We are proud to use ingredients from local producers. There are a whole host of reasons why we choose to do so. For some, using local food is just a trend. For us, it goes much deeper than that. We understand the difference that we can make by doing so. Customers want fresh, local ingredients.
Local Food
While there is no strict definition when it comes to local food, typically, it’s considered to be foods that are grown within 100 miles of where they are consumed or sold. Of course, it’s up to you to decide what local truly means to you. For many people, especially in expansive areas, its food that is grown within your region or state.
Why Use Local?
First and foremost, local ingredients just taste better. It’s picked, transported, and used much quicker than products that are shipped far and wide. Think of the distances your food has travelled, when you sit down to enjoy oranges from Spain or Florida. Why would you want to, when you could find produce nearby?
Of course, that’s another important point about local foods. It has less distance to travel, which isn’t just good for the freshness of your food. It’s also beneficial to the environment. The fewer miles your food has to travel the less petrol and energy it uses. Local protects the environment.
Then, there is the nutritional aspect. When your food is as fresh as it is when you eat local, it doesn’t have time to lose as many nutrients. There’s also less risk with local produce because we know exactly where it came from. Local farmers tend to take their commitment seriously, they feel responsible to their local customers and pride themselves on producing high-quality, safe goods.
It also provides us with a connection to the farmers and the land. It not only allows us to support our local farmers, but it also preserves those businesses for our future generations. When we spend our money locally, it stays locally. It is being reinvested right back into our community. It doesn’t get better like that.
One of the best ways to look after your health is to eat with the seasons. It’s much easier to do that when we source our goods locally. The best time to eat any type of food is when it’s fresh, so it only makes sense that eating with the season ensures you get the maximum nutritional value and flavour from a product. We are helping you enjoy tastier food, all while looking after your health! So, even if it’s a pizza flatbread that you are sitting down to, you can rest easy knowing that you’re getting the maximum nutritional value from every ingredient.
Buy Locally
For us, using local producers for our ingredients just makes sense. So, if you feel the same, you can rest easy knowing that when you eat with us – you are doing the community a favour. Not only are you are investing in your community, but you are also working to create a greener future.
Taste our pork belly, wagyu beef and lamb for an unforgettable flavour.
Woodfired Kitchen is a Mediterranean style woodfired café and restaurant in Glen Iris, Melbourne, Victoria. Offering unique woodfire flavours and pizza flatbreads, Woodfired Kitchen is the ideal brunch, lunch, happy hour and dinner venue in Glen Iris.
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There are many reasons to love Woodfired Kitchen – and usually it’s our flatbread pizza that catches the attention of passers-by. But we’re not only about pizza. We want to make sure everyone has something to experience when they dine with us and that’s why we’ve introduced High Tea to our restaurant.
Do you love a good High Tea? Or have you heard about High Tea but you’ve never really tried it for yourself? Now is your chance.
Here are some things you need to know about High Tea with Woodfired Kitchen:
You don’t have to be English to enjoy it! High Tea is no doubt associated with the English. In fact, it’s a British tradition that dates back to the mid-1700s! It’s traditionally a meal served between 3pm and 4pm – but we serve ours all day long! Initially, it was a meal that was designed for workers – because no doubt come 3pm, the men were hungry! And a big feed of scones, cakes and cheese would tie them over until supper time (which was generally mid-late evening). And over time, women were also introduced to this delicious time of the day. In the mid-1800s, the 7th Dutchess of Bedford Lady Fredericks talks about “tea business” in her diary.
The food! No doubt about it. When you go for a High Tea, you want to know that you’re eating great food along with drinking quality tea and coffee. At our High Tea, we offer a selection of finger sandwiches, as well as serving warm buttermilk scones with delicious jam and cream; we’ll give you three seasonal sweet delights (yum!) and you can choose from our Chamillia Organic Tea or Five Sense Coffee.
The venue is Heritage Listed and has an intriguing history. When you enjoy your High Tea, you’ll be dining in our private function room (provided there are no functions on at the time). This room, and the building itself, was constructed in 1933 for Mr C Chitty, a well known local building and timber merchant. Part of the High Street shopping precinct, most buildings in the area have retained their original façade, including render and tiles. Not only that, but with an old-style feel to the building that includes fireplace and chandeliers, this is a venue you’re going to love.
We offer a laid-back environment, so you don’t need to worry about all those age-old traditions. If you haven’t heard of them before – if you were enjoying High Tea in the late 1800s, according to a French guide to etiquette you would have to “leave your coffee spoon in your cup when you life it to your lips”; you should also stand your teaspoon upright in your cup if you don’t want any more tea; and if you wanted your tea to lose heat, you would tip it into the saucer!
One of the traditions we have kept, however, is the use of quality China tea cups and saucers. Given our design background, we like to offer a cultural and historical significance by using the beautifully designed bone China cups we have in our restaurant. These were actually created by our in-house designer, making them completely unique!
Don’t just take our word for it though. Make a booking today! Bookings are required 24 hours in advance. Menu subject to change.
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Reasons We Love Woodfired Pizzas
If you are a true Melbourne foodie, you can’t go past perfectly cooked high-quality ingredients. To get the most out of high-quality ingredients of course, the style of cooking must be authentic, and the experiences is just as meaningful. True foodies know that when food is cooked in wood-fired ovens, the character of the food changes, the flavours are enhanced, and when it comes to pizzas, there is no competitive alternative to woodfired.
There is no reason to settle for less than amazing when it comes to pizza, and that is why woodfired pizzas remain so popular. Only woodfired pizza can give the authentic traditional enhanced flavours that your gastronomic desire deserves.
Wood-fired ovens are an ancient method of food creation, and the experts know that there are many benefits to cooking pizza and many other foods in a wood-fired oven. There isn’t much better on a restaurant’s wood-fired pizza menu, and if you are looking for the best woodfired pizza Melbourne has to offer, you’ve come to the right place.
There are many reasons to love an excellent woodfired kitchen menu, and when it comes to woodfired pizzas, here are some of the reasons why they are so popular, and why we love them so much!
WoodFired Ovens Cook Pizza Quickly
Pizza has been a favourite food around the globe for centuries, and although many people have frozen pizzas for convenience at home, there really is no better way to have it than wood fired. Wood fired ovens cook far quicker than standard ovens, which means you can be eating much faster, just by visiting your local woodfired pizza restaurant in Glen Iris. In fact, pizzas cooked in wood-fired ovens can be ready in less than five minutes.
WoodFired Ovens Enhance Food Flavour
There is entirely no doubt that this point, in particular, is the reason wood fired pizza is so popular. The flavours of a wood-fired pizza are significantly enhanced compared to a pizza cooked in a standard oven. The flavours of the burning wood in the oven offer different character to the different toppings on every pizza. Each pizza will taste different to the next depending on the toppings, and the type of wood burning in the oven. Wood firing a pizza gives a natural smoky flavour that just cannot be matched in a traditional oven.
WoodFired Ovens Retain Nutrients
If you know anything about food, you will know that cooking in some ways can remove the nutrients, leaving flavourless food with very little nutritional value. Cooking in an open wood fire keeps all the nutrients in the food. How does this work? Because the food is cooked quicker than in a traditional oven, the food retains more nutrients. When food is cooked for more extended periods of time, the nutrients disappear. This is especially so in vegetables.
WoodFired Ovens Have Other Purposes
Wood fired ovens are also great for other things. Wood fired pizza ovens offer a significant level of aesthetic and atmosphere to any room, or restaurant. Wood fired ovens burning to deliver fantastic aromas into the air and add warmth to any space. Wood fired ovens can be used to cook many other types of food as well.
If you are looking for the best wood-fired pizza, check out the wood-fired kitchen Glen Iris.
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There are many reasons to love Woodfired Kitchen – and usually it’s our flatbread pizza that catches the attention of passers-by. But we’re not only about pizza. We want to make sure everyone has something to experience when they dine with us and that’s why we’ve introduced High Tea to our restaurant.
Do you love a good High Tea? Or have you heard about High Tea but you’ve never really tried it for yourself? Now is your chance.
Here are some things you need to know about High Tea with Woodfired Kitchen:
You don’t have to be English to enjoy it! High Tea is no doubt associated with the English. In fact, it’s a British tradition that dates back to the mid-1700s! It’s traditionally a meal served between 3pm and 4pm – but we serve ours all day long! Initially, it was a meal that was designed for workers – because no doubt come 3pm, the men were hungry! And a big feed of scones, cakes and cheese would tie them over until supper time (which was generally mid-late evening). And over time, women were also introduced to this delicious time of the day. In the mid-1800s, the 7th Dutchess of Bedford Lady Fredericks talks about “tea business” in her diary.
The food! No doubt about it. When you go for a High Tea, you want to know that you’re eating great food along with drinking quality tea and coffee. At our High Tea, we offer a selection of finger sandwiches, as well as serving warm buttermilk scones with delicious jam and cream; we’ll give you three seasonal sweet delights (yum!) and you can choose from our Chamillia Organic Tea or Five Sense Coffee.
The venue is Heritage Listed and has an intriguing history. When you enjoy your High Tea, you’ll be dining in our private function room (provided there are no functions on at the time). This room, and the building itself, was constructed in 1933 for Mr C Chitty, a well known local building and timber merchant. Part of the High Street shopping precinct, most buildings in the area have retained their original façade, including render and tiles. Not only that, but with an old-style feel to the building that includes fireplace and chandeliers, this is a venue you’re going to love.
We offer a laid-back environment, so you don’t need to worry about all those age-old traditions. If you haven’t heard of them before – if you were enjoying High Tea in the late 1800s, according to a French guide to etiquette you would have to “leave your coffee spoon in your cup when you life it to your lips”; you should also stand your teaspoon upright in your cup if you don’t want any more tea; and if you wanted your tea to lose heat, you would tip it into the saucer!
One of the traditions we have kept, however, is the use of quality China tea cups and saucers. Given our design background, we like to offer a cultural and historical significance by using the beautifully designed bone China cups we have in our restaurant. These were actually created by our in-house designer, making them completely unique!
Don’t just take our word for it though. Make a booking today! Bookings are required 24 hours in advance. Menu subject to change.
Come on down and enjoy the woodfired kitchen experience.
For More Information about High tea glen iris visit the site : https://www.woodfiredkitchen.com.au OR Call : 0399432523
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There are many reasons to love Woodfired Kitchen – and usually it’s our flatbread pizza that catches the attention of passers-by. But we’re not only about pizza. We want to make sure everyone has something to experience when they dine with us and that’s why we’ve introduced High Tea to our restaurant. 
Do you love a good High Tea? Or have you heard about High Tea but you’ve never really tried it for yourself? Now is your chance.
Here are some things you need to know about High Tea with Woodfired Kitchen: 
You don’t have to be English to enjoy it! High Tea is no doubt associated with the English. In fact, it’s a British tradition that dates back to the mid-1700s! It’s traditionally a meal served between 3pm and 4pm – but we serve ours all day long! Initially, it was a meal that was designed for workers – because no doubt come 3pm, the men were hungry! And a big feed of scones, cakes and cheese would tie them over until supper time (which was generally mid-late evening). And over time, women were also introduced to this delicious time of the day. In the mid-1800s, the 7th Dutchess of Bedford Lady Fredericks talks about “tea business” in her diary.
The food! No doubt about it. When you go for a High Tea, you want to know that you’re eating great food along with drinking quality tea and coffee. At our High Tea, we offer a selection of finger sandwiches, as well as serving warm buttermilk scones with delicious jam and cream; we’ll give you three seasonal sweet delights (yum!) and you can choose from our Chamillia Organic Tea or Five Sense Coffee.
The venue is Heritage Listed and has an intriguing history. When you enjoy your High Tea, you’ll be dining in our private function room (provided there are no functions on at the time). This room, and the building itself, was constructed in 1933 for Mr C Chitty, a well known local building and timber merchant. Part of the High Street shopping precinct, most buildings in the area have retained their original façade, including render and tiles. Not only that, but with an old-style feel to the building that includes fireplace and chandeliers, this is a venue you’re going to love.
We offer a laid-back environment, so you don’t need to worry about all those age-old traditions. If you haven’t heard of them before – if you were enjoying High Tea in the late 1800s, according to a French guide to etiquette you would have to “leave your coffee spoon in your cup when you life it to your lips”; you should also stand your teaspoon upright in your cup if you don’t want any more tea; and if you wanted your tea to lose heat, you would tip it into the saucer!
One of the traditions we have kept, however, is the use of quality China tea cups and saucers. Given our design background, we like to offer a cultural and historical significance by using the beautifully designed bone China cups we have in our restaurant. These were actually created by our in-house designer, making them completely unique!   
Don’t just take our word for it though. Make a booking today! Bookings are required 24 hours in advance. Menu subject to change.
For More Information about Pizza Places in Glen Iris visit the site : https://www.woodfiredkitchen.com.au OR Call : 0399432523
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If you are a true Melbourne foodie, you can’t go past perfectly cooked high-quality ingredients. To get the most out of high-quality ingredients of course, the style of cooking must be authentic, and the experiences is just as meaningful. True foodies know that when food is cooked in wood-fired ovens, the character of the food changes, the flavours are enhanced, and when it comes to pizzas, there is no competitive alternative to woodfired.
There is no reason to settle for less than amazing when it comes to pizza, and that is why woodfired pizzas remain so popular. Only woodfired pizza can give the authentic traditional enhanced flavours that your gastronomic desire deserves. Wood-fired ovens are an ancient method of food creation, and the experts know that there are many benefits to cooking pizza and many other foods in a wood-fired oven. There isn’t much better on a restaurant’s wood-fired pizza menu, and if you are looking for the best-woodfired pizza Melbourne has to offer, you’ve come to the right place. 
There are many reasons to love an excellent woodfired kitchen menu, and when it comes to woodfired pizzas, here are some of the reasons why they are so popular, and why we love them so much! 
WoodFired Ovens Cook Pizza Quickly
Pizza has been a favourite food around the globe for centuries, and although many people have frozen pizzas for convenience at home, there really is no better way to have it than wood fired. Wood fired ovens cook far quicker than standard ovens, which means you can be eating much faster, just by visiting your local woodfired pizza restaurant in Glen Iris. In fact, pizzas cooked in wood-fired ovens can be ready in less than five minutes.   
WoodFired Ovens Enhance Food Flavour
There is entirely no doubt that this point, in particular, is the reason wood fired pizza is so popular. The flavours of a wood-fired pizza are significantly enhanced compared to a pizza cooked in a standard oven. The flavours of the burning wood in the oven offer different character to the different toppings on every pizza. Each pizza will taste different to the next depending on the toppings, and the type of wood burning in the oven. Wood firing a pizza gives a natural smoky flavour that just cannot be matched in a traditional oven. 
 WoodFired Ovens Retain Nutrients
If you know anything about food, you will know that cooking in some ways can remove the nutrients, leaving flavourless food with very little nutritional value. Cooking in an open wood fire keeps all the nutrients in the food. How does this work? Because the food is cooked quicker than in a traditional oven, the food retains more nutrients. When food is cooked for more extended periods of time, the nutrients disappear. This is especially so in vegetables.   
WoodFired Ovens Have Other Purposes
Wood fired ovens are also great for other things. Wood fired pizza ovens offer a significant level of aesthetic and atmosphere to any room, or restaurant. Wood fired ovens burning to deliver fantastic aromas into the air and add warmth to any space. Wood fired ovens can be used to cook many other types of food as well. If you are looking for the best wood-fired pizza, check out the wood-fired kitchen Glen Iris.
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Cooking pizza in a wood-fired oven has many benefits. Wood-fired pizza has been popular for centuries across the world, and it remains popular today. There are many reasons it remains popular of course, and they include the quick cooking times, and of course, the fantastic flavours. It is well known that pizza cooked in a wood-fired oven tastes far better than a pizza made in a standard oven, so what are the reasons that a wood-fired pizza oven creates better pizzas?     
Hotter Cooking Temperatures
Pizza ovens cook at a much higher temperature than traditional ovens and cook the food far quicker. Wood fired pizza ovens generate a more substantial heat than conventional ovens as they absorb heat into the walls, ceiling and base of the oven itself, which are usually made from clay brick or stone. What this does is creates an even temperature in every area of the oven. Even temperature distribution means a quicker cooking time as well as more even cooking. Pizzas cooked in a wood-fired pizza oven can cook in as little as three minutes. This is why the wood-fired pizza restaurant in Glen Iris is so popular.   
Crispy Crust and Base
When pizzas are cooked at higher temperatures, the crust becomes crispy and crunches beautifully in your mouth. A crispy base also means pizza is easier to eat, and it all stays together when you are eating it. Any moisture that remains in the dough will become sealed inside when cooking, and toppings like cheese will also become crispy on top.   
Perfectly Cooked Toppings
Because the wood-fired pizza oven cooks so quickly the toppings are cooked quickly to keep all the nutrients inside. This is especially so when it comes to vegetables as toppings. This also keeps the full flavour of the toppings making a much better pizza to eat. Topping flavour is very much enhanced by wood-fired pizza restaurant, Glen Iris. Because the heat seals off all the moisture as well, the pizzas made in woodfired ovens absorb far less grease. Cheeses and sauces are also affected by cooking in a wood-fired pizza oven, as they soak in the smoky flavours. 
Unique Flavours
woodfired kitchen menu pizzas have a unique, smoky flavour with a taste of authenticity and complexity, much different to anything that can be achieved in a traditional oven. The lack of grease also creates a more flavour-enriched pizza. As an added note, best-woodfired pizza in Melbourne is created by using various types of wood for the fire. Different woods offer different types of smoky tastes which are transferred into the toppings and base of the pizza. Woodfired kitchen pizzas are far better than other deep-dish pizza Melbourne that doesn’t offer wood firing.   
Food You Can Woodfire 
Wood fired pizza is one of the most popular meals and has been for centuries. Whether you are dining out at your favourite wood-fired pizza restaurant in Melbourne or eating at home, the taste of wood-fired pizza is something you just can’t create without a wood-fired oven. Pizzas are the most common wood fired food no doubt, but when it comes to wood firing food, pizza is just the beginning. Wood fired ovens have the ability to cook almost any type of food you can imagine, and here are just some of the best foods you can have baked in a wood-fired oven.   
Crispy Seafood
Crispy seafood is also one of the most popular dishes to cook in a wood-fired oven. Seafood like prawns, fish, oysters and calamari draws in the smoky flavour like no other food on the planet and leaves you with mouthful after mouthful of smoky, flavoursome goodness. Wood fired ovens are also typically much larger than standard ovens, meaning you can fit a large amount of seafood in the oven, smoking and searing to enhance the flavours while keeping all the goodness in.   
Bread, Pizza Flatbreads
Bread is very simple to cook in a wood-fired oven. There is nothing quite like a smoky loaf of fresh bread cooked to perfection under wood fire. Even if you are gluten-free, there are many options available, and wood-fired ovens can offer something that store-bought products just cannot. If you want wood-fired flatbread in Melbourne, this is the best way to do it. Of course, pizza is on the list. Wood-fired pizzas or wood-fired flatbreads Melbourne are the best thing to cook in any wood fired oven. There are a million different ways to top a pizza or flatbread and adding the smoky flavour from a wood-fired oven enhances everything about it.   
Roasted Vegetables
Roasted veggies are merely delicious when cooked in a wood-fired oven. The natural flavours of the vegetables combined with the smoky flavours of the burning wood offer flavours you just can’t get at home. In a standard oven, vegetables take almost an hour to cook correctly, however in a wood-fired oven; your smoky flavoursome vegetables will be ready in just 20-30 minutes. Crispy on the outside, soft in the middle, and abundant in flavours.   
Slow Cooked Meats
Low and slow is the way to go. Wood-fired meats are delicious; there is no doubt about it. Smokey flavours work well with every type of meat you can imagine, so whether you want beef. Lamb, pork, venison, chicken, duck, spatchcock or kangaroo, slow-cooked meat from a wood-fired kitchen menu glen iris is the way to go.For the best wood-fired food, you need the best wood-fired pizza restaurant in Glen Iris. A woodfired kitchen menu should feature a range of fabulous meals, including pizzas and flatbreads topped with smoky, fresh ingredients.
Woodfired Kitchen is a Mediterranean style woodfired café and restaurant in Glen Iris, Melbourne, Victoria. Offering unique woodfire flavours and pizza flatbreads, Woodfired Kitchen is the ideal brunch, lunch, happy hour and dinner venue in Glen Iris.
Come on down and enjoy the woodfired kitchen experience.
 For More Information about Pizza Places in Glen Iris visit the site : https://www.woodfiredkitchen.com.au OR Call : 0399432523
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Wood fired pizza is one of the most popular meals and has been for centuries. Whether you are dining out at your favourite wood-fired pizza restaurant in Melbourne or eating at home, the taste of wood-fired pizza is something you just can’t create without a wood-fired oven. Pizzas are the most common wood fired food no doubt, but when it comes to wood firing food, pizza is just the beginning. If you're considering purchasing a wood-fired oven, or you have one already, and you're after the perfect recipe for making a pizza - here's our tips!
The Dough Generally you'll need about 3 hours to make a good dough. That includes, of course, all the setting time. Here's a quick recipe:
4 cups stone-milled flour
1 cup warm water
30 g brewer's yeast or 2 teaspoons active dry yeast, dissolved in the water
1 tablespoon olive oil
A pinch of salt
Put the flour into a bowl and make a well in the middle. Add the salt and olive oil. Mix in your water-yeast mix, and knead the dough until its smooth. You can use a dough mixer if you have one, but hand is also good. Shape the dough into a ball after about 10 minutes. Put it aside for 2 hours (or until it doubles in size). Then punch it flat, knead it slightly and divide it into 4 even pieces. Put those pieces onto a floured board, leave them to sit for another hour (cover them with a tea-towel or some glad wrap.   
While this part of the process is happening, turn on your oven to 350C. This will usually take anywhere from 90 minutes to 3 hours. 
Heating The Oven
You'll know the oven is hot enough when a white patch appears at the top (rather than soot). You can keep the oven hot by adding a stick of hardwood, or similar, every 10 minutes or so. If you want, invest in a thermometre. Or just use your hand - don't touch it! But if you can hold your hand for longer than 2 seconds, 3 inches above the oven floor - it's not hot enough! 
Pizza Flatbreads
Once the last hour is up for your dough, use your fingers to spread it out into a circle large enough for your pizza. The size is up to you. Work your magic, try flipping it if you want, or just use your fingers to spread it to around 12 inches diametre. Then add your topics. Pick a great sauce and add whatever you want!
Cooking It
Put your pizza in the oven - and after about 30-40 seconds the crust will start to puff up and cook. Rotate it 180 degrees, and put it back down in the same spot (if you move it somewhere else in the oven it might burn). It will basically take 60-90 seconds total for your pizza to cook ...   
THEN YOU GET TO EAT! Slice it, and enjoy! 
 At Woodfired Kitchen Glen Iris, we use the traditional method to cook our pizza style flatbread in the Woodfired oven. Our ingredients have been developed specially to suit our cuisine and combine both pizza base and flatbread in one - so you can enjoy the best crust and most delicious flavours in a woodfired flatbread. Come and taste it for yourself!
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Hotter Cooking Temperatures 
Pizza ovens cook at a much higher temperature than traditional ovens and cook the food far quicker. Wood fired pizza ovens generate a more substantial heat than conventional ovens as they absorb heat into the walls, ceiling and base of the oven itself, which are usually made from clay brick or stone. What this does is creates an even temperature in every area of the oven. Even temperature distribution means a quicker cooking time as well as more even cooking. Pizzas cooked in a wood-fired pizza oven can cook in as little as three minutes. This is why the wood-fired pizza restaurant in Glen Iris is so popular.   
Crispy Crust and Base
When pizzas are cooked at higher temperatures, the crust becomes crispy and crunches beautifully in your mouth. A crispy base also means pizza is easier to eat, and it all stays together when you are eating it. Any moisture that remains in the dough will become sealed inside when cooking, and toppings like cheese will also become crispy on top.   
Perfectly Cooked Toppings
Because the wood-fired pizza oven cooks so quickly the toppings are cooked quickly to keep all the nutrients inside. This is especially so when it comes to vegetables as toppings. This also keeps the full flavour of the toppings making a much better pizza to eat. Topping flavour is very much enhanced by wood-fired pizza restaurant, Glen Iris. Because the heat seals off all the moisture as well, the pizzas made in woodfired ovens absorb far less grease. Cheeses and sauces are also affected by cooking in a wood-fired pizza oven, as they soak in the smoky flavours. 
Unique Flavours
woodfired kitchen menu pizzas have a unique, smoky flavour with a taste of authenticity and complexity, much different to anything that can be achieved in a traditional oven. The lack of grease also creates a more flavour-enriched pizza. As an added note, best-woodfired pizza in Melbourne is created by using various types of wood for the fire. Different woods offer different types of smoky tastes which are transferred into the toppings and base of the pizza. Woodfired kitchen pizzas are far better than other deep-dish pizza Melbourne that doesn’t offer wood firing.   
Food You Can Woodfire 
Wood fired pizza is one of the most popular meals and has been for centuries. Whether you are dining out at your favourite wood-fired pizza restaurant in Melbourne or eating at home, the taste of wood-fired pizza is something you just can’t create without a wood-fired oven. Pizzas are the most common wood fired food no doubt, but when it comes to wood firing food, pizza is just the beginning. Wood fired ovens have the ability to cook almost any type of food you can imagine, and here are just some of the best foods you can have baked in a wood-fired oven.   
Crispy Seafood
Crispy seafood is also one of the most popular dishes to cook in a wood-fired oven. Seafood like prawns, fish, oysters and calamari draws in the smoky flavour like no other food on the planet and leaves you with mouthful after mouthful of smoky, flavoursome goodness. Wood fired ovens are also typically much larger than standard ovens, meaning you can fit a large amount of seafood in the oven, smoking and searing to enhance the flavours while keeping all the goodness in.   
Bread, Pizza Flatbreads
Bread is very simple to cook in a wood-fired oven. There is nothing quite like a smoky loaf of fresh bread cooked to perfection under wood fire. Even if you are gluten-free, there are many options available, and wood-fired ovens can offer something that store-bought products just cannot. If you want wood-fired flatbread in Melbourne, this is the best way to do it. Of course, pizza is on the list. Wood-fired pizzas or wood-fired flatbreads Melbourne are the best thing to cook in any wood fired oven. There are a million different ways to top a pizza or flatbread and adding the smoky flavour from a wood-fired oven enhances everything about it.   
Roasted Vegetables
Roasted veggies are merely delicious when cooked in a wood-fired oven. The natural flavours of the vegetables combined with the smoky flavours of the burning wood offer flavours you just can’t get at home. In a standard oven, vegetables take almost an hour to cook correctly, however in a wood-fired oven; your smoky flavoursome vegetables will be ready in just 20-30 minutes. Crispy on the outside, soft in the middle, and abundant in flavours.   
Slow Cooked Meats
Low and slow is the way to go. Wood-fired meats are delicious; there is no doubt about it. Smokey flavours work well with every type of meat you can imagine, so whether you want beef. Lamb, pork, venison, chicken, duck, spatchcock or kangaroo, slow-cooked meat from a wood-fired kitchen menu glen iris is the way to go.For the best wood-fired food, you need the best wood-fired pizza restaurant in Glen Iris. A woodfired kitchen menu should feature a range of fabulous meals, including pizzas and flatbreads topped with smoky, fresh ingredients.
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Why we use local producers for our ingredients
We are proud to use ingredients from local producers. There are a whole host of reasons why we choose to do so. For some, using local food is just a trend. For us, it goes much deeper than that. We understand the difference that we can make by doing so. Customers want fresh, local ingredients.   
Local Food 
While there is no strict definition when it comes to local food, typically, it’s considered to be foods that are grown within 100 miles of where they are consumed or sold. Of course, it’s up to you to decide what local truly means to you. For many people, especially in expansive areas, its food that is grown within your region or state.   
Why Use Local? 
First and foremost, local ingredients just taste better. It’s picked, transported, and used much quicker than products that are shipped far and wide. Think of the distances your food has travelled, when you sit down to enjoy oranges from Spain or Florida. Why would you want to, when you could find produce nearby?
Of course, that’s another important point about local foods. It has less distance to travel, which isn’t just good for the freshness of your food. It’s also beneficial to the environment. The fewer miles your food has to travel the less petrol and energy it uses. Local protects the environment.   
Then, there is the nutritional aspect. When your food is as fresh as it is when you eat local, it doesn’t have time to lose as many nutrients. There’s also less risk with local produce because we know exactly where it came from. Local farmers tend to take their commitment seriously, they feel responsible to their local customers and pride themselves on producing high-quality, safe goods.   
It also provides us with a connection to the farmers and the land. It not only allows us to support our local farmers, but it also preserves those businesses for our future generations. When we spend our money locally, it stays locally. It is being reinvested right back into our community. It doesn’t get better like that.   
One of the best ways to look after your health is to eat with the seasons. It’s much easier to do that when we source our goods locally. The best time to eat any type of food is when it’s fresh, so it only makes sense that eating with the season ensures you get the maximum nutritional value and flavour from a product. We are helping you enjoy tastier food, all while looking after your health! So, even if it’s a pizza flatbread that you are sitting down to, you can rest easy knowing that you’re getting the maximum nutritional value from every ingredient. 
Buy Locally 
For us, using local producers for our ingredients just makes sense. So, if you feel the same, you can rest easy knowing that when you eat with us – you are doing the community a favour. Not only are you are investing in your community, but you are also working to create a greener future.   
Taste our pork belly, wagyu beef and lamb for an unforgettable flavour. 
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Woodfired Kitchen is a Mediterranean style woodfired café and restaurant in Glen Iris, Melbourne, Victoria. Offering unique woodfire flavours and pizza flatbreads, Woodfired Kitchen is the ideal brunch, lunch, happy hour and dinner venue in Glen Iris.
Woodfired Kitchen is a fully licensed woodfire café and restaurant, conveniently located right next to the Glen Iris Railway Station. Open from Tuesday to Saturday, you can enjoy our brunch menu, lunch menu or choose from our extensive flavours for dinner. We’re open from 10am until 9.30pm.
We’re also your local Happy Hour venue Glen Iris, with Happy Hour every Tuesday to Friday from 3pm to 6pm. Discount wine and beer available to help wash down your woodfired pizza or other delicious menu items.
Come on down and enjoy the woodfired kitchen experience.
For More Information visit the site : https://www.woodfiredkitchen.com.au OR Call : 0399432523
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Woodfired Kitchen Menu
Woodfired Kitchen is a Mediterranean style woodfired café and restaurant in Glen Iris, Melbourne, Victoria. Offering unique woodfire flavours and pizza flatbreads, Woodfired Kitchen is the ideal brunch, lunch, happy hour and dinner venue in Glen Iris.
 At Woodfired Kitchen, our goal is to delight your senses. We create the best pizza-style flatbread in Melbourne, along with a range of Mediterranean style menu options; providing you a unique dining opportunity.
 At Woodfired Kitchen, we are committed to perfecting the art of food with our signature woodfired flavours. We offer the best pizza flatbread in Melbourne, as well as a selection of Mediterranean inspired menu delicacies.
 When cooking food in our woodfired oven, our menu will be loaded with something for everyone – from woodfired pizza flatbread and mains to amazingly fresh salads. Visit us today and you’ll find we’re not just your ordinary pizza restaurant Glen Iris.
 We will provide you a with a relaxed, warm and welcoming meeting place, whether you are looking for a lazy brunch, a long lunch, delicious dinner, or a casual afternoon tea.
 ​Our private dining room can accommodate small groups of 12 guests seated, perfect for family birthday dinners, or other events. Booking is essential. So if you’re looking for small group cafe bookings in Glen Iris, get in touch today.
 Wood fired pizza near me
 We are a fully licensed woodfire café and restaurant, conveniently located right next to the Glen Iris Railway Station. Open from Tuesday to Saturday, you can enjoy our brunch menu, lunch menu or choose from our extensive flavours for dinner. We’re open from 10am until 9.30pm.
 We’re also your local Happy Hour venue Glen Iris, with Happy Hour every Tuesday to Friday from 3pm to 6pm. Discount wine and beer available to help wash down your woodfired pizza or other delicious menu items.
 Come on down and enjoy the woodfired kitchen experience.
 For More Information about Pizza Places in Glen Iris visit the site : https://www.woodfiredkitchen.com.au OR Call : 0399432523
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