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Welcome! withLOVEfromNash is a family life style blog. The blog started in Nashville TN in 2011. I am a Danish girl named Julie and I now live in Copenhagen Denmark with my Peter. Together we have two wonderful kids, Asger & Nora. Thanks for stopping by! My daily favorites oh joy cupcakes and cashmere a cup of joe style files mokkasin handmade charlotte pinkpistachio woonblog mortilmernee bleubirdblog atlantic pacific designlovefest papernstitch Oh Happy Day!
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withlovefromnash-blog · 10 years ago
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Happy birthday to our sweet Nora. 
Two years old already, I can’t believe it! She's had a great day with lots of pancakes, presents, birthday songs and layer cake for dessert, yum!
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withlovefromnash-blog · 10 years ago
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Big day today y’all!
Today is the day where Asger stopped using a paci... Asger LOVES his paci, so we knew it was going to be a hard day for him. We talked about it a lot beforehand, so he knew what was going to happen, but still it is hard to understand for a little boy that you are going to take away one of his ‘best friends’ :-(
This afternoon we went to the park and found the ‘suttetrœ’, a tree where kids can put their pacis once they are ready to leave them behind. Asger thought it was all right and he waved good bye to the pacis and ran straight for the trampolines.. So far so good. 
Afterwards we went to buy him a present. We told him he could choose pretty much whatever he wanted. Asger is such a modest child and so sweet :-) Of all the things he could choose, he chose a small red motorbike and two plastic water pistols ‘One for me and one for Nora mammi’. You’re so sweet! In the end he also wanted some Lego and that was more than okay :-)
So we went back home and had dinner and after dinner Asger was eager to take a bath with his new toys.
Only after bath time, he started asking about the paci. We talked about the park again and that we had left the paci on the tree. I showed him that we had no more pacis around the house and then he was a bit sad :-( I put him to bed and we read a good story about a huge green pear and a man with a red head, haha. I was so tired after a long day, so we fell asleep together, I think that might have helped him to fall asleep without his paci. I must say Asger did really well tonight, he was not at all as upset and sad about giving up his pac as I imagined. I think he was just ready for it, my big Asger boy, growing up too fast!
So, big day today y’all! Goodnigh night!
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withlovefromnash-blog · 10 years ago
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Yesterday when I picked up the kids from daycare (after my 4 hour exam in risk management was done...zzzz... I don’t even wanna talk about it!) we heard the ice cream truck. Asger knows the sounds of the bells by now and he was extremely eager to go look for the ice cream truck, so we did :-) Obviously we found it because it was parked right outside the daycare, clever :-) We went to talk to the ice cream man and he was so sweet to give Asger and Nora an ice cream for free :-) They both chose chocolate, of course, like mamma like kids :-) Chocolate is the best, we all know that right :-)
Happy Tuesday y’all!
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withlovefromnash-blog · 10 years ago
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Today we went to Vallensbœk Naturlegeplads, this really great outdoor space for kids. Asger goes there a lot with his kindergarden so we thought we’d go there all of us today and Asger and Nora loved it. The sun was shining and the kids really enjoyed themselves, just running around :-) Good times y’all!
Happy weekend!
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withlovefromnash-blog · 10 years ago
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Happy weekend y'all! Asger and Nora are eating popcorn and watching cartoons before bedtime.
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withlovefromnash-blog · 10 years ago
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We had a fun and spontaneous trip to my friend Emma's summerhouse a few days ago. Asger and Nora had so much fun playing with Hannah :) one day we went swimming and it was a great success. It took a while before Asger jumped in but after watching the rest of us having fun in the water he finally gained enough confidence to jump in the pool with us. He still talks about it so we better go swimming again soon :) Happy Easter folks!
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withlovefromnash-blog · 10 years ago
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Morning y'all!
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withlovefromnash-blog · 10 years ago
Local cravings
I just realised that a lot of the things on my bucket list has to do with food! Like, Edley’s pulled pork sandwich, tacos at Local Tacos, Zucchini bread from dose, donuts...las paletas... anything from Silly Goose... Yum! Nashville is such a tasty city :-) 
Tonight Mandy is taking me out for girls night to some new place in German town.. I haven’t been there before but I know it is something about chocolate, so I am ALL IN!
Now, I am off to lunch with Kirsten :-)
Have a great day and tasty day y’all!
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withlovefromnash-blog · 10 years ago
Nashville bound
Hi y’all!
Its good to be back in Nashville. We are having such a great time and this weather!?! I’ve missed it so much. Today it was all blue skies, super sunny day, upper 70s, so very warm, I guess spring time is here!
Ever since we got here we have embraced that Southern lifestyle that we’ve missed for so long. We are drinking sweet tea, sitting on front porches, eating LOTS of pulled pork, chicken wings and fried pickles, uuuhhhmmmm yum! 
Its really great to be back, but also a little weird to be here without the kids, I must say. We miss them and can’t wait to see them again :-) They better join us next time, haha. But I will say, the trip over was much easier without kids. I actually got to see a few movies on the way here, yay!
Tomorrow morning I am going for a morning run like I used to. Maybe in Centennial Park... or maybe around the Greenway in Sylvan Park? I haven’t decided yet ;-)
We’ve only been here a few days but we’ve already done so much of the stuff on my bucket list!  
We’ve been to Edley’s... twice.. We’ve been to the Silly Goose.. we had coffee at dose.. twice...we’ve been to 12th South area... shopped at Imogene + Willie..had fried pickles... pulled pork... twice :-) Visited the Giffin’s property and has lunch at Pucketts in Leipers Fork, such a cool place! And much much more, needless to say, we are busy :-)
Sweet dreams y’all!
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withlovefromnash-blog · 10 years ago
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Sunday afternoon, lunch at Pucketts in Liepers Fork y'all!
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withlovefromnash-blog · 10 years ago
Count down
All right y’all! The countdown has begun! In less than 24 hours we are sitting on the plane, on our way to Nashville. I have butterflies in my stomach, I am so excited! I am really going to miss Asger and Nora.... :-( But I know they will have such a good time with the super helpful grandparents, they will have so much fun, they probably won’t even miss us one bit, haha :-)
I can’t even begin to explain how excited I am about this trip, arrgghhhggg! Its the best thing ever :-)
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withlovefromnash-blog · 10 years ago
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Happy Friday y'all!
I am sitting here at the library at CBS, trying to focus and read what I am supposed to read and its coming along, slowly but surely. When I walked outside the school this morning I noticed how lovely the weather is, it is starting to feel like spring, ahhh it is so nice :-) And this made me think of other things...
I am sitting here, trying to read, but all I can think of is HOW RIDICULOUSLY HAPPY I AM!!! I am so HAPPY because very soon Peter and I are going to Nashville! Yes, you heard me alright, we are going to Nashville, our favorite city in the whole wide world. I feel like a kid inside, I have butterflies and I just can't stop thinking about it :-) Yihaaar y'all!!! I have thought about going back to visit Nashville since the day we moved back to Copenhagen, so its been a while, hahaha, and now it is finally happening. The kids are staying here and the grandparents will spoil them as ever I am sure :-) while Peter and I take a trip together, I am super excited! 
I am making long lists of things to do, places to eat, things to buy and people to hug! Excited!!!!
This picture was taken on my very first night in Nashville. I was still living in Chapel Hill at the time and I came to visit Peter to help him go look for apartments. On our first night in Nashville together we went to Cheekwood to see a Chihuly exhibition and it was a fantastic night. Just look how happy we are, and so tan (this is October, but the weather in the south, ahhhh, I love it), hahaha! 
I guess its pretty obvious to see that this picture is taken pre-kids, hahaha, just look how well rested and so much younger we look. I love my kids to the moon and back, did I mention that? :-) But they sure won't let us sleep in, thats for sure. Sleep is overrated anyways. Who needs more than 6 hours a night anyways? I know I don't... not anymore at least :-) 
Happy Friday y'all!
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withlovefromnash-blog · 10 years ago
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Oh dear, who are these crazy people?!? :) Happy Tuesday y'all!
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withlovefromnash-blog · 10 years ago
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Today we went to the Zoo museum and we had a great time with the kids! It is a pretty cool place, only 10 minutes walking distance from where we live and the kids LOVE it! The cool thing is, you can touch almost everything, bones, animals and so on. They have a little corner where the kids can colour and a little cafe where you can eat, so it is the perfect place to go when it is cold outside, which it is now, bbbrrrr! 
Nora and Asger really enjoyed themselves and it is so much fun to observe them, they are complete opposites! Nora is super excited about everything, she wants to touch everything and she runs away, any direction, without even noticing if we follow her, she is just running all over the place, excited to see everything, touch, crawl, taste, everything. She is a little explorer! Whereas Asger on the other side is much more hesitant and careful. Whenever we see a scary looking animal, he wants to hold my hand and go slow... 'uhhh scary' he says, aww, my little boy :-) When we saw the two skeletons he said something really funny, he said 'Mammi, look they are waiting for the bus' because of the way they were sitting on the stairs, hahahaha :-)
Ohh those kids, they are so much fun! I love them :-)
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withlovefromnash-blog · 10 years ago
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Happy birthday to our sweet little boy, Asger. Three years old already, I cannot believe how big he is!! We had a great day yesterday with family and friends. Asger had the best day, he got so spoiled :-) All the attention, songs, favourite foods, presents and lots of hugs and kisses! I think he had a pretty good day :-) 
In the afternoon after the guests left, Asger and Peter went for a little bike ride, you know to try out Asger's new yellow bike helmet :-) When they came back home, Asger stood outside and knocked on the door and when I opened he had the most beautiful pink flowers for me and he tried to say 'Happy Valentines day mammi', so incredible sweet! My little Valentines boy :-)
Happy happy birthday my love, we love you to the moon and back:-)
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withlovefromnash-blog · 10 years ago
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It is so nice sometimes not to have that many plans for the weekend. Saturday we went to Asger and Nora's cousin Aksel's birthday and had a great time. Next weekend it is Asger's birthday, 3 years old already, I can't believe it! Its time to get sentimental all over again :-) My little boy is growing up too fast!
Otherwise we actually din't do much this weekend, we baked some cookies, made the big USA puzzle and talked about where Asger and Nora were born and then we had a playdate with Hjalte from Asger's kindergarden, but I think thats probably it :-)
Happy Monday y'all!
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withlovefromnash-blog · 10 years ago
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This was my last night: Nora playing with water in the sink and Asger playing with his new Legos, good times :) Asger insisted that he wanted this specific Lego box because it had a ghost with a fancy magic wand and a tiny red sausage in it?!? Haha, whatever makes him happy right ;)
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