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wolfboywillgraham · 8 days ago
rewatching for the millionth time and angry again at how beverly’s death was handled. for someone who was literally part of the main cast we don’t see anyone really grieving her besides that one shot of price and zeller bursting into tears when jack told them.
and yes i know will sent matthew after hannibal because of beverly, as he was fuelled by rage at the time, but for someone who was arguably his closest friend, we don’t see him mention her anymore after that episode. he later talks with hannibal about abigail and is still grieving abigail who he spent very little time with (if we ignore his imagination), but never mentions beverly. i just wish he would’ve held it against him some more
and maybe the worst of all jack, who literally had a storyline about grieving a trainee he lost two years ago, who he wasn’t really close with. not only does he not mention beverly after her death at all (except when they find her blood in hannibals safe house, which he has no visible reaction to) but he isn’t even that distressed when her murder happens.
i know this isn’t very important in the grand scheme of things but it always struck me as odd and unrealistic how they all moved on from this way too quickly. i wish the effect her death made on the team was explored more in the show. it would’ve made the dynamics more interesting
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wolfboywillgraham · 8 days ago
probably unpopular opinion on nbc hannibal. i don’t want, need, or even think, about season 4. i don’t want more. the show ended perfectly.
for me the way it left off was so satisfying, they didn’t need to kiss, they didn’t need to expand on their relationship. the intimacy of that scene in itself is clear enough.
i feel like them falling, preferably to their death, is just the most immaculate, poetic and perfect ending for them.
i’m not 100% sure how to describe it but it makes sense in my head.
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wolfboywillgraham · 8 days ago
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wolfboywillgraham · 8 days ago
I would like to urgently appeal for my friend Ayah! I have been in contact with her and gotten to know her throughout this year and she is tireless in advocating for her family and her children and protecting them.
Very recently Ayah has had to remake their fundraiser, which they've been relying on to afford food and supplies to survive this harsh year of genocide. Going into the winter, Ayah needs your help!~
Having to remake the fundraiser means that now they are very low on funds. They are receiving hardly any donations on their fundraiser, and their lives are depending on it.
Not only this, but during this year, Ayah and her family have not been able to save any money to leave through the border once it opens. They have had to use every cent on food and supplies.
It's so important to reblog and donate what you can to support this family. If even half of my followers were able to donate just a small amount to this fundraiser, we could reach €2000! Please consider donating if you can, and if you cannot, please make sure this reaches someone who can donate to this family!
Help me advocate for Ayah's family. Please follow @ayo0osh and engage with her posts, talk about her family on your own blogs. Every bit can help.
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wolfboywillgraham · 8 days ago
‏Today's vetted fundraisers
After losing my business, home, and many family members due to the prolonged conflict in Gaza, I’ve been struggling immensely. My friend Mohammed in Belgium suggested creating this link to help mitigate some of my financial losses. I am deeply grateful for any support, no matter how small. I’ll share images showing the destruction of my business and home, which has forced my family and me into a cramped tent. We face severe challenges, including extreme temperatures, inadequate winter preparation, and a lack of essential supplies like medicine, food, and clean water. These conditions have worsened health issues among my family members.
@el-shab-hussein @nabulsi @irhabiya @nabulsi
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wolfboywillgraham · 8 days ago
So imagine that you’re on a beach hanging with your brother and saving the world like always then suddenly there’s another version of you— and he just came out of nowhere and you live in a world filled with dangerous magical creatures so of course this must be some kind of shapeshifter trying to get the better of you. Of course, you attack it and he attacks you and both of you keep claiming to be the real version of you. Classic.
So you laugh it off and you ask your brother for help except he keeps saying that the other you is the real one. And the two of them are ganging up and attacking you so you have no choice but to turn around and go back home until this blows over cause let’s face it, your brother isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed and hasn’t always been the best judge of character on your adventures.
So you go home and everything’s just as you left it and it’s a bit of a relief honestly cause the incident on the beach freaked you out. Except your little sibling won’t stop screaming every time they see you. And you can’t taste your favorite foods. And your voice sounds different. And your sense of touch is off. Plus there was a period where you couldn’t hear or speak well on the beach, and all this is starting to accumulate and scare you. And you’re a kid.
So you freak out. You break furniture and you throw around your brother’s good breakfast syrup (cause you’re still angry about him turning against you) and when your brother comes home with the other version of you, still insisting that you’re the monster (which can’t possibly be true. It can’t.) you won’t look him in the eye no matter how angry he gets. But the other you is chill and wants to be your friend or something, which is fine but would be better if he would just give you your bed and your pajamas and your brother back.
So time passes and you begin to accept that you really are the monster after all, because you can’t really deny the fact that you don’t look quite the same. And that you don’t have a digestive tract. And that murder just seems a little more okay than it used to.
So you call yourself by a different name. But it’s still not fair, because before the beach you had a brother and a home and favorite foods and now you don’t have anything. Your brother is more chill now but he’s clearly uncomfortable with you and your little sibling is still scared of you and everybody you’re ever known thinks you’re a stranger. Meanwhile the other you is celebrated as a hero. He’s receiving the love you used to receive and on top of that he’s just better than you at everything. Which is unfair because he is you! And a part of you can’t really let go of the doubt— that maybe you’re the hero and he’s the monster. That maybe he doesn’t deserve all the things he’s taken from you.
So when he lovingly calls you his twin brother, you don’t know how to respond because he’s really a good guy (because YOU’RE a good guy!), and he has your face but you can’t help but hate him deeply, down to the dark depths within you. Those depths tell you to do many many things you would never have done before.
So you trick your other self and seal him in a tomb which feels so so good because you’ve finally gotten the better of him. And you tell him you’ll be back (but you won’t) and you change your voice and your skin so you look even more like him (more like you, this is you) and you start going back home so your brother will FINALLY give you a hug. But he escapes (and isn’t that infuriating cause he really did get the best of you after all) and, worst of all, he kills you. It doesn’t matter that it was an accident. It doesn’t matter that you were going to put your hands around his throat and squeeze and squeeze until he gave everything back. He grinds you to shreds like you were nothing.
So when you’re given a second chance— when a madman revives you and makes you a living weapon, you decide to let the world go to shit. So long as you’re better than your other self, so long as you’re strong enough to make him hurt, really hurt, nothing else matters. You look at him trying to save the world over and over (his voice has changed, he’s grown taller) and you ignore the pain of watching this better version of you who still believes all the things you used to believe before the stupid beach. Your other self tells you he shares the same torment, that you’re two sides of the same coin, but that’s not right because then why does he have everything you want? Why are you the only one who’s so achingly lonely?
And then. He gently walks with you down to your dark depths. And he helps you kill your demon. And you’re you again, finally, all that rage and desire stripped away, and you see that ah, you two really are the same after all. That there never was any monster (except for the demon) and there never was a hero either, you’re both only human. Then you die again. And when your other self cries over you, as you disappear for good, the only thing you ask him is to take you home. You haven’t been back in such a long time.
Anyways if you can imagine all that, then congrats, you know how it feels like to be Fern Adventuretime.
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wolfboywillgraham · 8 days ago
other things that have been censored on the cdc website by the trump administration are included but not limited to:
guidelines for prep
guide to taking patient sexual history
sti treatment guidelines
the CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data Summary & Trends Report
a health education analysis tool
reports on queer youth
reports on substance abuse
a 2025 report on health equity for intersex people
intimate partner violence prevention resources
sexual violence violence prevention resources
a cdc national partner violence survey
again, all of those things are being archived here. you can read them and share them. in fact we should talk about them even more than we wouldve before- make this counterproductive for them
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wolfboywillgraham · 8 days ago
You know what? It’s okay if your only goal right now is to survive. You don’t need big aspirations or recovery goals. It’s okay to focus on the now and getting through this moment.
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wolfboywillgraham · 9 days ago
A bad photoshop will always be funnier than an AI image no matter what
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wolfboywillgraham · 9 days ago
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"Dads and the dog they said they didnt want" cannibal edition.
He's using reddit on his ipad to post in cooking subreddits anonymously from wherever he lives with will and their dog
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wolfboywillgraham · 9 days ago
Literally sobbing. A judge, a US judge defended us. A judge brought up intersex people, uaing the term intersex, to *defend* us by not allowing our erasure. I'm having a lot of feelings right now
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wolfboywillgraham · 9 days ago
by the way, if you're weird about aromantic heterosexual cisgender men, i kill you. if that man wants a purely sexual relationship with a woman and communicates that with her, and she agrees, hell yes. good for them. you have no right to be a bitch about that. that's frankly none of your god damn business. he's not "emotionally abusive" for wanting a specific type of relationship. you're being stupid and weird. and weirdly misogynistic, by assuming that women are inherently these helpless victims that have no agency or autonomy.
you're literally being the "the myth of consensual sex" meme when you talk shit about cishet aro men in purely sexual relationships with women.
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wolfboywillgraham · 9 days ago
“neopronouns are weird” every time i wake up there’s a 75% chance that everyone’s vocabulary has changed overnight. brother what is a gyatt
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wolfboywillgraham · 11 days ago
i do sort of wish there was less of a “if u dont transition right now no matter what the circumstances youre in youre a coward and wasting ur life” sentiment on here but thats none of my business
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wolfboywillgraham · 11 days ago
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if you thought the bridge in mama was transgender before…
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wolfboywillgraham · 11 days ago
Nothing in the US is going to get better until we abolish slavery for real. Ubiquitously, with no exceptions. Protecting the rights of prisoners actively protects every person in the country.
If the laws allow for any class of people to be stripped of their rights, then any person could be stripped of their rights. And the State has an active incentive to criminalize its critics (like Briana Boston, who was arrested for terrorism despite never having committed a crime.)
As long as criminality is an excuse to strip anyone of their rights, none of us are safe.
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wolfboywillgraham · 11 days ago
Hi Tumblr Newbies,
The inevitable new influx of people means a roundup of folks talking about "we don't have an algorithm here," "you NEED to reblog things," etc. and I would just like to offer some actually helpful advice.
One of tumblr's best assets is that it offers you multiple algorithmic feeds, including not having one at all. If you are on mobile, you will notice a "following" tab, followed by a "for you" tab, which is algorithmically generated. "Following" only includes posts from people you follow, in reverse chronological order. That's it. The vast majority of tumblr users prefer it this way, as we predate algorithms.
If you are new and looking to expand what you're finding quickly, you can browse under the algorithmic feed and tweak it once you've followed a few blogs and liked a few things - under "settings," you can choose to have posts related to your likes, or the likes of people you follow.
However - again, most users on this website do not use the algorithm. It's for that reason that reblogging posts is of such importance here. Liking a post is an appreciated sign of goodwill, but for the majority of users, it will not boost the post. Many of use use likes just as a save folder.
So if you genuinely like something you see on here, I encourage you to reblog it, because that is the only way the post will continue to spread around. Almost everyone started their blog with a theme they were loathe to ruin with an unrelated reblog, but by now most of us are just streams of consciousness showing each other things we find funny or interesting, and if you view your blog the same way you will have a much more enjoyable experience.
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