wordsarelove22 · 5 years
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wordsarelove22 · 5 years
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“Only once every hundred years can a firebender experience this kind of power.”
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wordsarelove22 · 5 years
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wordsarelove22 · 5 years
‘Why do you keep a toaster you believe is possessed by Satan?’ 
‘Well, Richard, when all is said and done, it makes good toast.’ 
The first time I’ve seen clip. I’ve started laughing so much everyone on the train keeps staring. 
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wordsarelove22 · 5 years
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Rainer Maria Rilke, Journal of My Other Self
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wordsarelove22 · 5 years
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Corsican vendetta corsa knife inscribed “ Che la mia ferita sia Mortale “ (May my wound be mortal), early 20th century.
from Czerny’s International Auction House
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wordsarelove22 · 5 years
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wordsarelove22 · 5 years
Do not punish the behaviour you want to see
I mean, it seems pretty obvious when you put it like that, right?
But how many families, when an introvert sibling or child makes an effort to socialize,  snarkily say, “So, you’ve decided to join us”?
Or when someone does something they’ve had trouble doing, say, “Why can’t you do that all the time?” (Happened to me, too often.)
Or any sentence containing the word “finally”. 
If someone makes a step, a small step, in a direction you want to encourage, encourage it. Don’t complain about how it’s not enough. Don’t bring up previous stuff. Encourage it.
Because I swear to fucking god there is nothing more soul-killing, more motivation-crushing, than struggling to succeed and finding out that success and failure are both punished.
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wordsarelove22 · 5 years
How to Self Rescue in the Event you Fall Through Frozen Ice
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wordsarelove22 · 5 years
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wordsarelove22 · 5 years
hardest thing to learn during recovery is….. some of your misery is your own fault. you have to actively choose to stop wallowing in your own pain & start to recover. that means stop being self deprecating, start taking care of yourself, start eating healthy, start taking your hygiene seriously, even if it’s hard. & it is hard! but you must.
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wordsarelove22 · 5 years
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Some people don’t understand how big this is, opening a school, especially a public one is a huge undertaking and even with LeBron money it’s costly.
It’s really nice to see black celebs and athletes actually show their support for the community, rather than sparing a few words about it.
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wordsarelove22 · 5 years
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wordsarelove22 · 5 years
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261K notes · View notes
wordsarelove22 · 5 years
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wordsarelove22 · 5 years
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My name is Mulan! I did it to save my father.
Mulan (1998)
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wordsarelove22 · 5 years
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