Landscape Irrigation System Benefits
An irrigation system's main purpose is to provide water. The irrigation system will keep your lawn and plants well-fed during periods when there is no rain. It also allows you to control the amount of water that certain plants or areas of the lawn receive. Installation of an irrigation system will not harm your lawn and is safe for the environment. It is important to have a plan in place and keep it handy when installing an irrigation system.
You will save money by having an irrigation system water your landscape properly. This is a more efficient way to water your shrubs and lawn than a hose, and you can keep better track of how much water you use on a monthly base. Your water bill will increase if you cannot control how much water you use. It is not true that you use more water when you have an irrigation system. Water is applied evenly to your landscape and doesn't overwater your property. You waste gallons of precious water when you water your plants with a hose.
You can save yourself the hassle of having to go outside and turn your irrigation system on. You don't have to be there to see your system start. You can use your spare time or weekends to do something else.
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Installing an irrigation system is a great idea if you have invested a lot in your lawn, flowers, plants, trees and bushes. It will keep them alive and healthy. It is essential to maintain the natural look and vibrancy of the outside of your house. Most people are unaware that an irrigation system can reduce the amount of weeds in your landscaping. The water is directed towards the lawn or specific shrubbery and is not sprayed randomly as it would be if you tried to water your landscape manually. The value of a house with an irrigation system installed will always be higher.
Installing drip line irrigation systems can be expensive. The cost of a drip line irrigation system can be lower than that of a sprinkler because they conserve water more efficiently. Drip-line systems don't overspray on driveways and paths, and they lose less water due to misting or evaporation. Water is delivered directly to the root system, benefiting both the plant and reducing waste.
The cost of the traditional irrigation systems means that they are not available to everyone. If affordability is a concern, a low-cost drip irrigation system could be the solution. It can reduce costs by up to 60% or 80%. In order to keep the costs down, these systems use micro-tubes that are cheaper. These systems can be built on a smaller scale, and then additional components and lines added later.
Micro irrigation is an effective way to conserve both water and fertiliser by sending small drips of water directly to the roots of plants, whether on the surface of the soil or in the root zone.
A professional landscape irrigation contractor can offer advice on the best system for your area. They will know the latest techniques.
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Landscape Irrigation Systems: How to Conserve Water
Overuse and waste of drinking water are a concern for many people. It has been a hot issue for many years. During times of drought, there are restrictions on water usage in many areas of the United States. Watering your garden and/or landscape is essential regardless of any restrictions. It's not worth thousands of dollars to have your plants and grass die! You've spent a lot of time and effort beautifying your lawn. If used correctly, an automatic lawn sprinkler can save you water when compared to using a hose and a traditional sprinkler.
The automatic system will water your lawn more evenly and precisely than the manual method. We can use automatic sprinkler systems that are more efficient today thanks to the technology available, including weather sensors and drip-irrigation.
When I was doing service calls, a number of lawn sprinklers systems were being overused and were inefficient. Around 70% of automatic systems I have seen do not contain any kind of weather sensor. In Northwest Florida, rain sensors are needed. There are three types of basic weather sensors: rain sensors, wind sensor, and freeze sensors.
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Although these may be self-explanatory, I will briefly explain each one to make it clear.
The sprinkler system will automatically shut down when the rain sensor detects a certain amount. On most brands, you can adjust the setting on the rain sensors from 1/8" up to 1" of rainfall. The rain sensor is equipped with a disk which expands when wet. This causes a break to occur in the negative wire that connects the valves and the pump-start relay. The rain sensor disc will dry at a rate similar to the soil. Once the rain stops and the soil has dried, the system will be operational again.
When a certain wind speed is reached, the sprinkler system will shut down. Sprinklers are affected by wind because it can carry water away from the area it was intended to water. Spray heads are more affected by wind than rotors because sprays contain smaller droplets of water. Wind gusts are normal, but a constant wind will cause your sprinkler system to waste water. A wind sensor will also break the common wire, preventing the system from operating.
When the temperature reaches 32 degrees Fahrenheit, a freeze sensor will turn off the irrigation system. It is not necessary to turn on the sprinklers if all they do is create a skating rink. If you have a pump above ground, a freeze sensor won't drain it for you.
My experience in the field has taught me that I have converted many old spray zones into drip zones. Spray heads that are behind overgrown bushes is a common problem I see. Water from spray heads gets blocked and doesn't reach the area that it is intended to water. Each time I encounter this problem, I advise the homeowner to replace the old spray heads with new drip lines.
Spray heads can save up to 300X as much water. Drip irrigation is measured by gallons/hour (gph) instead of gallons/minute (gpm). You should use drip irrigation if you pay for water. Even if you don't pay for water, drip irrigation has many other benefits.
The drip irrigation system is designed to deliver water to your plants' roots. It will also reduce unwanted weeds, as you won't be watering the entire area. You may have orange-brown rust on your driveway and house if you use a pump and well system. This is caused by high iron levels in the well water. Drip can help you eliminate this problem, as it does not spray back like regular spray or rotor sprinklers.
Install the appropriate weather sensors for your area if you already have a lawn sprinkler system. Install drip irrigation and remove the old spray heads which are watering your shrubs. You can easily install drip irrigation by capping off old spray heads. If you are considering an automatic sprinkler, do your part to conserve water and make the most of it.
If you're not the DIY type, and are hiring someone to install or modify the system for you, make sure they install the correct weather sensor and drip irrigation whenever possible. The benefits of drip irrigation are well worth the money or time you invest in the beginning.
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