The Woman from Blackwater
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womanfromblackwater · 4 years ago
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Rewatching Deadwood, and I everything about it (writing, acting, etc.) is amazing, but I especially love the show’s version of Calamity Jane. 
They didn’t try to “pretty her up” by making her wear makeup or more feminine clothing, and she drinks and swears just as much as any other character. But there are also scenes of her being vulnerable and emotional, and it never feels like they’re trying to make her “one of the guys.” She’s just as complex and well rounded as any of the (mostly male) cast. 
Plus, she is queer, but it’s just part of who she is and the show doesn’t make it the entire focus of her character. It just is what it is, and her romantic relationship is sometimes great and sometimes rocky, but it feels real. Plus, neither she nor her partner get killed off or treated as stereotypical token queer characters.
All of this is pretty basic representation stuff, but sadly its not really common to see queer women portrayed like this even today, and this show is from 2004. 
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womanfromblackwater · 4 years ago
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womanfromblackwater · 4 years ago
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I love that they share one braincell.
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womanfromblackwater · 4 years ago
Pride history posts on here seem almost exclusively to revolve around Stonewall which can leave the impression that America is the only place where anything important ever happened and obviously is not true so I have compiled a few links where you can learn about LGBTQ history in other countries! Feel free to add
The Brunswick Four and the Toronto raids in Canada 🇨🇦
Queer icons like Virginia Wolf, Oscar Wilde, and Freddie Mercury in Britain 🇬🇧
Cultural revolution in Weimar Germany 🇩🇪
The drag scene in Nigeria 🇳🇬
Gay and lesbian Mardi Gras in Australia 🇦🇺
Frida Kahlo and Mexicos fraught history 🇲🇽
Gay samurai in Japan 🇯🇵
Queer narratives erased by colonialism in Pakistan 🇵🇰
The modern world’s first legal same-sex marriages in the Netherlands 🇳🇱
The honoured Mahu (transgender individuals) in traditional Hawaiian culture 🌺
Hidden queer communities in communist Poland 🇵🇱
Husbands in ancient Egypt 🇪🇬
The Athens pride festival in Greece 🇬🇷
The Homosexual Movement of Liberation in Chile 🇨🇱
Gay rights protests in India 🇮🇳
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womanfromblackwater · 4 years ago
Y’all need to check out At Swim-Two-Birds by Flann O’Brien. It’s about characters leading a full-on rebellion against the author writing them
“Why won’t you do as I tell you?” demands the storyteller. 
His characters stare back at him, quietly amused. 
“You need to cooperate, damn it! I created you!”
The protagonist raises his eyebrows. “Did you? Or did you just discover us?”
The author finds himself cowed into silence.
“Now. Get back to writing,” says the character who was meant to be the protagonist’s best friend, but now demands to be the love interest. “In time, you’ll learn we call the shots.”
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womanfromblackwater · 4 years ago
This is perfect- the level of detail is amazing!
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Here is my @rdrsecretcupid2020 art piece!
@fangirl-ramblings was my cupid, so I made you this vector portrait of John, hope you like it! 💜💜💜
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womanfromblackwater · 4 years ago
These have got hardcore big brother/ little brother vibes
Someone requested I upload all the times that John asked Arthur to do something with him and Arthur ignored him. Arthur is quite mean in some of these. You don’t have an option as the player to chose something nice. These are automatic it appears. Originally, Arthur can also do this when John asks to go fishing or the saloon. Sometimes, John can reject you.
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womanfromblackwater · 4 years ago
I think you’re totally right about it intentionally feeling abrupt and wasteful. I think the same thing happens with both Sean and Lenny, where Arthur wants to be able to stop and mourn but really can’t because he’s still in a life-or-death situation.
I will say I think Susan had one of the most frustrating deaths in the game. It sort of felt like they just needed to get rid of her character real quick. She just sort of gets... Left there and it doesn't feel like it got the weight it deserved.
Then again maybe that was sort of the point. It feels like a waste because it was a waste. She wanted to stick around and stay loyal to what the gang stood for and she died for it, more or less unmourned. Because by the end there was no gang and they didn't stand for anything.
Susan was a uuuuuuh flawed individual and I remember being kind of uncomfortable with her for a chunk of the game but man thinking about how she was willing to stand with Arthur at the end. He must have really meant a lot to her because I don't remember her hesitating for a second.
It's a real bummer, my dude.
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womanfromblackwater · 4 years ago
The shading and detail here are phenomenal!
Got commissioned to draw Hosea Matthews and Dutch Van Der Linde scheming together ☺️
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womanfromblackwater · 4 years ago
These are really interesting- I'm so used to hearing the high honor dialogues that I didn't know most of these existed!!
WARNING LOUD AUDIO This took a long time to make. It is randomized so sometimes the combinations are funny. If you find it interesting, please reblog. I’m hardly having people reblog lately.
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womanfromblackwater · 4 years ago
I don't hate Mary, but there wasn't anything in the game that made me particularly like her either. I think I would feel differently if we had seen/heard more about their relationship when they were younger, but as is I don't really see anything about her that he would be so in love with
i'm really curious as to why i see so many people absolutely despising mary.
idk, i'm new to the fandom so maybe i'm just missing something, but i really love the relationship between her and arthur and the way their tragic story is fleshed out.
i see a lot of people expressing a dislike of her specifically because she 'broke arthur's heart', but are we just going to act like arthur didn't break her's too? it's so obvious that they are deeply in love, but that their loyalty to their families are more important to them.
the most frequent complaints i see is something along the lines of 'mary clearly knows that her father is a shithead and yet she gets mad at arthur when he calls him that' and 'if mary knows her own father is a shithead, why doesn't she just leave him?', but like, all of that can also be said about arthur and his relationship with dutch, especially in chapter 6.
he could've very easily met of with mary and run away when the realisation that dutch was loosing it started setting in, but instead he chose to stay with his family, specifically because there were people he felt needed him more than mary, like john for example (you know, kind of like how mary probably wanted to protect her brother).
i understand that some people think she's whiny or too dependant on arthur, and that's a totally valid reason to dislike a character, but it is part of her character. all of the characters in the game, very much including arthur, are deeply flawed, because, well, if they weren't it would be a shitty, uninteresting game
all in all, i thought it was funny how arthur describes the the braithwait and gray romance as a 'version of romeo and juliet' when he himself is a part of one. except, in this version, both romeo (arthur) and juliet (mary) decide that their family is more important than their love.
and i think it's even better, because it also fits in with the game's conflict of law vs. outlaw or civilisation vs. wild west, because with them choosing their respective families over each other, they're also picking sides in the ideological fight going on. and with that, the game kind of tells us that mary is in the right (at least that's the way i interpret it because of the fate of the gang and everything).
again, i'm new to the game and the fandom in general so i would really love to hear some opinions or inputs on this. i have more to say, but i've always been bad at expressing my opinions properly, especially in english.
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womanfromblackwater · 4 years ago
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womanfromblackwater · 4 years ago
so i was reading the ads in the wheeler, rawson & co. catalogue and these two were especially delightful:
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the lead-acid batteries weigh only 20 pounds and rarely leak!
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redheads - explained! cats - explained! canadians - explained!
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bonus john marston squirrel cameo! 💕
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womanfromblackwater · 4 years ago
For sure! Closest I’ve seen is when The Monkees did the 6-button shirts in the ‘60s.
And for RDR2 fans- clockwise from top left in the women’s one: Molly, Abigail, Sadie, Karen, Mary-Beth
every time wearing western “cowboy” style clothing becomes fashionable again we don’t bring back western shirts and i think that’s a terrible shame because they’re sexy as fuck
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womanfromblackwater · 4 years ago
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“Recently, a friend of mine told me that she felt guilty that she hadn’t accomplished more during the last year of the pandemic. Now, I’ve heard that a few times. And I have a feeling we’re gonna be hearing that more and more.”
The Amber Ruffin Show (May 21, 2021)
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womanfromblackwater · 4 years ago
Hello please reblog this if you're okay with people sending you random asks to get to know you better
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womanfromblackwater · 4 years ago
Her hair looks amazing!!
Finally finished! It’s my first attempt at drawing people digitally. Sorry for it being so rusty! I don’t have much free time, but I had lots of fun making this!❤️
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“John & Abigail’s Reunion”
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