wonderdevelop · 1 year
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wonderdevelop · 1 year
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wonderdevelop · 1 year
In the world of software development, the term "full stack" is frequently used to describe developers who have a wide range of skills and can work on both the front-end and back-end of an application. Click this above link to learn how to become java full stack developer
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wonderdevelop · 1 year
If you want to deploy your React application like Netflix, Instagram, or Facebook then this article is for you. AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a popular and secure cloud computing service platform and it provides a robust platform for hosting, making it an excellent choice for deploying your React app. Click this article to know Step by Step Guide to Deploy React Application to AWS
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wonderdevelop · 1 year
In 2023, beginners are trying to become frontend developers by doing HTML projects, because these languages ​​are everyone can easily learn. As a beginner, it's crucial to practice and apply your knowledge by working on real-world projects, so click the link and do the project I mentioned.
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wonderdevelop · 2 years
4 Methods to Insert Video in HTML | Beginners Guide
4 Methods to Insert Video in HTML | Beginners Guide
How to Insert Mp4 Video in HTML     Before introducing HTML5, to play video files users need to install plugins like a flash player or any equivalent player inside the browser. This would take more storage and extra resources also but nowadays almost all mobile platforms don’t support a flash player, I think you know that. Then what is the solution to these problems how do we let users play video…
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wonderdevelop · 2 years
How To Select Elements With Class Name 'Test' in CSS
How To Select Elements With Class Name ‘Test’ in CSS
How do You Select Elements With Class Name Test  In this article I will tell about, how do you select elements with the class name ‘test’. What is the proper syntax for CSS Selector CSS provides various types of selectors so that we can be able to get more control or selection of HTML elements and apply styles on them efficiently. And CSS has Syntax of CSS rule-set/rule Selector{ declaration…
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