ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ɢᴏsᴘᴇʟ✿
487 posts
Aerith Gainsborough noun 1 : flower merchant 2 : last remaining Cetra
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wizerstaff · 10 years ago
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Hey! [x]
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wizerstaff · 10 years ago
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So. Wow. We did it! We’ve actually hit 2000+ followers! That’s … crazy! I cannot believe it!
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wizerstaff · 10 years ago
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I made this blog about two months ago and it’s been quite a ride, let me tell you! Laguna is the bestest, funnest muse I’ve ever had and I’ve met some of the most wonderful people and writers in the short time I’ve been roleplaying him. This isn’t for a milestone or anything like that! I just really wanted to show my appreciation for everyone who’s followed us, supported us, dealt with our nonsense, etc. Basically this is just to say thank youu! ♥ Below the cut is a list of roleplayers I really admire & those I’ve loved getting to know or who have been so wonderful they’ve touched my heart in some way. If you’re not on here please don’t think it means I haven’t noticed you or I appreciate you any less! Because honestly everyone I’ve met here means so much to me from the bottom of my heart.
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wizerstaff · 10 years ago
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Just a little list of super sweet people i look up to, have written with, and want to write with ;v ; and if you don’t find your url there pls don’t take it personally ;_ ; i want to rp with you too! I want to rp with everyone! that’s why I’m following you ;v ; paps ur face ily
ofmachina | wutaiborntseng | wizerstaff | lostxpuppet | winhilled | diiisperado | blackmage-lulu | pilferess | summoners-path | strepitousnove | draahkehaan | firixn | gaiafleur | zeroesnumbereleven | xyouwillbemylivinglxgacy | whoisqueen | willnotforgive | flowercrxwnpower | 
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wizerstaff · 10 years ago
Forever Follow 900+
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Again I’m writing this when I’m 900 followers like my last one which was the same when I was 800. But after I made the other one, it took four months for my blog to hit 900 followers and I’m just amazed that all of you thought I was amazingly dorky to follow. In that time, I managed to follow some great new Rper’s that joined or were in the Final Fantasy Family and decided to be creative through there character. But same as the last one, thank you to each and every one of you that have made my time on tumblr fun and for dealing with my constant shift of moods every so often. And thank you for helping develop Masa, my adorkable weeny murderous muse.
Also why am I using the same image as last year? Cause I’m not skilled at coding and also barely any images of Masa that I can actually use so that’s why.
Those who really put up with my shit and tomfoolery:
awkward-aris, armahonoris, thecrimsonrapier, turkborne, duxmilitumodio, Thebloodstainedsoldier, firixn, featherclad, renothe, rossothe, badass-barmaid, nibelheimsweetheart, whitewingedhonor, askaeristheflower, friendlysniper-takeo
Those who I love to bits:
thecybersoldier, generalofsoldier, theshinrabrat, sephyathredon, cxmbatsecretary, smirkingshadow, behindthesemakoeyes, burdenofhonour, acerbus-natio, jen-ova, redrosestrauss, chimeraking, alabasterandsteel, 6-in-1, adimsephiroth, focusedblade, rhxpsodos, rp-sephiroth, shadowed-romance, specimen-s, fadedtomemory-sephiroth, matsunokamiyoshiyuki
Those I stalk from a distance like a japanese schoolgirl and her crush:
sairento-kage, thyoutcastangel, jenovaslegacy, apocalypticmadman, lilyoftheancients, onthewingsofchaos, wutaiborntseng, red-rhapsodos, littleblondpup, lithedarkguardian, direxeyes, soldierslegacy, xprinceofnxght, wizerstaff, freezepride, ri-glas, director-scarlet, legacyofafallenhero, turktseng, xenomorphicrebirth, asouldivided, materrepromise, spikyhairedcadet, 7thheaventifa, rp-lucrecia, thegenesisrhapsodos, welcome-to-shinra, engineering-robotics, nucleariisms, acepanromcloudstrife, athair-fuar, applesandashes, hallothien, cosmos-warrior, finalheavenlockhart, directorlazard, white-winged-warrior, -aerisgainsborough, tomowowowo, hydraulics-are-sexy, wounded–warrior, exsiliumductoris, vincent-valentine-chaos, chasingoblixion, churchflower, sire-terra-corrupt
Those who are giant nerds but I’m scared of interacting with since they’re writing is godlike:
terminusvitae, essentiallyroyal, ceasing–reverie, turpium, ancientproject, professor-hxjo, whitedecadence, thebestgoddamnedpilot, apocalipsiss, honorificus, rp-kunsel, lostrhapsxde, deusxricus, vermiculusxdiaboli, rubyfists, soverei, transvorto, enigmatic-in-white, lovelessdeity, infxtious, plumasnigras, a-chaotic-affair, vicesovereign, rp-presidentshinrasnr, aeternaeflore, pushmywheelchairfaster, yakusokunai, ultiofira, cerberus-and-sadism, argeios, heavyweightxlockhart, einnvaengr, vermillionmayhem, rapusodosu, dellafine, apathetic-ruler
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wizerstaff · 10 years ago
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Still freaking out over having 68 followers….it may not seem like a lot to some but to me, and Laguna, it seems like a hell of a lot! (Also, creepy fact: 68 followers and I’m following 68. And they’re not all the same!) Anyways here’s a small shoutout to all my precious friends that I have made over the last 4 months (4?! I keep thinking it’s 2….shows how much time can fly!)
T h e   F a m i l y:  (And not only Laguna’s family, you guys have become like a family to me, the mun as well!)
The “Family” Family: xlittleleonheartwxtaii ninjaprincessofthieves lixn-heart
The Lion Cub Loire’s: reonhxto commandinglion
The Precious One: rememorer
Adopted Babies: timberrebelprincess xyouwillbemylivinglxgacy fairlystrife
The Twinies: diiisperado moombaliberator 
T h e   F a e r i e s: (Those that are still very, very close to my heart!)
finalheavenlockhart sunny-explosions nemesisangels firaiisms jenovaiisim wutaiiwanderlust seasaltiiisms
T h e   M o o m b a s: (Those that I have either not interacted with yet or have but very little. These are the ones I really want to know more!)
gxnmetal wewereveryhappy wizerstaff thepuppysoldier idno41269 ofmachina askaeristheflower angelsknightleonhart sorceressknight scatteredcrayons scarredxlion fujxn coccinoxdolore nocturnal-requiem materrepromise melody-of-space 
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wizerstaff · 10 years ago
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There’s an awful lot of you hovering around here and I’ve hit 200+ followers faster than I expected to (that’s a lie, I didn’t expect to have that many people in the first place) and even though I don’t interact with at least half of you, it is nice to see you on my dash and get random notifications from tumblr that you liked a thing I did. Please know that I love you probably even if we’ve never interacted and feel free to poke me.
And now for the bias list because reasons.
the materia collection (aka the people Yuffie and the mun love and will never let go of)
bugatriberepresent ( essentiallyroyal ) || wutaiiwarrior || effinreno|| honorificus || acepanromcloudstrife || greenhorn-turk || withoutanumber || lucisanimo || finalheavenlockhart || secondgenerationfair || wizerstaff || argent-noir || brighteyedinfantryman
gil in my pocket (aka people Yuffie and mun have talked to/RPed with a few times bUT THAT WE WANT TO TURN INTO MATERIA)
neverendingstrife || red-rhapsodos || specimen-s || xdenzxl || rude-at-your-service || 7thheaventifa || patroxus
Cloud’s stuff (aka the people I wanna talk to ic or ooc but have not yet managed to)
everyone else ever tbh
Sorry if you’re not on any of these lists but! I promise I love you and want to talk to you and chances are I stare longingly at your url every time you pop up on my dash, wondering if today will be the day I convince myself to say hello.
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wizerstaff · 10 years ago
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REMNANTS:  dear friends. click here for a message. 
beyondreflection​, voidmagus​, brimminghate​, blackmage-lulu​, personifiedsin​, scindeva​, isalarevas​, rapusodosu​, lxnartears​, ignisxxfatuus​, xstormstrike​, grumpyseraph​, donyokuu​,  winhilled​, wizerstaff​, void-earth​, metalfragments​, claamor​, aphiitros​. 
SUMMON MATERIA: those who i have either threaded with or have intention of doing so.
apocalipsiss​, carnationfloral​, cometdance​, secundusmisit​, stingslikeawasp​, unmeix​,  mortedivina​,  forsylvarant,​ soulsender​, verrouillias​, zaxfea​, embraceyourdreamsoldier​, tormentedguilt​, zackleos​, backwaterheroics​, xxparagon​, finalheavenlockhart​, renoiisms​, gaiafleur​, yakusokunai​, honorificus​, hiddenremnant​, lostxpuppet​, putesco​, vermillionmayhem​, infxtious​, wutaiiwanderlust​, summxner​, xreveried​, gxlbez​, putesco​, txmbrxider​, retributionous​, wishingstrike​, dreajano​, gxnblade​, odiumstulte​, feralxstrike​ divinetranscendent​, esudeath​, xdenzxl​, xkleos,​ dellafine​, antisocialsavant​, svikinnar​, tuericonoram​, matter-destruct​, scaenacius​, ex-lithium​, dibacie​, mazuutautai​, canisbelli​, yumerou​, machinatio​, aobeat​, faythisms​, bravelink​, lordofelves​, recklesspilot​, omnislashing​, ffrayfatum​, persuadedbyboko​, bikaneru​,  xoblivium​, vindiciam​, royalxshock​, lxyalmarquis​, imperialrosenking​, inperiosus​, cosmos-warrior​, artemisxbow​, crimson-legend​, sorceressknight​, wandereroftime​, 
TO BE REBORN:  those whom i admire very much from afar. 
lazuliss, calisvol, xstrange, judasfactor, regisxfilius, rexofsilva, edhelernil, viigere, kirimadoi, bitingred, connivier, varomaour, lionharted, wanderinggambler
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wizerstaff · 10 years ago
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-Blows kisses at everyone-
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wizerstaff · 10 years ago
I’m starting to settle into my new job comfortably so I’m hoping to sign on here kinda soon and get to my drafts/other replies I owe! 
I’ve missed you guys omg ;;;; 
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wizerstaff · 10 years ago
Semi-Hiatus Announcement
I’ve been contemplating this the last few days, and I feel bad considering this is still a fairly new blog, but between my busy work schedule and a few other things, I need to step back for a bit.
I feel even worse that I just started threads with some of you, but fear not! Replies will still come, just at a much slower pace, and other than that, dash activity will be at a minimum. I’m really sorry for the inconvenience, but this is what’s best for me right now. ;;;
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wizerstaff · 10 years ago
Semi-Hiatus Announcement
I’ve been contemplating this the last few days, and I feel bad considering this is still a fairly new blog, but between my busy work schedule and a few other things, I need to step back for a bit.
I feel even worse that I just started threads with some of you, but fear not! Replies will still come, just at a much slower pace, and other than that, dash activity will be at a minimum. I’m really sorry for the inconvenience, but this is what’s best for me right now. ;;;
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wizerstaff · 10 years ago
Semi-Hiatus Announcement
I've been contemplating this the last few days, and I feel bad considering this is still a fairly new blog, but between my busy work schedule and a few other things, I need to step back for a bit. I feel even worse that I just started threads with some of you, but fear not! Replies will still come, just at a much slower pace, and other than that, dash activity will be at a minimum. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience, but this is what's best for me right now. ;;; -Nat
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wizerstaff · 10 years ago
That dust cloud was definitely a doozy. Aerith coughed when it emerged, also waving her hand around in an attempt to get it to disperse. Still, she retrieved the rag and proper tool the mercenary needed in order to extract the engine. She handed the tool over with a smile, peeking at the old engine. “Do you need any help getting it out?”  ✿
Cloud finally returned and went to Aerith’s side. He grunted as he placed the new engine near their feet. “Okay. Got that. Not let’s get this old piece of junk out.” He got on his knees and waved the dust that suddenly appeared in his face. “Hand me that rag, and that tool over therr.” He said, not breaking contact with the engine. It wasn’t going to be hard, he just needed to take care of the dust first.
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wizerstaff · 10 years ago
“The teachings?” This was something new. So the temple must have been a place of learning, or maybe a place of worship. Either way, the temple’s purpose was now moot, and Aerith was intrigued. It almost reminded her of that tiny church in the slums she had grown so fond of. 
“Can we go see it? If not, that’s okay. I’m just curious. It kind of reminds me of a place I once knew.” ✿
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“Well…I’m not actually sure.” Something happened during his two year absence, but he never bothered to ask what became of the temples– especially since Yevon gave them a damn hard time during Yuna’s pilgrimage.
Apparently there were gaping holes where the Fayths used to be, but that’s the extent of his knowledge. Why there’s holes and why Yevon is now called New Yevon is just…he really doesn’t care.  
“The teaching were just outta whack, you know? I don’t think it’s abandoned, just out of use for now. And probably under construction…”
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wizerstaff · 10 years ago
With a laugh, she picked up one of her burger slices and handed it to the mercenary. “That’s right, I forgot. You weren’t even full at the buffet, they had to ask you to leave.” 
Aerith started to eat her french fries once more, her thoughts going back to the elders and what they could tell her about the Cetra. While she was happy she got to share a delicious meal with one of her closest friends, she was still scared of what she was going to find out. There was so much she didn’t know, and here she was, so close to finally learning it all. She wasn’t going to let Cloud know that, though. He had enough to worry about with Sephiroth. 
After she finished her burger and fries, she went back to the dessert menu. Despite the fact she just ate that huge meal, there was always room for dessert, always. 
“I’m still having trouble deciding,” she said with a frown. ✿
“You didn’t ask,” Cloud pointed out, nudging her back.  “I would have. Just trust me.  It was delicious.”
Then she was offering him a bite of her burger.  Did she even know what she was asking?  That was risky.  No, it would be fine.  Cloud had just finished off a monster sized cheesesteak.  He could probably keep himself from inhaling the entire thing.  Probably.
“Of course I want to try some of your burger,” Cloud replied, giving her a ‘duh’ look.  “I’ve never been full in my entire life.”
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wizerstaff · 10 years ago
Reblogging because people have had problems with it playing and I know why!!! It’s a Tumblr/Google Chrome issue that they haven’t taken upon themselves to fix lol. If you’re still interested in hearing it and you were having issues on Chrome, I’d try Firefox. It doesn’t work for me on Chrome anymore, but I tried Firefox and it does work there!! 
Name: Natalie or Nat Age: 22 Nationality: American Sexuality: Homosexual/panromantic Do you have any pets?: Two cats; Tonks and Gigi Hobbies: Roleplaying, gaming, and sleeping. Favorite food and drink: Phở and soda Are you currently in love with someone?: Yes Rain, snow, or sunshine?: Sunshine Morning or evening?: Evening The perfect date?: It doesn’t have to be anything fancy Do you want kids?: Someday What do you look forward to this year?: My girlfriend coming her to visit for the first time Tag five people (remember to name their URLs if you record yourself talking):
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