worldboundary · 3 years
hi! i saw your post from a while ago on the enchantments and the phrases, and holy crap it’s so cool! it got me really inspired to do more with the enchanting ideas i have for my world (that may be used in fics), and so i just wanted to pop in here and ask: is it ok if i use some of the phrases or the base ideas in any writing i may do? i’ll give any and all credit, plus i’ll definitely be changing stuff to fit into everything a bit better. and it’s also totally fine if this is a no no, that’s why i asked after all! have a good day, and thank you!
Yeah sure go ahead! I’d love to see what other people come up with
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worldboundary · 3 years
Also where did I say that joe sucked. I said I didn’t vibe with his content, and that the fandom likes to mischaracterize him, but I didn’t say that his content is bad. Just that it’s not something I look for.
Out of all the hermits, excluding Scar and Doc, which one do you think has the most potential to be a tumblr sexyman
joe hills, rendog, zedaph /srs
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worldboundary · 3 years
My guy… my dude… this argument was staged for the most part…. I specifically talked to this person on discord to make sure I wasn’t crossing a line….
Out of all the hermits, excluding Scar and Doc, which one do you think has the most potential to be a tumblr sexyman
joe hills, rendog, zedaph /srs
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worldboundary · 3 years
I reiterate my points to clarify exactly what I mean when I say that his content is oversaturated, and because you have yet to successfully refute my points. You don’t acknowledge the issues with the common interpretation of joe I brought up, and dismiss my point of seeing a lot of his content as “oh well that’s just you.” And instead choose to talk about why Joe should be more popular in your eyes. And the thing is we agree on most of the points we bring up. We agree that under the definition most people use, he would be classified as a tumblr sexyman. We agree that the “distant cryptid” characterization seen in the fandom is inaccurate. I personally see no point in further debate of the matter. Both of us agree on the most part and I am not trying to get you to admit defeat or anything.
This is all lighthearted and joking by the way I love ur content lmaooooooooo
Just putting that out there so it doesn’t seem like I’m trying to get on r/iamverysmart
Anyways watch Biffa (ollies out)
Out of all the hermits, excluding Scar and Doc, which one do you think has the most potential to be a tumblr sexyman
joe hills, rendog, zedaph /srs
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worldboundary · 3 years
Bro this is a lighthearted argument, I even asked them over discord if they were ok with it...... I don’t think either of us are trying to be mean about it
Out of all the hermits, excluding Scar and Doc, which one do you think has the most potential to be a tumblr sexyman
joe hills, rendog, zedaph /srs
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worldboundary · 3 years
Yes but lest we forget the definition of a tumblr sexy man is based on the fandom interpretation, the hallmark of a tumblr sexyman is often the wildly different portrayal between canon and fanon. We both agree he is a tumblr sexy man. That is not up for debate, it is obvious to both of us.
I am not saying that he is treated quite the same as grian or mumbo (who are more woobified by the fandom rather than make more cryptic/eccentric). In terms of oversaturated content, I am referring to the inclination of writing or aus that often feature joe as a major character or at least one with seemingly inexplicable credence and authority. Where in reality as you so stated he is more goofy and light hearted. I see this constrast in characterization as a negative thing. yes I can admit I see the appeal in such omniscience but there’s a point where fic after fic of seeing Joe swoop in and fix things and knowing exactly what to do it starts to get bland. Like, don’t you get tired?
I am not sure what circles you hang around, but I personally see a lot of joe content . let me be the first to admit that may be just because I don’t particularly care for his style of video, I’ve tried getting into it but it’s never been able to stick. But it is evident to me that even amongst the “underrated” hermits he gets a lot more attention than others like XB, Hypno, Jevin, and dare I even say Cub or ZIT. He might not be the most popular but he certainly recieves a lot more attention on tumblr than you would expect. So yes, I am without a doubt biased in this matter. But so are you.
In regards to your self-stated credentials for discussing Joe. The fact that you dedicate so much of your limited time on this earth to keeping tabs on this man is testament to your own myopic paradigm elevating and aggrandizing him. I mean of course why would someone who labels themself as a joe expert have even a slightest negative view of him. If you were a research paper the “conflicting interest” section would be a mile long.
But hey. That’s just me.
Out of all the hermits, excluding Scar and Doc, which one do you think has the most potential to be a tumblr sexyman
joe hills, rendog, zedaph /srs
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worldboundary · 3 years
Ok yeah but he doesn’t have dad energy, his vibes are more like that overenthusiastic English teacher that fails to keep the class’s attention
Out of all the hermits, excluding Scar and Doc, which one do you think has the most potential to be a tumblr sexyman
joe hills, rendog, zedaph /srs
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worldboundary · 3 years
Also while I’m at it. Joe does not have dad energy. You all need better taste in father figures.
Out of all the hermits, excluding Scar and Doc, which one do you think has the most potential to be a tumblr sexyman
joe hills, rendog, zedaph /srs
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worldboundary · 3 years
Ok seeing this go around and I kinda want to put my 2 cents in
Tumblr sexy man in a negative connotation (Oversaturated content, presented in an aggrandizing manner, given much larger presence where they didn’t have it originally)
Tumblr sexyman in a neutral (positive?) connotation
(Well-dressed, plays an antagonistic role, slightly unhinged, morally grey)
I will accept some constructive criticism, but just keep in mind that you’re still wrong. /j
Out of all the hermits, excluding Scar and Doc, which one do you think has the most potential to be a tumblr sexyman
joe hills, rendog, zedaph /srs
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worldboundary · 3 years
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Apollyon my beloved....
Tried my hand at an Apollyon design!
The key around his neck is the key to mega Satan, because biblically he was given the key to the abyss! His clothes have a Greek key motif as well, further pushing the key theme and also because Apollyon is a Greek name, he is also called Abaddon.
I stylized his wings after locust wings, and theyre meant to be more incorporeal/aethereal, so they don’t function as physical wings, they’re more of a projection/hologram in a way?
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worldboundary · 3 years
Yo you’re right that lapis lazuli is a stone but it’s often ground up into a powder to make pigment. If you ever seen ultramarine pigment/paint, traditionally that’s made with lapis lazuli. Typically you add resin and oil to it to turn it into a full fledged paint
... the use of grindstones in minecraft to remove enchantments from weapons implies that enchantments are things you have to. grind off. like, physical things that can be removed without taking away from the actual item itself
so,,, enchanting things in minecraft. involves. writing the enchantments onto the item. or like, etching it onto the item. it took me this long to realize it and im so mad i couldve been making cool weapons and shit and i just. havent. smh
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worldboundary · 3 years
This phrase lives rent free in my head now and I hate you for it
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thinking about bane of arthropods and this enchantment headcanon
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worldboundary · 3 years
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Oh I just looked up and apparently you can get a bow with both enchants actually through fishing! It’s a very rare occurrence though. The odds are like 1 in 3000 or something
... the use of grindstones in minecraft to remove enchantments from weapons implies that enchantments are things you have to. grind off. like, physical things that can be removed without taking away from the actual item itself
so,,, enchanting things in minecraft. involves. writing the enchantments onto the item. or like, etching it onto the item. it took me this long to realize it and im so mad i couldve been making cool weapons and shit and i just. havent. smh
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worldboundary · 3 years
If I remember correctly, you can actually get mending infinity books from fishing. So this is a very real possibility. Might be cool to explore the consequences. I.e maybe an ancient enchanting technique lost to time?
... the use of grindstones in minecraft to remove enchantments from weapons implies that enchantments are things you have to. grind off. like, physical things that can be removed without taking away from the actual item itself
so,,, enchanting things in minecraft. involves. writing the enchantments onto the item. or like, etching it onto the item. it took me this long to realize it and im so mad i couldve been making cool weapons and shit and i just. havent. smh
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worldboundary · 3 years
Mmmmm smells like my favorite part of academia. Conflicting sources, lack of citations, furious debate, and style guides LMAO
But ye it would definitely be cool to see like different translations or variations of each enchantment! I personally would love to see other people’s takes on what each one would be, like different schools of thought almost!
... the use of grindstones in minecraft to remove enchantments from weapons implies that enchantments are things you have to. grind off. like, physical things that can be removed without taking away from the actual item itself
so,,, enchanting things in minecraft. involves. writing the enchantments onto the item. or like, etching it onto the item. it took me this long to realize it and im so mad i couldve been making cool weapons and shit and i just. havent. smh
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worldboundary · 3 years
Ye ye! Like except for binders that help the pigment adhere it might just largely be superstition. But oh man I think it could open the door to like adding more to people’s enchanting styles... like tubbo using beeswax as the main additive for his. Furthermore maybe some cultures see it as a bit of a ritualistic practice? I.e techno maybe seeing it as meditative? With a whole bunch of practices and rules about enchanting form/etiquette.
This could also tie into the intrinsic Xp cost of book combining, as maybe some practices mandate the addition of certain enchantments before others, or a specific stroke order for the required glyphs... maybe a sort of shorthand for certain commonly used enchantments appears? Like eff5 unbreaking 3
... the use of grindstones in minecraft to remove enchantments from weapons implies that enchantments are things you have to. grind off. like, physical things that can be removed without taking away from the actual item itself
so,,, enchanting things in minecraft. involves. writing the enchantments onto the item. or like, etching it onto the item. it took me this long to realize it and im so mad i couldve been making cool weapons and shit and i just. havent. smh
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worldboundary · 3 years
Enchantment incompatibilities is intrinsic to the words used for the engravings, each enchantment has a “core” word or phrase central to its power. I.e “blood” for looting. But some pairs of core words are incompatable or contradictory on the same item (likely for some arcane supernatural reason). For example, “nature” and “wealth” are the core words for Silk Touch and Fortune and thus placing those 2 words on an item will nullify the effects of both.
On a completely unrelated tangent, I think some people would try adding certain things to the ground lapis pigment to enhance effects. Historically, beeswax and pine rosin are used in the making of ultramarine pigment from lapis lazuli (which wouldn’t be unreasonable to use in the Minecraft universe), and some cultures put animal bones in with the raw iron when making weapons in the belief that some of the essence of the animal would be conferred to the weapon. This could likely also be a thing for Minecraft enchanting, as some people might swear by adding redstone or glow stone or bonemeal to their lapis before they grind it up and apply it.
... the use of grindstones in minecraft to remove enchantments from weapons implies that enchantments are things you have to. grind off. like, physical things that can be removed without taking away from the actual item itself
so,,, enchanting things in minecraft. involves. writing the enchantments onto the item. or like, etching it onto the item. it took me this long to realize it and im so mad i couldve been making cool weapons and shit and i just. havent. smh
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