Plant-based Energy Shot
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Woke Up! Energy Shot is a plant-based energy shot that gives you a clean energy boost. Non-GMO, gluten free, sugar free, soy free, vegan! https://wokeupenergyshot.com
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wokeupenergyshot · 4 years ago
How does Woke Up! Energy Shot help stay focused?
Twenty years ago or so, there were not that many energy drinks on the market, so we drank espresso to focus at night.
The problem with taking caffeine in general is that you tend to not be able to focus… but you're very awake.  You're up for sure, now it's on you to focus. And that's usually how it goes now, many, many years later with energy drinks.
But we changed that. The way we changed that is to add specific adaptogens, mushrooms, and herbs that are only used specifically by themselves for focus.
And this is why when people take Woke Up! Energy Shot, they tell us: “I felt so good, I felt relaxed, focused and awake”. Relaxed, focused, and awake. Nobody's accomplished that yet with a coffee or chemical-laden drink.
Relaxed from caffeine? No. Focused from caffeine? No. Awake from caffeine? Yes.
How did we do that? We added Lion’s Mane, which is a very powerful mushroom used for nerve function. It increases the nerve function in your body. It actually increases nerve growth factor, which means you actually grow more brain nerves with Lion’s Mane, especially taken by itself on a daily basis.
Then Ashwaganda, which is known to balance blood sugar and boost brain function, is very well known to help you concentrate. Ashwaganda is probably one of the most famous herbs coming from Southeast Asia. It's known as the Indian ginseng.
Work Up! Energy Shot also integrates Cordyceps mushroom, which is known to take the body's natural energy that has not been utilized, and utilize it.
Instead of trying to jam you up with extra caffeine, we use different herbs that actually take what's already in your body and make efficiency out of it.
Then Woke Up! Energy Shot contains Rhodiola to de-stress you, and who doesn’t need less stress?
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wokeupenergyshot · 4 years ago
What is a filler? How to spot them?
Answer: A filler is anything that the energy drink manufacturer has added to preserve the drink. Fillers are usually added as preservatives. You have bitter-masking flavors, or sweetness-enhancing flavors.
How do you spot fillers in a list of ingredients?
Answer: On the list of ingredients of an energy drink it will say: “natural and artificial sweeteners.” That's how you find them. Those sweeteners are fillers. They're actually in the energy drink to preserve, or to suppress, or to enhance different flavors.
Are fillers in energy drinks bad for health?
Answer: No preservative is really good for you. Preservatives on a plant don't know when they are outside of your body and when they are inside of your body. If the chemical preserves the plant outside of your body, it sure still preserves it inside of your body. This means you can't digest the plant, it's not going to be assimilated, and you will get inflammation of the digestive tract.
There are all sorts of bad issues that happen when putting chemicals in your body.
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wokeupenergyshot · 4 years ago
Will plant-based energy shots become a long-term trend?
Answer:Let's first talk about what has happened over the last 50 years. We've gone from “very healthy food” to “healthy food that we were trying to preserve so we can sell more of it.”
We put preservatives in food. We started putting chemicals in food because chemicals help preserve things.
Then in the last 20 years, we realized, “Holy crap, this is killing us!”
And here's the question most people don't understand: do you think that when you put a preservative on a plant, that preservative knows all of a sudden when it goes in your stomach to be digested to stop preserving the plants?
The preservative doesn't have a brain!
And this is why you have digestive issues, inflammation in your body, inability to focus, etc. Because you're putting all these chemicals in your body, they're actually preserving the plant that you wanted to be preserved so you can eat it. And when you eat it, the plant is not supposed to be preserved anymore… but it's still preserved in your stomach! So you have a problem digesting it.
This is the reason why Woke Up! Energy Shot trends towards plant-based, natural, all-natural organic products.That way we know that what we're eating, we're actually assimilating it in our body.
So, it's not that it's a trend because it's always a trend to be healthier. That's been a trend for a long time. It's just that people now know that having a chemical-based energy drink is the last thing they want on their list, but it's the only thing they know about.
That's why we created a plant-based energy drink because there are literally no plant-based energy drinks out right now with the full plants and their constituents in the drinks.
This is the reason why we created the company: because none were available and we thought, this is a great market. So, we created a plant-based, natural shot that helps you obtain real energy. We think it's going to trend, we think it's been trending, but the knowledge of why plant-based is better for you has yet to catch up with the masses.
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wokeupenergyshot · 4 years ago
Will I crash after drinking Woke Up! Energy Shot?
Answer: In our body, we have an energy unit. The smallest energy unit that we use in our body is called adenosine triphosphate — ATP. So, whether you are eating straight glucose, carbohydrates, protein, sugars, carbs, fat… it all breaks down into this thing called ATP.
When ATP gets used up, it switches from adenosine triphosphate to adenosine AND triphosphate. Adenosine goes through the blood brain barrier and attaches to the adenosine receptors.
The adenosine receptors receive the adenosine, it travels down into the molecules, into the cells, and it tells the body that it's tired. This is step one.
Now, what does caffeine do to make you not tired? It takes those receptors and instead of adenosine going into those receptors, now caffeine goes into those receptors. When it goes into the cell, the cell doesn't realize it's tired so it keeps creating more energy. That's actually how you get your energy.
When you create more energy in the body, you raise the blood sugar. You put more sugar in the blood. With more sugar in the blood, you get more energy. That's how sugar works.
Caffeine does a very similar thing for the body, except it squeezes the adrenals, which puts adrenaline in the body, which raises the blood sugar.
There are a lot of different chemical outcomes of that, we are just covering the basics.
Now, what happens when you put sugar in the body?
We’re going to talk about two things: (1) Adenosine, caffeine taking the place of adenosine;  (2) what happens there and also after that happens, when blood sugar goes up.
What happens when your blood sugar goes up is your body freaks out because it's only supposed to have a certain range of blood sugar in the blood before it releases what's called insulin.
When insulin is released, because insulin is not a 1-for-1 type of thing, it shoots up and pushes the blood sugar
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wokeupenergyshot · 4 years ago
Why Woke Up! Energy Shot doesn't give you "the jitters"
The jitters can best be explained this way:anybody who's had coffee or tea and just had a little too much of it, and their body starts going a little bit out of whack, to the point where they cannot control it and they need to get some sort of food or some sort of change inside of the body in order to get control over their body again.
That's essentially how the jitters work.
Now, they call it “the jitters” because typically your body is so jacked off the caffeine that you're actually shaking. And at that point you're thinking I need some food, immediately! to balance your stamina.
Caffeine is an interesting thing because caffeine is the most legal drug on planet Earth. We drink it every day in the morning; most people drink it right in the afternoon after they eat. It has become so normal to drink, that the jitters have become a pretty normal understanding of what happens when you drink it.
But what if you didn't have to have the jitters when you drink caffeine? What if you didn't have to actually have it?
Well, you don't actually have to have it.
And it's been going on for hundreds of years. The Amazon people drink Yerba Mate in gourds and they just sip it all day because Yerba Mate as a leaf has naturally-occurring caffeine, twenty-four vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, and antioxidants already embedded in the drink.
So, as you consume the leaf, you don't get the jitters. That's how you avoid the jitters.
You avoid the jitters by consuming foods the way nature intended it — in their whole form. Nature never intended you to have an espresso shot, guaranteed. Especially a double-espresso shot mixed with a bunch of cow’s milk and caramel and sugar and whipped cream all added on top of it.
That's not how nature intended you to have caffeine, that’s a promise. So Woke Up! Energy Shot does it the way nature intended.
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wokeupenergyshot · 4 years ago
Why is there no coffee/tea-based caffeine in Woke Up! Energy Shot?
We choose to avoid coffee bean or tea leaf-derived caffeine because caffeine from those sources generally come as an extract.
When you drink caffeine coming from coffee beans, you're not actually consuming the beans: you’re drinking caffeine extracted from the beans. When you do that, you don't get the minerals and the vitamins that you would get if you were just eating the coffee bean itself... But no one is doing that as we see coffee largely marketed and sold as a drink.
Green tea definitely has some health benefits. But when you extract the caffeine from it specifically, you don't get the health benefits of the actual plant itself —you’re only getting the caffeine.
The reason we use Yerba Mate and why we don’t use coffee or tea leaf extract is a key marker that makes Woke Up! Energy Shot different from every other energy shot across the world.
Energy shots ubiquitously use coffee androgenous – it's called “caffeine androgenous” – for their source of caffeine. That source of caffeine will give you the jitters because it is absolutely extracted by itself. Nature didn't intend it to be that way.
We made our drink derived from an herb, Yerba Mate, where nature intended it to have a little caffeine already in it.
It's like a naturally aspirated engine: the engine itself is just fast. Now you add turbos to the engine and then all of a sudden, it's no longer the same engine it was before.
And that's like when you extract something: you're concentrating it, and concentrating it, and concentrating it – nature never intended that. But if I give you Yerba Mate as a leaf and it has caffeine in it, that's nature's intention and nature's intention usually doesn't hurt you.
That's why Woke Up! Energy Shot is called a plant-based energy drink because we essentially include the whole plant in the formula, not just one component of the plant.
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wokeupenergyshot · 4 years ago
What is taurine?
Taurine is an amino acid. It's an organic compound. In small amounts, it's not too bad for you.
The problem is it's pushed up in large amounts and it causes nausea, dizziness, headaches, and even difficulty walking. It also has been shown to play a role in four different forms of kidney disease including diabetic neuropathy, chronic renal failure, kidney injury...
Taurine has actually been banned in France for the last 12 years because of the unknown consequences of the ingredient.
So, here's our thing:                              
When it comes to creating a drink that's supposed to be plant-based, herbal, and really good for you, we tried to create something in which there are no “arbitraries,” meaning, it is unclear whether it's good or bad for you. If it's unclear, it's out.
It has to be clearly good for you, otherwise we won't use it. And being that taurine is involved in kidney failure and kidney disease, taurine is completely out of our product.
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wokeupenergyshot · 4 years ago
Why is Yerba Mate an ingredient in Woke Up! Energy Shot? An answer from Dilan, the creator of the energy shot brand.  This is because Yerba Mate is a beautiful plant that provides just a littl bit of caffeine, and has other properties that are beneficial to the body. We do not extract caffeine from Yerba Mate: we add the whole leaf to our energy shot, to give consumers the actual benefits of Yerba Mate. 
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