wolverinetma · 1 month
follow @wolverinetm for more wolverine content
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wolverinetma · 1 month
follow @wolverinetm for more wolverine content
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wolverinetma · 1 month
follow @wolverinetm for more wolverine content
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wolverinetma · 1 month
follow @wolverinetm for more wolverine content
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wolverinetma · 1 month
follow @wolverinetm for more wolverine content
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wolverinetma · 1 month
follow @wolverinetm for more wolverine content
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wolverinetma · 1 month
follow @wolverinetm for more wolverine content
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wolverinetma · 2 months
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you can guess what i saw this weekend
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wolverinetma · 2 months
so i need to jot this down before i forget again, but in wolverine (2010) #5.1, logan’s then girlfriend, melita, throws logan a surprise birthday party because (through logan’s sleep talking that apparently includes giving out such information like his real name), she’s able to dig up enough info on him to find out his for real for real birthday. now… it’s never stated out loud, and it’s not written anywhere else. but. since this comic was released as a .1 issue, and not necessarily part of the larger run that was going on at the time, and written by a completely different author than the run at the time, i choose to believe that the date it was published is logan’s birthdate…
so logan’s birthday is february 9th
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wolverinetma · 2 months
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Main verse for 616 comics James Howlett aka Logan aka Wolverine. Follows main continuity, though becomes canon-divergent a few months after the emergence of Krakoa.
Unsettled by the ideology running rampant there and aware of the isolation starting to set in, Logan revives the New York school for gifted youngsters. At first, it's just a haven for mutant kids and their non-mutant families that don't want to be involved with all the complicated politics of Krakoa. But the school's reputation grew as a place for kids with powers to actually be kids--learn math, science, history, get a real education so they can lead normal lives, and find specialized teachers capable of handling the kids' powers. Even super powered adults found themselves making the trip to the school to see how they could lend a hand.
In no time, Logan finds himself as the principal and a professor at the (named behind his back) Logan Howlett School for Gifted Youngsters. He does his best to keep the place running, recruiting teachers--and even finding some financial backers. It makes him reconsider the whole school thing to begin with, as originally it started off as a safe-haven for mutant children. But as the century grinds on, more than just mutants end up with powers, and so many of them are frighteningly young. It occurs to him while watching Tony Stark raise the Starbrand Halley that kids like that need support too.
And so the Logan Howlett School for Gifted Youngsters sticks to it's name--the doors are open to all kids with gifts, mutant or not. It's brought it's own series of troubles, but Logan's the right guy for the job in making people consider his point of view.
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wolverinetma · 3 months
one of these days i'll take all my thinky thoughts about logan and the x-men vs logan and the avengers and coherently articulate the differences and why each is important
today's not that day. today's the day you get so short he's barely in the panel logan
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wolverinetma · 3 months
themes updated here so i feel better about using orange
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wolverinetma · 3 months
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found it
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wolverinetma · 11 months
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LOVING the emotions in these panels
New Avengers (2004)#8
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wolverinetma · 1 year
alright i reblogged some memes, so feel free to hit the tag and send stuff in! seriously, if we're mutuals, the inbox is wide open, i'd love to see anything from you, yes you, the person reading this, i really really do mean you. send in one thing, send in lots of things, or break the mold and send in something random, whatever floats your boat.
additionally, like this post and i'll send you some memes throughout my day. i'm gonna play some games and do some unpacking, but i'll be around tonight to answer some stuff and maybe do some replies to boot.
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wolverinetma · 1 year
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dialogue starters from marvel comics’ avengers assemble (2012), issues #1-8.  change pronouns/wording/names as needed.
’ why don’t any of you stop me when i get like that in front of the press? ’ ’ i like when you get all you. ’ ’ guard the package! don’t abandon your posts! ’ ’ i somehow always thought you were a myth. ’ ’ well, this was an eye-opener, i’ll tell you that. ’ ’ it’s gone! the package is gone! i told you people to guard it with your life! ’ ’ you don’t even know what it is! you couldn’t possibly know. ’ ’ triangulate our location and send everything you have. ’ ’ seven guards.  all with semiautomatic rifles. ’ ’ i don’t like where this is going. ’ ’ at my funeral, will you get up and say something crazy awesome about my manhood? ’ ’ i’ve been thinking a lot about mortality lately. ’ ’ you and me out here in the middle of nowhere… ’ ’ be quiet or i will tell everyone at your funeral what your favorite movie is. ’ ’ because i know a lot of things about you, you know. ’ ’ i’m calling it in. ’ ’ we should wait for the others. ’ ’ can i ask you something without sounding disrespectful? ’ ’ add to this horror, the very real idea that there are others in the cosmos who have taken it upon themselves to protect you. ’ ’ your world is home to powers and items of power that have no business on your planet. ’ ’ is this a real grenade launcher? ’ ’ you break it, you buy it. ’ ’ how much for all of it? ’ ’ i don’t know if you’re new to this, but this is the part where we accept your surrender. ’ ’ hey, you forgot to tip the waitress. ’ ’ he stole something shiny. ’ ’ he saw ____ overtake the convoy and steal something they were transporting. ’ ’ thing is, i contacted the army and they said there was no convoy. ’ ’ something we should have been able to knock out before bedtime, except they were there to sell this. ’ ’ is that what i think it is? ’ ’ this shouldn’t be in existence, let alone in play. ’ ’ they are playing the most dangerous game, and they have the power to back it up. ’ ’ we have the army covering up, we have lethan weapons of cosmic proportions as targets… ’ ’ until we know more, this stays between us in this room.  all of us.  no one else. ’ ’ ____, you need to find a hiding place for that.  they are going to come after it. ’ ’ you do not let that package out in the open. ’ ’ yeah, yeah, how about you hand over what you stole and remember back all of two hours ago that it took only one of us to beat you all silly. ’ ’ did i miss the part where they told us who they are and what they’re up to? ’ ’ dude, you’re hurting my feelings. ’ ’ there’s a better way to do this. ’ ’ ____, we need a better plan. ’ ’ that’s the thing.  we know everything about you and you don’t know a damn thing about us. ’ ’ you know, it’s probably best you not focus on that.  just keep moving.  think happy thoughts. ’ ’ they’re using a tech or power source we don’t have an angle on. ’ ’ thanks to the laws of sonic disruption, this will be the end of your power broadcast day. ’ ’ so, tell me, guys, who has the tech and the wherewithal to pull off this whole dog and pony show? ’ ’ let’s go! we’re not safe here! ’ ’ we have work to do. ’ ’ he doesn’t squeal.  it’s against his religion.  he’s not going to talk to you. ’ ’ we’ll play good cop/bad cop. ’ ’ we’re barely able to conjure the idea that there is a game and who the players are.  we don’t know the rules of this game. ’ ’ first, we’re going to send all this intel back to ____ and tell him/her/them to tell everyone to hold on to their hello kitty backpacks and pray. ’ ’ i’m gonna turn this whole damn thing around. ’ ’ i’m working on a program to shut it down. ’ ’ should we put it to vote? ’ ’ that’s what we’re here for, as they say. ’ ’ they had to know we’d find out about this.  they’d have to know someone would try and stop this. ’ ’ he oh so delightfully powered up a bunch of lackeys to get them to gather a bunch of high-powered items for him. ’ ’ and by gather i mean steal. ’ ’ ____, if you’re hurt, you say something. ’ ’ you don’t have to act tough. everyone knows how tough you are. ’ ’ damn them, it’s getting harder and harder to figure out who the good guys are. ’
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wolverinetma · 1 year
dark angel ask meme
all quotes are taken from season 1, episode 1: pilot. feel free to change pronouns as needed!
it’s not fair. i get back at 3am, you’re still out. i wake up and you’ve already been up, bopping around for an hour.
i think it’s working. i feel almost human.
i was an instrument of the most high.
i begged, i pleaded, i pissed, i moaned. but i gotta do what i gotta do.
wanna be rich, listen to the bitch.
okay, let’s do this.
how did you do that?
you’re not still pissed off?
try having a relationship with you, ___, it’s like staring in a fog bank. you’re trying to have something but you have no idea where you are.
you keep everyone at arm’s length like you got a big, dark secret going on.
you’re right, i was angry at you.
could you ever forgive me?
i see the perimeter defense system is still fully intact.
at least i tried.
he’s just trying to blame you because he’s a slut.
it’s just mysterious.
you have a punk-ass mouth on you, kid.
you got somethin’ for me or what.
sorry, i was nine at the time.
who’s this guy, he’s not who we were looking for.
maybe you could give me something more on her… some detail… anything…
she was nice.
yeah, that’s vague.
i think she was a nurse.
like i’m shocked to hear you say that.
i won’t hurt you!
put it down! now!
i was expecting someone else.
i’d love to hang and discuss art, but i gotta jet.
by the way, love your show.
just thought maybe he’d like some coffee with his saliva.
playing hooky again?
don’t believe everything you hear on tv.
i got to go.
i figure this is how our visitor last night got in.
if i just got my ass handed to me by a size three, i might mind my own business.
hey, we got to talk
i need your help, __.
i don’t see how you cheating on __ involves me.
i am a victim here.
does this other person have a name?
i’m a toy to her.
has it occurred to you to tell __ the truth?
look, __, i made a terrible mistake, one i’ll never make again.
i’m looking for a young lady that works here.
i say, leave __ out to dry.
we didn’t get a chance to finish our conversation last night.
sorry about your window.
let me get my coat.
how’d you find me?
so you tracked me down. what do you think?
that was an extraordinary display of athleticism last night.
we have what you might call an… intimate relationship.
bet you didn’t know your boyfriend found a little pain exciting. he didn’t either.
you’re a very understanding person. and a fool.
i’m working very hard to respect my elders here, but don’t push your luck
you rock, __. you rock!
oh she’s toxic. a monster in bed, but toxic.
none of this would’ve happened if you’d exercised a smidgeon of self restraint or good judgement, which you didn’t.
__, you home?
you ever notice how cats seem to turn up around dinnertime?
i won’t be staying.
i’m a fabulous cook.
i steal things in order to sell them for money. it’s called commerce.
i left you a present.
am i supposed to be grateful?
well if you’re that nervous, you’re welcome to stay here.
send me the bill for this, by the way.
if i made you nervous, or uncomfortable, or creeped you out…
yes, on all accounts.
i haven’t been able to get you off my mind.
c'mere, i wanna show you something.
no, i meant this. probably the most singularly beautiful face i’ve ever seen.
do you always come on this strong?
and now i think i know pretty much everything.
i don’t know what kind of game you’re playing here, but i’m out, because you’re a whack-job.
not that i don’t love a good urban legend now and again, but what does any of this have to do with me?
we got separated right away. i never knew how many of them made it.
it took me a long time afterwards to figure everything out.
you said you could help.
what’s in it for you?
your friend has reason to worry.
i didn’t make it this far by looking for trouble.
are you high?
i’ve got people looking to either put me in a cage for the rest of my life, turn me into a science project, or kill me. probably all three.
what happened?
whoever tossed this place, they were just trying to make it look like a robbery.
but if i were you, i’d take the money, and get out of town while i can.
he’s dead.
lovely of you to join us.
…and you want me to believe in happenstance?
nurses beat me to it.
damn. are you alright?
can you help me get her back?
your basic renaissance dirtbag.
this isn’t my usual line of work, i’m making it up as i go.
it’s not what it looks like.
do you ever have to do something you really don’t want to do?
girl, you work that dress.
i’m on a break.
guess again.
the only thing better than four queens, is five.
give us a minute. now.
who are you?
gonna put me on your christmas card list?
you’re a player. i’m bringing you this on a plate. my fee is just the cost of doing business.
i have sincere eyes.
can you put that in a bag or something?
you better hope you’re as smart as you think you are.
you know that whole thing about the pliers… i never would’ve done it.
actually, i kinda uh… think you’re pretty cool.
you’re smart, you’re hot. you’ve got a wicked sense of humor.
yeah… you got a bad attitude.
see what you don’t know is that you’re already in the last two minutes in your life.
pathetic. c'mon, you’re not even trying.
it’s embarrassing to the professional community.
don’t touch my ass, man.
just give it to me, i’ll remember
i’m on my way.
i want a full perimeter seal. no one goes in til i say so.
drop your weapons, now!
keep your money, man. we can take care of our own.
i’ll make sure his family gets this.
i see you’re back at it. rockin’ the boat.
i would’ve come sooner. but i didn’t.
i’ve never been much for figuring out why bad things happen. they just do.
i need a favor.
you can keep this. i really don’t have any place to put it.
i need you to do a little legwork for me.
i got my own problems.
look, one thing i’m not is a chump.
he escaped custody after four hours.
and now he figures i’m gonna go and do the right thing because i owe him. like i even care.
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