Sidney Moreau. I'd like to say that I'm more, but I'm not sure what I can be anymore. Closed RP account for reawakened-rp group
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"Oh believe me, Theater 9 and I are well acquainted. It's practically the only place I will go out. I've never tried sneaking in booze though, I'll have to give that a whirl." He chuckled. "I just want a different experience, really." He confessed
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"Thanks for the faith." He said with a smile. "I appreciate it." He sighed, shrugging. "It does and it doesn't. It makes me feel like a zombie sometimes. But I try and keep on it."
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“I wish I could just do the natural remedy route. But I went and got myself addicted to all the caffeine and the unhealthy solutions.” He laughed, though he doubted that natural remedies cured the constant exhaustion he felt taking him over all the time. “Oh maybe I’ll have to try Scoobies. I don’t know what I’m really into. I’m normally into drinking with my friends at home and watching movies so I don’t feel bad about nodding off during them.” He said with a shrug. “So any suggestions at all are always welcome.”
“Oh yeah, definitely a good point. My parents were always super into natural remedies to avoid that.” Rain explained. “No? I’m sorry. But if you feel like it could be a good idea now, that’s great. Trying something different, getting out there. It’s cool. Me? Oh, I totally love Scoobies. It’s always a great time.” She laughed brightly. “Unless you’re into something else, like something a little more low key.”
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“It’s fine. Sorry I kind of burst in on you.” he apologized, feeling bad. “But no reason for you to feel like an asshole. All me.” He admitted. “I hadn’t decided completely, but I was thinking maybe getting some dinner and then going out and going to a bar or a club or something?” He suggested to Jeanne.
“Oh,” Jeanne relaxed a bit, “I was starting to feel like an asshole.” She had her moments (more often than not), but she was usually nice to Sidney. “Um, sure. We can go out, though. Where did you want to go?”
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“You know you’d do it for me if I wanted.” He teased, looking over at Adrien. “Alright I’ll get us a spot.” he promised as they entered, making his way to the bar. Thankfully there was room for the two of them and he waved over his friend. “You’re welcome.” He said, looking around at all the people. It was fairly full and he liked it. The hustle and bustle of everything made him feel involved for once. “So what will it take to get you singing and dancing?” He asked, looking over at Adrien.
“I could probably carry a tune, but if there’s dancing… I’m retreating to the back of the bar.” He warned Sidney with a smile. Adrien followed alongside his friend for the rest of the way, pulling the door open when they got to the Tavern. "We should check to see if there’s a spot at the bar.“ Sitting at a table at a bar never really felt right for Adrien. It was too far away from the alcohol.
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“Yeah, well it’s not often people reinforce anything for a stranger.” He pointed out, smiling. “Nice to meet you, George. I’m Sidney.” He shook their hand for a second before sliding his own back into his jacket pocket. “I don’t know. Hadn’t really considered it. I just don’t get out much and decided today was going to be the day.” He said with a shrug.
Nodding, George smiled. “I’m just saying what you already know. It might just help a little to have that reinforced. I’m George, by the way,” they said, sticking their hand out to be shaken without thinking about it. “I usually go with black coffee with lots of sugar, but I get where you’re coming from. So what’s your plan for tonight?”
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“I’d like that. Maybe we could get up there and sing?” He said with a laugh, nudging his friend. “Let’s go. There’s a nightlife to be enjoyed!” He started heading in the direction of the tavern, excited to go and do something.
“Alright, cool.” Adrien smiled softly, feeling a bit more relaxed now. “Did you want to hit up Old World Tavern? I heard they’re doing open mic night. Or open singing, I guess. If I can’t keep you awake, maybe someone else can.”
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“I’m still a health risk. What happens if I have issues while working and collapse or something? And everyone thinks that it just means that I’m going to hurt myself or someone else falling asleep without any warning. But I’m looking for something. I’m not going to completely give up.”
“Seriously? I would have figured people would have been more flexible considering it isn’t like just you need a nap. That’s a bummer. “ Simon replied “No one would blame you for any of it though”
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“No, this is me, asking you to come out with me?” He asked, hope in his voice. “I know it’s last minute but I just couldn’t stay in the house anymore. I’m going stir crazy.”
“Did we have plans or something?” Jeanne stared at her cousin, her mind searching for a memory of making plans with him. “I forgot.”
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Sidney looked over at the person that spoke, smiling at them. “Thanks. I think I needed that.” He admitted. It wasn’t often he got himself up and out of the house. “Gives me that extra shove to actually do something.” He admitted.
They kept quiet, not wanting to disturb the guy as he psyched himself up for… they weren’t sure, but it seemed important what with how much caffeine and sugar he was pouring into his system. Still they found they couldn’t hold their tongue for long. “You’re going to do really well. I know it.” They didn’t really know it, but they wanted to believe it.
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“You’re not a shitty wingman. You’re a good wingman. Don’t worry.” He nudged the other guy. “I just don’t want to start yawning five seconds into going out. I’d feel like shit. I want to do this. We should definitely do this.”
“I’m feeling like I’m going to let you down a bit, but I’ll try to make your night worthwhile. I’d hate for you to put in all this work and I’m a shitty wingman.”
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“No luck. People aren’t exactly eager to hire someone who can’t keep his eyes open. Leads to accidents and shit.” He pointed out. “I can barely make myself get out of bed some days.”
“That is exactly it. It’s like the older I get the more I lose time, which doesn’t exactly seem fair. So no luck on the job front?”
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“Better the crap in those than in the medications that people get prescribed nowadays.” He pointed out to her with a shrug. He knew that the antidepressants they had given him hadn’t helped at all and had made him feel more disconnected than he already felt. “Yeah it’s been a while since I’ve gone to a club. Just never seemed like a good idea. But I just need to get out. Any suggestions? Any place that you like to go?” He questioned, smiling nervously.
“Fari enough. Like I said, whatever works for you. I guess I just can’t get past the taste of those things. Or my dad’s voice in my head talking about what’s in them.” She laughed, rolling her eyes at the memory. Being raised the way she had, she was used to natural remedies to just about everything. Which was sort of hypocritical given her recent proclivity to certain substances, but that wasn’t something she was going to say outloud. “Oh yeah, definitely. If you need a change of scenery and a faster pace, those are excellent choices.”

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“’Preciate the confidence and all, but napping never really works.” He shrugged. He didn’t want to explain anything to someone who didn’t want to know it. He hated talking about his issues, especially to someone who just assumed, as was reasonable, that he just hadn’t slept enough. “I hadn’t actually decided what I was doing, I was just tired of sitting at home reading by myself, unless one of my family members stop by. Thought maybe a club or a bar or just something sounded nice, ya know?”
“That’s a whole lot of chemicals ya got pumping through you now, huh man?” Rain asked with wide eyes. “I probably would’ve gone with like a nap or something, but whatever works! You can do this! Whatever this is that you plan on doing tonight.” She encouraged with a smile.
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“Alright. I’ve had a energy shot that I chased with a redbull. I think I’m awake. I can do this. I can go out and have a normal night out without feeling like I’m so exhausted I can’t function!” He was hyping himself up more than anything. He couldn’t let this get the best of him. No matter how tired and run down he already felt.
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“I get it. I don’t even have a job right now and it seems like time just sort of flies by and before you realize it you’re at the end of the year wondering where it all went.”
“I went home cause I ran out of detergent and my little brother is already psyched about Halloween. Did I like lose a month of my life? I didn’t even realize it was October. God, I gotta stop working so much”
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“I’ve got one.” Sidney offered, holding out a lighter. “I keep trying to quit and keep dragging myself back in somehow.” He admitted. What he didn’t admit was the fact that he kept trying to quit because he was so exhausted that he couldn’t stay awake at times and burned himself with a cigarette because he’d fallen asleep with it in his hands.
Clicking his lighter a few times, it still refused to catch. Nick cursed under his breath as he shook it. Empty. Looking around, he caught the eye of someone close. “Got a light?” It was more conversation than he wanted to have, but he was the grieving nephew and communication was part of that.
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