy. A really cold. And he had fallen over when he tried to get dressed earlier, but he’s not that ill. Going to school is so much more interesting than lying here in bed all day. Astral’s not even around to talk. He never thought he’d miss Astral’s observations and filling the silence.
How did Haruto do this ill thing for so long?
“I’m sorry to be so strict about this Yuma,” Akari says later, sitting on the bed and handing him a bowl of soup. “But you’ll be worse if you go to school and get worked up. And you’ll infect your friends. I don’t think I you want that Kamishiro boy or his sister blaming you for them getting sick, do you?”
Yuma pales a bit at the thought. Akari’s right. A sick Shark or Shark Sis would be worse than anything that happens here at home. Maybe taking the day off isn’t so bad.
Shingetsu isn’t looking so good.
He says he just needs a break for five minutes and Yuma doesn’t mind. Shingestu is leaning against his back, hair tickling against the nape of his neck, as Yuma works on his own homework. Poor Shingetsu has been working so hard since coming back. The others don’t really notice, but Yuma does.
Shingetsu, who Shark and Rio explicitly banned from ever returning to Heartland Academy, had been accepted into a private academy. Shark cynically says that he’s only there because Thomas goes to that school (Yuma didn’t know Thomas went to school, he always seemed to be going to tournaments around the world) and probably pulled some strings but he’s trying hard. Yuma sees it. He’s trying to turn his life around.
Yuma knew Shingetsu was a good person really.
“Hey, Shingetsu, do you want me to grab some drinks or something?”
Shingetsu doesn’t reply. Yuma frowns, elbowing him lightly but Shingetsu still doesn’t move. Doesn’t reply. He tilts his head slowly. Shingetsu’ eyes are closed. Yuma huffs and nudges him again.
“That’s a hundred... for that outfit, Nasch…” Shingetsu mumbles. Yuma scowls. What? “... two hundred for… cape…” He’s snoring between mutterings. Yuma thinks Nasch’s cape was kinda cool. Why’s Shingetsu thinking about it though? “...bedazzle those shoes yourself…”
“Ok, Shingetsu,” Yuma sighs. “You can keep criticising Shark’s outfits. Get some rest.”
He folds Shingetsu’s school cardigan and lowers Shingetsu gently so he could use it as a pillow. He looks like he could use the rest. There are bags under his eyes and he’s looking pale. His freckles are starting to stand out. A wry smile comes to his lips gazing down at the cardigan.
“Barian’s cardigan,” he laughs to himself, getting up to switch off the TV. “And now I’m a guardian of a Barian.”
“...terrible taste in friends, Nasch…” Shingetsu snores softly. “...terrible jokes… fifty points…”
“So… are we going to talk?” Yuma says. Shark just keeps glaring at the water. “I guess not.”
Yuma sighs, skimming a pebble across the ocean. His eyes narrow a little as Shark just sits and glares. This is getting them nowhere. Things have been awkward recently. He knows why really. The whole Barian and Astral thing. Things settled down and now they really don’t know what to say to each other.
So Yuma babbles and fills the silence and Shark glares at nothing and pretends he’s not hurting.
It’s so awkward and Yuma doesn’t know how to make it better right now. He understands Shark. He understands why they had to fight, even if he didn’t like it, and he understands why Shark is suffering, he thinks.
Understanding and knowing how to put it right are entirely separate things though.
Shark won’t give him any clues. He’ll just brood. He’s very unhelpful sometimes. So Yuma clenches his fists, shakes himself off, sets his jaw and starts.
“I get why you did it and I’m not mad.” Shark finally stops glaring at the water and looks up at him. “You’re my best friend, Shark, even if you seem to have found an old best friend but I’m not going to hold that against you either.”
“Are you jealous of Durbe?”
“That’s not the point here, Shark,” he says quickly, shaking his head.
“It’s no different to you and Astral always having your own little world,” Shark says.
“This is not about whether or not I’m jealous of Durbe,” Yuma cries. “And I’m not!” He sighs and lowers his gaze for a moment before leaning his head on Shark’s shoulder. “Without Astral… I kinda need my best friend right now, you know? And with you feeling guilty all the time…”
“I don’t know how to make up for all the pain I caused,” he sighs.
“Well, if you need to do something, how about you cheer me up? You can make up for upsetting me like that.” He laughs and stands, pulling Shark up by the hands. “Oh, oh!” He bounces on his toes. “Duel me! Duel me, and if I win then you have to forgive yourself.”
“It’s not that easy,” Shark says, shaking his head.
“And- and just to make sure you’re not going to lose on purpose if you win… If you win I’ll admit to being jealous of Durbe.”
“I think you just did.”
“I didn’t!” But Shark’s smiling. Yuma laughs and pacing back so they can have space to duel. “And I’m not.” Shark laughs at last and Yuma tilts his head. “You’re so mean to me sometimes,Shark.”
“Only when you deserve it.”
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worstpossibledokis · 8 years ago
I really enjoyed doing the random word ficlets for Ryoga so figured I’d do a bunch for Kaito. This time I got 7 random words from the generator, the middle one really ended up ridiculous and yeah I couldn’t take that one seriously. Just a small collection of random word inspired Kaito interations.
Prompts: Guilt, Brother, Fix, Erotica (omg why), Encryption, Devout and Biter
“You’re embarrassed by your embarrassing older brother who needs to stop hanging around with that embarrassing sap of a duellist and equally embarrassing sap of a Barian King.”
“I don’t need your help, Kaito. I can do it myself.”
Haruto is duelling Yuma.
(Haruto is beating Yuma.)
Kaito folds his hands in his lap and tries not to interfere. Haruto has to grow up. He can’t baby him forever. He has to let Haruto to things for himself. It’s easier said than done. If nothing else, Kaito wants to tell Haruto about his misplays. He wants to warn him about Yuma’s traps.
He wants to warn Yuma not to rush in when he can plainly see Haruto has a face down but if Astral couldn’t get that through his head, no will ever will.
But if Kaito can’t watch over Haruto, can’t teach him and help him and baby him, what can he do? What’s his purpose in life if not to be Haruto’s doting big brother? He’d never really wanted to be a hero. He didn’t want to be a duellist really. Not a pro duellist anyway. Haruto is all he’s ever really thought about.
With Yuma thoroughly beaten, and somehow looking excited by it, Haruto folds his arms on Kaito’s knees and gazes up at him. Kaito smiles. He proud of him. He’s an incredible duellist already. He pats Haruto’s head lightly.
“You next,” Haruto says. “Duel me?”
“Haruto, I can’t duel you-”
“If I can beat you, or even just hold my own, then I can prove that I’m strong enough to protect myself and you won’t have to worry anymore, right?” Haruto argues, glaring up at him tearfully. Kaito frowns and Haruto stands, fists clenched at his sides determinedly. “I can do it, Kaito.  Because of me, because I couldn’t protect myself, you work so hard, made yourself sick. So sick that you- up there- I won’t be a burden anymore, I promise!”
Kaito pulls Haruto into his arms, holding him close and wrapping him up tight. Haruto thinks it was because of him? He’s been holding this inside him? His poor sweet Haruto. Didn’t he understand? It’s an older sibling’s duty to look after their younger sibling.
The downpour comes out of nowhere. Of course, it’s the one day Kaito is without Orbital.
They’ve been here before though. Just like last time, Chris grabs Kaito’s wrist, flashing a smile and pulling him into a breathless sprint. Kaito’s shirt is going transparent and Chris’ trousers are clinging to him. Chris pulls him down a side road and Kaito follows without question.
After a moment shaking themselves off, at least a little, Chris leads Kaito inside. The doorman glances at them - and their dripping clothes - suspiciously and Chris makes Kaito sign a guestbook before doing the same and leading him up the stairs of few levels.
They end up in an apartment. It’s a bit messy and covered in what look like broken children's toys. Mostly with some robotic elements. Does Chris have a secret workshop here?
A clean white shirt and black trousers are thrown in his face and Kaito blinks. Chris is already changing out of his shirt, throwing it in the laundry basket and pulling on a blue t-shirt.
“Are you eating properly?” Chris says as Kaito changes into the clothes handed to him. “You’re looking thin.”
Kaito frowns and glances back at him, shirt still in hand. He thinks he is. Haruto makes him and Faker have dinner together. Yuma insists he meets with Ryoga at least once a week and they go out for lunch. Kaito finds himself looking anywhere but Chris, glaring down at the shirt to realise it had Thomas’ name sewn into the collar. It’s Thomas’ shirt. Chris is putting him in Thomas’ clothes?
And then it hits him. They’d undressed in front of each other and thought absolutely nothing of it. All Chris found to say about his body was that he looked underfed?  He sighs and pulls on the shirt, buttoning it up slowly.
The giddy young days of teenage romance are well and truly over for them, aren’t they?
“You and Haruto should come over to the house,” Chris says. “I’ll drag Thomas from his here and Michael away from Yuma. We should all have dinner together.” Kaito frowns and Chris smiles. “Didn’t I tell you back then? I always saw you and Haruto as my younger brothers too.”
“Have you ever told Thomas this? That might be one of the reasons why he hates me so much.”
Chris frowns thoughtfully. “Huh. That does sound like the sort of thing he’d have a tantrum over, doesn’t it?”
Orbital has always served him loyally. Ever since Kaito had first created him to help look after Haruto. Orbital has always been, for all intents and purposes, his best (his only) companion (friend).
For all his life, Orbital has protected him and Haruto. He’s gone above and beyond to save them and protect them. Even putting his own life on the line for them. Orbital would have been dead and alone on the moon with him if it hadn’t been for Yuma.
It’s the least Kaito can do to make sure Orbital runs properly, to make sure he’s in the best condition he can be. Orbital has been complaining about his arms not working properly, so Kaito gets inside his body work to have a look. He doesn’t know what Orbital’s been up to but it’s a mess in there. He’s sure it didn’t look this bad when he patched him up after the moon incident.
Kaito let’s out a puff of breath and sits back. This is going to take a few days at this rate.
He fumbles for his tools and a soldering iron is held out to him. He tilts his head and finds Thomas standing here. He frowns but takes it slowly with a muttered thanks. Thomas sits in the chair next to his workbench. Kaito considers asking him to leave so he can work in peace, but Thomas doesn’t say anything so Kaito carries on.
“Do you… know what a transistor is?”
Thomas picked a transistor from Kaito’s tool box and hands it to him. “You think I could live with Chris and Tron if I don’t know stuff like that?”
Kaito supposes that makes sense. Having an extra pair of hands while Orbital’s are out of commission isn’t a bad thing. It’s only when he’s without Orbital he remembers how much he needs him. And if Thomas is here to help him look after his loyal friend, he supposes he can’t complain.
(He could but he’s not going to since Thomas isn’t for once.)
When the words ‘this is the most humiliating thing I’ve ever done’ slip out of Ryoga’s mouth, he has Kaito’s undivided attention. Far be it from Kaito to take pleasure in the arrogant asshole doing anything humiliating, but he’s curious. Just what is Ryoga up to?
Rio hands him his headphones. He’s sure Ryoga thinks he looks cool but Kaito thinks they’re ridiculous. Kaito tilts his head as Rio presses play. Vector is grinning, Alit has an odd knowing smile, even Durbe’s lips are curved in a small smile while Mizael looks disgusted and Gilag is pointedly focusing on that idol on his show. Obviously the Barians are up to something.
Yuma looks lost. They’re up to something above Yuma’s head then.
Ryoga folds his legs on the couch, hands gripping the cushions. Kaito tilts his head, watching curiously. The others are watching with various levels of discretion as Ryoga glares at the floor.  Yuma and his friends seem as lost as Kaito, although Michael looks a little put off. Something to do with Thomas then.
It’s subtle. Ryoga’s eyes are narrowing, knuckles going white and face slowly growing redder. Until finally, he snaps.
“I can’t!” he cries, throwing off the headphones. “I can’t take it anymore! I can’t do it! That’s torture.”
The others are laughing, mostly, and Ryoga stomps off. He’s grumbling about hating them all and why does Rio even have that? Yuma reaches for the headphones but Durbe snatches them away with a firm no.
After a moment, Kaito takes the headphones. Rio laughs, warning him against it and Mizael mutters about it being one of the strangest things about the modern world. But Kaito puts on the headphones and nods at Rio, who presses play. Kaito frowns at the voice in his ears.
“Is that Thomas?” he says. The Barians and Michael nod. It’s an audio book. He frowns slightly. “Is this that book everyone was talking about? Thirty...” They nod. “That controversial one with all the-” Another nod. “Wow.” He frowns, listening for a moment longer to Thomas’ narration. He could understand why Yuma isn’t allowed and why Ryoga had stomped off. Hundreds of years old and he was still an awkward teenager. He shakes his head and lowers the headphones. “That’s really badly written.”
“Isn’t it,” Rio agrees.
“The sexiest thing about it is his voice,” Vector says and they all nod and laugh as Yuma looks wholly confused.
If there’s any proof Astral is a genius on par with Kaito himself, it’s the secrets left in the Emperor's Key. Yuma is letting him investigate the Key further. Now Astral has returned to the Astral World, it’s important they figure out what else the Key can do.
They’re in the pocket dimension within the Emperor’s Key. The airship remains. Yuma floats after him across the key’s body, to the inner sanctum where Astral once investigated the Numbers. The mechanics are still there, even if the Numbers are no longer there.
“It’s weird,” Yuma whispers, floating around behind Kaito. “Being here without Astral… Don’t you think?”
Kaito frowns, glancing at him over his shoulder. Yuma is playing with the gears around them. It is. It’s very weird. Astral had been a part of their lives for such a relatively short amount of time, but he changed them all so much.
“When you came in here,” Yuma says. “You would have beaten him. You would have taken his Numbers. Astral would have disappeared.”
“I’m… glad I didn’t,” Kaito says.
The Key’s mechanics make no sense. Kaito runs his fingers over them, trying to figure out some sort of pattern. Some sort of words. Anything. It doesn’t make sense. He might have been able to best Astral in a duel but Astral is certainly getting payback now.
“I miss him,” Yuma says.
Kaito nods. “He’s make sense of this Key. Here, you were a part of him every now and again, you have a look. And if you tell me it says something about hope, wishes, friendship or kattobing I will leave you locked in this key to be some poor unfortunate soul’s duel adviser a hundred years from now.”
“Do you really think I’m good enough to help someone else duel now?”
Mizael and Thomas would appear to be friends.
Kaito found it quite a surprise when he first sees them. Thomas and Mizael walking together, dressed up nicely as they head towards the gates of the Kamishiro mansion. They seemed to be talking rather animatedly. Neither looked grumpy or haughty for once. Kaito doesn’t think he’s seen either of them looking so a peace before.
He doesn’t think much of it. It’s odd, he didn’t think they’d be each other’s type, but there’s nothing offensive about it. He doesn’t think about it much at all until one day when Mizael is lying with his head in Kaito’s lap, both pointedly ignoring each other and the position, that he notices a cross around Mizael’s neck.
Kaito frowns and reaches for the cross, taking it absently in his hands, turning it over slowly in his fingers. Thomas’ name is engraved in script. He knows why. He knows the name engraved on Thomas’ cross isn’t his but a woman’s. Chris never said if it’s their mother’s but Kaito assumes it is. He can’t imagine Thomas got it from his father.
“Thomas been teaching you about religion these days?” Kaito says.
Mizael nods a little, touching the cross. “He is surprisingly principled for a man of his… outward attitude. It’s… something I understand. The world these days, there is so little belief. So little… magic, I suppose it would be called still. Having Thomas show me there are still people who believe in something more is rather therapeutic.”
“That certainly makes sense,” he says. “Do you believe what he believes?”
“I’m not sure,” Mizael replies. “I find the principals of his faith make sense. And there is something reassuring about having a community who believes as you do, and believing there is someone otherworldly watching over you. However, having died and experience what I did as a Barian and with Don Thousand, I’m not sure I can believe that. Many of things I once believed in became lies. Why wouldn’t anything else I put my faith in?”
“I’m here,” Kaito says quietly. “I’m not a lie.”
Mizael wrinkles his nose and sits up. “That’s enough of that. You’ll embarrass Haruto.”
“I’m fine,” Haruto calls from where he’s watching TV.
“No you’re not,” Mizael says, getting up and stalking off. “You’re embarrassed by your embarrassing older brother who needs to stop hanging around with that embarrassing sap of a duellist and equally embarrassing sap of a Barian King.”
“If you don’t let go, I’m going to bite you,” Ryoga snarls.
“Do try,” Kaito replies, gripping Ryoga’s wrists tighter. “I’ll put my hand inside your chest again.”
Both are empty threats. Durbe is sitting nearby, duelling quietly on a tabletop with Haruto. If there was any kind of actual threat, Durbe would have stepped in. Kaito learnt his lesson not to get into fights with Durbe very quickly. But Durbe sit quietly with Haruto, ignoring their squabbles.
They’re in Heartland Park’s abandoned cardshop. It was for Mr Heartland’s duellists. Kaito hadn’t realised it was still being stocked until the Arclights came sauntering out with lots of new rare cards and Faker said he’d given them permission to raid the place. Ryoga and Kaito headed down the next morning with Haruto and Durbe.
Unfortunately, the cards they play are in the same pack for the first time in their lives. Not just general support, but Shark and Galaxy monsters in the same packs. And there’s a new Rank-Up Magic they’re both after.
There’s a sharp pain in Kaito’s hand and he jerks back.
Not such an empty threat then.
“You actually bit me?! What are you, five?”
“I wonder why your mind instantly goes to V when it comes to biting?” Ryoga laughs, gnashing his teeth. “Something you want to admit to, Kaito?”
Ryoga lunges for the last pack on the counter only to pause. It’s gone. The pack is gone. He frowns and Kaito scowls. Plastic rustles and they turn. Durbe and Haruto have the pack, spreading out their treasure on the table top.
“Look, Kaito, Shark,” Haruto laughs. “Look at how many rare cards I got. Durbe must be my lucky charm. Is this the Rank-Up you guys were looking for?”
“I think it is, Haruto,” Durbe says with a smile that reminds them a just little too much of Vector. “Make sure they give you everything you want for it, won’t you? You have to see who deserves it more.”
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worstpossibledokis · 8 years ago
A collection of short prompts from random words I did last night because I got slightly distracted from my normal stuff. All loosely connected, all Ryoga centric after the tend interactions. And tbh nearly all of them can be read as slightly shippy but yeah.
Prompts: Parasitic, Blackmail, Blabbermouth, Herd, Divinity and Sentinel
“Shoal. A social group of fish is a shoal.”
No one else seems to get it. Not even Yuma. He says he does. They’re not really sure.
Ryoga hates IV.
Thomas hates Nasch.
And that’s the basis of this friendship. IV’s first true friend and Ryoga’s… something. He’s not sure right now. He’s not sure he’s ever been sure.
They lie in the middle of the room in silence. It’s some old museum thing. A white castle in the middle of a lake. Stain glass windows, broken statues and sort of churchy, from what Ryoga knows about churches at least. Apparently Tron - he’s never not going to be Tron in Ryoga’s eyes, and any hypocrisy on the matter be damned - owns the place. Apparently they’d once duelled Kaito and Yuma here. Apparently they’d drained Haruto’s power here. Ryoga wonders where he was for all this sometimes but doesn’t voice it. Back then, the less time spent in IV’s company, the better.
Even now. The less time spent with sneering, jabbing, cruel IV, the better.
Just like he knows the less time Thomas sees Nasch, the better.
Lying next to IV in silence, everything is forgotten. His friends - and he Don Thousand help him, he loves them even so - remind him of who he was, what he’d done. Yuma, Kaito, Rio, even Vector for goodness sake. He still sees Nasch reflected in their eyes. But not next to IV.
In IV’s eyes he sees Ryoga. Kamishiro Ryoga.
Just like in Ryoga’s own eyes, IV sees Thomas.
They hate their alter egos. They see the pain the other caused them. The fire in IV’s eyes, the Barian World in Ryoga’s. They can live with themselves, they can be in peace together, because together, they don’t have to hate themselves. There’s someone else to do it for them.
Don’t punch him. Don’t punch him. Dont punch him.
It’s a mantra. Over and over and over.
Don’t punch him.
Oh, but it’s hard. It’s so hard.
When he smirks like that. When his hands go to his hips. When he looks at him with those sharp, clear, all too knowing eyes.
Do not punch him.
Ryoga refuses to even think his name right now. He’s disowned him. They’re not friends. They’re not even enemies. He’s just an asshole taking way too much pleasure in getting his hands on another soul.
(Or is it the same soul twice? Ryoga isn’t really sure about where he stands with souls right now and thinking about it will probably give him a headache anyway. So he doesn’t.)
The asshole who doesn’t deserve a name takes out the pendant and Ryoga’s soul shakes. He’d better not have been messing with it. Ryoga’s eyes narrowed furiously and his smirk somehow gets wider. Ryoga wonders if he has any expressions between pissed, smug and yelling for Haruto.
Right now it’s definitely far too smug and the urge to punch his is rising again.
(And the urge to do something far worse that he’s never going to admit to. At all. Ever.)
Ryoga shudders, something uncomfortable churning inside him as his name - his other name - rolls off his tongue. Why he’s saying it like that is beyond Ryoga. He’s not getting anything from Ryoga, even if he does have-
Why the hell had Yuma left a piece of their souls in those dumb gems when he used the Numeron Code?!
“I wonder, Nasch,” he says, slipping Nasch’s soul around his own neck. Bastard. “What will you do to retrieve you sou? Yuma’s not here to do if for you this time.”
“You guys will never guess what I saw last night!”
Ryoga stiffens, turning to glare at Yuma. It should be a clear message. Shut the hell up. Vector was sitting right there! Right next to him. There’s no way Yuma can’t have noticed him.
And, perhaps even worse that Vector, Rio is there too.
“Yuma,” Ryoga says, his voice low and threatening. “Think very carefully before continuing with that sentence.”
Of course, now they all know it’s about him. And they know it’s something he doesn’t want them to know. So, of course, Vector and Rio are staring up at him expectantly. He’s put himself in a position to get harassed and pestered and who knows what else by two of the greatest foes he could ever hope to face (no, it’s not weird to think of his sister like that, he knows she owns his ass) but it’s better than letting Yuma blab.
“But, Shark-”
“Yuma. You saw nothing.”
“No but, you- I- last night-”
Yuma pouts and Ryoga is almost impressed by how close to a glare that is. He must be rubbing off on him. He’s learning. Good. It’s about time he stopped being such a naive excitable idiot. It’s nice to know the rubbing off isn’t entirely one way.
“What did you see, Yuma?” Vector purrs.
“Rio was on a date with IV!”
“We weren’t making out, he started it and I wasn’t enjoying it at all, it was just he had my-” Wait. Rio and IV? That isn’t what he thought Yuma was going to say at all. “She what?!”
“It wasn’t a date!” Rio snapped. “We were just talking and you can’t just say things like that, Yuma. Ryoga’s right there. You’ll give him a heart attack.” She pauses and turns. “Who weren’t you making out with, Ryoga?”
The Kamishiro mansion is full of life again. He wonders if Ryoga - the real Ryoga - and his family would be glad their beloved family home and Rio and Ryoga have gain a new loving family.
They do drive Ryoga to despair sometimes. Like that time Durbe, for some odd reason, seemed to take personal offense to their suit of armour. Or when he caught Vector glaring down a portrait of their family, muttering about his mother. They are family though.
“You’re all going to be late!” Rio bellows through the house. Is that directed at him? “Ryoga!” Definitely directed at him. “You have five seconds before there are peppers in your lunch!”
“I’m up!” Ryoga yells back.
Alit and Mizael are preening in front of the bathroom mirror as he brushes his teeth. Mizael hands him a hairband and Ryoga pulls his hair up. Alit hands him a tie. It’s the wrong colour. They swap.
Vector nearly trips him up in the hallway. Ryoga picks up Vector’s navy and red cardigan and throws it at him. How Vector got into a private academy is beyond him but it’s the same school as Thomas. Maybe that’s it.
Gilag hands a slice of toast and his bag as he hurries down the stairs. He smiles and nods gratefully, taking a bite as Durbe slides a book over. Durbe goes over his homework for him. Ryoga hands at least a day after the due date (he’s had his reputation damaged enough by all these sudden friends) but he does read it Durbe’s notes.
Ryoga grabs his lunch from Rio as they head to the door. Ryoga frowns. They’re waiting for him? Even Vector is hanging around as they head out the gates. Despite his school being half an hour’s walk further.
“You guys could leave without me, you know?”
They laugh and shake their heads and Ryoga frowns, left trudging at the back with Vector, who elbows him in the ribs.
“Don’t you get it? You’re like an alpha wolf or something, and they’re your pack.” Ryoga doesn’t point out Vector is here with him too. “Or your school of fish, as it were.”
“Shoal,” Ryoga says. “A social group of fish is a shoal. Schooling is when fish move together in the same direction.”
Ryoga had started wondering just what a god really is. It came from that time he noticed something Thomas has been doing for a while.
He fumbles with a cross around his neck. Near constantly around Rio. It digs into his palm around Kaito. It’s tucked away around Yuma to avoid questions and tied on a belt loop when he’s in the lab.
So Ryoga, being as it was Thomas he was dealing with, grabbed Thomas by they collar and tugged at the pendant, asking him what it was and demanding he stopped playing with it because it was distracting as all hell.
(That last part is more to save him the embarrassment of admitting he’s curious about Thomas’ habits.)
It’s a surprise someone like Thomas, after all he’s done, believes in a god - maybe it’s because of all he’s done. It got Ryoga thinking though.
Thomas explained his god is a creator and father. He forgives their sins if they repent and punishes them if they don’t (sounds like Kaito). Ryoga finds himself rather fascinated to hear Thomas talk about his faith. Even if Tron and Chris sigh about him believing in something so irrational.
Michael explains gods through history when he hears Ryoga is curious. The other Barians explain what they remember of their culture’s gods. Ryoga vaguely remembers his own. Another race that doesn’t pay much attention to humans (sounds Astral or Barian). Or divine beings that watch over the humans and can be grouchy when wronged. They have their own dramas and interactions.
Ryoga considers Abyss. The deity who’d been bound to Vector. Who’d followed him and served him.
And then, naturally, his mind wanders to Don Thousand. The Barian god. What does that even mean? Their creator. He defied death with Barian Lords. Isn’t that just how Astral’s are though? Kaito’s stupid dragon not only created the universe but helped rewrite it. Kaito had lived.
“I think it’s a matter of what you believe in,” Yuma says, swinging his legs in the air. “Everyone believes something has answers. Like Kaito, V and Tron believe in science. Although Kaito kinda believes in dragons too. You believed Don Thousand was a god, so he was. Like I believe in my kattobing. You believe in something too, right? Even now.”
Ryoga just smiles, leaning his head down on folded arms. Idiot.
Ryoga doesn’t sleep well anymore. Even less than he used to. He sits on top the roof of his home, gazing up at the moon - well, the sky in general but the moon always seems to catch his eye and tug at his heart - and wondering if this really is it. It seems too quiet. Too peaceful. Maybe that’s because all he’s known all his life is pain and war.
He doesn’t need to look to know the footsteps behind him are Durbe’s.
Ryoga tilts his head slowly. Durbe looks ghostly in the moonlight. Pale skin, pale hair, pale eyes, even pale pyjamas. (He’s out here in his pyjamas?) He almost glows. The soft breeze ruffles his hair and Durbe smiles a little, pushing his hair from his eyes.
There’s glint of red. Durbe’s lapis still settled around his wrist. Even if it’s just a fragment of their power that still remains within them, Ryoga understand the need to have it with him. There’s a comfort about it.
Durbe sits silently, his back pressed to Ryoga’s. So Ryoga does what feels right, laying his head back, leaning on Durbe’s shoulder and gazing up the sky once more. This world they’d nearly destroyed is so peaceful now. So quiet and still. It’s accepted them back so readily. As if everything is forgiven.
Ryoga has promised he’ll never let that happen again. He won’t let anything threaten this world, that welcomed them home so warmly, ever again.
He tilts his head as Durbe nudges him. Durbe’s offering him an earbud. Ryoga smiles and takes it slowly. Durbe likes classical and traditional music, befitting his slightly bookish human appearance and past as a pure, honourable knight. He always wrinkles his nose at Ryoga’s guitar and the music he plays on it.
So it’s a surprise to find they’re actually listening to modern versions of classical pieces; played on modern instruments and remixed and rearranged.
Ryoga smiles, leaning his head back on Durbe’s shoulder once more, continuing his silent guard with his hand laid over Durbe’s.
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worstpossibledokis · 8 years ago
Back from the past life chappies. Chris is wonderfully badass and graceful and elegant. Thomas is a family orientated loser and Ryoga is going to suffer.
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worstpossibledokis · 8 years ago
The last of the past life chapters featuring ships that were totally an accident and adorable young love. And pain lots of pain.
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worstpossibledokis · 8 years ago
Another past life chapter for you guys. About 1 more past life chappie after this. And this chapter is adorably cute for so much pain. Vector managing to be sort of reasonable (ish) authority figure and mentor is actually adorable.
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worstpossibledokis · 8 years ago
50 chapters guys. Giatn hi5 to everyone who’s been here since the start that’s some commitment you’ve got there. This week we’re past lives and now Thomas is nicknamed lion forever I’m sorry I can’t help it. What’s done is done. Also I’m not sure how I got attached to Don K but it happened and wow I wish I could redeem him and not have him the bad guy. I’ve made some terrible life choices.
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worstpossibledokis · 8 years ago
Nearly 50 chapters go me. So finally talking to the Barian gang about past lives and we’re going to be taking a trip into past lives for the next few chapters.
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worstpossibledokis · 8 years ago
Slowly but surely the fluff gives way to angst. But because it’s Thomas it’s really hard to have a serious conversation and I still get giddy everytime I can get him to say fanservice in this au.
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worstpossibledokis · 8 years ago
So anyone who follows my twitter knows I threatened a painful IVKai chapter for my birthday. It’s my birthday and here it is. Thomas explains the plot and the plot of Madoka Magica and then it’s horribly painful. Have fun.
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