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Kharnie| 22 | Writer (I guess) Horror blog: gorehound666 | Art blog: vampyricwitch |
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worldcollector9 · 3 months ago
The universe is a womb: expanding and stretching as the life within it grows, gets bigger, and reaches forth towards that final day when everything bursts in a rush of fluid and screams.
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worldcollector9 · 1 year ago
Fungi and Fae
NB Fae x AFAB Reader
AN: I wrote this last year while I was in the mood for fall. I'm a bit late for Valentine's but here's some fluff (and smut later in part two)!
Word count: 1.6k
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊Part Two (to be updated)𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
"You are looking devilishly beautiful today, m'eudail." 
"I appreciate it." You mutter, eyes scanning your surroundings for brown caps or yellow growths. After years of gathering, you have grown quite adept at it. 
“Won’t you spare me even one glance?”
The autumnal rain serves as a wonderful humectant for mushrooms- they come bursting forth from the ground and wood in vivid browns, yellows and striking black, well, the edible ones at least. A few of the local birds migrate for the season, leaving the woods serenely quiet. In their place, papery field maple seeds dance through the air like a set of wings carrying invisible bodies. Shades of red and orange permeate the woods, and even though you have looked out at the sea of colour countless times, the intensity of their hue and atmosphere always takes your breath away at the beginning of the season. It is your favourite time of the year, and it would always be much more enjoyable if it weren’t for your buzzing companion.
“I attended the most wonderful ball the other day, yet it was sorely lacking in good company. Would that you were there-”
“Your kind would have made me dance to death. Literally.” You quip, hiking your skirt up and stepping over a dead log. Conversation, if you could even call the slinging of words between the two of you, comes as naturally as breathing to you in the presence of Aetyn. Your grandmother had warned you about their kind since you were but a babe, cautioning you against their trickery. You were glad that she had trained you on how to handle them as it came into good use whenever you came out to forage.
Never accept gifts. Don’t stare at them for extended periods of time. If you encounter one, be gracious but maintain a boundary. You leave offerings of cream and pasties out for them, and wear a bell in the ribbon tying your hair.
After years of being around Aetyn, however, you have come to doubt the veracity of several claims. In the beginning they had attempted to ensnare you in all sorts of ways, fairy rings, gifts in the form of decadent chocolates and precious gems, wordplay. It all flowed over you like water. You presume that they gave up after the first two autumns.
Early on, you had accidentally gazed at them. It was hard not to- they have fine features so different from those of humans. It was as if fae were sculpted from marble, perfect and polished. Their smooth skin, hooked and noble nose as well as their androgynous beauty caught your gaze like a fish to bait. Nothing happened to you though, they just stared at you quizzically and asked if they had something on their face. Nonetheless, you still remain slightly guarded around Aetyn.
“Aetyn, would you ever consider chasing after a more naive, vulnerable maiden?” He’s quiet for a few seconds. You can almost hear the little cogs turning in his head.
“...but they don’t have your sharp tongue, or your bewitching-”
With a gasp, you clamber over to a massive queen bolete, brushing leaves and dirt from its cap before plucking it, its stem breaking from the earth with a satisfying crunch. You place it into your basket among a handful of porcinis, morels and chanterelles. Before you can stand and continue, you notice Aetyn laying belly-down on the grass with their head in their hands, long pink hair ostentatiously trailing down their shoulder.
“You have a look in your eyes when you find a good one. You smile so wide-” they have a sparkle in their eyes, you think you see their legs kicking in the air
“You’re so pretty.”
For some reason, the compliment feels oddly genuine, different from the other pet names that he piles onto you. Sensing the heat rising up your neck you look away, fussing with the mushrooms in your basket and wandering off to the clearing ahead. You’ve gotten used to Aetyn’s careless flirtation- they had used it as a tactic to trick you so you never take it to heart. Something about the look in their eyes strikes a chord within you this time, though. A jumble of strange, foreign emotions stir in your chest, so preoccupied are you with your thoughts that you make a near fatal mistake.
“Be careful!” 
Suddenly, an arm wraps around your midriff and tugs you backward. You’re leaned forward, torso tipped precariously over a circle of mushrooms. Gingerly, Aetyn gathers you into their arms, pulling you upright and a few steps away from the fairy ring.
“It wouldn’t do for you to fall into the snare of another fae now would it?” In the circle of their embrace, you are acutely aware of their body against yours even through your shirt and your coat. Your eyes are drawn to their lashes- pink just like their hair, so fair that you had never noticed just how long they were, fanning across their rosy cheeks. Aetyn’s gaze trails down the features of your face and lands on your mouth, hands sliding down your shoulders to your wrists. The feeling of his skin on yours is surprisingly humanlike, soft and comforting, but what ever made you think it would be otherwise? The urge to say something…or to do something-
A light ring and plink snaps you out of your reverie. Tearing your eyes away from them, you twist around to see your ribbon and bell on the ground. Aetyn steps away from you, the usual ease and gracefulness gone from their lithe body. They bend over, picking the delicate ribbon up. Your fringe has come loose, the two neat braids threaded to the back of your head by your grandmother undone.
“May I?” Aetyn pushes back the hair that obscures your vision. You nod, taking a seat on a cushion of brown leaves.
Their fingers carting through your hair are tender, deft as they expertly do up the braids and secure them once more. It feels…good. The warmth of their fingers, which you have watched pointing and gesturing many a time, seeps into your scalp. For once, the two of you are silent and you realise that you are wholly unaccustomed to the quiet whenever Aetyn is around. You’ve just grown used to their chatter like the tweeting of a little bird hovering over your shoulder. 
“It is done.” 
You are unable to see it, so you run a hand over the back of your head and feel the braids just as they were when you left home. They really are surprisingly good at it. Your tongue slips loose, from the intimacy in that moment or the fluttering in your chest, you do not know.
“Thank y-” You slap a hand over your mouth, unable to stop the panic from bubbling and frothing over. You look at Aetyn warily but regret it in the exact same moment, because you can see your distrust reflected in their eyes. The wide grin plastered onto their face falls and they look away from you. Whatever little shreds of trust that they’d hoped to have built up with you had blown away in the wind, they must think. 
It’s the first time that you’ve seen them look hurt and the sight claws at your heart. A few moments of unbearable quiet pass before you dust off your skirt and pick up your basket.
“I-I think that’s all I need for today.”
As the both of you walk through the lush woods, your mind is racing. With just one move, you’ve upended any semblance of kinship you shared with Aetyn. What were you going to do? Do you even want to do anything about it?
Just as you near the bend leading to your home, you come to the panicked conclusion that it would be awful to end the day this way. Aetyn has had every opportunity to capture you with trickery today, yet spurned it each time. Considering the seasons of your…relationship, you feel like you have shunned them. Summoning courage, you take a deep breath before spinning around so abruptly that Aetyn jumps.
“Today…was nice.” you bumble, acutely aware of how awkwardly your mouth forms the syllables. Your free hand twists the fabric of your shirt hopelessly.
“It was nothing. I am honoured to have your company.” They respond politely with a smile, eyes downcast. Your mouth opens and closes like a fish for a few seconds before
“Th…Th-thank you!” As soon as the two words leave your mouth, you squeeze your eyes shut.
This is it. I’m sorry for being such a foolish girl, grandmama.
What feels like an eternity passes and yet, you haven’t somehow been turned into a beetle, or been bound to servitude to a diabolical fae for the rest of your meagre mortal life, or anything really. It was quite anticlimactic. 
Instead, you feel a rush of warmth in the air and the bristle of tree branches bustling against their neighbours and the sweet call of a bird somewhere. And you hear laughter- Aetyn’s laughter, bright and rich which makes your chest brim with weight and ache. 
Your eyes still closed, a hand tugs gently against the nape of your neck and a pair of feather-soft lips plant a kiss on your brow.
“That wasn’t so hard now, was it?” He cradles your face in his hands. You feel compelled to lean into them but you remain rooted in place.
“Thank you.”
You place your basket on the kitchen counter, moving to don your apron and get started on dinner when your grandmother shambles into the room with her cane in hand.
“That’s a pretty flower in your hair,” she squints through the glasses perched on her nose, “wherever did you find it at this time of year?”
A hand flies to the back of your head, fingers tangling with little stems and soft, small flowers tucked into your braids. Your heart beats like the wings of a hummingbird.
“Oh my.”
Your grandmother peers at you with mirth.
“You have the look of someone in love, dear.”
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worldcollector9 · 1 year ago
site that you can type in the definition of a word and get the word
site for when you can only remember part of a word/its definition 
site that gives you words that rhyme with a word
site that gives you synonyms and antonyms
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worldcollector9 · 2 years ago
King - Chapter XIX
Chapter 9/?
Wordcount 3,4k
Title Misguided Behavior
Previous chapters
1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8
Symbols ⭕ . ➕ . 🖤
Warnings: Poseidon is his own warning; non explicit sex; mentions of deep waters and fear of drowning
Tagging @cloveradora @the-dumber-scaramouche @mikkies @sl33py-zer0 @nooneknows8976 (If you want to be tagged in any of my stories, just leave a comment on this chapter or send an ask or a message)
N. A. Finally I'm getting the feeling that the story is moving forward! Yay! Here we have a small, yet important revelation about reader's past, and a peculiar confession from Poseidon, to say the least 😅 Then, a place I've waited so long to introduce to you: the Sea Library, which I'm sure would make the Beauty and the Beast's one seem modest in comparison haha And, finally, the appearance of a new, essential part of this drama as our reader tries to prepare herself for war...
Hope you enjoy this one, and sorry for making wait ^^
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It was like laying on the beach, at the very point where the sand meets the sea, but having a block of marble to support your back instead.
That didn’t mean there was no comfort around you: the water was warm, and its warmth extended to the floor where you were; however, the heat that came from Poseidon’s body felt deeper. And this sensation only increased when you realized that this time things wouldn’t be like the wedding night: now, his mercy has reached its limit and no freedom to move or to breathe would be conceded to you so soon, for his arms squeezed you and his legs kept yours in place, his mouth over yours, making you unable to speak.
Knowing your own limitations, you didn’t even try.
This must be my punishment for the slap.
You closed your eyes, sensing your sight getting dark as a strange noise filled your ears. You never knew if your husband noticed this but, following what he said about keeping what belonged to him intact, he moved away from you, allowing you to fill your lungs with the hot air of the room right before you passed out.
But that was just the beginning.
Getting off you, he sent all the water back to the bathtub with a movement of his hand. You looked around and noticed that the spots touched by the water didn’t remain wet when the waves ceased and returned to the tank, which included your dress, tossed aside by him; you shouldn’t be surprised for witnessing the absolute control that the Lord of the Seas showed over such a small portion of water, but here you were, with your eyes wide open and a ridiculous gaping mouth.
And, of course, that didn’t go unnoticed by him, who chuckled as he took you in his arms and led you to the tub’s interior.
As he walked to the opposite side of the tub, you sensed his feet walking down the stairs on its bottom, and each stair that they touched, the water raised an inch and your heart skipped a beat. In an unconscious move, your body curled over itself on his lap.
Heavens, what he’s planning to do? Is he going to…
Your discomfort wasn’t enough for Poseidon to stop: when he reached the last stair and entered the deepest parts of the tub, he just kept walking inside the water with the same naturalness one would walk on the land, holding you bridal style.
At the point where the water covered his waist and your legs and back, he stopped and made a sudden move to release you into the water.
Something – perhaps the thing that some called the primitive, survival instinct – screamed inside you and forced a physical reaction: you wrapped your arms around Poseidon’s neck, looking away from the water, staring at the bathing area’s entry over his shoulder. Only when the rational side of your mind took over again you realized the shameful position you were put in: with your legs surrounding his waist, the soaked fabric of your underwear clinging to your skin – soaked with only water, you hoped – you were holding on to your husband so tight that you were sure you would’ve suffocated him if he was a human. In other occasions, you would’ve moved away from him immediately, but that time it would mean your death, so you ignored your hurt pride and stood there, trembling.
And the god’s mockery was the price you paid for your safeness.
– So... you cannot swim, dragonet? – he whispered in your ear, each word vibrating with the idea of the frail, rebel human finally bent down, depending on him; and, with all possible disdain, – Pathetic.
You were fighting to control your breath, your shivers and your voice all at once, trying not to reinforce the ridiculous depiction that was just imputed to you, but that was too much.
– Poseidon-sama… – you heard yourself whisper; however, you bit your tongue one second before it started begging him to not release you.
You felt his right arm tightening around your waist, as his left hand caressed the back of your head.
– Hm, what is it? Do you already regret challenging me in my own domain? Are you ready to retract yourself? – his lips left a brief kiss on your lobe – I am eager to find out how your voice sounds when you apologize...
In face of that provocation, what was left of your anger was shaken inside you, so you made no attempts to hold back your words.
– No… – your nails dug in the skin of his shoulders – You will drown me here before you hear me apologize, my Lord!
He laughed.
– Good to see you still have some fight in you, but are you sure about this? – his lips brushed your ear as he spoke – Even with the choppy, deep waters under you?
You sensed a strange movement in the water and gasped.
– You are a though one, more than I gave you credit for – Poseidon continued with his teasing, not hiding his diversion, until a slight change in his tone was sensed, for something awakened his curiosity – Still, it intrigues me: how can you not be able to swim? You were raised in a land where there is access to the sea. Have you never touched its waters?
Given that things have come to this point, it was useless to try and hide this from him now. You let out a sigh and confessed something that has been just a trivial fact about yourself until the moment you were taken to live in that underwater kingdom, when it became as embarrassing as a sin.
– I was raised away from the beach – you explained – My mother never loved the sea, so she would never allow me to come near it. Only after she passed away, I was able to go to the coast, but I always stood close to the sand. And, every time I’ve traveled with my father, we would always go through the land. Because he followed the instructions of my mother, my feet never touched the floor of a ship.
Somehow, speaking about this took off a weight from your shoulders and prepared you for whatever reaction your husband could have. When his verbal response came at last, it sounded more serious than you expected.
– This is the most personal thing you have ever told me about yourself, little dragonet. However, I cannot accept the idea that you never found your mother’s attitude strange, to say the least. How can it be that you have never questioned her? You, who did not think twice before defying me?
You swallowed. He was right, and you knew it – how could you never think of asking your mother about her reasons to stay away from the ocean? Was it a childhood trauma? A nightmare, a prophecy or something more mundane, like a distaste for the sea breeze? Or maybe you’ve tried to question her once or twice, but she simply avoided the theme and you forgot about it?
It is really strange now that I think about it. It’s like, before I was taken to his domains, the sea didn’t matter to me. There were days when I even forgot it exists.
Your silence before those questions was taken as a confirmation that none of this sat right to you, so he just continued to talk, more to himself than to you.
– Besides, I am not satisfied with the fact that you just told me these things in face of death – he held you tighter against himself – You are already mine, you understand? It is not fair that I must appeal to such ways every time I need an answer from you.
When your eyes started to burn, you shut them tight to avoid the tears... all in vain.
Then just don’t ask anything more from me.
– Fair? But how could there be any justice in this? – you started with a mumble, but your tone raised as your words came out – I was chosen to live here, but the choice was not mine! I never wanted to come to your domains! I never wanted to become yours! I never wanted to have this conversation! I never wanted any of this to happen...
A lump appeared in your throat, and you were unable to keep speaking. Suddenly, you felt tired, and your head just fell forward, leaning on your husband’s shoulder. His only response to that – not that you expected anything different – was silence.
It's like someone who watches a child throwing a tantrum. My anger and any of my other feelings mean nothing to him. Is this how a god should behave with us?
When you spoke again, your voice was an exhausted whisper.
– It is important for me to know… My entire reason to exist... it changed when you intervened in my fate, my Lord... I need to know why…
That time, you had a verbal answer from him. A clear, simple answer, but enough to make you gasp in incredulity.
– You still ask me why, my dragonet? The reason is obvious – Poseidon gave you a soft, long kiss on your hair – I love you.
Now, you couldn’t help but obey the impulse of moving away from him, frowning as you stared into his eyes, trying to find the slightest signs of mockery or insanity – and the scariest part of this is that you found none.
That’s not possible! He can’t be serious!
– I don’t believe you… – you mumbled, the sight of his traits blurry by your tears.
However, the god was impassible, as if convincing you of his honesty wasn’t a priority… and, indeed, it wasn’t.
– It does not matter if you believe it or not. It is true – he promptly replied – I love all the women I have taken as my wives, and you are not an exception. I do not touch people for whom I hold no love. But you… – you felt his hand caressing your cheek, his thumb wiping the tears from your face – Despite the instabilities of your human heart, which often led you to a misguided behavior, I can not help but feel love for you.
You remembered Suriah’s words about his love for the women he brought to his house, as well as his dislike for rebel ones, and the possibility of this being true got you scared: following her logic, Poseidon’s love for you must have grown deep in an impossibly short amount of time.
But, well, even though you asked him to kill you, asked not to be impregnated, suggested that he treated his women with injustice and, finally, physically attacked him, he kept assuring you about his feelings, stating that it didn’t matter if you thought he was lying; besides, he has treated with you mercy in some sense: he agreed with your request and didn’t make you carry a child right in your first time with him; he treated you with gentleness after that; heavens, he even killed a man to protect your integrity.
It just didn’t make sense.
And how arrogant of him to dismiss my feelings as “misguided behavior”. Is this how he expects to win my affection?
– Like I said, I don’t believe you, Poseidon-sama – you slowly turned your face away from him, trying to stay out of his hand’s reach – You only feel desire for me, if most. It is not the same thing as love.
Despite your attempt to avoid it, his hand reached your face again, this time holding your chin and making you look into his eyes.
– To me, one does not exist without the other – was his reply – You may understand this in any way you want, but it does not erase the truth of my words…
That moment, you sensed a slow, uneasiness in the water around you. At the same time, your husband approached his mouth from yours, drowning you in a kiss before you had a chance to react.
And then, he moved away just enough to finish his sentence:
– …Neither the truth of my actions.
The agitation you noticed on the water went from subtle to clear, and as it raised until it covered your legs, still wrapped on his waist, you sensed it becoming warmer, as to follow the stream of emotions of its master: in each movement, each wave that touched your skin were the confirmation of his words and the extension of his feelings and thoughts, reaching for you with the same persistence as his mouth on your lips, your neck and your collar, and as his hands going through your body, freeing you from your underwear, making you ready for him.
And you just let him.
I was so willing to drown myself here and escape from him… what happened, then? If I don’t believe in his love, what am I doing here?
As if guessing your thoughts, his voice was heard again, bringing out those very questions.
– Where has your determination gone, dragonet? – he held your jawline, his lips brushing over yours – Have you finally seen the truth, or are you just tired?
Your face burned with that, but you didn’t deny him an answer.
It’s simple.
– No, my Lord…
I don’t believe in your love, but I do believe in your desire. And, because of this...
– It’s too late for me.
You were waking in silence through parts of the castle that looked familiar, both in an architectural and energetic sense, having a servant to accompany you.
Though they only happened one or two hours ago, the events of that morning seemed as distant as if they belonged to a remote past now, as much as that empty, long corridor where everything started seemed to be in another building on the other side of the kingdom – and you only hoped that you’d never find yourself anywhere near it again.
Moments after touching you in the bathtub, Poseidon took you out of the water and carried you to bed, leaving you there to rest, all by yourself, as he went to a small office he maintained inside those chambers without giving any explanations about what he intended to do or when he would return, and you, who just wanted to reach the castle’s Library before that day ended, were forced to wait until your husband decided to come back to the bed area and finally give you permission to leave the room, which didn’t happen until a long time.
While you waited, hidden inside the sheets, in the middle of that enormous bed, you recalled the things that happened between you since your arrival.
How could he be so sure that his actions were guided by love when all of them showed no regard for your individuality, your nature and your choices, that is, the least expected from a respectful, reasonable love? Heavens, you were taken away from your home, your family and the life you knew to be confined in the depths of the sea, among dozens of other women who were there only to serve one individual, a man who you’ve never met before and who expected compliance and docility from you above all things! What kind of love was that? Were all the other gods just like this?
Maybe the selkie, Melian, was right. This isn’t an appropriate place for humans to live. We’ve been distant from the gods for so long that it’s impossible to live in peace with them now. We don’t even share similar views on love.
Still... you couldn’t continued to say no to him.
At some point, you just let him hold, touch, take you, reaffirming those twisted feelings towards you which he called love, and even started to enjoy it, lured by the fantasy that they were, in fact, the feelings of a loving husband, and now this attitude had your senses and your judgment contaminated, and you saw yourself unable to wash him away; you kept revisiting the events of earlier, the attentions he gave you, his teasing, his caresses, his seductive whispers, and understood that you might have started developing a sort of addiction, so much that, when the next encounter with him happened – because it would happen – you would no longer be able to put up a fight, not even as a formality.
And the scariest part of this is that I’m already missing him. At least my body is. If only he was normal man… I could even say I’m falling in love.
As you walked, you crossed your arms upon your chest, adjusting the shawl as if you were feeling cold.
The servant glanced at you with a worried expression.
– Is everything alright, y/n-san?
You forced a smile on your face.
– Yes. Thank you.
You weren’t sure you convinced the servant of your well being, but were grateful for her to not insist on that conversation: suddenly changing the subject, she indicated a new direction in your path, stating that the Library wasn’t too far now.
– We just have to go to the end of this corridor and walk down a few stairs – she was saying – The Library’s doors are just ahead.
That information revived your moods, and in a minute or two you were standing before the wide, golden doors of the Sea Library. The servant pushed them by the knobs, two spheres with delicate figures of fishes surrounding them that moved like they were swimming in water as a response to the push, and the doors were opened at last.
You were marveled.
On the large hall of white marble that extended before you, imposing shelves of noble wood, with books of all colors and sizes that filled them up to down, occupied the majority of the space, creating hundreds of corridors through which you knew you could get lost if you just walked into them without trying and memorizing the way. The place, you noticed, was formed by at least three floors, connected between themselves by stairs of the same marble of the hall, leading to shelves even larger than those ones near you.
I could spend my entire life here, and there would be still books to read.
The servant’s voice at your right brought you back to reality.
– Do you need me to wait for you here, y/n-san?
You blinked twice. When you turned to the girl, you saw a clever smile on her lips.
– It’s impressive, isn’t it? – she whispered; and, glancing at the shelves, – You don’t know how privileged you are for being allowed to stay here.
Your throat tightened at those words, but you didn’t want to discuss this with her. You had a work to do. Answering her question, you told her that she could go without you, because you intended to stay there for a long time, and she left you right after, wishing you luck in whatever research you were going to start.
Once the doors were closed again and you found yourself alone with the books, you took your first step toward them… and realized you had no idea where to begin.
Stopped before the first shelf and stared at it with something close to fear. You tried to read the titles that were at your eyes’ height, but they were all written in languages you’ve never seen before, some of them seeming impossible to be adopted by a human group; you raised your hand to touch their spines, but stopped before your fingers touched them.
It was when the weight of your mission finally reached you.
Look at the size of this place… Only one year to work on my task would never be enough...
You looked around and, despite sensing your hopes fading, you started to walk through the shelves – and, apparently, this had a soothing effect in your heart, for in a few minutes you found yourself more comfortable than intimidated by those structures.
It’s like traveling through a big city. Scary and fun at the same time.
As well said by the servant, that was an impressive collection, and you wondered how long your husband has taken to gather all of them, if he remembered the first ones or if he has found some of them personally or delegated this task to his servants. You stopped in front of a shelf and sighed: you knew so little about him that all the inner debates you had while coming to the Library were nothing but pathetic.
I’ve been feeling so much for a stranger.
Your mind was making so much noise for nothing. You chuckled and turned away from those books, decided to explore the next shelf…
– A human being using the Tyrant’s Library to gather weapons? Finally, some diversion coming our way.
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worldcollector9 · 2 years ago
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Summary: “The horseman who rides atop his alabaster steed, cloaked in crimson without a head.”
In the sleepy town of Moorwick, you are drawn into the legend of horseman when you learn it is associated with your father’s disappearance twenty years ago. When the local ghost story turns to be anything but that, and a bargain goes awry, you delve into Moorwick’s dark history with hopes of saving more than just yourself.
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Chapter Eight: The mystery deepens as you confront the one person who may know more about Colson’s intentions than anyone else: Theodore Sinclair. As the nature of your relationship to the Horseman evolves, you’re left wondering what it all means.
Chapter notes: 6.9k, some grotesque imagery and mentions of abuse
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It was midday on a Tuesday near the end of July when Theodore Sinclair heard your footsteps on the dock and looked up from his boat. You were an odd peculiarity from the rest of the world around him; the garish red raincoat on your shoulders was a staggering contrast to the glum, damp stone under your feet, and almost blackened clouds distending and smothering the stacked, terracotta-colored structures in town. Although Moorwick was entering the ripeness of summer, there were scarce traces of green anywhere aside from skinny wisps of tall grasses which were mostly submerged in pockets of rainwater and mud, and the looming presence of the forest well off into the distance.
The rain had tapered off today, inspiring the curiosity of many heads to peer through cracks in their doors and windows to see how else the weather fared. Within a few hours, once the downpours waned to soft pattering atop sleek canopies of vinyl, the town resumed its regular, busy scurry with plenty of fervor and delight. You were among the bustle, though reserving yourself to much more purpose than the others who were simply excited to stand outside for any millisecond of time without fearing their umbrellas may collapse beneath the weight released from the clouds.
You had made it to the docks without much issue by man or weather, unsure of how to position your feelings in discovering that Theodore was not thwarted by the elements as well. At first, you weren’t sure what you had come across those first steps onto the wood slabs; only spotting a large figure hunched over a red tackle box, seemingly garbed in black rubber suspenders, green flannel, and hat to match it. It didn’t move until the weight of your heel made the board creak, luring the dark thing enough to peek across a shoulder at you, and instantly assuaging your apprehensions.
Theodore took his time to bait a couple of fishing hooks and load the poles they were on into a rather shabby-seeming boat. It couldn’t seat many comfortably, you guessed three at most due to the engine and propeller mounted off the back of it, and had faded red banding wrapped around it. You couldn’t say you expected a wealthy recluse like Theodore Sinclair to own something so dented and worn.
He saw your expression and sniffed, giving the side of the boat a light nudge with the toe of his boot.
Keep reading
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worldcollector9 · 3 years ago
I've been working on my book for over three years and only yesterday did I figure out the major plot points and the ending
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worldcollector9 · 3 years ago
January 21, 2022
Part 1: 15, 223
Part 2 (WIP): 16, 711
Total: 31, 934
I’m gonna start doing something that might keep me motivated to write my novel and post on here. Everytime I work on it I’m going to post my word count.
Part 1 (completed): 13, 535 words
Part 2 (WIP): 7, 512 words
42 notes · View notes
worldcollector9 · 4 years ago
July 23, 2021
Part 1: 14, 265
Part 2(WIP,): 13, 832
Total: 28, 097
I’m gonna start doing something that might keep me motivated to write my novel and post on here. Everytime I work on it I’m going to post my word count.
Part 1 (completed): 13, 535 words
Part 2 (WIP): 7, 512 words
42 notes · View notes
worldcollector9 · 4 years ago
April 27, 2021
Part 1: 13, 599
Part 2 (WIP): 11, 692
Total: 25, 291
I’m gonna start doing something that might keep me motivated to write my novel and post on here. Everytime I work on it I’m going to post my word count.
Part 1 (completed): 13, 535 words
Part 2 (WIP): 7, 512 words
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worldcollector9 · 4 years ago
Aesthetic boards based on characters from my book
Viktor (Don's best friend)
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Vallio & Villia (twins; top is Villia, bottom is Vallio, middle applies to both)
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Cherry & Mei (couple; top is Mei, bottom is Cherry, middle applies to both)
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Images found on Pinterest
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worldcollector9 · 4 years ago
More aesthetic boards based on my book
Donovin (main character)
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Ciara (love interest and very important character)
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Images were all found on Pinterest
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worldcollector9 · 4 years ago
"I always carry a sewing kit on me. Not just because it would be handy if I tore something, but also because if someone comes at me I can stab them."
- quote from my book character, Cherry
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worldcollector9 · 4 years ago
Aesthetic boards based on my book.
Part 1
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Part 2
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Pictures found on Pinterest, except for the snowy church, I took that one myself.
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worldcollector9 · 4 years ago
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There is beauty in Death. 
The dresses and suits,
The coffins and caskets,
Made of the finest material.
Cemeteries and graveyards,
Rows upon rows,
Of shiny black and decrepit white.
Colourful flowers litter the graves,
Slowly decaying,
Just like the body beneath.
But how unfair it is,
For them to be trapped within the metal,
To be denied,
Their return to the Earth.
The body decays,
But does not go anywhere,
Does not return to feed the plants.
The true beauty,
Is the cycle.
You live off the Earth,
And the Earth lives off you.
So leave my body,
Shallow in the ground,
With no coffin or casket,
So I may return and be truly beautiful.
Pic is from pinterest
Poem is my writing
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worldcollector9 · 4 years ago
March 1, 2021
Part 1: 13, 599
Part 2 (WIP): 10, 184
Total: 23, 783
I’m gonna start doing something that might keep me motivated to write my novel and post on here. Everytime I work on it I’m going to post my word count.
Part 1 (completed): 13, 535 words
Part 2 (WIP): 7, 512 words
42 notes · View notes
worldcollector9 · 4 years ago
"I will no longer be the victim. I will be that which you fear, I will be the nightmares, I will the monster that the monsters fear!"
"There is nothing more terrifying to the powerful Man than the fact he can lose that power."
"Your anger is that of a spoiled brat who lost a toy. Mine is the rage of hundreds of thousands of the wronged, built upon centuries of injustices. Yours is a mere candle flame, while mine is the all consuming house fire."
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worldcollector9 · 4 years ago
Jan 28, 2021
Part 1: 13, 599
Part 2 (WIP): 9, 441
Total: 23, 040
I’m gonna start doing something that might keep me motivated to write my novel and post on here. Everytime I work on it I’m going to post my word count.
Part 1 (completed): 13, 535 words
Part 2 (WIP): 7, 512 words
42 notes · View notes