Quotes from your World of Darkness/Chronicles of Darkness ttrpg games (read the pinned please!)
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ST, during a moment of joking around about how the coterie’s Malkavian believes in aliens: “Vampires are like ‘aliens aren’t real, you fucking idiot, only werewolves and mages are’ and it’s like No actually they are real-”
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The party is a multisplat Dark Ages group, with two mages, a fae, a dragon shifter, an embraced and free gargolye and a Salubri who invented a new kind of sorcery (yours truly). They are fighting a giant worm-monster that's been impaled with several metal spikes by one of the mages.
Finn: Kepi! Lignting now! Kepi: Why? Finn: (unable to articulate that metal attracts electricity in a succinct manner)BECAUSE SCIENCE!
submitted by @salubri-outcast
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We are OUT of submissions - this is thus a call for submissions. :)
Please remember to include the type of splat!
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Dice Mahone, Hunter: stop treating me like I'm dumb I'm not dumb! Evelyn Grimes, another Hunter, speaking as softly as a text to speech device can allow: no you are, you are dumb, and that's okay, you were just meant to be dumb, some people were meant to be smart and you weren't and that's okay. Dice Mahone: I...oh. okay!:)
Submitted by @the-sinkmire-symphony
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Player describing his punk Pooka character: "He looks like he could catch fire and electrocute himself if he walked through a metal detector"
submitted by @eric-the-bmo
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Kovac, changeling Slaugh: yes, my bones were hot. Robin changeling Redcap: your BONES were hot? your real, actual, under the skin bones? Kovac: [dumping their soothsaying bones on the table in the middle of the diner] My bones? Mortal Waitress: ...I'll come back later
submitted by @kentuckycaverats
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OOC Brujah player, discussing how strange it is that he isn't pinging the Ventrue's Guilty Sense derangement: "Oh yeah I forgot about the kidnapping, I was too busy thinking about the pipe bombs and all the other murders!"
submitted by @mountainashfae
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Pretentious Malkavian theatre critic: Do you have any idea who I am? I could make or break these amateurs' careers. Delphine (Toreador Thinblood): yeah and i could make or break your fucking nose, dipshit
submitted by @kentuckycaverats
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Fae prince, wistfully: You know, I was president of the united states once.
submitted by @eric-the-bmo
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Duncan, Brujah Primogen, upon learning of a hunter sting operation targeting a Toreador-Ventrue gala: Ughhhhhhh but it's only the fucking Ventrue--alright FINE, fine, I'm on my way. Ugh.
submitted by @kentuckycaverats
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Mitra (Ravnos), describing the Week of Nightmares: yeah someone tried to eat us all in the 90s. it was a huge bummer.
submitted by @kentuckycaverats
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Leo, a fledgling Malkavian in an anarch coterie: What do you mean by 'movement'? Anarch STC: Look around! We're hours from LA! Leo: I don't see what that has to do with this..? Anarch STC: *Turns to the rest of the coterie* Where did you find this guy? Leo: They found me in an alleyway.
Submitted by @eric-the-bmo
#it was submitted by BMO but this is the game I st hehe#vtm#vampire the masquerade#world of darkness
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The Adelaide Anarchs' briefing and battle plan for going up against a Tzimisce Shameasy
Alt text:
[A whiteboard written in blue and red marker. Everything is in all caps and chaotically organized. To the top left, the board is labelled in blue "fiend fight". In the middle left, Tzimisce and Zameeshee are written on top of each other, as if explaining the pronunciation. Just below it, "big stomach things" is crossed out, with 'meat body thing' and 'arm thing' written below. To the top right, there's a drawn fake poster that is labelled "Sasha wanted poster" with a heart and a dick, labelled Lex To the middle left, there's a list reading -Nasty, -Ugly MF, -Will eat you (probs), -Sabbatt (Not a Bat) -Dont like Caitiff.
In the middle, the letters J G D F and R are arranged in a circle, presumably a battle formation. They point towards the note 'dick head'.
To the middle bottom right, there are more attempts at writing Tzimisce: Shameasy, Shumeatsee, Eurotrash. There is a blue doodle of another dick. There's illegible text, as well as a list of 'flesh' 'dominate' and 'animals', with flesh being circled and dominate being underlined in blue.]
Submitted by @vamp-orwave
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(After taking a bite of a strange peasant who was previously controlled by a spider goddess) "Oh fuck there's spiders in this blood isn't there" (there was).
submitted by @prettycatgirlwinter
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This might sound silly to you, but I honestly must have been really tired when I made this so I didn't realize it was actual words/didn't make it out! Seems obvious now that you wrote it out so I will edit the post. :)
The finest moment of Fray, Toreador Anarch of Los Angeles
Submitted by @mileenatrailcamfootage
[alt text: Note with the title "Songs for blowing up the Tremere chantry to."
Gimme Gimme Gimme
Party in the USA
Everytime We Touch
Before He Cheats
Girlfriend - Avril
Hips Don't Lie
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Ethel, a Nosferatu with Unliving Hive: "Their cocoons are rooted to my ribcage, so when I do this" *shakes her chest back and forth* "I sound like a maraca." TJ, her sire: "Can you please stop talking to me forever."
submitted by @moss-feratu
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“It’s either the holes in the Potomac or the holes in the ozone that will fuck us all eventually” - Obrimos Adamantine Arrow, very nonplussed about doppelgangers coming out of the Potomac
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