what am I
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follow me... for adventure and wonder
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fishe studies pt 2 moon wrasse || black pacu neon tetra || twin spot wrasse
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the bronze angular jumper (Ligurra latidens) is a jumper with a face that i kinda feel resembles santa. spiders of the Ligurra genus have a flat and squat appearance. the female here has distinctively large and furry palps that gives it the appearance of a beard right below its eyes!
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Chel snakehead (also known as Channa amphibious)

A rare fish species thought to be extinct for 85 tears was just rediscovered in India. The last sighting of the Chel snakehead (also known as Channa amphibious) was recorded from specimens collected between 1918 and 1933 in the Himalayan region of India, leading scientists to believe the species had died out. “Commonly known as the Chel Snakehead, this large and vibrant species is distinguished by chrome-yellow to orange stripes, a bright neon patch beneath the eye, and the highest number of lateral-line scales among all snakeheads of the Gachua group,” says Thackeray Wildlife Foundation.
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*scuttles toward you at a reasonable pace*
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Say hello to my little friends *shows you a handful of bugs*
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african peach moth (egybolis vaillantina) | coppensb on ig
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some fishe studies pt 1 orbicular batfish juvenile || rainbowfish
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Přemalovávám pokemon kartičky na zakázku <3

Ahoj! Začala jsem teď jako relaxační koníček přemalovávat kartičky a jelikož o to byl u kámošů zájem a odeslala jsem nějakou i jako zakázku, chtěla bych to zkusit malinko rozjet.
350 korun za kartičku (toploader a sleeve v ceně)
35 korun poštovný
(popřípadě osobní předání ve Zlíně ve všední dny nebo v Brně o víkendech)

Tohle jsou kartičky, co mám teď available. Popřípadě by šla odněkud objednat kusovka, ale přidala by se k tomu cena kartičky a poštovnýho ke mně. :')
Pokud by někdo měl zájem, budu moc ráda za zprávu <3
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they call me an undercover agent. the way i’m. under the covers :) cozy in bed :)
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The opposite of “manic pixie dream girl” is “depressed goblin nightmare man,” and, judging by this site, it’s just as attractive to some.
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guys you don't understand i love big buff horses so much

draft horses you are gods most perfectest creations
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Addax Addax nasomaculatus
Observed by victorbeccari, CC BY-NC
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the group chat when i ask whos available to hang out next week
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