worldsareall · 2 years
Some ghoul-old puns
Scooby-Doo Where Are You? S2e1 “Go Away Ghost Ship”
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worldsareall · 2 years
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What’s New Scooby Doo is the most lesbian Velma ever you can’t change my mind
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worldsareall · 2 years
The original Scooby-Doo showed this too, why else would he be there? What does that say about Shaggy if he’s only there to please his friends who are constantly putting him in danger for no good reason in his opinion? He doesn’t have to hate mysteries to still live up to his cowardly reputation, but each new series played it up and up until Be Cool, Scooby Doo.
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Say what you want about Be Cool, Scooby Doo, it does something good that NO other Scooby-Doo series did: Give Shaggy an interest in mystery solving.
I’m going to be honest, I never understood why Shaggy and Scooby were a part of the gang, what with the two of them being so scared of every adventure they go on. But with a single image, Be Cool, Scooby Doo hints that he’s always had an interest ever since he was a kid. Which is honestly pretty interesting.
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worldsareall · 2 years
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Since people are showing their scooby doo versions, here is my take on Velma and her gf.
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worldsareall · 2 years
This just amuses me
Be Cool! Scooby-Doo s4e3 “American Goth”
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worldsareall · 2 years
Shaggy’s deadpan sass
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worldsareall · 2 years
I like the idea of each individual in the gang being a different form of “that weird mystery kid”. Sure they’d still be best friends even if they never solve another mystery, but this common factor is part of what made them hit it off.
Fred’s parents couldn’t afford to replace items if they went missing, so he got really good at finding stuff at a young age, which led to a lot of make believe play to fill the time when his parents weren’t home, combined with Boy Scout skills he’d spend hours “solving mysteries” in the forest, like finding who’s stealing from Mr Squirrel’s stash of nuts, and trapping the bastard in a cage made of sticks.
Daphne’s secret pleasure was reading mystery novels like Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christy, in between all of the activities her parents signed her up for. They didn’t think it was appropriate for a nice young girl to read such things so she got good at hiding it, and wasn’t very vocal about her interest with the rest of the gang, even if she was jumping up and down in her head when she got involved.
Velma was not actually into mysteries before she met the gang, she was just super into science and history, but as soon as she got pulled in she became obsessed and was more vocal about her interest, overshadowing the others in terms of reputation.
Shaggy once played a detective in a school play and the reputation sort of stuck. The others didn’t register his protests at first, and by the time they did Shaggy realized he was having a good time, especially since it gave him the opportunity to do some improv.
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worldsareall · 2 years
ppl keep hyping up Mistery Incorporated after the whole Velma fiasco, but "What's new Scooby Doo" is my personal favorite and holds a special place in my heart
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Also Simple Plan made the intro, so I'm recomending it to anyone who hasn't watch it yet :3
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worldsareall · 2 years
The moment Shaggy discovered Scooby Snacks
Scooby-Doo Where Are You? “Decoy For a Dognapper” 1969
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worldsareall · 2 years
I've been seeing posts about Scooby Doo popping up, so I thought I'd share this:
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(Source: The Scots Magazine, Feb 2023) Full text below.
This actually happened. I am obsessed!
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The passion! The energy!
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Such signage!
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(Images: Daily Record)
A brilliant effort all round! The children of Scotland saved a pop culture powerhouse the world would be poorer without. I can't believe this. I love this so much.
Text of the article:
Strange tales from the archives. This month – How furious fans of cancelled cartoon rose up in protest.
By CHRIS Ferguson, Jan 12, 2023 (The Scots Magazine)
THROUGHOUT the ages, principled protest has been a hallmark of youth – a rite of passage for many. Today it is Greta Thunberg and her army of teen climate activists, or Extinction Rebellion protesters, who make headlines.
In the 1960s it was the Vietnam War objectors and Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament believers who set out their political agendas.
In later decades young people swelled the ranks of those demanding an end to apartheid in South Africa.
They were at the barricades as then-pm Margaret Thatcher introduced the poll tax and back out again to try to stop the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
Another generation, too, had the courage of its convictions. In 1971, youngsters rose in anger at a threat to remove cowardly canine Scooby-doo from their television screens.
This was in February after the cartoon had been running for two years. Although the decision not to commission another series had been taken in the US, the BBC was the target of fans’ fury because it had to pass on the bad news to young viewers.
Within days of the announcement, an army of parka-wearing children sporting knitted jumpers and questionable hairstyles was formed.
Across Scotland children grouped together with placards, just like so many other worthy protesters before them. In Glasgow, the massed kids marched on the BBC Scotland headquarters and, in Dundee, they gathered in outrage in City Square.
Petitions were raised and demonstrations took place across the country and, by April, the BBC announced a further series had been commissioned in the US.
Legend has it these Scots Scooby fans had persuaded the American television executives to reconsider.
Hanna-barbera, the animation company behind Scooby-doo, never forgot the Scottish reaction.
A spokesman for the company said, “We’d never had a response like that before, it was very exciting.”
Beneath the main text of the article is an illustration of Scooby Doo and the gang accompanied by the pull quote: “An army of parka-wearing children was formed”
The title and byline of the article are also accompanied by a black and white photo of a boy in school uniform sitting with a little black dog in his lap, grinning and holding a sign reading "We've saved Scooby Doo" with an illustration of Scooby. The caption reads: Jimmy Brown fought to save the cartoon."]
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worldsareall · 2 years
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Scooby doo but it’s that one post
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worldsareall · 2 years
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If you want to watch the original Scooby Doo tv shows and some of the movies that aren’t on HBO, Boomerang is a streaming platform for kids cartoons that has almost everything (it’s missing a couple of the new movies).
It is another $5 per month subscription though
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worldsareall · 2 years
Obviously Velma sucks but if we do ever make a more adult Scooby Doo I want a semi realistic period piece from the late 60s where the Scooby Gang are draft dodgers and hippies that just happen to stumble into the crime fighting business because there is just a fresh stream of con artists when you’re drifting town to town in a van.
Freddie and Daphne start it all. Instead of showing up at boot camp when drafted, Fred Jones got the van he bought with his summer job and ran off. Daphne, his girlfriend (who frankly has the least strong feelings about Vietnam but for gods sake are they not taking Freddie there) runs along to be supportive and to get away from her strict, stuffy family.
Velma catches wind of Fred and Daphne’s plan a few days before it happens. They invite her along but she has to consider it. A staunch feminist and the brightest girl in school, she has the most to lose if she leaves. However, she grows embittered by the fact she’s never gonna get into her dream college since it doesn’t admit women, and decides to go along. Besides, if Fred and Daphne leave without her, there won’t be anyone like minded in their hometown for Velma to be friends with.
Shaggy wasn’t originally part of the group, but they find him and Scooby hitchhiking and pick him up. The gang learn he has similar circumstances to Fred for running away from home, being a conscientious objector who ran off when they tried to put him in a non combative position instead. He opposed even this as it still meant he would be part of the war machine. He comes bearing plenty of 8 track tapes and some real good pot, so he’s welcomed along happily.
Along the way they become friends and use their combined skills to solve cases of supposed hauntings. Every single one is shown to be some kind of capitalist fraud.
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worldsareall · 2 years
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I wanted to reblog this but the images from the original are gone
edited to include alt text. ID in the reblogs.
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worldsareall · 2 years
Anyone looking to make a proper Scooby-Doo adaptation please remember:
Fred is the charismatic face of the group and the strategizer. Later adaptations made him a massive himbo who chugs respect for women juice and those have become necessary parts of his character.
Shaggy is cowardly but also incredibly resourceful; let us not forget his skill at ventriloquism. Make Shaggy the skill monkey, who every episode mentions some weird skill he has that's previously unmentioned; that'd be an amazing running gag. Also, bring back the dry humor Casey Kasem injected into the og character.
Scooby is Shaggy's best friend, the other half to his two-man comedy routine. Independently of Shaggy, Scooby is also prone to be a bit mischievous and just kind of a little scamp. Play up both of those things.
Velma is the smart nerdy one, who also had a really dry sense of humor. I don't know why she was turned into the "I'm surrounded by idiots" character because, while as I stated, she always had a dry sense of humor, she was never mean to her friends and never talked down to them, or anyone else. Bring back the chipper Velma from like Witch's Ghost or Zombie Island. Let Velma be a little cutie pie. Also keep her as a lebian
Daphne was... originally really just "The Girly One" but later adaptations have fleshed her out, like making her essentially the muscle of the group, which is just amazing and should continue. She's also been cast as the oddly resourceful one. Shaggy is the skill monkey, Daphne is the one who has a tool for literally any job. Human Swiss Army Knife, which again, would be an amazing running gag.
Have Shaggy and Daphne bounce off-the-wall ideas for a plan together, Fred steps in to ground them, while still using their ideas, and incorporating Velma's theories about the case.
Make references to Flim Flam and Hot Dog Water
A Scooby-Doo adaptation should not be difficult, and must be done with love.
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worldsareall · 2 years
"i want a scooby doo show where daphne has a personality" she's right here
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(A link to the referenced podcast)
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worldsareall · 2 years
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Adult Scooby-Doo series where they're all in their 70s and the mystery now is why is scooby still alive but nobody says it out loud bc they don't wanna jinx it but everybodys suspicious and often worried about this talking dog in his mid 60s
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