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Sounds like a broken system. Time for workers to take some power back.
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Article link: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/21/business/quitting-contagious.html
Tweet link: https://twitter.com/sashaperigo/status/1485411223810150402?s=21
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Depressed and short on rent... I can't do it y'all, I'm so desperate at this point. I seriously need help, and I feel so guilty every time I come on here asking for help, but I don't know what else I can do. My car is in bad shape, and I can't risk my engine blowing up, I need to do an oil change and get new tires, please.
Venmo: @Shakkai-Moon
Here's our kitty baby, he's almost out of food.
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Please help 😟
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If you can't donate, please reblog and spread this like wildfire. If you want to Venmo me instead, my Venmo is @Shakkai-Moon
I'm also happy with other ways of help if you wanted to coordinate with me.
Chii-Migwech ❤️
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what does the revolution must not be televised mean?
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It’s time for major reform
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It’s sad the rhetoric some politicians will use to describe people that are unwilling to work for unlivable wages. Anyone working a full time job should be able to afford the basic necessities in life. There’s no such thing as “unskilled labor” btw😬
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"Unjust Human Systems" -- 2009 political cartoon by Daniel Erlander
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Andrew Solender at Forbes: 
Democrats in Congress on Tuesday signaled their intent to put their new majority to use, announcing plans to re-introduce a bill—killed by a Republican-controlled Senate in 2019—that would raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour.
The bill would raise the minimum wage to $15-an-hour over the course of five years and then tie it to median wage growth, meaning Congress would no longer have to pass legislation to raise it manually.
The bill is led by Democrats across the ideological spectrum of the party, from party leaders, to centrist blue dog Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D-Fla.), to progressives Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.).
Sanders, in a press call, said it is his “strong hope” that several Senate Republicans will “understand the severity of the crisis facing their working people and join us,” but vowed, if necessary, to use budget reconciliation,  which allows a bill to pass the Senate with a simple majority if it’s structured as a budget bill.
That approach seems to be gaining steam with Democratic leadership, with Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin telling reporters it’s being “discussed” and noting that Republicans have used the method to pass legislation in the past.
If Democrats don’t use budget reconciliation – or can’t find a way to pass a minimum wage increase through the process – they will need at least 10 Senate Republicans to vote for the bill, which Sanders conceded is unlikely.
The minimum wage was last raised in 2007—from $5.15 to $7.25 over three years—when Democrats last held majorities in both chambers of Congress. That raise was passed by sizable bipartisan majorities in the House and the Senate but was attached to a larger Iraq spending bill and offset by nearly $5 billion in small business tax breaks demanded by Republicans.
Republican lawmakers voiced firm opposition to a minimum wage hike that was included in President Joe Biden’s coronavirus relief proposal. Rep. John Rose (R-Tenn.) asserted the wage hike “won’t help the stalled job market,” while Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) vowed to “fight to protect businesses from these damaging policies.” Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Tex.), the ranking member of the House Ways and Means Committee, tweeted that the measure “HELPS BLUE STATES that can’t compete anymore for growth, jobs.”
72%. That’s the share of Americans who said they support raising the minimum wage in an Ipsos poll released in September – including 69% of independents and 62% of Republicans.
Democrats in both the House and Senate plan to introduce a bill to increase the federal minimum wage to $15/hour over a period of 5 years, and then tie it to median wage growth after that. 
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The rhetoric that a $15/hr minimum wage would hurt small businesses is simply a myth. If you can’t afford to pay workers liveable wages you shouldn’t be in business plain and simple. The “inflation” argument is also invalid because the cost of everything has already been increasing over the past decade. Quantitative easing by the government has also caused greater inflation. Livable wages isn’t as a complex issue as others want to make it seem.
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Congress is stalling while many working Americans and their families continue to struggle during the pandemic. It’s about time the working class Americans got some help!!
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