Also fun fact, there is a canonical Mossad agent Israeli X-men named Sabra who is being portrayed in the 2025 Captain America film. She's being played by an Israeli actress, and is still going to be 100% Israeli.
I think the reason the Miku thing is so grating is because it represents a bigger trend in fandom. Everyone can have religious headcanons, except Jewish people. Spider-Man can be any ethnicity, nationality, etc. except Jewish or Israeli. MCU characters can be AU'd into being different races or having different powers, but don't you dare say Captain America is Jewish in your story. Digimon says there's heroes in every country but if you make an Israeli one or say one in one country is Jewish, you support genocide now. Miku has no canon ethnicity and people from over 60 countries have drawn her as their ethnicity or nationality or both, but don't you ever imply Israeli Miku is okay.
And the real, very clear subtext underneath all of that is clear: you don't get to be in fandom spaces. You don't get to relax and take a break from the world. You can't sit back and dream up any character who is both heroic and Jewish. You don't get to have fiction as a fun escape from day to day life. Your being Jewish makes you ineligible for that kind of joy, even in fandoms where the source material was written by Jews in the first place.
It doesn't help that so many Vocaloid fans are kids so with Miku in particular, we're seeing kids as young as 11 or 12 get bullied out of fandom spaces by adults. Hey, Pro-Pals? Hamasniks? Let me let you in on a secret: ZERO PALESTINIANS ARE HELPED BY THIS! You think someone living in a warzone is helped by you yelling at a child for daring to draw a fictional singer as Israeli? Do you honestly believe that someone somewhere is one step closer to liberation because you tore into a 14 year on Twitter over a doodle they posted?
No. No, you don't honestly believe that. This is not about helping Palestinians. This is about punishing Jewish people - and in this case in particular, Jewish children - for existing in public. This is about penalizing people for acknowledging that Judaism exists, for imagining themselves in fiction instead of imagining worlds in which they don't exist, for interrupting your fantasies of a Jew-free Earth.
The issue is not Miku, it's that the Miku debacle is part of a nearly year-long trend of goyim yelling at us for existing Jewishly and unabashedly. And all that hate and constant anger is a lot to take. Especially when so many people lie to us, saying it's not about antisemitism, it's about [buzzword here].
Yeah, no. If you're yelling at children for imagining Jewish characters existing, you're being antisemitic. It's not about anything else. Stop lying.
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now i may not know anything about computing, cybercrime, malware, software, hardware, ransomware, DOS, DNS, phishing, keylogging, backdooring, fragging, defragging, hacking, or fracking, but…. i think we should let the morris worm out. she didn’t do anything wrong 
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Kofu am trying master J's style that lying and hiding paws!
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Look I'm normally all for these sorts of posts however I have to take exception on this one because of one quite clear-in-the-face inaccuracy that's shattered the entire message for me.
"Spider-Man can be any ethnicity, nationality, etc. except Jewish or Israeli."
Yeah this is literally factually incorrect. There has absolutely been a depiction of Spider-Man as Jewish, found in Earth-616B's Peter Parker (aka Peter B. Parker). He's depicted stepping on a glass at his wedding in the movie Into the Spiderverse, which I'd say is quite a solid demonstration that he's Jewish. Granted, he's shown eating a cheeseburger in the same movie, however he may very simply not be practicing kosher anymore; doesn't make him not Jewish.
The thing is, if your entire personality revolves around being whatever race or religion that you are, then fundamentally you are an uninteresting person. You are someone who has forsaken humanity in exchange for information you've found in scripture (be it holy scripture or whatever rhetoric's been posted about your given racial/religious identity online). Doesn't matter where you come from or who you are, it's a one-note bit that gets old fast.
There'll be people who will be upset if you try to depict a version of a character as being different to the original in a fundamental way. And there'll be bandwagoning, impressionable people who'll get upset over something because everyone else is, and they want to feel involved. These people aren't actual bigots, racists, antisemites etc., they don't hold any actual views towards passionately, they're just following the herd. In a word, they're morons.
Rather than take it to heart, remember that they don't actually care about what they're preaching. They care about being involved and apart of something, because they feel good about being in a community of people. When that community's views shift, so will their's. An actual bigot, racist, antisemite etc. won't change with the community. They'll hold their views regardless of others, and won't be changed.
But I digress. In the end, please check the facts on the characters spoken about; it shows a clear ignorance to engage with the actual material and instead a desire to want to feel victimised and hateful towards outsiders.
I think the reason the Miku thing is so grating is because it represents a bigger trend in fandom. Everyone can have religious headcanons, except Jewish people. Spider-Man can be any ethnicity, nationality, etc. except Jewish or Israeli. MCU characters can be AU'd into being different races or having different powers, but don't you dare say Captain America is Jewish in your story. Digimon says there's heroes in every country but if you make an Israeli one or say one in one country is Jewish, you support genocide now. Miku has no canon ethnicity and people from over 60 countries have drawn her as their ethnicity or nationality or both, but don't you ever imply Israeli Miku is okay.
And the real, very clear subtext underneath all of that is clear: you don't get to be in fandom spaces. You don't get to relax and take a break from the world. You can't sit back and dream up any character who is both heroic and Jewish. You don't get to have fiction as a fun escape from day to day life. Your being Jewish makes you ineligible for that kind of joy, even in fandoms where the source material was written by Jews in the first place.
It doesn't help that so many Vocaloid fans are kids so with Miku in particular, we're seeing kids as young as 11 or 12 get bullied out of fandom spaces by adults. Hey, Pro-Pals? Hamasniks? Let me let you in on a secret: ZERO PALESTINIANS ARE HELPED BY THIS! You think someone living in a warzone is helped by you yelling at a child for daring to draw a fictional singer as Israeli? Do you honestly believe that someone somewhere is one step closer to liberation because you tore into a 14 year on Twitter over a doodle they posted?
No. No, you don't honestly believe that. This is not about helping Palestinians. This is about punishing Jewish people - and in this case in particular, Jewish children - for existing in public. This is about penalizing people for acknowledging that Judaism exists, for imagining themselves in fiction instead of imagining worlds in which they don't exist, for interrupting your fantasies of a Jew-free Earth.
The issue is not Miku, it's that the Miku debacle is part of a nearly year-long trend of goyim yelling at us for existing Jewishly and unabashedly. And all that hate and constant anger is a lot to take. Especially when so many people lie to us, saying it's not about antisemitism, it's about [buzzword here].
Yeah, no. If you're yelling at children for imagining Jewish characters existing, you're being antisemitic. It's not about anything else. Stop lying.
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You mentioned a "post-QAnon crowd" and it made me realize, I haven't really heard anything about them since Jan 6th. What happened to QAnon? What've they been up to since then?
After Biden won, they had their very own Great Disappointment, and fractured into a thousand different pieces that rapidly lost any semblance of direct political power.*
If that wasn't enough, many of the diehard believers travelled to the Grasst Knoll because they were sure that JFK Jr was going to come back from the dead. The term "American Civil Religion" gets thrown around a lot, but the Evangelical Christianity is thick in the air.
The only people still repping Qanon are the most thoroughly cooked, most completely microwaved individuals. Like okay, many of the actual organizers have either faded back into regular life, or changed tack completely. But in it's heydey, Qanon had what were called Bakers. These were the people who "baked" the breadcrumbs into "bread" using conspiracy logic. Their bread would filter down to the broader community, which would them reach the actual real-world political organizers.
These were the most online, most diehard, most Schizophrenic (I mean that literally) members of the community. Now that nobody is listening to them anymore, they've gone back to their noble roots: Online Apocalypse Preachers. You know, people who say the dark god Thoth is living in your phone screen.
*Lost power in the sense that Qanon as a coherent group no longer exists, but the crater left by their impact on politics, especially on the GOP, is blatant to see. They cut a channel that let the conspiricism flow free and clear, and it will be a whole unti that channel erodes.
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Talking with a co worker about how we used to dip our arms in a bucket of water then spray a lot of brake and parts cleaner on our arms and light them on fire then we'd be flaming arms for about 30 seconds before it got too hot then douse our arms in the water again... and she commented that she wondered how the fuck I'm still alive.
Wyoming was pretty boring when I did oil work.
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Alternative suggestion
Archaeosensus - The sensation of the ancient
Do you ever find yourself getting obsessed with an historical era? Like you read about it, you read stuff that was written then and just conceptualize it in terms of the trends of the era, you see paintings and photographs and artifacts and it all just feels so close that you can just about touch it?
Anyways, I feel like we need a word for this, because nostalgia is for things that you actually lived, but this is a different and altogether deeper feeling.
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You see it's quite simple: if they call the earth Gaia, it's fantasy. If they call it Terra, that's sci-fi
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My kid is a big fan of lichen (and your account) and wanted to show you this
top ten lichen sticks going ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️ at you in the woods
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wizard-of-the-forest · 10 hours
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