Annalisa Wolflord
880 posts
Call me Wolfy!🐺Lvl 20• Lifetime• Frost Valley/Cookie Canyon/ Night Star Severs• Unholy amount of horses• Personal Acc: thegreengurl if you get likes + comments
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wolflordsso ¡ 6 years ago
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Legend says you maybe can hear this image
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wolflordsso ¡ 6 years ago
therapy: expencive
cantering around south hoof and listening to the soundtrack: free
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wolflordsso ¡ 6 years ago
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wolflordsso ¡ 6 years ago
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wolflordsso ¡ 6 years ago
Wolfheart will always be my 300 shilling Soul Pegasus ❤️ He deserved this update.
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wolflordsso ¡ 6 years ago
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“But… Vanessa did all the work for you.” - Alonso
A thank you post for this special Jorvik Ranger who immediately gave us the recognition for our hard work… unlike many others.
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wolflordsso ¡ 6 years ago
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“Forgive me, my sweet. I promise this won’t hurt… much”
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wolflordsso ¡ 7 years ago
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wolflordsso ¡ 7 years ago
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i feel like the animation team has so much fun w ydris, i hope they make more models like him
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wolflordsso ¡ 7 years ago
i just realized
So we all know about updated Ydris. We know how amazing he looks, and, especially after this week’s update, we know just how good his animations are.
Now can we take a moment to remember the fact that the Soul Riders are also getting the same, if not better kind of treatment?
Take a moment to let that sink in.
I’ll be crying in the corner if you want to join me.
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wolflordsso ¡ 7 years ago
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wolflordsso ¡ 7 years ago
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Love this. So cayute! ^_^ 
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wolflordsso ¡ 7 years ago
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wolflordsso ¡ 7 years ago
Pfft forget the plot related stuff, the only things that matters in the quest released today were:
1. Getting to see Tin-Can JUMP since I am 99.9% sure we’ve never gotten to see an NPC jump, specifically the Soul Riders with their steeds
2. The option of making a lasagna joke while on the phone with Justin
3. Justin and Thomas hugging
4. Saga’s transformation from a nah to a YAH horse like wtf I wish MY OWN SELF could do that
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wolflordsso ¡ 7 years ago
DIY Flowercrown Flower Locations Masterpost 2k18
I did get these locations from Fluffy Anny’s update video which you can find here, but her video does kinda go fast and it can be hard to tell exactly where she is from the quick shot of her collecting the flowers, and @willownorthbook suggested I make a masterpost since I knew the locations, so in case you don’t want to go digging through a video, I present to you the locations of the special flowers for the crafting station of Midsummer 2018! Please also note that the seven collectible flowers for the dream tent are separate from this set and can be found within the area of the event. A masterpost of the look of each of these flowercrowns has been made by @that-sso-raven and can be viewed here. If you are on Night Sprinkles and need help finding them, feel free to ask and I’ll see if I can jump on and take you around to the different spots, if need be. You can only complete all seven if you are a relatively high level. If memory serves me correctly, you will had to have talked to Elizabeth in Fripp’s Chamber to start learning about Star Breeds before you have unlocked the daily rifts to Pandoria, where you will find a Pandoric flower for an otherworldly flowercrown (nothing like picking flowers in hell, ey?), and one is in New Hillcrest, which is like a level 17 sort of endeavor. I caution also lower-level players attempting to reach the South Hoof flower, as I was sent back to my home stable once when I was a lower level for “being in a locked area” when I tried to ride beyond the Ancient Tree to catch a glimpse of New Hillcrest, and since you’ll need to be closer to New Hill to get to this flower, you may encounter this issue.
Flowers will be marked by a blue exclamation point over their head. Despite this, once you have collected and crafted the flowercrown, it will not reappear again to my knowledge. I have kept all of mine, so I’m not sure if it reappears if you sell one and change your mind, but I wouldn’t count on it.
MOORLAND is located in the grassy area along the trail towards Silverglade Village. This will give you a flower crown with yellow dandelions.
SILVERGLADE is located by the vineyard. Take the road out of the village by Marley’s, cross the bridge on the trail that goes right, and then veer off the trail before you enter the manor to the right. There’s a sort of rocky area there past a picnic spot where you’ll find the flower. You should be looking towards the oil fields and the racetrack. This will give you a flower crown decorated with pink and orange tulips.
VALEDALE can be found by going past Avalon’s house towards the trail that takes you to the spot under the waterfall. This will give you a flower crown decorated with the pink flowers of Aideen.
SOUTH HOOF is located on the New Hillcrest side of the island. It’s quickest to get to from the New Hillcrest bridge. Ride past the Ancient Tree towards the cliffs slightly off to the right, if you’re coming from the Ancient Tree. If you come from the bridge, head left off of the bridge and ride along the cliffs. The flower is in a flat area by some rocks a few strides off the cliffs. This will give you a flower crown decorated with the purple flowers that grow in bunches across the island.
NEW HILLCREST/THE HARVEST COUNTIES is easily found from New Hillcrest or riding in from Butter Hill. I came from New Hill, so the flower is located beyond the sunflower fields, along the steep hill below the gazebo. The sunflower fields can also be accessed by taking the broken bridge from Butter Hill. This will give you a flower crown decorated with sunflowers.
MISTFALL is on the highest cliff above the wolves’ den. Take the trail near the Peregrine Trail head and ride up to the furthest cliff. If you’ve done the quests with Kora and Beeper, this will be the cliff above where you met with her and the Spymaster. This will give you a flower crown decorated with purpleish flowers. They are labelled as coming from Dino Valley, possibly as an error, or possibly because you collect them from an area close to the mountains.
The seventh flower is in PANDORIA. Remember, you’ll need your starter horse to collect this flower, as they are the only horses capable of passing through the Pandoric Rifts. Once you are in Pandoria, you should see the blue exclamation point straight ahead under some mushrooms. This flowercrown is decorated with blue, semi-shiny flowers with purple fronds.
You can make one, two, three, etc., or all of these flower crowns, depending on which flower(s) you like most. If you decide you no longer want one of your handcrafted flowercrowns, you’ll make a single, shiny Jorvik Shilling for your efforts.
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wolflordsso ¡ 7 years ago
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Forever in Jorvik
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wolflordsso ¡ 7 years ago
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Changing her name! Y'all vote!
Honeycake Or Honeypie
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