this account is dedicated for raka’s only, to show how grateful and happy i am to met someone like him! 🥺💓 and i wanted to tell him that i always loves him so deeply and always getting deeper than every ocean in this whole-world! hoping he’d liked it, e-he (giggles) 🌺💕⛅
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it’s his birthday, go-go! 🩷
hiiii, thereee! x3 happy birthday for the most coolest man i’ve ever known! mhm, maybe i could say that sankyu for still alive and living like who you are.. if you were never born i would’ve never gotten to experience this feelings and what it feels like to be in love. and i want to say that, i’m weally happy to be a part of your life, to be part of your days, part of your teenager, and be your part to be in love too.. among billions people i still fell for you and that’s a good thing, i guess.. because of you, i can fall in love this deeply.. all of the colours in life have become more vivid since you entered— life. you brought me a color and the prettiest life ever. i’m beyond grateful that you've entered this cruel-life. wherever the year ahead takes you, i hope it’s a happy one, and if it’s not, me confident that kakak make it a good one. (as always, like you used to do) 🥺🫐 huhu, once again, happy latest return day, kakak. huhu sedih sedunia akhirat bgtbgt.. (i’m so sorry ㅠ ㅡ ㅠ) <\\3
semoga kemarin atau hari kedepannya, kakak bisa selalu enjoyed your birthday yah! apapun itu, i knew you can passed it. selamat birthday olang paling keyen dan paling ganteng sejagat dunia raya, yeay! akuseneng banget aku punya kesempatan untuk rayain lagi, bareng kakak.. i was so happy knowing that you are always be here for me. aku seneng dan sayang bgtbgt sama kakak, sekali agi, happy latest birthday kakak cayangnya aku.. t _____ t <\\3
so, go check and see what happend on this account, hoping that you’ll knew i love you the most (truly) 💓

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ꈍᴗꈍ (ii. second phase) ♡
sankyu, kakak. sankyu for being able to be here and sankyu for all the things you always do for me, you sacrificed your life for me and i’m beyond graceful for that. sankyu for the little things, all the things matters for me, sankyu for calling me pretty, and sankyu for always say “i love you” all the time (that’s i need) sankyu for always trying, sankyu for always doing your best, taciii banyak kalena kakak tetep bertahan dikaki kakak sendiri, tacii for the best-est things ever alive, taciiii for a good things you’ve ever gave, that’s meant a lot to me. i repeatedly say, i eyes you, kakak. as always,, e-he! nyawn.. (୨୧ᵕ̤ᴗᵕ̤) ♥︎
banyak hal didunia ini yang bikin aku merasa “i’m so thankful about all little things” and it comes with you, aku thankful karena kakak selalu berusaha yang terbaik buat sekitar kakak, thankful because you always doing well and thankful because you are still alive, thankful because aku udah dicintai sebegininya sama kakak. banyak banyak sankyu from me to you karena banyak hal juga yang kakak taught me to always be a great and i wanna show that you are a good things ever happens to me.. aku selalu merasa begitu karena aku sudah cukup seneng karena kakak selalu bisabikin aku jatuh cinta for every single day.. 𓈒˚⭒♡
semoga akuselalu bisa jadi orang yang kakak cari ya, semoga aku selalu bisa jadiorang yang selalu bikin kakak ketawa dan selalu bisa bikin kakak ngerasa full of loves, semoga aku selalu jadi orang yang selalu kakak tuju! aku sayang banget sama kakak, you are the best-est itselfs. 💕
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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☆ (iii. third phase) ☆
aku beruntung banget, karena ditempat yang aku merasa kurang beruntung, aku ditemuin sama orang yang bikin aku merasa “aku pantas dapat ini.” aku ketemu kakak, aku ketemu orang yang beneran bikin hari aku nggak karuan karena kakak, nggak karuan saking banyak hal yang udah aku lewatin bikin aku makin ngerasa “aku beruntung banget bisa ngerasain hal ini.” aku beruntung karena bisa punya pacar yang sebenernya tanpa minus dan aku merasa aku ngga deserved, but gladly.. kakak beneran sayang sama aku dan aku beneran beruntung, kaya menang lotre karena bisa dapet orang kaya kakak.. that’s a good things for me, i’m feeling grateful, i’m feelings so full. aku maubilang sankyu soalnya orang kaya kakak bisa ada disamping aku, genggam tangan aku, puk-puk kepala aku, kasih aku cup cup sleep setiap malam dan selalu berusaha bilang “i love you” tiap harinya. i’m the luckiest person ever alive, kakak. and you shud know about this. ☹️ 💕 <3
aku pengen banget kasih tau orgorg kalau akupunya pacar sehebat kakak, sekeren kakak. aku pengen show to the world that i have greatest boyfriend ever! pacarku tuh keren banget, aku sangat amat merasa dicintai sama kakak dan aku selalu merasa full setiap saat, aku selalu merasa kakak selalu punya cara yang mungkin oranglain gakbisa tunjukin ke aku dan kakak punya semua caranya. kakak cinta aku pakai cara kakak sendiri dan aku seneng, you have part of my life, aku seneng banget punya kakak sebagai pacuan aku untuk hidup, untuk belajar, untuk cerita dan sebagai halnya. maafyah aku bawel. 😞
akusayang banget satujuta limaratus triliun dan semesta sealam dunia, akusayang banget sama kakak! infinity! :3
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💕 (iv. fourth phase) 💕
kalau kakak nanya “saya full bagian mananya?” i, would truly can’t ever answer those question. because i love you without any specific detail that makes me love and owe you.. but, you are truly has and full of loves, full of happiness, full of kindess, full of perfectionist or imperfectionist, full of surprises, full of blissfulness, full of euphoria, full of enjoyment and you also funny! that’s makes you more charming and everyone in this case love you, you made everyone love you (aku juga gitu) you are fullest of love, kakak. and i din’t mind to tell you about that every single day to make you know (hehe) 💓 <3
each day, ndkpernah aku ndkmerasa beruntung karena punya kakak, aku selalu merasa beruntung, merasa full dan selalu merasa aku penuh cinta. selalu dikasih sama banyak kasih sayang dan cinta,, dan aku selalu merasa “is it okay to feels like this?” karena aku selalu merasa aku nggak berhak, tapi kakak dateng ke aku bawa rasa yang bnrbnr bikin aku ngerasa aku pantes. you are full of a good things, a bestowed things, a bonny things, a lots of good things that ever happend, that’s why i said you are full! 🧸🌀
aku seneng bisa jadi bagian dari setiap saatnya kakak, bagian jadi orang yang paling kakak sayang juga.. aku merasa bnrbnr disayang dan akumerasa seperti superhero yang punya banyak kekuatan karena kakak, that’s why.. i feel more more alive than i could ever been. (giggles) ⭐
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✯ (v. fifth phase) ✯
kakak, akucuma mau bilang, terus hidup ya? terus hidup yang lama! yang lama banget sampai rasanya kakak nggatau buat nyerah. kakak belum bikin buku terus jualin dan kasih tanda tangan, ‘kan? we shud try it next time. you don’t have to push yourself overwork, you don’t have to do something you don’t want. you don’t have to always strong everyday, you don’t have to. pouring all your tears and pouring all you want to make you exhale, i wanted to be your guide, listener, 911, called at 3 A.M. or whatsoever you wanted to called me i’m allowed and always accept those things, i’m all ears ♡ ୨ৎ ♡
kalau kakak bener-bener butuh orang, that’s weally awkay to craving for some helps, that’s allowed and nothing’s wrong with that, you deserved to be happy and you are allowed to feel every feelings in this whole-world and no one can doubt you for being your ownselfs, you’re on your own! you shud knew that i always be here to make sure you are awkay and to make sure you always have a shoulder to lean on, kakak. you passed every years and still counting for yourself only, you always go thru your problems and you always all alone, you always can find the answer for all your question, you always can through all the burdens on your shoulders and that’s a great of you and i wanna say, i’m so proud of whatever you always do. you did your great job and it must be so cool. you always doing well and i’m really (truly) proud of you ⛅💓⭐
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(vi. sixth pbase) ✧
hoping you’d like the gift i made for you (not so good) but i wish you know i made this with my heart full of love and bumping on my chest.. i always love you for everything that you do for me, semoga bahagia selalu ditangan kakak, semoga kebahagian bisa kakak genggam. semoga kakak selalu tau kalau kakak berhak dapetin apapun yang ada didunia, semoga kakak tau kalau kakak selalu punya aku untuk kakak pulang. kakak, kebahagian dan semua rasa didunia selalu jadi milik kakak, sampai kapanpun. ◝꒰ ´ ˘ `♡ ꒱ ♥︎
aku seneng banget bisa terus ada sama kakak, bisa terus ada disamping kakak untuk nemenin apapun yang kakak rasain, i felt glad and hope you always know that i always be here to show you my love for you is more bigger and bigger than yoy could ever imagine.. kalau akubilang aku lebih cayang kakak the only answer is YES. i LOVE kakak more than he loved me the most! i love him with my own-heart i love him for (evermore) yes, let us felt loved by eachother! ( ˘ ³˘) x3

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ㅤㅤㅤㅤ୨ a sorry letter ୧
kakak, aku mintamaaf nyang banyak yaaah. sejujurnya aku ngga pernah lupa tanggal ulang tahun kakak, tapi i thought it was august, terus aku cek lagi.. i was wrong. your birthday in july. me crying a lots (seriously) i have planning for your birthday actually, tapi aku ndktau kalau bakal salah bulan.. it’s been a month, akutau i’m not good in your birthday last month. me felt so guilty and so sorry for that, akumintamaaf yah kakak. akuminta maaf nyang banyak, akumintamaaf beneran. (i’m so sad) T ____ T ☹️💔
semoga kakak suka yah sama hadiah yang sebenernya ngga seberapa ini, aku nggatau kakak suka atau ngga tapi aku harap kakak suka sama hadiahnya.. akusayang kakak banget sampai rasanya dada aku mau meledak.. akusayang banget banget, hope you like it, kakak. i love you 🫐💓
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akusayang kakak banget so i wrote this letter, semoga kakak suka banget yah sama letternya, aku berharap kakak selalu di lindungin dan apapun masalahnya selalu dilancarin! aku selalu cayang kakak for everything! 💕
jadi, semoga kakak nikmatin hidup kakak sebaik mungkin, dan sesenang mungkin yaaah. aku selalu dukung kalau itu bagian baik yang bikin kakak makin keren horeee.. >3 🌺
aku selalu punya banyak kesempatan untuk nulis letter ini sebagai bentuk kasih sayang! aku sayang sama kakak dan akan selalu begituuu,, i always do. be happy yaah! ⛅💓⭐
ㅤyours truly, amimayes ୨୧
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actually, this song is represent for our relationship! akumau kasih lover (kebetulan aku suka banget taylor swift) aku akan kasih ke kakak lagu keren iniiiiii, jangan lupa yah kakak, mau gimanapun itu, aku selalu dan akan selalu merayakan kakak. semua akan aku rayakan maugimanapun bentuk terkecilnya.
aku akan merayakan semua tentang kakak dan akan selalu. semoga suka hadiahnya, kakak. i made this full of loves! 🤍
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Welcome to your home, Raka.
here i am, wanted to tell you about something that maybe in the past, i forgot to tell you.. i hope you enjoyed! 𓈒˚⭒♡
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