wordjamming · 7 months
This site: What the fuck is with all these animated shows getting terrible live-action remakes? We should start remaking live action media as cartoons to balance the scales.
The monkey's paw: *curls one finger*
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wordjamming · 7 months
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wordjamming · 7 months
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wordjamming · 1 year
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wordjamming · 1 year
i think deciding to love someone continually is like reading the same book again, but each time finding a different line that hits deep and makes you think about something you didn't realize before. and you decide to read it again and again, knowing you'll never get enough of it, knowing you'll always find something new about them to love.
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wordjamming · 1 year
So I went to read the Kids Online Safety Act, thinking that it couldn't possibly be as bad as what people are making it out to be, I mean I'm a lawyer and expert in statutory interpretation, it can't be that bad, right?
Oh no. KOSA IS that bad. It will literally eradicate queer people online.
The bill says that a "covered platform" - broadly defined as "anything on the internet a minor might use" which is literally the entire fucking internet- has a "duty" to protect minors from anything that might harm them, including "sexual exploitation" and other undefined terms
It also gives state attorneys general the ability to sue to enforce it.
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So here's exactly what's gonna happen:
Wacko republicans, as they've been doing with increasing force this year and last, are going to sue any and every website in existence, saying that the mere existence of LGBT people online constitutes sexual abuse of minors. And websites are gonna be so afraid of not doing the most that they'll just axe all LGBT everything.
Like. Republicans have been calling all LGBT people groomers and child molesters for years. The lead Republican literally admitted this bill will be used to attack trans people.
This bill is BAD bad. I'm appalled that democrats are lining up behind what is clearly a republican Trojan horse to eradicate LGBT people from the entire internet.
Call your senator
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wordjamming · 1 year
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(by der__tho)
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wordjamming · 1 year
I love the term “loanwords” because it implies that you intend to give them back.
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wordjamming · 1 year
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wordjamming · 1 year
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wordjamming · 1 year
“Man has it all in his hands, and it all slips through his fingers from sheer cowardice.”
— Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment
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wordjamming · 1 year
the imperial chinese examinations are a godsend for enjoyers of pathetic historical men such as myself. they gave rise to so many types of guy, such as: guy who failed the examinations like forty times and despondently wrote one of the great works of chinese literature between failures; guy who failed like ten times and decided “you know what? this is bullshit. this all has to go” and started a brutal peasant uprising; guy who just barely passed and was suddenly thrown into a very high military position, which he has ABSOLUTELY no training for; and guy who failed several times, faked a degree, got hired by harvard to teach chinese, had his fake degree discovered after he got to boston, begged harvard to let him teach because otherwise it would be really embarrassing for them all, taught like seven students, and died of pneumonia
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wordjamming · 1 year
I am always disarmed realizing that I have an impact in somebody else’s life. You laughed bc of me?? Smiled bc of me???? Was happy bc of me???? I exist and I have a bearing on how you feel and I’ve evoked positive emotions in you???? Truly wild to me
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wordjamming · 1 year
And this is how a human gets adopted by a cat
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wordjamming · 1 year
In the future, children will think our ways are strange. "Why do old people always grow so much milkweed in their gardens?" they'll say. "Why do old people always write down when the first bees and butterflies show up? Why do old people hate lawn grass so much? Why do old people like to sit outside and watch bees?"
We will try to explain to them that when we were young, most people's yards were almost entirely short grass with barely any flowers at all, and it was so commonplace to spray poisons to kill insects and weeds that it was feared monarch butterflies and American bumblebees would soon go extinct. We will show them pictures of sidewalks, shops, and houses surrounded by empty grass without any flowers or vegetables and they will stare at them like we stared at pictures of grimy children working in coal mines
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wordjamming · 1 year
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Being a supportive parent to your trans daughter AND standing up to her trolls and mocking them openly. Good parenting.
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wordjamming · 1 year
god i love doomed romances because it’s like. “what is grief if not love persevering” but the grief and love are happening at the same time. how do you grieve something that’s still alive? how do you love something that has always been dead? and the answer is just. intensely.
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