You can always start again. Clean out your social media. Create a new account for your new taste in music. Study or work in a new city. Start socialising with new people. Choose a new signature scent and style and purge the outdated parts of yourself. If you don’t like where you’re at, but you don’t know what to do about it - try starting again.
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I bought an iPad last week and I’ve been so productive simce that day because creating notes is so much fun! I’m using the good notes app to summarize literature for my clinical & IO psychology exams :) hope you’re all doing well ✨💛
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07.12.18 // 🌻 & ☕️
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"The Girl Who Woke the Dreamer" by Laini Taylor 💎
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Where do I start with this one? You can definitely see that it’s written by Laini Taylor, whom I love. The story is set in a dystopian world, there’s magic, there’s love, there’s a villain. I really, really liked it. A captivating plot and amazing visuals!!
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"Star of Bethlehem" by Ally Carter 🌟
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“If you just want to go away then any ticket will get you there.” These are the words of our main character who ends up swapping tickets with a stranger. When her plane lands, she bumps into a friendly, loving family and discovers the true meaning of Christmas. An actual miracle, I would say! I know it’s a short review, but I really think you should read the story yourselves.
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"Welcome to Christmas, CA" by Kiersten White
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Maria, a latina, stuggles to bond with her mother’s white boyfriend and saving money to get out of the small town she lives in. When she meets the new cook at the diner she works at, she stars to look at the world around her through different lenses and realises that her life isn’t that bad and everyone around her actually loves her. Ben, the cook, is a master in guessing what the people need (to eat), even though they didn’t necessary want it. He helps Maria see that what she wants isn’t always what she needs. A captivating story about family, love and friends.
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"Beer Buckets and Baby Jesus" by Myra McEntire 🍻
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Just another story about a bad boy turning good FOR A GIRL. This story was such a bore and absolutely disappointing. It’s basically about a demon and an angel falling in love, only the “angel” is the pastor’s daughter and the “demon” is a troublemaker who ends up vandalising her father’s church and has to help out fixing the entire thing. Very impressing, what can I say….
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"what the hell have you done, Sophie Roth?" by Gayle Forman 🕯
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Feeling like an outsider at her college, Sophie Roth ends up connecting with Russell, a charming boy, who, surprisingly, actually gets her. From goofy jokes to Hanukah traditions, they do it all, Russell reminding her, that you can feel at home in more than just one place. I really liked this story and related to Sophie, even though I don’t celebrate Hanukah. But I think everyone knows how hard it can be to be the "odd one out” and being away during the holidays.
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"Krampuslauf" by Holly Black 😈
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“Krampuslauf” is what you get when you combine Christmas with Halloween. Overall the story made me laugh, but I wouldn’t have put it into a Christmas-Stories-Book. It has heartbreak and kind of-sort of demons (?). Mainly focusing on the difference between “poor” and rich children, from mentality to way of living and relationships with the others.
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"Your Temporary Santa" by David Levithan 🎅🏼
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What happens when one of your boyfriend’s sister believes in Santa and the other one doesn’t? You dress up as Santa and try to keep their childhood alive; mostly because you love your boyfriend, but also because one of them doesn’t like you and his parents don’t know he’s gay :) A story about love, growing up and understanding. The main character continuously reminding himself for whom he does all of this. The story made me “awww”, especially at the end. Just A-DO-RA-BLE!
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"It's a Yuletide Miracle, Charlie Brown" by Stephanie Perkins 🎄
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Such an adorable story! The plot follows Marigold, who, while trying to ask a guy, how works at a Christmas Tree Shop (?) (his parents own a Christmas-Tree-Farm, whatever), to do the voice of one of her characters, ends up buying a Christmas Tree. She later realises that she cannot carry it all the way to her apartment and has to ask the guy for one more favour. As the favours pile up, the two of them end up knowing a lot about each other and bonding. "It's a Yuletide Miracle, Charlie Brown” was a fun read, not afraid to be serious at times and easy-going at other times. The characters were quite relatable and the plot wasn’t unlikely.
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"Polaris Is Where You'll Find Me" by Jenny Han
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I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS ONE! 💓 it was adorable!!! 💓
Long story short (even though I wish the story would continue and be made into a novel) Santa finds on Christmas Eve in his sleigh a baby with a note that says to take care of her. He adopts the girl, whom he names Natalie, and brings her to the North Pole, amongst a bunch of elves. Natty is now around 15 or 16 if I remember well and she starts to feel like an outcast being the only human around there. Did I mention that she has a crush on an elf? 😚
GOD I LOVE JENNY HAN SO MUCH!! Her books//stories are beautifully written, easy to read and very, very relatable (that is if you're a teenager)
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"angels in the snow" by matt de la peña
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This story was... interesting... I mean it was cute and all, but nothing really happens. This boy, named Shy, babysits a friend's cat during Christmas and a cute neighbour knocks on his door in need of help with the pipes. Not being able to leave the building because of the deep snow they develop a friendship which might turn into more. Again, a nice idea but quite static.
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I´m a first-year-uni student in PT, which means that I take anatomy classes. Here are some tips and trick how to make studying anatomy easier:
Nothing has been more helpful than this. On youtube, there are many videos of dissection human body or some animated videos for those who are still not sure about seeing a corpse. But actually, visualize all the stuff you have to memorize is amazing and then easier for you to remember. I would recommend this in studying muscles (videos with the motion of the muscle), nerves and bones.
btw. not only for anatomy, but I highly recommend it for microbiology and genetics too. Videos of transcription etc. are awesome.
Trust me, this helped me so much so far. While I was studying bones a was lost. Until my friend appeared and started to explain everything to me and we compared our ideas.
I know, i know..Many teachers will probably tell you that anatomy is especially about memorizing stuff. Well, if you try to understand the system as a whole, try to connect everything, it will become so much easier to remember.
4. DRAW!
Draw everything you can. Even though you are not an artist, draw.. It is the same case as with the videos, you have another point of view.
Not only because of the lack of information in some books, but in every book there are different images of the human parts. And again, the more points of view you have, the more you´ll understand it.
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"milk and honey" by rupi kaur 🐝
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this book... wow... I read it in like an hour and I didn't know I could go through so many feelings in just 60 minutes. It gives you goosebumps, it makes you cry, it makes you say "YOU GO GIRL!" and most of all it gives you the sensation that someone understands you (especially if you are a woman). "milk and honey" isn't your traditional poem book, the lines don't rhyme and some pages are actually written in prose. It is definitely a book I'm going to re-read probably once a year, but I wouldn't recommend it to someone who goes through a hard time or has mental health issues.
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Maybe we invented metaphor as a response to pain.
— John Green: Turtles all the way down
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"The Lady and the Fox" by Kelly Link
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Miranda's mother is in prison for probably her entire life, still her godmother, a member of a wealthy and beautiful family, invites her every Christmas to join them. One Christmas Eve, Miranda sees a man outside the house who seems to be part of this family but disappears before she can figure anything out. After years of not seeing him again, she assumes that it was just her childish imagination. Until she meets him again... I actually really loved "The Lady and the Fox". It was such a great Christmas story; not too awkward, not too serious, just wonderful and quirky. Like a mini-rom-com ;)
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