Woke Plus Me
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Its just my opinon on everything. I am conviced I can save the world in 15 words or less
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wokeplusme · 2 years ago
Is Covid-19 still around?
Here is Goggle's answer.
Although vaccinations, treatments, and prior immunity make COVID much less dangerous for most people, there are still those who remain vulnerable, including older people and other high-risk individuals.
Remember early in the pandemic, people were more likely to die from COVID-19 than recover, but that trend has now reversed. Here are some of the factors that are driving the switch:
1. Better access to and improved vaccines as well as improved access to care.
2. A phenomenon called mortality displacement, in which an infectious disease outbreak temporarily increases death rates in a population and is followed by a period of lower mortality rates; (not sure what this really means, got the feeling it has something to do with rose coloured glasses) and
3. A hybrid immunity—stronger immune protection among those infected after vaccination—is also playing a role.
Latest COVID-19 numbers for Ontario Canada, its probably way worse were you are.
( June 13, 2023)
Weekly Cases 2742 - Deaths 51
So again is covid-19 still around?
For Canada, overall outbreak incidences have decreased in all outbreak settings since March 2023, with fluctuations in different setting types over time. There continues to be variations in COVID-19 trends across provinces, territories and the USA.
OK lets go at this a different way, IS there still a Pandemic?
So, when is a pandemic “over,” and who decides? The answer to that question depends on who you’re asking. U.S. and Canadian healthcare providers often look to the World Health Organization (WHO) for determinations like that.
So, what does the WHO think about COVID-19? Well, the WHO still considers COVID-19 to be a pandemic. Much as we would like to lose the term Pandemic it is still around. As you might imagine, it’s hard to know when exactly a pandemic is over Why, because all the epidemiological data is not in a central location.
YES, COVID-19 IS STILL HERE we just don’t see it anymore.
Since we no longer track the virus and report on infections and deaths. We are emulating ostriches and burying our heads in the sand. I don’t think it works for the ostriches I’m sure it won’t work for us.
IS Covid-19 still a killer?
YES, were just keeping it a secret.
 What’s my best protection from Covid-19?
Wear a well-fitting respirator or mask.
It's recommend that you wear a mask in public indoor settings. You should feel free to wear a mask even if it's not required in your community or setting. It's especially important to wear a mask if you're at risk of more severe outcomes.  Apr 14, 2023
So is COVID-19 gone, NO we just stopped reporting and keeping track of the Virus
We are however better protected and vulnerable people are taking precautions.
While the death rate has dropped significantly from its peak in January 2021 — when more than 102,000 people died in a single week — thousands of people still die of COVID-19 every week. At least, they did when we were still reporting COVID-19 deaths.
Covid-19  will never disappear because it's now endemic like versions of the flu.
Stay Safe
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wokeplusme · 2 years ago
I Was Bored
I was bored the other night so I turned on the news to see what was happening in the world.  A Senator  from Florida was telling the host his ideas on how they could reduce shooting in the schools.  What I heard, I had trouble getting my head around it.
His idea was to re-enforce security in the schools. The term he used was harden them. Now the only other time I heard that term used was in the military and we were talking about bunkers not schools.
He had my attention, …. I had no idea where this was going , but I was guessing down a deep dark rabbit hole. Also, when he was referring to the killers he referred to them as  Active shooters. Guess that  cleans it up, makes it acceptable to him.
A killer by any other name, still a killer. The fact that people and newscasters uses the term active shooter and schools have Active shooter drills, well that should tell even the mentally challenged something, right?
The GRAND plan was to put Police in the schools. Is it my imagination or is this really stupid. If this was the best he and his friends could come up with??? You need new friends buddy.
Here’s what I pictured after that Senator finished talking.
My first day at school.
Mom opens the front door of the school. She is stopped by a burly Cop and told I have to go the rest of the way myself. Apprehensively I pass through a second set of interior doors made of steel,bars like on TV at a jail. There’s a COP on the other side of the bared doors  directing traffic so to speak. He sent boys to the left and girls to the right , guess the boys were more dangerous.
The boys were lined up facing the wall and were frisked. The girls on the other hand were stared at in an intimidating way but never touched. The two lines merged again in front of a giant metal door like thing (a metal detector). The alarm went off as I went through. I felt rough hands grab me and put me up against the wall. Out of the corner of my eye I see this big COP. I felt fear and bladder pressure.
The COP yells at me, you were told to face the wall and spread your legs. I was so scared I think I succumbed to the bladder pressure. Yes, I peed my pants.  Another COP used a wand to see if I had a gun or a knife. Then he reaches down to find a wet metal matchbox toy. He is really mad and yells saying I should be more careful , that’s how kids get killed.
If you were cleared , you continued on down the hall to your class. Nobody said or knew what happened to the kids they did not clear and the host of the TV show never asked.
As I stumble down to my classroom there was my teacher (who has a Pfeifer-Zeliska revolver in his shoulder holster). Oh ya recess was fun too: if the teacher remembered to unlock the side door to let us out. You should see the fire drills, it’s like the circus is coming to town in WW2. Twice I had to jump from a second story window to get to the form up area in time. Thank you for the grand plan.
Well that got me thinking, I remember my first day at school. I was terrified , my mom told me to take my favourite toy in my pocket to give me courage. With the toy and my mom holding my hand , I got the courage to go through the front doors. I remember  I was holding my mom’s hand so tight she stopped and kissed me on the cheek and I release my grip. I remember she took me down what seemed like a long hall (that later turned out to be about 10 steps). The teacher was at the door and my mom did a really smooth hand off. The next thing I remember was sitting in the classroom talking to my friends. That was mom’s way of introducing me to my school.
To be honest I like Mom’s way of doing things.
Did some checking, did you know that the USA Gun Violence Archive (no that really is a place), tracked more than 647 mass shootings in 2022 and 690 in 2021. As of May 2023 there have been 202 mass shooting. True not all of these are in schools. Some were at night clubs, churches, shopping centres , fair grounds , apartment building , sweet 16 birthday parties, and well everywhere really.
There is an upside to this for some people. Gun manufactures make more money, gun retailers make more money, and I'm sure metal detectors will go up in price at some point. The funeral industry profits as well but I don’t think they want the added business. We are going to need more police, should help with the unemployment.
What's it going to take??
Common sense.  Just a few gun laws in place, that can all change. Don’t believe me, Google Australia , Canada or Great Britain to see their mass shootings, or lack of them. We are not keeping it a secret, if we are , well I told the world now , Sorry.
About 19 children are killed by or receive emergency treatment for gunshot wounds in the USA each and every day. No child deserves to feel unsafe at school or for that matter anywhere.
Any mass shootings will create an acutely unsafe, unhealthy and dangerous environment. School shootings especially have impacts far beyond the immediate victims; they create a wave of fear, anxiety and trauma in schools across the country.
Is it my imagination or is the republican party losing it? Well they are the law and order party right? Ask Trump (EX President) ,(Texas AG) Paxton, and (EX President) Nixon, well OK, you'll have to use a Ouija board for Nixon. The list is a lot longer but I'm trying to keep my first blog short.
I was watching the news today: I should buy stock in a metal detector manufacturing company. That’s going to be one of the many growing industries in the USA. You don’t want to know what the others, you won’t be happy.
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