wolfstar-is-poetry · 3 years
Also yes the Black family all lived under one roof (Bellatrix,Andy, Narcissa, Sirius, Reggie)
Because ✨drama✨
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wolfstar-is-poetry · 3 years
“So what are you doing for Valentine’s Day?”
Me: [reading endlessly dramatic and romantic wolfstar fics]
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wolfstar-is-poetry · 3 years
Sirius: I'm a moderate, peaceful man.
Remus: Just yesterday you threw a chair at Snape.
Sirius: That was moderate and peaceful compared to the table I was going to throw at him.
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wolfstar-is-poetry · 3 years
I’m fucking cackling because I just remembered in ATYD when Remus comes out to everyone and Sirius is shocked and he’s like “wait you’re gay?” after a whole year of fooling around with Remus 😭😭😭
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wolfstar-is-poetry · 3 years
Sirius: What’s your sleep schedule like?
Remus: in the summer or when I’m in Hogwarts?
Sirius: When you’re here, in Hogwarts???
Remus: Oh, I don’t sleep.
Sirius, lowkey concerned: What’s the difference then?
Remus: Nothing.
Remus: I just wanted to sound mentally stable.
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wolfstar-is-poetry · 3 years
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Breathing after a mischief with the marauders that night felt like breathing air from a world that’s wasn’t his, like just look at Sirius hair play with the wind he thought, how the hell we can be so fearless? Was it lack of brain cells?, next to him James was standing there owning everything his eyes could reach, and Pete just looked comfortable with it, How? Fuck off his mind told him, enjoy, so he did it, he let the fear turn into hope of a life full with the people he loved and looked through Sirius eyes the reflection of the night and for a moment he forgot he was on the ceiling of Hogwarts in the middle of the night as he felt full for the first time in his life.
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wolfstar-is-poetry · 3 years
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Remus and his relationship with smoking.
He was tired, he recognised, but not enought to admit it to the others, but there was no reason to pretend really, everyone seemed as misfit as he was, but he was already weak, why on earth would he want to add something else to the list of things that made him miserable in eyes of everyone; thinking made him even more tired, a voice in his head told him, be carefull wanker, he knew, better than anyone else, than when was really tired he tend to openly say all the things that were stupid and senseless to his eyes, he loved everyone in that room way to much so the best was just to go to bed, in the stairs he decided he fancied a cigar before going to bed, he signed in relive when he finally filled up his lunges with the smoke, it felt so good to have something else taking over him, he was tired of no having control, so the little thing in his hand made him feel as settle down as an orphan can be.
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wolfstar-is-poetry · 3 years
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the stars and the moon
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wolfstar-is-poetry · 3 years
This is us, we are this.
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this u?
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wolfstar-is-poetry · 3 years
Sirius: Do you want a protein shake, bro?
James: Nah, bro.
Sirius: Why, bro?
James: Because you’re the only one who gives me strength, bro.
Sirius: Bro.
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wolfstar-is-poetry · 3 years
James : I'm telling Remus.
Sirius : Wait, hold on-
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wolfstar-is-poetry · 3 years
Lily: *drops quill* Oh! Are you fucking serious?!
Remus: *nervously sweating* W-whaT nO! Why w-would I? *awkward laughter*
Lily: Remus. We need to talk.
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wolfstar-is-poetry · 3 years
Snape went to Hogwarts during Marauders era. It’s literally their world and he’s just living in it.
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wolfstar-is-poetry · 3 years
The scene we deserved.
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Harry felt as though the bottom had dropped out of his stomach.
“I DON’T BELIEVE IT!” Hermione screamed.
Lupin let go of Black and turned to her. She was pointing at him, wild-eyed. “You – you –”
“Hermione –”
“– you and him!”
“Hermione, calm down –”
“I didn’t tell anyone!” Hermione shrieked. “I’ve been covering up for you –”
“Hermione, listen to me, please!” Lupin shouted. “I can explain –”
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wolfstar-is-poetry · 3 years
HI HELLO, I’m looking for people that love the marauders era to just have a perfectly chaotic chat.
Everyone’s invited <3
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wolfstar-is-poetry · 3 years
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James: Who the fuck put that stray cat in Minie’s desk?
Sirius: WELL *Giggling*, don’t look at me, I’m not that smart.
Remus: *sipping his tea with a demoniatic smile*
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wolfstar-is-poetry · 3 years
Remus Catharsis.
Remus was really mad, he didn’t really understood why, he felt like he finally reached the center of himself, of what he was made of, he founded cornered by who he really was, and he was surprised, scared and pleased to found himself full of anger, anger to everyone and everything, maybe he thought, just maybe this is what I am really am, all those years trying to hide himself and pass unnoticed instead of calming him doing what really did was accumulate anger; now that he was alone with himself he remembered how it used to be when he was a kid growing up, hating being just as normal as the other boys, hating having to be in control at all time, hating that his life makes completely boring sense, hating that this sense takes all hope of having something fun an special in its short painfully life ; but what was more odd than anything else to him was that it felt more like home than anything else he had experience ever since he grown up to be a civilized citizen, he felt awkward and relief to feel himself in his own skin; and now, how could he explain that to the other marauders?
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