"I have spent my life hiding in the dark, it's time that I finally step into the light." Indie RP Account for my OC Atlas Prince/Wonder Boy. Mun + Muse are over 18, there will be adult content on this blog so please do not be offended as it is explicitly stated here. Multiple Verses Available.
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“Has anyone ever told you sneaking around someone else’s city is going to get you in trouble.” Shadow asked appearing out of the shadows with a cat like grin. Admitted she still split most of her time between Bludhaven and Gotham but that was only because she had been invited into both cities and she didn’t sneak so much as hide in plain sight. He seemed oddly familiar but in a city full of psychos and petty criminals it paid to be distrustful.
“You are so lucky I don’t have bat ears but I can almost guarantee he knows you’re here and probably isn’t happy about. You are either Brave or stupid I just can’t decide so maybe you can tell my exactly you are skulking around.”
Atlas was taken aback by the sudden arrival of the girl, he let out a short burst of air before he starting speaking. “I apologise if I’m trespassing, it wasn’t my intention.” He shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot, the human custom of belonging wasn’t something he’d gotten used to yet. At home, people shared everything.
Atlas laughed when she started talking about the Batman, a smile staying on his face even when he’d stopped giggling. “Somehow, I don’t think he’s going to take issue with me, we have... mutual friends.” Atlas looked closer at the other girl, watching her carefully. “I am Atlas, Son of Hera and Prince of Gargarei. My caretaker is the Amazon you know as Wonder Woman.”
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shoving a pile of junk under his bed, aj looked over his shoulder. “why wouldn’t he approve ?” aj innocently smiled back. “is he scared of messes, or just really strict about cleanliness ?”
Atlas laughed and gave the other boy a light punch on the arm. “I honestly think it would be a bit of both.” As aj shoved the mess under his bed, Tommy raised an eyebrow. “I’m flattered that you’d tidy up for me.”
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“ Many of your fellow heroes seem to believe I can’t have the same intent, just because my methods stray. “ She understood their precaution, Jay had been a drug lord, a criminal, had walked into a room with an AK-47 and a bag full of heads and taken over Gotham;s drug trade. She was risky, and trusting her didn’t always seem safe.
“Well, I disagree with them. Sometimes on the battlefield you must slay the evil to save the innocent.” He was sure Diana would see it in a similar way, but he knew that her morals were clouded when it came to the lives of humans.
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“ And we have are selfs a winner … Paula what’s his prize “ Jason said mockingly.
Atlas rolled his eyes. “Are you always this rude to people you’ve just met? I’m starting to understand your lack of allies.”
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He sighed softly, unsurprised by his reaction. Honestly, the number of times he has heard either of those things…
“Yeah, it’s not that confusing, it’s only one more word.” His call to train with him was a surprise though, and he would never pass up a chance to learn a different style of fighting.
“So are we gonna train or do you have more questions for me?”
“I apologise if that comment was hurtful, it wasn’t intentional.” Atlas did his best to smile at the other man. “Not questions, just some queries.”
“Am I correct in assuming no weapons will be used? I do have my sword and shield with me if you’d prefer we did.” Atlas was unsure about the sparring session, and he was worried about how Red Robin would find his fighting style.
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Sorry sorry sorry! I have been so awol over the past few days, but I'll hopefully get some replies done tonight!
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“The more you know I guess “
“Well, no question where you’re from. Angry demeanour and brooding personality? You’ve got Gotham written all over you.”
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“okay, so i haven’t cleaned my room in a while.” aj joked. he picked up the pieces of clothing and empty soda cans littering the floor. “you don’t gotta rag on me too hard about it.’
“I’m having a laugh, it’s not that bad.” He watched as AJ did his best to clean up, a small laugh escaping his lips. “Although, I still can’t say my father would approve.”
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“ Yeah, “ She doesn’t fight the small laugh that bubbles up. “ Certainly better than anything you could have heard about me. “ She was better than she had been, but she still used real bullets and broke the rules and, though it had slowed, her body count still ticked up.
“I wouldn’t say that.” Admittedly, Atlas had heard some bad things about the Red Hood. But he’d also heard that her intentions were good and as long as she protected the innocent, Atlas had no problem. “You’re the same as I am, our methods just differ slightly.” It was a slight understatement, but he hoped she got what he meant.
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Just to be clear -
Even if we have never interacted, you are more than welcome to send me memes. Sentence memes, text memes, questions about my muse. It’s a great way to start something new between muses. If you want to interact, but none of my starters are interesting, send me a meme. If you want to know my muse better, send me a meme. If you just have nothing better to do and want to see if something will develop between our muses, send me a meme.
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//looks like I’m gonna have to hit the hay, as I’ve got work pretty early tomorrow :3 It was lovely writing with you all, and I’ll try and get a couple more done before I head out tomorrow!!
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Too Shy To Reach Out?
Send A Symbol To Explain Why We’re Not RPing Yet
♔- I can’t think of a plot for us and I want to figure that out first! ☃ - I’m not sure how our characters would meet. ☁- I’m worried you only RP with a certain group of people. ♛ - I wrote you a starter and you haven’t replied yet… ★ - I’m intimidated by how much you write ☂ - I’m intimdated by how often you post ☾ - I don’t know how to approach you ☄ - I’m super anxious about EVERYTHING ☀ - I keep hoping you’ll message me first…
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*he smiled* we can do anything you like… anywhere. I am a traveller after all
Originally posted by ricardchoyos
“Anything? Be careful what you wish for.”
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“ Diana isn’t wrong, though that’s no surprise. “ There had been a time, in the early days of the second Robin, when she had told Bruce that she wanted to be Diana when she grew up.
That hadn’t gone very well.
She took his hand with a smile. “ So I’ve heard. “
Atlas nodded in agreement. If his time with Diana had taught him anything, it was that listening to her was always the better option. He felt a small rush of pride when she said she’d heard of him, it made him happy to know that his name was starting to spread around. “All good things I hope?”
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Oh I really wouldn’t know… I only just arrived. Though I wouldn’t mind spending more time with you…
Originally posted by ricardchoyos
“Oh really? Well, if you’ve got any idea of how we can spend this time together... let me know.”
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I’m not really much of a royal advisor…. though I could try… what would you like advise about?
Originally posted by theantigrapevine
“Well, I have the night off... Maybe you could show how people here enjoy themselves.”
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✧ @blxxkmirror ✦
“Where I’m from all of this,” He gestured wildly around himself, doing his best to take in the scene that he’d somehow stumbled into. “would be frowned upon. In fact, my father would sooner go to war then lay eyes on it.”
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