withchloebennet ¡ 4 years
@ the Academy Awards best director category
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withchloebennet ¡ 4 years
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withchloebennet ¡ 5 years
A little review on #AbominableMovie
Dreamwork’s Abominable premiered Saturday at TIFF. On the surface, it’s about a 15-year-old girl Yi, (Chloe Bennet) journeying to bring home a yeti she deems Everest, to his home on… Mount Everest. Just below the surface, it’s about family values, loss of a loved one, taking time out for fun, not all families being blood, and maybe a few other standard kid-friendly values snuck in there. This is all demonstrated using a modern Chinese family in China, which gives it a unique taste compared to other American children’s films using this fairly traditional recipe.
Yi lives with her mother (Michelle Wong) and her grandmother referred to as Nai Nai (Tsai Chin). Nai Nai is a welcome character in the beginning; she’s adorably funny and may likely to remind you of elder family member in your own life. Yi is shown keeping herself busy taking jobs of all kinds to save up money, therefore missing out on family time. One day she finds a yeti on her roof, and realizes she needs to get him back home.
Yi goes on this journey with her childhood friend Jin (Tenzing Norgay Trainor) and his little cousin Peng (Albert Tsai). It turns out to be a split-second decision on even Yi’s part when she hops on a boat with Everest with no turning back (which explains why she happens to have a violin on an expedition up a mountain, something I was curious about from the trailers). Peng too makes the jump, forcing Jin to come against his better interests to protect him. Jin spends a portion of the movie trying to get himself and Peng home, until ultimately deciding to stay with Yi until Everest gets home.
The kids’ personalities, along with their perfect casting, make them fun to watch. Bennet has a range of sass that goes well with Yi’s determined nature. In a turn of events to other movies that feature ditzy boy-obsessed teen girls, we have a similar seeming male! Jin definitely has no interest in an adventure through the wilderness, made clear by his affection to his phone and the many ladies in his life. Along with this character having enough flaws make a teaching moment by the end of the movie, he’s was hilarious. Trainor knew where to hit every crack of the voice and inflection with this character. This is similar to Tsai’s Peng, the casting was on point to make you believe this dorky kid is actually playing with a yeti on the screen in front of you.
Which brings me to (and how have we gotten so far without mentioning him?) Everest! He’s everything you could want. Fluffy, adorable, playful, and… magic! Wait, magic? Yep, they’re going with magic. Ok, it might seem gimmicky at first -audiences can believe yetis might be living on a remote mountain, but suspension of disbelief has to go a bit further when massive growing blueberries and surfing on flowers becomes involved- BUT, it works. They’ve tied Everest’s powers to a musical humming noise he makes, and Yi has a special bond to her violin that has to do with her late father. It comes together well in a touching moment before the climax. Plus, it’s fun to watch Everest do his thing and the animation quality behind the magical sequences.
The animation within the entire movie is absolutely gorgeous. The backdrop of the journey going throughout China is pretty fun as well as beautiful, considering they are all real locations. You can appreciate Everest as the animated spectacle he is due to the personality and movements that bring him to life by talented animators; it’s an absolute joy to watch.
The villains of the movie are a collector of rare animals (one of which actually steals the show as he continues to pop up throughout the film) played by Eddie Izard, and the scientist helping him to find the yeti, played by Sarah Paulson. Not to mention her rare gerbil often seen seated on her shoulder, Duchess. This is an interesting enough crew to be tailing the kids and Everest, I actually found myself enjoying Izzard’s character more and more as the film went on, but at times the stakes felt low. After all, Everest has magical powers that only get stronger the closer he gets to home.
Overall, Abominable is still adorable and sincere. It makes you warm and fuzzy while still tugging at heart strings. It may not stray from the path from a formula that works, but the characters draw you in and keep you there with outstanding performances, animation, and comedy. I especially heard kids in the audience laugh when Peng and Everest would goof off, and many times Jin is onscreen being overdramatic about something or another. It’s a fun film that will make your kids laugh without cringey puns, and will leave you wishing you had your own Everest.
For Chloe fans, it’s great to see her fall into this role. I feel she’s able to dig into it much more than her voice role on Marvel Rising. You’ll have a great time watching Everest and Yi become friends and go on this adventure together.
Review by Sarah Moscato (@Crazygirlvids on Twitter/@agentsofspoof on Instagram)
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withchloebennet ¡ 6 years
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About the campaign:
Giving Love is an initiative from 7 pages dedicated to Chloe Bennet and her work that try to make something diferente this year: in place of making videos or tags, we planned a campaign with founds donations to Community Empowerment, an ONG founded by Dr. Stephanie Crane, Chloe’s mom.
The idea came from a group chat on twitter dedicated to the actress still in 2017, it was worked for by the brazilian administrators of five pages (dailybennet, chloebbrasil, bennetbrasil, bestofbennet & badpostbennet) and introduced to the others pages (cbennetsource & chloebennetalerts) as a way to bring the fans together for something big!
The campaign will take place from March 18 until April 18, Chloe Bennet’s birthday! The donations will be throght Community Empowerment’s site and any value matters.
We want you to be part of it: will be a great gift, where everybody will build a little of a beautiful tribute. Be part of this Family!
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Chloe Bennet visiting Haiti with Community Empowerment (source: IG)
Why Community Empowerment: 
Besides the fact about Dr. Stephanie Crane (Chloe Bennet’s mom) be one of the founders of Community Empowerment, the actress already made two campaigns to raise founds to the foundation: Fight Like A Girl! 
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source: Represent
How to donate:
To donate, all you have to do is enter Community Empowerment’s website (http://community-empowerment.org/donate/) You can click on the Donate’ button or buy their art print. You can also shop through Amazon Smile, using their charitable link. All the money is reverted to help people in need.
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If you click on “Donate”, all you have to do is follow the steps and choose the amount you want to give. Any value is significant and can help change many people’s lives.
After your donation, you will recieve an e-mail from Community Empowerment confirming your donation. Take a screenshot of this e-mail and post on twitter or instagram  using the tag #CBennetBdayProject, we will be publishing and giving a shout out to who donates!
About Community Empowerment:
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Community Empowerment works in tandem with local leadership to provide essential health care, while creating a self-sustaining system in which our assistance is no longer needed.The first step is to work with our partner communities to identify their needs and provide regular medical and surgical care. Then, we help the communities form partnerships with existing medical and social services to ensure this care will be ongoing.  We help establish a governing board over the clinics and provide training for medical students, residents, and medical providers. Ongoing care is ultimately provided by community health care workers, nurses and doctors.
PRIMARY CARE TEAMS: Primary care teams regularly work with local medical providers to provide training and care of chronic diseases.
SURGICAL CARE TEAMS: Surgical teams operate alongside local providers and provide medical and surgical education for medical students, residents and faculty members. Surgical care includes orthopedic, urology, gynecology and more.
INFASTRUCTURE SUPPORT: A business model for water purification and distribution services was created to provide ongoing infrastructure support.  The sales from the potable water helps finance clinic operations, including the hiring of local medical providers and provides income to several needy families.
SUSTAINABILITY: We create permanent clinics staffed with local providers, whom we train, in order to provide long-term care to the community. We work to strengthen the local leadership so that they are able to take ownership of the primary care services and water purification and distribution activities.
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LEFT: Maria Keegan (nurse and trip leader). CENTER: Stephanie Crane with global health team. RIGHT: clinic developments in Peralta. (source: Community Empowerment)
Community Empowerment has been involved in Peralta, Dominican Republic since 2002, and Jerusalem Haiti since 2010.  There have been hundreds of volunteers, ranging from medical, nursing, and physician assistant students, residents, nurses, physical therapists, pharmacists, nurse practitioners and physicians, who have participated in our work.
Dr. Crane envisioned partnering with underserved communities that wanted to improve access to primary care for its residents. In 2002, she selected the rural community of Peralta in southwestern Dominican Republic because there was strong local leadership and great need. In 2010, Dr. Crane and several Rush doctors and nurses provided emergency care in the immediate aftermath of the massive earthquake that struck Haiti. Afterwards, the decision was made to make a long-term commitment to working in Haiti using the same model that was  successful in the Dominican Republic. 
Community Empowerment on social media: site | instagram | facebook
We are at your disposal for doubts! You can send an ask here, or tweet/dm any of the pages involved! 
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withchloebennet ¡ 7 years
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“When i met chloe at hvff sj in 2016, i was wearing customized overalls (and i know how much she loves overalls lol). while getting an autograph with her and she greeted me, ngl i started to cry bc she's one of my role models and to comfort me she came around the table to give me a hug. she complimented my overalls and we talked for about 5 minutes but she was so sweet and nice!!
i had told her about how i met brett the previous year at he same convention center and she was like "was he nice to you? he better be." jokingly. we talked about different topics and i got hugged by her about three times overall lol. when it was time for a photo op, she saw i was next in line and her tone was super enthusiastic when she greeted me again and we talked about the pose before doing it.
i was so happy about chloe that i didn't smile how i usual smile, but my smile is of genuine happiness because chloe was so kind to me!! if i could meet her again, i would.”
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withchloebennet ¡ 7 years
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Next Sunday we will be tweeting #ReasonsToLoveChloeBennet
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withchloebennet ¡ 7 years
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I’ve met Chloe at two cons, and the encounters were just as perfect and magical as you’d expect.
The first time (Wizard World Cleveland) I made Chloe a gift bag full of stuff, and when I gave it to her she immediately started rummaging through it, pulling out each piece with matched enthusiasm. “Yessss I need hand sanitizer.” “Silly string? OH MY GOSH.” “And chocolate! AHHH” Whether or not she was THAT excited about a bunch of junk I got from the dollar store, she was making sure I felt great about giving it to her. She even thought to ask if I wanted to take a picture of her! This was after she asked to take a picture of me in my Quake shirt I’d made. So I left with the thought that I had a picture of her on my phone that I took myself, and she even had a picture of me! The second time was HVFF Chicago, just in the end of March.  Again Chloe asked to take a picture of me, but just my neck this time as she got a kick out of my daisies choker. When she saw my shirt she she said “hey your shirt has us on it. OH MY GOD WE’RE ALL SMILING”. We said how it doesn’t happen very often anymore on the show, and she just started showing us a bunch of pics from her phone to show how happy they could be! I said “well it just makes editing funny videos hard…”  Next thing you know, (with the help of Zoe aka SunnyVids) Chloe is WATCHING A VIDEO I MADE RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. I was  so shocked and excited. But the best part was the photo op. We couldn’t decide on a pose so we thought we’d let Brett and Chloe decide, and Chloe took the reins by saying “Oh! I’ve always wanted everyone to just stand at different angles… awkwardly.” So she posed us, and we got the best picture I could ever imagine. Best fan encounters I’ve ever had, and I really hope I get more opportunities to see her!
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withchloebennet ¡ 7 years
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Did you meet with Chloe Bennet? Tell your experience to Daily Bennet! Write a text with all the details you remember: what she said to you, autographs, pics… 
Everything is valid: if you met her at comic cons, red carpets, hanging out with friends, events…
Share your story with us! We will post every Saturday during hiatus a new story with a fan on Twitter (@dailybennet), Instagram (@dailybennet) & Tumblr (withchloebennet.tumblr.com).
Do you want make part? Send a DM to Daily Bennet account on Twitter with your text & pics!
PS: First post will be 05/27/17
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withchloebennet ¡ 7 years
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“I met Chloe on March 25th, 2017. It was at the HVFF in Chicago. I arrived three days before the event to have some time to explore the city on my own. When the day came I was a complete mess. I flew almost 3000 just to see her. Of course I was first in line that day.
 She was a little bit late, which gave me plenty of time to get more nervous. We were expecting her to come through the black curtains. I was just talking with the staff guys (they were so nice to me) when they saw her coming behind us.
I really can’t describe how it felt to see her. She walked right pass me and suddenly I didn’t want to go first. She came with her manager and sat down and I still wouldn’t move. She was like waiting and I didn’t move. She finally told me to come over. I literally had a speech planned and all the things that I wanted to say. I brought some presents, but when I was in front of her I went totally blank.
 I think I forgot my English in that moment. I managed to say some words. I introduced myself and said that I had come from Colombia and she was really surprised that I had done that. It’s true that when you’re with her she’s hyper focused on you. She grabs your hand and she looks at you, and only you and pays attention to every single thing that you say and when you’re an incoherent mess (like I was) she starts complimenting you. She grabbed my hair and said that she loved it, because she missed her long hair so much. She said that she loved my shirt (I was wearing the fight like a girl sweater) She always tries to keep the conversation flowing. One thing that struck me is that she seems to be very aware of the kind of person that is in front of her? I mean, I noticed that a few people only approached her booth to see if she was taking pictures. She had a no photos rule. I think with that she makes sure that people go there to have a special moment, not just to take selfies with some celebrity.
 I think she knows how to read that love and reciprocate it when she sees that people are being honest with her. So many of us went up there so excited only to say hello, to spend some time with her. She tries to make that small moment special. I told her I had totally forgotten my English in that moment and she said that Natalia would love me, and mentioned the episode were they recruited Yoyo in Bogotå. I was mostly trying to get out all the things that I wanted to tell her, I was so nervous, but she never stopped holding my hand. She would hug me and she would thank for every nice thing that I had to say.
 I forgot that I had to get her autograph so she asked if I had something for her to sign. I remembered the Daisy pop and the gifts and I got the box out of my backpack. She asked which color I wanted for the autograph and she started writing my name while I tried to find the gifts, and I couldn’t find them! I was taking so long and getting even more nervous so she got curious and started looking inside my bag. She found another pop and asked who that was. It was a gift for a friend. She had like her face in my bag and I was so clumsy trying to get the candy out of the bag. (I gave her candy from Colombia) I explained some things about it and she said that she loves treats and candy and everything sweet in general… yeah. No surprise there.
 I think she was smiling at how clumsy I was the whole time. As I said, I think she really appreciates when people cares about her. I told her that I was going to come back and also see her at the photo ops and then she offered another hug and then went around the table to hug me…and she just hugs you like she means it. I mean, I know that I’m just another fan but I think she has a very special love for us and she shows it every second. In that moment she makes sure to make you feel special. She kept smiling and grabbed my hand again. I was shaking. I forgot half of the gifts, but I was incredibly happy.
 Then it was the first photo op. I was like third in line. When I went in she hugged me again, called me by my name, and I was a bit more confident at that point. The photo ops are super fast and Chloe asked if I wanted a hug. I really never asked for anything because I didn’t know the rules for these things but she was always warm and nice. I mean, she doesn’t have to be like that and I think it can be exhausting for her but again, I think she tries to reciprocate the love that we show her in those brief seconds or minutes.
 I got my picture and then I felt like I didn’t want to go… so I just waited until she was back in her booth and went to get the picture signed. I gave her a little bracelet and she let me put it on her wrist. I babbled some more about how much Daisy and her mean in my life. I thanked her. She hugged me again. I really lost the count on the hugs hahaha. I asked about her kids and she told me they were back at home. I said that I would see her the next day and then said goodbye.
 On Sunday things were even better. I actually felt like I could talk to her like a normal person hahaha. I went back to her booth, of course (I really just spent my time there) Then I was first in line again. That day Chloe arrived around 11. When she came I started feeling a bit weird, I didn’t know if it was okay to go in so many times… but I really went to Chicago for her, so I had to make the most of it.
 She sat down and said hello. I was wearing overalls and she said that she loved them. I told her that I knew, that I always wanted to try but she gave me the confidence to start buying them. She hugged me again and asked if I was going to the panel. I said of course. I told her that I had another photo op with her and she told me that she would see me there.
 I kinda started feeling the withdrawals at that point… so I just lurked around her booth for the rest of the morning until it was time for the photo op (it was a duo op with Brett) that day things were a lot more organized. I was one of the last ones in line. For that photo I had a pose in mind.
 It was as fast as the other one. I think when it was my turn I went straight for Chloe and forgot that Brett was there for a second haha so I quickly turned to say hi to him but never let go off Chloe hahaha. The photographer would always get annoyed… and even more when I tried to explain the pose to Chloe and Brett but they just wouldn’t get it. It was funny because they got it wrong in the exact same way the first time. Chloe kept asking and trying to show me if she was getting it, and the next thing I know her leg is like around me, and then Brett got it and I started laughing and almost ruined the photo… I’m still not totally happy with my face, but at least we had a good time for those… 30 seconds hahaha. I said thank you and apologized. Chloe said that we almost didn’t get it… and then I started to feel like I didn’t want to say goodbye. I hugged her and then left because I took too long and the ops guys hated me already. On my way out I was like… shit Brett! And then hugged Brett. I think they both were laughing the whole time about my clumsiness. So that was a bit of a mess but a good kind of mess.
 But then I picked my photo… I didn’t turn out that bad, and I realized that I had to do something else. I mean, I was already there. So I ran back to the table and got the last ticket for the next op. I ended back in line. The last person for the Chloe solo op. I’m so glad I went back. When I entered again I asked if she was getting tired of me. She received me with open arms and said that she never would. She peeked outside and when she realized that I was the last person she told me “best for last!” and grabbed my hand to take me to the center of the booth. She asked if I had anything in mind so I just told her to make faces. When they took the pic she quickly told me that she would say that she messed up, and then told the photographer that she had messed up and to take another one. So they took another picture, and I made the same face like the idiot I am. The thing is… every time she would do something nice my brain would stop working so I had nothing in that moment. I kinda wanted to cry.
 So that’s exactly what I did. I didn’t know if that was going to be my last personal moment with her so I started thanking her for everything, again. I told her that I was glad I took the very irresponsible decision to fly to Chicago in the last minute. She thanked me for doing it and yes… more hugs. I got some time while the next celeb took Chloe’s place in the booth so I told her that I wanted to say goodbye and she told me to go to her autograph table again. I told her that she was my hero. I felt like a guy was about to take me out so I gave her one last hug and left.
 Next it was the panel. You all know how that went. It was hilarious. I was really close to them but then went back to be closer to the mic line. I did get to ask a question about Daisy. At that point we didn’t know if the show was going to be renewed and I also started thinking that maybe this was going to be the only time that I got to see her. I was happy with the things I told her. I was happy to see with my own eyes how nice and honest in the way she interacts with people that she is, but it was heartbreaking to think that only had like a few minutes more to see her.
 So yes. I went back one last time to the autograph table… Actually I waited for HOURS to be the last one to go. Since I had become such good friends with the staff they just let me be there. At the end I got to hang on the table where they had the pile of photos for Chloe to sign, right next to her table. That’s when the funniest thing happened. I see a huge, Asian guy come out from the back, He came to the table where I was and started looking through the photos. So I went like…”Mr Bennet?” He said yes with a smile. I introduced myself and told him my name and when he heard it (and probably my accent) he said that I was the girl that came from Colombia, that Chloe had told him about me. I died in that moment… for the tenth time in two days. It was almost my turn so I just told him that he had the most amazing daughter in the world. That she’s important for so many people and women, that she was amazing and for me it was worth it to take such a trip just to tell her that. He went full proud dad mode in that second and told me that she really was, and just the way she was here with her fans she was at home. He told me that she really appreciated me being there, and all the people that support her. He thanked me and said that she probably would have something special to say to me.
 I went back. I really don’t know what was going through her manager’s head at that point, but Chloe looked happy. I went like: “I just met your dad” She was like oh no, what did he say? He’s talking to the fans now? I just told her that we just agreed that she’s the best. She took one of the other pictures that I was carrying to sign it while we spoke. I thanked her for everything she did. I told her that it meant a lot. I really don’t remember how we got to her birthday, but I wished her a happy birthday and told her that mine was coming up too. She wished me a happy birthday. I was trying really hard not to cry in front of her, but I told her that I really meant all the things that I had told her, and that it might seem like just a tv show, or a fictional character… but it really makes a difference in the lives of so many people. She knows, she works her ass off to brig Daisy to us and she loves every second of it. She thanked me and hugged me and she wouldn’t let go off my hand while I told her.
 Then she eyed my iphone on the table. She asked if I wanted a selfie. I turned to check if there were people in line and actually some people arrived after me so I just looked back at her, but she was grabbing my phone and she told the others that it was because my photo op came out wrong. She told me that I had come all the way here, that I should get one. I just nodded and she was already going though my phone and opening the camera app. She took a pic, and then I said that my hair was terrible, so she just took another one. She didn’t look like uncomfortable or like she had to do it. She really wanted to make that moment special. I think she wants that for all her fans and I think that it’s important not to pressure her to sign things and take pictures on do things. She’s a person just like us, she could be tired or having a bad day, but she’ll offer something special to make you happy if she can. She wouldn’t stop thanking me and I told her that I was happy that I got to see her one last time. Then I saw her manager check her watch and I think I said it out loud because Chloe laughed. She got out of the table again to hug me and that’s when I broke. I told her that I didn’t know if I would get to see her again, but that she had made everything so special that I would always treasure these days. She told me that we would see each other again and I told her that we didn’t even know what was going to happen with AoS and that I just needed Daisy in my life. I told her that it would kill me (Don’t judge me. I was a mess in that moment) she was like noo! Don’t die! Hahaha She said that she was going to do new things.
In the end she just hugged me and thanked me for coming. I waited until she left and waved her goodbye. I actually didn’t cry when she left hahah I think maybe I’ll get to see her again. Now I know that going there was totally worth it and I would definitely do it again.”
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withchloebennet ¡ 7 years
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Did you meet with Chloe Bennet? Tell your experience to Daily Bennet! Write a text with all the details you remember: what she said to you, autographs, pics...  Everything is valid: if you met her at comic cons, red carpets, hanging out with friends, events... Share your story with us! We will post every Saturday during hiatus a new story with a fan on Twitter (@dailybennet), Instagram (@dailybennet) & Tumblr (withchloebennet.tumblr.com). Do you want make part? Send a DM to Daily Bennet account on Twitter with your text & pics! PS: First post will be 05/27/17
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