wolvesandgraham · 11 years
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wolvesandgraham · 11 years
He chewed slowly, casting his gave quickly up to Emma's face before going down to his food. Graham took another large bit from his burger, chomping the meat with his back teeth. Granted, he had missed the food. How wouldn't he? But he had missed Emma. She and him, since he remembered last, we're finally starting to be something. He was not the pathetic cop who just chased after her then and he wanted that back. But, due to his own awkwardness, he said nothing. Quickly, Graham swallowed and looked to Emma with a face that clearly stated 'I want to talk'. "Emma...I uhm....Before I was gone, we were at a certain point, we're we not?" The last thing he needed was for his last memory of them to be a false one.
I had to try || Graham and Emma || AU S2
She nodded as she sipped on her hot cocoa, grabbing the fries she had gotten for herself and munching on them while Graham got ready. When he finally came out and went straight for the food, she shook her head. He seemed to be just like his old self, she remembered always seeing how excited he got over food when he was starving, and that was the case at the moment. When he took a bite and then claimed he had missed the burgers, she found herself laughing quietly. “Good to know that’s what you missed while you were gone, the food” she teased as she took a bite of her fries as she watched him. She was perched on her old desk, David’s current desk, which was odd.
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wolvesandgraham · 11 years
A little practice always was a good calm down for the Huntsman. He needed it since he been employed with Regina's demands. He couldn't do much against her. She had his heart. And not in a romantic sense. His bow was strung over his shoulder, the quiver held tightly by its leather strap in his gloved hand.
He wore the clothes he normally did, just a tad up more to his queen's standards. Like stated previously, he didn't have a choice. 
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As he walked through the dark hallways of the stone castle, he begged to whatever higher being there was that she wouldn't see him. Oh, he yearned for it. He just wished to go out, practice his aim, maybe hunt, and avoid the Queen entirely. But, that was a long willed wish and was high up in the odds of not happening.
He hadn't even walked past her about three feet before he halted, soon as she called his name. It was with great apprehension did he finally mutter the words, "Yes, your highness," and he trailed after her. 
As he set his hunting equipment next to the door, the Huntsman looked over to Regine, eyes showing no emotion towards her. It was...difficult...to feel without a heart, that he admitted. But it was no issue to loathe her. "What do you need, my Queen?" He asked as he stood upright and stiff in her chambers, keeping his eyes locked onto her as she walked.
A Change || Evil Queen & The Huntsman
Regina was in the palace, pacing around her chambers in thought. She’d had a lot on her mind and needed time to think to by herself. Being an evil Queen was never easy. It took careful planning, hard-work, determination and fearlessness. And she was good at them all. 
   Spending an awful lot of time alone with her thoughts, Regina decided it was time to have a little entertain, whether that would be going to visit some old friends or going down to the village to pay a visit to the peasants. 
All on her way out of the her chambers, her eyes caught hold of her huntsman walking along down the hallway. Her eyes darken, trailing slowly down his body as he walked forward from behind her. It didn’t take long for her to decided to invite him in.
     ”Huntsman.” She raised her voice to get his attention. “Join me.” She said, it wasn’t a question, it was a demand, he didn’t really have a choice, did he?
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Regina gestured him to come in, as she closed the door behind him. It had been awhile since she checked up on her huntsman. She knew he wasn’t the biggest fan of her at the moment from previous events in their past, which made it all the more fun to talk to him.
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wolvesandgraham · 11 years
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Jamie Dornan ❤ liked on Polyvore
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wolvesandgraham · 11 years
"Thank you," he muttered as he closed the door to the bathroom and quickly slipped on his clothing, he even worked to snap the waist coat he normally wore together. Graham ran his fingers through his wet hair before pushing open the door and popping out. "You spoil me, Emma." Graham sat in the seat that he had sat in before he had left, rubbing his hands together with a big, childish smile, and taking the box that held his food. Graham took a large bite of his cheeseburger, sitting back and savoring the taste on his tongue. "Oh..I missed these. Yes, I did."
I had to try || Graham and Emma || AU S2
  She shrugged her jacket off and hung into the chair in the office. She grabbed a hair tie and was about to pull her hair up when she noticed Graham was peeking out of the bathroom, “Oh, sure" she nodded when he asked if she could grab the clothes, she unlocked the drawer grabbing the spare set of clothes she had never bothered to move out, and she headed back to him, handing him the clothes. “Your burger is getting cold, so don’t wait too long" she reminded him as she headed back to her desk, she felt like she had to do something or else she’d stop and think about how odd it was to see him in there, to have him back, but it also made her happy.
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wolvesandgraham · 11 years
Graham wasted no time in going into the station and heading to the shower. He wanted this cold gook off of him and off now. He had time to think for a bit while Emma was gone. He thought about what had happened, about Emma and where they had been when he left, about Regina and what to do with her. But he mostly thought about his burger. Apparently, being dead gave one an appetite. Hot water hit him with enough heat to turn his skin red, not that he exactly minded. It was nice to be clean. He scrubbed himself raw and red. It wasn't until Emma came back did he even leave the shower. Graham poked his wet head out of the door and blinked at Emma again as if this were a dream. "Could you...Could you get my clothes out of the drawer? I may have forgotten them in my haste to get to the shower."
I had to try || Graham and Emma || AU S2
"An argument could be made for no" she pointed out, but still she shook her head as she shifted slightly from one foot to another as she looked up at him. When he teased her, she laughed, “It’s not slime you dork, it’s water, people drink out of that thing"  even though they had come out of the well when they came back from the enchanted forest. “Yes, go wipe the well slime from your face" she nudge him forward before heading back into the car. She drove back towards Granny’s, ordering food, even though she did get a weird look when she ordered enough for two people. But still Ruby handed her the food, and Emma waved goodbye, driving back to the station, she shut off the engine and sat in the car for about five minutes, trying to process that it had worked for her, he was back. She took a deep breath, deciding to finally go in, she walked into the empty office space, not sure where Graham could be hiding. “Hey, I’m back, and I have food"
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wolvesandgraham · 11 years
"Don't I always?" He asked as he sat in the passenger seat of Emma's yellow car. He didn't know why he stayed sitting as long as he did but it possibly had to due with the fact that Emma had been the one to pull him out and the one to bring him back. Also, just because he had been dead, didn't mean that he didn't cease liking her. As soon as Emma's lips pressed against his cheek, Graham's eyes widened and he batted his brown eyes at her curiously before a crooked smile came to his lips. "How does Well Slime taste, Emma?" His voice was teasing, but his eyes betrayed him. They held softness that was not there previously. It was still..difficult to feel, considering what Regina had done to his heart, but he was working to cope with the newly found emotions. "I...I should probably go and make myself suitable." He cleared his throat and moved to open the door, but not before glancing back in Emma's direction and smiling.
I had to try || Graham and Emma || AU S2
  Emma let out a small laugh when he said he wanted a burger. That didn’t surprise her, luckily the station wasn’t far away, so they were there in a matter of minutes, she pulled into the parking spot, and she opened the door, and led Graham back into the station. The lights were on, but no one was around, which was good. She looked over at him, “Okay your spare clothes are where they usually are, I’ll go get us food and come back. Stay out of trouble" she said as she learned forward to kiss him on the cheek, unsure of why she did it.
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wolvesandgraham · 11 years
Ils disent que les rêves sont les souvenirs d’une autre vie.
Mr Gold 
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wolvesandgraham · 11 years
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Graham Alphabet: N > Nature
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wolvesandgraham · 11 years
Out of Arrows
I had not planned on being gone for so long. Methinks I need to patch up what I have ignored.
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wolvesandgraham · 11 years
  Emma rested her hands against the edge of the desk, a shudder running up her spine, as she watched him, hooded eyes and parted lips. “Graham.” She whispered, tugging at his hair, desire burning on her skin. She wiggled, helping him to get her jeans off her hips, her own hands moving to his pants, slowly dragging the zipper down. 
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wolvesandgraham · 11 years
Graham looked up with a tilted head as if he were a slightly confused dog. Maybe he was dense. Graham rubbed his hands together in his ignorance before the happiness fell away completely to confusion.
"...A sleepover?" he asked, looking at Ruby as if she had grown another head. That...That didn't sound good. At all. Fear pulsated through his chest and he shrugged his shoulders. "I suppose so. You're the boss, ma'am." He took an elaborate bow and let his arms fan out behind him. 
"Sleepover...fun fest it is then."
  The waitress rolled her eyes, dropping the coy act with a shake of her head.
“You know what, don’t worry about it, Sheriff. Either you’re just hopelessly dense, or just not interested.” she mused with a light shrug. Honestly, the only reason Ruby hit on him was to gauge his reaction. He was just too much fun to tease. Still, they had to make the best of the next two nights. 
“You know what? We’re turning these next two nights into a sleepover fun fest! I’m talking junk food, scary movies, maybe even a midnight picnic adventure! So what do you say, Graham. You up for it?” the brunette challenged, flashing him her signature grin. 
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wolvesandgraham · 11 years
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wolvesandgraham · 11 years
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wolvesandgraham · 11 years
A sense of pride welled in his chest and he looked over at the other for a brief moment. Graham bit at his inner lip and thought. He was about to answer before confusion furrowed his brow and he looked perplexed beyond regular recognition. "I...I don't know..." He looked confused and lost. That was just one of the things the curse did to the poor Sheriff.
  “For once.” Dean replied quietly as he focused on finding what he was looking for. “You’re right about that.” He stated simply. The hunter let out a laugh. “I don’t think you have to worry about that, I’m not here to wreak havoc on the town. I guess you’ll have to save that for another stranger.” He grinned at the Sheriff. Dean’s eyes were glued to the building. “So he was the first to be buried here? What year did he… you know, pass?” He frowned. This would be just about the most important information he would be getting, if Graham were to disclose that information to him. Otherwise he would just have to find out himself.
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wolvesandgraham · 11 years
His arms went back one at a time, letting the sleeves from his shirt slide off as he kept one hand at the small of Emma's back. He muttered words of adoration and desire to Emma and only for Emma. His fingers danced along her flesh and slid under the fabric of her pants, gently slipping over the fabric of her under garments. Graham moved Emma so she was sitting on his desk and smiled into the soft skin of her breasts. He looked up at her and pressed his lips back tightly against her own as he removed his hand from her pants and up to fumble with her buttons.
His hands danced along her flesh, gliding from  her smooth back to her soft stomach. They moved to grasp at the cloth of her shirt and push it up gently over her head so Graham could continue kissing what he wished. Her body was sacred to him. He didn’t wish to create any marks, for if he did it would only ruin the perfection he had in his arms. Graham moved his head so he was kissing over her chest, pressing the palms of his hands to her back to steady her. She was beauty and she held peace for Graham. He wasn’t letting that go any time soon.
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wolvesandgraham · 11 years
((Can you guys do me a favor and reblog this if you're interested in RPing something other than sex? I mean...like, if I can start an RP with you without worrying that you're going to be constantly trying to seduce my character or steer the action toward something like that. Friendship is fine, of course. Angst is fine, fighting is fine, etc. Could you reblog if you're more interested in the process and the characters than THAT destination?))
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