wolf-avatar · 12 days
My biggest complaint about Marvel Midnight Suns is that Hunter's personality during mission cut-scenes is ENTIRELY different from her personality during normal social interaction.
During the normal social scenes she's calm. She doesn't show a lot of emotion, but she cares about her friends.
But in every cut-scene, she's ANGRY. Her dialog shows a complete lack of empathy for the people around her. It is so jarring, like who is this person taking over my Hunter's body? If this was how she was during the regular game play, I'd have dumped the game after the first day. Maybe if I were choosing the "dark" dialog options it would make sense, but why would I do that?
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wolf-avatar · 12 days
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wolf-avatar · 13 days
So... I've started playing Marvel Midnight Suns. And it's weird because I don't know anybody else who plays it. So I don't have anybody to discuss things with. Maybe I'll just make it part of my random posting here.
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wolf-avatar · 24 days
if there's 1 alcohol that tastes good to you pls vote for you like it <3
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wolf-avatar · 24 days
Honestly, I would more lean towards cuddling being explicitly non-sexual.
pls rb if you think cuddling doesn't have to be s3xual
im tryna prove a point to my bf's mother help me out
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wolf-avatar · 25 days
*Stands up and walks across the room*
"Why am I here?"
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wolf-avatar · 26 days
'Twas Euclid, and the theorem pi
Did plane and solid in the text,
All parallel were the radii,
And the ang-gulls convex'd.
Apparently they're selling post content to train AI now so let us be the first to say, flu nork purple too? West motor vehicle surprise hamster much! Apple neat weed very crumgible oysters in a patagonia, my hat. Very of the and some then shall we not? Much jelly.
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wolf-avatar · 1 month
Reblog if you’re 30 or older
This is an experiment to see if there really are as few of us as people think.You can also use this to freak out your followers who think you’re 25 or something. Yay!
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wolf-avatar · 1 month
Not where I live now.
feel free to share where you live in the tags. I'm curious.
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wolf-avatar · 1 month
they're building "workforce housing" in my area
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wolf-avatar · 1 month
Free Will?
I used to say I have free will before I looked into what "free will" actually means to people who argue for it. Which is, concisely, "The capacity to make decisions independently of any prior event or state of the universe." And that isn't even a concept that makes sense to me. If you aren't making decisions based on your prior experience, or on your current situation, what are those decisions even based on? It sounds like you're just randomly doing random stuff for no reason.
Anyway, what I say now is that I have autonomy. Which I'm still probably not using correctly, but I mean that I am an individual, and I make my own decisions.
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wolf-avatar · 1 month
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cupid !! they/them
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wolf-avatar · 1 month
I'm really bad at keeping up friendships when I'm not physically around the person. I had great friends in high school that I completely lost touch with when I went to college. Same thing with college friends. Same thing with my first job. Same thing with my family, actually.
This is especially obvious now that my current job has gone full remote. I never see the people I used to chat with in the office, so I've just... drifted away from them. If I weren't married, I'd probably never talk to anyone.
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wolf-avatar · 1 month
In London on a pony, he called it Macaroni
When he stuck a feather into his hat.
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wolf-avatar · 2 months
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gift for a friend
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wolf-avatar · 2 months
When my wisdom teeth came in, they pushed my bottom middle teeth together and they're now crooked because one slipped in front of the other. My top middle teeth, on the other hand, pressed together until they broke.
Please reblog. Tell me about your teeth
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wolf-avatar · 2 months
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10 posts!
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