witchywitchykat · 2 months
May Lord Apollon always give light to you in your darkest moments.
May Lady Artemis assist you in forging your own path - the one least traveled.
May Lord Ares plant your feet on the ground and keep you steady.
May Lady Athena remind you of the power you wield to turn the tide in your favor.
May Lady Aphrodite smile back at you in your own reflection as a reminder of your worth.
May Lord Hephaestus encourage you to look back with pride at your own strength and resilience.
May Lord Hermes guide your steps when they're filled with uncertainty.
May Lady Persephone emphasize all of the beauty that exists in the world around you that has gone unnoticed.
May Lord Dionysus nurse your passion for life, celebrating even the smallest things with you.
May Lord Poseidon aid you in knowing when to assert yourself and when to go with the flow.
May Lady Hestia warm you on your coldest nights and shelter you from every storm.
May Lady Demeter keep your plate full and your cup overflowing.
May Lady Hera show you how to keep your head held high, even when the world heckles you.
May Lord Zeus raise your strengths and talents higher to prove to you how amazing you truly are.
May Lord Haides sit with you on days of worry and offer a grounding hand to hold.
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witchywitchykat · 3 months
i'm using an open source online textbook (ancient greek for everyone) as part of my "get better at latin and greek" summer project and so far it's a pretty solid textbook but the thing it does that makes it really, really useful is it tells you what the stem is for each word and then explain why that stem transforms/changes.
like for example for "τιθημι" it says that the stem is "θη," but in the present tense it's reduplicated, but you can't reduplicate an aspirated consonant like θ so you use a τ instead. and when explaining third declension nouns it explains that the masculine/feminine nominative ending is -ς, and in words where the stem ends in a consonant it will often either remove the stem's final consonant (παιδ- -> παιδς -> παις) or the -ς will drop (δαιμων- -> δαιμωνς -> δαιμων). these are just a couple examples but so far these explanations are making it much much clearer how we get all the irregularities that i was originally told i just had to memorize with little rhyme or reason behind it. greek makes a lot more sense this way.
so anyway i recommend this to anyone who's looking to learn/improve at greek!
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witchywitchykat · 7 months
Special reminder that the most important step in devotion is thought.
THINK about your deities. Day dream about them. Imagine them. Ponder them!
Definitely learn everything you can, which offerings they prefer at which times, their sigils, symbols, etc. But it’s okay if you don’t have the means to do a huge ritual right now. It’s okay if you don’t have the time or energy. Daily devotion does not mean dedicating our lives to the idea of worshipping the Gods. It means keeping a special place in your mind and heart for them. The universe makes no distinction between thought and material, if you want to feel your God’s presence more in the material world, the very first step is to start THINKING about them. THINK about them and they will surely start to think about you.
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witchywitchykat · 9 months
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Tailor Astarion!
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witchywitchykat · 9 months
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I apologize in advance that i don't have a method for people who can't meditate or visualize well, i have a very imaginative and visual mind so this is only only way i know how to do things.
As you read this keep in mind that this is something I came up with all on my own and is deeply personal to me, so if it doesn't vibe with you change it anyway you wish, it is mostly meant to be a template for your own journey.
So you feel a deity is reaching out to you, or you feel the need to reach out to a specific one. This is one way you can make first contact with deities. Once this connection is made, channeling them is very easy and will not require deep meditation each time. This initial meditation can be as short as 30 minutes, or last multiple hours. You will be put in a state that feels like time is faster. 30 minutes in your mind could be 3 hours in the real world. I highly suggest doing this before bed, in bed, when you have no responsibilities for a while. Sometimes these deities have the power to put you to sleep after, giving you a calm refreshing dream and good rest.
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The first step to your journey is laying in bed, getting comfortable, closing your eyes, and imagining a calm and serene place. A place that makes you feel relaxed and at home.
When you are comfortable in this space, call a guide to assist you in your journey. Preferably this is a spirit guide you already know and are connected with, but if not thats okay. Sit quietly as you wait for your known or unknown guide to arrive. Your mind may need a moment to visualize them. They can look like anything, a ball of light, a human, and animal, a mythical creature, ect. Speak to them, let them know what you need help with, and explain the situation.
If your spirit guide accepts to help you, they now need to put you in a deeper meditative state, this is mostly up to the spirit, but my spirit guide rocked a pocket watch side to side infront of my face as i tried to focus on it, like hypnosis.
After you feel ready to move to the next stage, your guide may walk you through a path or journey for a long time to bring you even deeper.
Imagine you are in a room with your guide. In the room is at least one door, but there might be multiple. On each door is a symbol your mind chooses. Go through the door you feel most drawn to.
When i did this for the first time my room had four doors. One with a sun, a bow and arrow, a moon, and a horse. These symbols may give clues to which deity wishes to speak with you. For me, the sun led to Freya, and the bow and arrow led to Apollo. Its very important that you do not stress or question these symbols, let the images come naturally. I had no idea those symbols were associated with those gods until after i met them. Its okay if you don't know which door leads to who.
this is the final step before you meet the deity, and it is THE LONGEST, the time varies for everyone.
This is where your guide takes over, let them lead you wherever you please. This could be a boat ride on a river, climbing stairs on a mountain, walking a path in a forest, ect. Focus on that journey. This journey is not only towards your deity, but is also a protective ritual so you are not followed. I usually see protective symbols on banners hanging from trees, or strange interruptions in the path to confuse other lesser spirits, like a giant step in the stair case, or the path going in a small circle. (NOT to say any spirit would even try bothering you, i highly doubt it, to me it felt more like ritualistic thing, not like a complete necessity) This journey lasts me at least 30 real minutes, but may feel like 10 in your head. On this journey your guide has time to answer any questions you may have.
At the end of your path you my find something symbolizing a destination: a door, an open feild, a castle, a cottage, ect. Within this space you will meet your deity. Again, it may take time for your mind to decide what they will look like. Deities can look like anything and differ person to person. Deities are shape-shifters who can take any form, so don't be confused if they look different or strange.
Thank the deity for meeting you, and your guide for helping you. Chat with them, have a cup of tea, play a game, ask questions, whatever you wish. And whenever you are done, you may either slowly open your eyes and slowly adjust to reality, or you may ask to stay with them until you fall asleep and ask them to guide you in your dreams.
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After this, reconnecting with the deity can possibly be as easy as closing your eyes, imagining your safe space, calling upon them and then they could arrive very shortly.
Good luck friends.
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witchywitchykat · 10 months
A Prayer to Hermes for Luck
Hear me, golden-staffed giver of blessings, friend of mortals! If ever I have given libations in your name, grant me luck this day. May your sure, swift feet guide my own, and grant me success!
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witchywitchykat · 2 years
Artist’s Divination✨🎨
I’ve never seen any online sources talking about the type of divination i do, so i thought I’d make a quick tutorial on my favorite (and probably the funnest) form of divination I know
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“alright, so… what is it??”
in a basic explanation- it’s where you paint a picture, and then interpret it. no planning, no sketching involved. you just pick a color that feels right and slop it on your canvas in any way you please.
“but, wait! I’m not an artist!”
well congratulations my friend, because you’re about to become one! in all seriousness, you don’t need a lick of creativity in you to do this. it’s incredibly impressionistic, which means you can basically do whatever you want and it’ll still work
“that doesn’t sound so bad,, how do i do it??”
supplies needed:
an array of colors (i recommend at least yellow, red, blue, and white)
an index card or other small base
a painting utensil- paintbrush, cotton swab, toothbrush, anything
your higher consciousness
a basic understanding of symbolism (colors, shapes, directions, etc)
while this is possible to do with other mediums, i highly recommend an easily bleeding paint (like acrylic or water) because it turns out a bit more “"flowy,”“ but you can totally use crayons, pencils, or whatever you have at your disposal
first, set your intention. ya know how you needa ask tarot cards a question before doing a reading?? same concept. if you don’t ask anything, you won’t understand the answer. i like to ask “how is my day going to be?” and then see if my interpretation was correct the following night
next, you’re gonna wanna pick a color, or mix various colors until you get one that just feels right. try not to go with just picking your favorite. in all honestly this is the hardest part, especially if you don’t know much about color mixing
next, just paint. do you feel like painting swirls? zigzags? dots? waves? large strokes? thin strokes? splattering? globbing your paint on? being a bit more meticulous? remember, this is supposed to be impressionistic. don’t go into it thinking you’re gonna paint a house and some mountains. if you do end up painting that, then so be it. but try not to plan your painting in the slightest. just go with the flow
after you’re done, you have some options: 1) let it dry as-is, 2) set it up at a slanted angle so your paint can run down, which can also be interpreted
once it’s dry, interpret it! i put some examples from my own readings below:
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things to interpret:
colors- red and purple means passionate and creative respectively. you can also take into account the brightness of dullness of a color. for example, picture #1 is more vivid than #2
strokes- thick, blocky strokes means a steady day, while frantic, smeared blotches means a busier, messier day
directions- the 2 yellow dots in the first painting are in the western half of the picture, indicating happiness (from the color yellow) and emotions (which correspondes to west). in the 2nd painting the yellow dots are north, indicating happiness in the physical/material realm (which correspondes to north)
the amount of paper showing through- i like to interpret lots of white paper spots as emptiness in myself. so because the first picture has little paper showing through, i am very filled and content that day. whereas with #2, lots of white is showing, indicating an emptiness, or not feeling like myself (because the paper is also quite empty)
and you’re done!!
“wow, James, that was really easy!”
it really is very simple as long as you have the supplies, and it’s also useful for the aspiring artist! you know how ppl always say “draw at least one thing every day if you wanna improve”?? well voila! you’ve improved in both your artistry, and in divination! (not to mention it looks pretty) ✨🎨🔮
-James Elliot
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witchywitchykat · 2 years
vintage headers, dividers, and other images for your digital grimoire/book of shadows
i've compiled several images i've been using for my digital book of shadows, and thought i'd share some of my favorites!
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witchywitchykat · 2 years
Do you know of any spells for finding a lost item? If not a spell, just ingredients associated with finding something that was lost so I can make my own?
Thank you!!
Oh absolutely! My personal favorite is a variation on St Anthony's prayer, appealing to my house helpers rather than the saint. No components required!
I go to the place where the lost thing was last known to be located, look straight up at the ceiling, clap three times, and say:
Household spirits, gather 'round Let now what is lost be found
Then I let my gaze fall where it will and listen to my gut. Usually that's enough to jog my memory or give me an idea of where to look.
(This one works so well that my non-witch husband uses it when he can't find his keys!)
Hope this helps!
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witchywitchykat · 3 years
The Law of Attraction is bullshit.
I said what I said.
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witchywitchykat · 3 years
This one is mostly tailored to my Pagan siblings, but it's on my mind today!
I think sometimes people forget diversity of belief has always been a thing. Atheists have always existed, casual worshippers have always existed, unconventional worshippers have always existed. Not every Hellenic Polytheist in Ancient Greece would have been this deeply devout and regularly-observant person whose life and heart revolves around the gods, just like not every Christian in the United States is this deeply devout person who connects to their faith every day.
Its easy to view ancient practices as more of a monolith because only the most devout things are going to survive this long/be factored in as evidence of how the religion works, but that doesn't mean there weren't people who really only tuned in for the big holidays and festivals, or people who didn't believe like their family did but went along for social/cultural reasons, or just people who didn't feel the need to be that spiritual.
In the modern day, most Pagans only have access to a faith community online, in spaces dedicated to talking about it. Blogs focused on religion aren't going to reflect the other stuff those people do in their lives, or how often their religion comes up outside of the blog. Not to mention most people aren't born into these smaller religions, so people are naturally more enthusiastic when it's something they've actively discovered and chosen. (Let's be real, lots of us have born-again enthusiasm!) All this can add pressure, too.
I guess what I mean to say is it's okay if your faith isn't what you define yourself by. It doesn't make you less of a Hellenic Polytheist/Heathen/Pagan/Wiccan etc. if your world doesn't revolve around it, if you don't check in every day or observe the holiday calendar closely. It's not "bad" or abnormal to not be one of the most devout. It's okay.
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witchywitchykat · 3 years
still reading elvira’s memoir and this is the most romantic shit I have ever read in my entire life
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witchywitchykat · 3 years
Adhering Symbols/Sigils 🖊 📝
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Sooo, you want to put that sigil, symbol, incantation, phrase, or verse up on your wall. Or, you want to add an extra layer of magical protection to…lets say, your laptop you have to take with you on public transit, or the clothing you travel with. There’s a couple of ways to get the symbol on there and make it really, really stick, without compromising its composition or destroying the thing you want to protect. Here are some personal favorites. ;)
Metallic sharpies are the best way to adhere something long lasting, permanent, and highly visible anywhere. It’s waterproof, it shows up on fabric and plastic, and is resistant to bleeding on most surfaces. Slap a sigil on the inside lining of a jacket, or inside your shoe. It will last as long as any other alcohol based marker will, which is a very very long time!
Chalk (and chalk related products) can be washed off with water, making them good for temporary adherence of symbols, or good in a situation where it needs to be removed at a moment’s notice. Chalk shows up well on dark clothing, walls, and windows, if you’re clever about it. Chalk sticks can be softened with water or alcohol to help clean up the lines, so it’s not so dry. (I usually just stick the end of the chalk in my mouth for a few seconds.) If you’re extremely fastidious and want the entire clean-line, extremely careful control of your hand, you can powder a piece of chalk (or buy powder chalk), mix it with rubbing alcohol to your desired consistency, and paint it on waterproof surfaces. It sticks on windows, plastic doors, and on walls. It washes off with a damp sponge or cloth. Please note, this only works with undyed chalk. Dyes can be reactivated with water and stay in many porous mediums.
Embroidery floss. I have to admit, you need a moderate amount of skill for this one, but with a needle and thread and a few pinterest tutorials, you too can add a sigil, symbol, or phrase to the lining of your clothing, your bedding, your curtains, or a cute embroidery hoop to hang in your home. You can dress it up, make it a show-stopping design, or subtle, hiding in another design, putting it in the lining of clothing, or matching the color of the fabric to the thread you choose. As long as you’re careful, not pulling too tight or using too large a needle, embroidering your clothing shouldn’t leave it with any damage, and anything you embroider can be taken out with a seam ripper. It lasts however long you want it to. The main downside is that embroidery is a skill– if you have difficulty with the task, it’s going to be hard to manage curves and complex shapes, even though straight lines should be easy enough with thick embroidery floss.
Post-Its and other stickies are tried and true. I don’t consider them as secure, and cheap sticky notes are prone to falling, but you know what? They stay, they can be removed and burnt at any point, and can even be moved from wall to wall or item to item.
Have any other tips? Any advice? Feel free to share if anything works best for you! Blessings! ✨💜
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witchywitchykat · 3 years
Calendario religioso romano: Mercuralia -15 de mayo- Festival en honor a Mercurio, dios de los mercaderes y, entre otras cosas, del beneficio, la ganancia y el engaño –así como de los ladrones-
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El templo a Mercurio y el comienzo del festival
Inaugurado por el centurión M. Laetorio el 15 de mayo del 495 a. C., entre las colinas del Aventino y el Palatino, cerca de lo que sería el Circo Máximo. En esa fecha del 15 de mayo comienza el festival de la Mercuralia, también conocido como festum mercatorum, en la que participan comerciantes, mercaderes y vendedores de todo tipo.
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Petición y ruego a Mercurio
Durante el festival los participantes –todos dedicados al negocio comercial- se dirigen en procesión a una fuente situada cerca de la Puerta Capena. Una vez allí, ruegan a la divinidad por la expiación de sus faltas y engaños empleados durante la ejecución de sus compraventas, estafas y malas artes, así como la fortuna para inventar nuevos trucos y engaños.
Nada como Ovidio en sus Fasti (V, 670-693) para tener una clara visión del festival y los ruegos:
“Quienesquiera que profesan la venta de mercaderías te ruegan, ofreciéndote incienso, que les reportes ganancias. Hay un agua de Mercurio, cerca de la Puerta Capena; si cabe creer en los que la han probado, posee efectos milagrosos. A la fuente va el mercader vestido con la túnica arremangada y purificado con una urna sahumada, y coge agua para llevarse. Humedece con el agua una rama de laurel y con el laurel mojado salpica todas las mercaderías que pronto han de tener otros dueños. Él también se moja se moja el pelo con el laurel chorreando y pronuncia una plegaria con su voz acostumbrada a engañar: «lava los perjurios del tiempo pasado, lava las palabras engañosas de días anteriores. Si te he puesto por testigo, Mercurio, o he invocado en falso el poder divino de Júpiter, en la creencia de que no iba a oírme, o si a sabiendas he engañado a otro dios o diosa, que los rápidos vientos del sur se lleven mis malas palabras y que el día siguiente me facilite nuevos perjurios y que los dioses de arriba no tomen cuenta de ellos, cuantos haya proferido. Únicamente, concédeme ganancias, concédeme disfrutar de las ganancias adquiridas, y haz que me sea de provecho engañar al comprador.» Mercurio se ríe desde lo alto del que pide tales cosas, acordándose de que él había robado las vacas ortigias –vacas robadas a su hermano Apolo el mismo día de su nacimiento-.”
Cerca de la Puerta Capena –al sur de Roma- existe una fuente llamada “de Mercurio”. Es una de las entradas vinculadas a la Vía Apia, la más célebre de las calzadas romanas. Curiosamente, es un barrio frecuentado por mendigos y judíos pobres.
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Prácticas de culto en la antigua Grecia:
a) Ofrendas y sacrificios
A los dioses se ofrecía panes, frutos, flores y perfumes, o bien sacrificios cruentos. Éstos últimos podían ser holocaustos, en cuyo caso todo el animal era quemado en el altar y ofrecido a los dioses. Con frecuencia, sólo se ofrecían y quemaban las vísceras, grasa y huesos. El humo que ascendía al cielo servía de ofrenda y alimento a los dioses. El resto de la carne era consumida en un banquete ritual, en el que sólo participaban los ciudadanos.
b) Plegarias
A través de esta práctica los fieles intentaban contactar con los dioses, con frecuencia para pedirles algún favor. Las oraciones eran muy precisas y exigían la correcta expresión de los nombres y epítetos de los dioses o diosas invocados. Los fieles pronunciaban sus plegarias de pie y en voz alta. Las ocasiones para orar eran múltiples: desde cotidianas, como las comidas o el trabajo en el campo, hasta situaciones solemnes como el inicio de una batalla. Generalmente las plegarias se acompañaban de libaciones.
c) Libaciones
Consistían en verter un líquido sobre un ara o sobre el suelo, indicando a quién iba dirigido y por qué se ofrecía. Se usaban vino, leche y miel. Se vertía un poco del líquido contenido en una jarra (oinochoe) en una pátera (phiale) y, a continuación, éste se derramaba sobre un ara o en el suelo. El líquido podía ser consagrado por completo o sólo una parte (el resto se bebía). Se hacían libaciones en muchas ocasiones: antes de cada banquete y de cada sacrificio, así como en los funerales, con motivo de la firma de tratados, etc. Este rito podía ser realizado tanto por hombres como por mujeres, a diferencia de los sacrificios, en los que sólo oficiaban ciudadanos varones y adultos.
d) Purificaciones
Los fieles que pretendían comunicarse con los dioses a través de ritos religiosos debían encontrarse en un estado de pureza, tanto física como espiritual. La purificación podía conseguirse a través de distintos medios. A la entrada de los santuarios se realizaban abluciones. Después de un nacimiento o de una defunción dentro de una casa era preciso purificar ésta mediante el sacrificio de un lechón. Cuando los hechos eran más graves, como un asesinato, o cuando afectaban a toda la comunidad, los ritos de purificación eran más complejos.
Los griegos antiguos atribuyen a Hermes múltiples y variadas características, lo que se hace evidente en el hecho de que existen diversas fiestas y cultos del dios en distintos lugares de Grecia. También son muchos los sobrenombres que se dan a Hermes: Kerdoos (el que trae ganancias), Logios (el Letrado), Crioforo (el portador de carnero), Agoraios (el del ágora), Enagonio (el benefactor de los atletas), Promaco (el protector de las batallas), Propileo o Pronaos (el protector de las puertas o de los templos), Poligio (el de muchos hijos), Dolios (el Fraudulento o Engañoso), Tricéfalo (el de tres cabezas), Ctonios (el telúrico), Psicopómpico (el conductor de las almas), Oneiropómpico (el conductor de los sueños), Caridoto (el que otorga dones).
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Festividades – cultos
Las Antesterias:
Las hermas, además de su función como indicadores de caminos, tenían otro sentido más simbólico y esotérico. Era Hermes el que, como dios psicopómpico, conducía a las almas al otro mundo. Las piedras que se tiraban al pasar tenían también un carácter de ofrenda a la memoria de algún difunto. Además, Hermes, que habitaba en estas piedras, estaba relacionado con los difuntos. Las fiestas de las Antesterias se celebraban los días once, doce y trece del mes de Antesterion (nuestro mes de febrero). El primer día se denominaba “Pithoigia” y se hacían libaciones a Dionisos. El segundo día se denominaba “Choes”. Era el día en que, de acuerdo con sus creencias, las almas se elevaban al mundo superior. Se celebraban campeonatos de beber vino. El tercer día de las Antesterias estaba dedicado a los difuntos. Se celebraban sacrificios y se ofrecía a Hermes Psicopómpico, como dios telúrico, la panspermia (que significa “todas las semillas” o “espermas”). Esta panspermia era un preparado a base de granos de cereales y de legumbres, similar a la “koliva”, que se sigue ofreciendo en Grecia durante los funerales hasta el día de hoy. La panspermia era ofrecida a los difuntos. La festividad era concluida con la frase: “Partid, almas de los difuntos, las Antesterias han finalizado”.
Los griegos rendían especial culto a Hermes como dios Psicopómpico y como Oneiropómpico. Homero, en la Odisea, menciona que los feacios, antes de dormir, realizaban sus últimas ofrendas nocturnas a Hermes y que, dormían con la cara vuelta hacia el dios, ya que tenían una estatua suya junto a la cama.
En Argos, ofrecían sacrificios a Hermes treinta días después de cada muerte, para que el dios cuidase del alma del difunto. En las más antiguas tradiciones griegas el Hermes telúrico, Oneiropómpico y Psicopómpico, era considerado un dios diferente, hijo de Dionisos y de Afrodita.
Las Hermaias:
Era una de las mayores festividades, dedicada exclusivamente a Hermes, como Enagonio o Agonio. Por ello, se realizaban competiciones atléticas entre las que destacaba el relevo de antorchas, realizado por niños y adolescentes. Se celebraban fiestas Hermaias en diversas localidades, entre las que podemos referir: Atenas, Salamina, Tanagra, Pallini, Achaia, Feneo, Cyllene en la Arcadia, Argos, Delos y Creta. En Tanagra la competición más importante era la carrera de carros. La fiesta comenzaba con una procesión a la cabeza de la cual iba un hermoso joven con un carnero a hombros (Crioforo), en honor del dios que salvó a la ciudad de una epidemia.
Las Hermaias Caridoteias:
Se celebraban en Samos en honor a Hermes Caridoto (el que otorga dones). Según la tradición local, Hermes era el que conducía a las tres Gracias y atribuía persuasión y elocuencia. En estas festividades se ofrecía miel, incienso e higos secos, así como placentas de animales. Así mismo, se sacrificaban corderos, cabras y cerdos en honor al dios. A continuación, se celebraban fiestas en las que estaba permitido cualquier tipo de robo y fraude.
Festividades Hermaias similares encontramos en Creta, en donde se dice que los hombres se vestían de mujeres y eran perseguidos por sus esposas. Así mismo, durante ese día se intercambiaban los roles entre los esclavos y los señores.
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El número 4 y el cuarto día de cada mes estaban dedicados a Hermes y entonces se hablaba de Hermes Tetras. En griego actual, el día miércoles se llama “tetarti”, que significa “el cuarto”, dado que es el cuarto día de la semana, mientras que, en los idiomas latinos, como el francés o el español, la raíz de la palabra miércoles proviene de Mercurio, el equivalente romano de Hermes.
En los misterios de los Cabiros encontramos una forma del culto a Hermes. En ellos se rendía culto a la gran diosa Axieros, que los griegos asimilaron a Demeter. Esta diosa iba acompañada de una divinidad dual, similar a Afrodita – Hécate y de un dios fecundador, Kadmilos, que se asimiló a Hermes.
También en Tesalia, en Fócida, en la mayoría de las islas del Egeo y en la Jonia encontramos cultos a Hermes. En el templo de Artemisa en Éfeso encontramos una representación de Hermes en un capitel del templo. Los habitantes de Samotracia hacían también referencia a Saon o Samón, hijo de Hermes y de la ninfa Rene. Probablemente de ahí provenga el nombre del monte Saos de Samotracia.
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Como es natural, Hermes era especialmente venerado por los comerciantes, aunque muchos de ellos eran conocidos por sus fraudes y sus hurtos. Se dice que, si alguien era acusado de fraude o de tergiversación de fondos, podía evitar el encarcelamiento si pagaba una multa que era denominada “dinero para Hermes”.
Los ladrones también invocaban a Hermes como su protector y el dios siempre ayudaba a aquellos que robaban poco a muchas personas, y no al contrario. Debemos aclarar que en aquella época las concepciones sobre el tema eran totalmente diferentes a las de hoy día. Hermes protegía a aquellos que expresaban las características del dios a través del robo, es decir que lo hacían para ayudar a otros o para devolver deudas, y a los que robaban a aquellos que amontonan riqueza a causa de su avaricia, reteniendo así la circulación de las riquezas. Esta última razón es especialmente importante porque Hermes es aquel que expresa la circulación de hombres, de riquezas y de ideas, de manera libre y sin restricciones.
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Algunos lugares geniales para poner un sello Hermes: por su bendición, bello viajero,
- en tu bolso o billetera para atraer dinero
- en tu lápiz labial o brillo de labios para persuasión
- grabados en monedas para pequeños amuletos de buena suerte (¡es mucho más fácil si los aplastas en las vías del tren! Además, los hace geniales)
- en tus zapatos para un viaje seguro
- en tus zapatillas de tenis específicamente para su bendición mientras haces ejercicio, corres o sales a caminar
- en las cosas que les da a las personas sin hogar para que les dé buena suerte, para atraer dinero y / o oportunidades laborales. ¡Hermes esté con ellos!
- en tu automóvil para una conducción segura y llegar rápidamente a su destino
- en una hoja de papel en tu almohada para los buenos sueños
- en tu chaqueta o sombrero para tu bendición general o lo que sea que desee (¡haría un parche genial en una chaqueta de cuero o jean!)
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witchywitchykat · 3 years
Could you tell me which herbs are good for luck? (Somewhat common herbs/plants/flowers that would be easy for me to acquire)
🍀 Luck for Kitchen Witches 🍀
Hello Anon! Thank you for your question, I think it is very interesting and I had fun gathering informations! So let's begin!
Since I am a kitchen witch, I'll give you plants and spices that you can easily find in any grocery store. They also are edible, so you can use them with your lunch (and anoint candles, making spells, placing them on you altar...)
How about Luck? To me it is a very broad umbrella term. I prefer to think Luck as "attracting opportunities". In which area do you want Luck / Attract opportunities? Is it luck in Love? Luck in money (winning the lottery)? Health? Job?
Once you have decided, look for herbs and spices that will support the kind of luck you want!
🍀 Plants and Spices for Luck 🍀
Allspice: money luck
Anise: overall luck
Basil: overall luck, love luck
Clover: 3 leaves // overall luck, love luck
Clover: 4 leaves // EXTRA LUCK
Dill: money luck, love luck
Hazelnuts: overall luck
Lime: love luck
Nutmeg: overall luck
If you want luck in health, I'd look for some herbs spice that protect your health and then add an herb of overall luck.
🍀💰 Prosperity Porridge recipe 💰🍀
I created this recipe becasue I want money, prosperity and attract business opportunities. It's my everyday breakfast, from my scottish kitchen!
35g oatmeal
125ml / 1 cup oat milk
1 tsp sugar
A pinch of allspice for money and prosperity luck
A pinch of cinnamon for success
A pinch of nutmeg for overall luck
Put everything in a pan. Heat at low fire, always stirring clockwise to attract and so your porridge doesn't stick to your pan.
Eat pipping hot!
🍀📚 Some reading 📚🍀
If you want more informations, I highly recommend
Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magick herbs
The Green Witch, Arin Murphy Hiscock
Grimoire of a Kitchen Witch, Rachel Patterson
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witchywitchykat · 3 years
2022 Witch's Calendar
For all my witches out there, here's a handy list of the 2022 dates for the major holidays, full and new moons, and special events. I've listed my sources at the bottom. Dates and times for all events are calculated for Eastern Standard Time, USA, Northern Hemisphere. Adjust for your location as needed. Enjoy!
WOTY Holidays and Solstices
February 1-2 - Imbolc
March 20 - Spring Equinox / Ostara
May 1 - Beltane
June 21 - Summer Solstice / Midsummer
August 1 - Lughnasadh
September 22 - Autumn Equinox / Mabon
October 31 - Samhain
December 21 - Winter Solstice / Yule
Full Moons
January 17 - Wolf Moon ♋️
February 16 - Snow Moon ♌️
March 18 - Worm Moon ♍️
April 16 - Pink Moon ♎️
May 16 - Flower Moon ♏️
June 14 - Strawberry Moon ♐️
July 13 - Thunder Moon (aka Buck Moon) ♑️
August 11 - Sturgeon Moon ♒️
September 10 - Harvest Moon ♓️
October 9 - Hunter's Moon (aka Blood Moon) ♈️
November 8 - Frost Moon ♉️
December 7 - Cold Moon ♊️
Fun Fact: The title of Harvest Moon is given to either the September or October full moon, whichever falls closest to the autumn equinox. In 2022, that month will be September.
New Moons
January 2 ♑️
February 1 ♒️
March 2 ♓️
April 1 ♈️
April 30 ♉️
May 30 ♊️
June 29 ♋️
July 28 ♌️
August 27 ♍️
September 25 ♎️
October 25 ♏️
November 23 ♐️
December 23 ♑️
Special Events
April 30 - Black Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse (10:42pm EST)
May 16 - Total Lunar Eclipe (12:11am EST, coinciding with zenith)
June 14 - Supermoon
July 13 - Supermoon
October 25 - Partial Solar Eclipe (11:01am EST)
November 8 - Total Lunar Eclipse (5:59am EST, coinciding with zenith)
Inverse - Full Moon 2022 calendar: Dates, times, schedule, and names for the brightest nights all year
Astroseek - Full Moons 2022 & New Moons
The Pagan Grimoire - The Wheel of the Year: The 8 Festivals in the Wiccan Calendar
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witchywitchykat · 3 years
I think a spell template would be very helpful for us witches that have all of their ideas going around. But not just a spell template that included the materials and the important aspects of the ritual–but a spell template that also included the phase of the moon, the season, the relevant day, etc.,
Idk I may make one just because I haven’t seen one that gets this deep into the intricacies of spell work. But if you all know one, feel free to send it my way. 
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