Unconventional & Affordable Ingredients for Spells
Here is a list of unconventional and affordable ingredients that can be used in spells and witchcraft along with their correspondences; good for witches “in the woods” and witches on a budget. Many of these can be easily found for inexpensive prices or at home.
Acorns/Acorn Caps: security, abundance, longevity, good luck, youth and brings good health
Animal toys/stickers: relates to correspondences of that animal
Artist’s Charcoal: banishing negativity, protection; cursing
Baby Powder: cleansing, beauty, youth
Baking Soda: cleansing, purification, protection
Birthday Candles: wishes, joy; color magic and number magic depending on their color and/or what number they display
Black Tea Bags (used): earth magic, grounding, strength, stability, banishing negativity; ending, death 
Bottle Caps: prosperity, luck, material gain
Bubble Bath: self-love, relaxation, emotional healing, serenity; plus whatever scent the bubble bath is affects correspondences
Bubbles/Bubble Liquid: wishes, joy, whimsy, imagination, fantasy
Buckeye Nuts: luck, sexual energies, warding
Butter: femininity, flattery, friendship, warmth, happiness; good for fae work
Candy Bars: love, romance, happiness, lust, fertility, emotional healing, healing of the heart, forgiveness, friendship
Candy Corn: courage, imagination, endurance, energy, motivation, happiness, celebration
Candy Foil: sweetness, secrets, protecting one’s emotions; color magic
Chocolate Syrup/Milk: happiness, love, lust, romance, sweetening relationships
Cocktail Swords: strength, assertiveness, competition; cursing, revenge; ending rumors
Cotton Balls: beauty, gentleness, warmth, sleep
Cotton Swabs: cleansing, purification
Dice: chance, opportunity, luck; number magic
Dirt: grounding, earth magic, growth, prosperity, patience, home and family; cursing
Dish Soap: cleansing
Duct Tape: binding, storing energy, cursing
Egg Shells: cleansing, protection, warding
Energy Drinks: energy, motivation
Envelopes: messages, communication, protection during travel
Epsom Salts: purification, cleansing, protection, pain relief, serenity, comfort, stress relief
Fake/Play Money: wealth, prosperity
Fish Sauce: prosperity, water magic, curses
Foil: glamour, protection, storing energy, binding
Glue: sealing, immobility, binding, curses
Googley Eyes: vision, divination, scrying, creativity, protection, imagination; curses, paranoia, nightmares
Grass: growth, nature, learning, healing, new beginnings, recovery from loss
Hand Soap: cleansing, curse removal
Hole Punches: good for cursing
Hot Sauce: motivation, lust, confidence; cursing, anger, revenge, emotional pain
Koolaid: youth, sweetness, happiness; color magic, corresponds with flavors as well
Lip Balm: glamour, confidence in speaking, honesty, beauty
Lollipops: sweetness, innocence, ending rumors and lies, lust and sexual energies, love
Lotion: protection, beauty
Laundry Soap: cleansing, purification
Marshmallows: friendliness, comfort, gentleness, fidelity, sleep and dreams
Metal Crafting Wire: binding
Modeling Clay: poppets, earth magic, grounding, balance, stability, creation, change
Mud: grounding, earth magic; curses
Muslin: poppets, change, creativity
Noodles: Longevity, good health
Pompoms (craft): gentleness, comfort, love, sleep, dreams
Paper Clips: balance, focus, organization; curses, binding
Pennies: luck, wealth
Pickle Juice: curses to sour things
Plastic Bags: protection; binding
Plastic Ribbon (wrapping): happiness, glamour, delight; binding; color magic
Plastic Wrap: binding
Popsicle sticks: poppets
Scissors: offensive magic, curses
Seltzer Water: purification, removing negativity; curses
Sewing Needles: curses, pain
Shaving Cream: cleansing, softness, patience, calmness
Stamps: travel, communication
Sour Cream: cursing
Soy Sauce: protection, banishment; cursing
Sticky Notes: communication, memory
Strawberry Milk: love, self-love, beauty, sweetness, friendship
Syrup: joy, sweetening one’s emotions
Taco Sauce: Focus, Energy, motivation
Taffy: joy, flexibility
Thumbtacks: curses
Tissue Paper: softness, serenity; color magic
Toothpaste: cleansing
Toothpicks: curse
Walnut Shells: protection, warding
Wasabi: Energy; curses, anger, envy
Whipped Cream: beauty, light-heartedness
Whistles: communication, attention grabbing, warding
Other Tips:
Recycle bottles, jars and medicine bottles for jar/bottle magic
Reuse tea bags (though not too long after use) in bath magic
If you do wish to use herbs, it is cheaper to order them online in bulk rather than the supermarket. Trust me, supermarkets and grocery stores really over price most herbs. You can get triple the amount for 2 dollars less online
Make up and toiletries are great for glamours
Its fine to use kitchen knives if you can’t afford am athame
Look at the ingredients in food you eat to see what is in it and determine that food’s correspondences, quick and easy kitchen magic
Crayons, colored pencils, markers and pens are good for easy sigil and color magic
Binders are cheaper than blank books and make great grimoires
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20 Tips to being a Safe Witch
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Altar Safety
When burning anything always keep a glass of water near you, unless you are working with burning oils, then keep a fire extinguisher or baking soda on hand.
When working with essential oils(EO), do not burn them they are highly flammable 
Never leave anything burning unattended, be it a burn bowl, candle, incense. DON’T LEAVE IT!
Please remove anything flammable such as paper or string from the candle, it will ignite and you will be alarmed.
Make sure that what you’re burning your candle in is fire safe, metal and cast iron are good bets. Do NOT burn in a glass, if you have to put it out and dump water on it, it will explode. 
Make sure you tie back loose hair and don’t have any floppy sleeves or necklaces to get in the way. 
When putting out a candle it is best to use a candle snuffer and do not use water. 
Don’t burn kitchen sage, it gives off a toxic smoke. Not something you wanna inhale.
Essential Oil Safety
Please, please dilute them properly. I have a chemical burn scar I can never get rid of due to undiluted cinnamon bark oil. The proper dilution is one drop per teaspoon.
Never ingest EO, there are some that are now generally recognized as safe by the FDA, but the quality of EO are not regulated. Who knows what a bad quality EO could do to your internal organs, not something I wanna test.
Essential Oils are photosensitive, meaning they deteriorate in light store them in a dark area to prevent them from spoiling.
DO NOT put them near on your skin and get in the sun or a tanning bed, especially citrus oils, they will blister.
Water will not dilute essential oils, only other oils(canola, olive, sweet almond, olive will all dilute). If you want to use them in a bath it is one drop per a teaspoon of oil.
Please seek medical attention if anything seems off after using EO, they seem harmless but can be very dangerous
Pets can be very sensitive to essential oils(particularly cats) and it is almost impossible to cover all my bases here. The sources provided below have some great resources.
Always go by the scientific name, German and Roman chamomile are very different products.
Kitchen Magic Safety
Wear shoes if you’re doing anything, I nearly lost a toe the other day cause I dropped a knife. I got lucky I was wearing boots. 
Wear correct clothing, and tie back hair. No matter if you have a gas, electric or induction stove, I’ve caught a lab coat sleeve on fire thanks to a torch while making a creme brulee. 
Use your knives correctly, learn about the pinch grip and use the correct knife for the job. Using a paring knife for chopping potatoes is asking for trouble. There are tons of videos online, I like the ones from Alton Brown and Jamie Oliver.
As a side note use sharp knives, a blunt knife will do more damage than a sharp one.
Don’t leave knives in the sink, someone could begin to wash dishes and cut themselves. 
Watch the steam. Steam can give a worse burn than dry heat, open pot lids away from you and don’t stick your face and phalanges in steam. 
Don’t leave food products unattended. 
Use your damn pot holders, they protect you and your counters. 
Store raw meat on the lowest shelves, and never store cooked meat on the same shelf
Wash your hands before, wash your hands after handling raw meats, wash your hands after. 
Don’t leave food that is meant to be cold or hot out for more than 2 hours, this is to decrease foodborne illness. 
When using the store turn handles in, to keep yourself from bumping them off the stove. 
Cook meats to proper temps(there is a chart in the sources)
If you are using herbs be sure to use kitchen grade herbs, those that are not kitchen grade are not held up to the same purity standards and could have more pesticide residue.
Herbal Safety
Please be aware a lot of herbs can work against prescription medications, or should only be taken in very specific doses( St. John’s Wort I’m looking at you.) Check in with your doctor or a licensed herbalist or naturopath before ingesting herbs.
Crystal Safety
Identify your crystals, some are water solvent some are not and it matters
Some that aren’t safe in water include malachite and selenite. They have copper and if aren’t sealed they can become toxic. There is no way to know for sure if it was sealed or not keep -ite crystals dry as a good rule of thumb. 
Some crystals fade in sunlight like rose quartz, amethyst and citrine, in order to prevent fading try cleansing them with sound, flower petals, moonlight and energy.
VIV Sassmaster, WHC Blog Manager, WHC Moderator @thestudiouswitch
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I’m home alone for the first time in months and I finally get to refill my herb stash :)))
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Hey all my socials are flooded with this hexing the moon nonsense that really just sounds like corny white girl boredom but some people are actually upset about this so if you’re worried here’s some insight:
1. Nothing is gonna happen and even people commenting like ‘Artemis is mad’ who said that? These dumb ass bored baby witches? Like unless Artemis herself comes to you like: these bitches are about to get slapped, I wouldn’t take it seriously.
2. If experienced witches across the GLOBE cannot hex Trump or Bolsonaro out of office how are some beckies with a Sephora witch kit gonna do an ounce of harm to one of the oldest most powerful forces of nature? They are just dumb and bored don’t give it attention.
3. The moon is a reflective spirit it literally reflects energy so if you’re that upset and worried the moon is going to deflect that shit back anyway.
4. People are probably getting weird dreams or not sleeping right because the moon is entering a powerful new moon phase where it’s recapping all the eclipse energy from the first new moon in cancer so it’s going to bring up a lot of shit to reflect and wrap up on. Today alone the moon is aspecting a lot of planets. It’s not cause they are successful at hexing the moon.
5. There are some really important things to channel your energy towards so unless someone’s gonna leak these witches accounts so we can print out their profile pics and bury them inside a rotting apple and bury it on this final crescent moon then I’d suggest focusing your energy towards shedding away stuff that needs banishing like the disproportionate amount of funding the police force in the US receives.
Hope this insight helps
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i hate posts that are like:
you idiot kids: think that polytheism is supposed to make your life better through personal connection to the deities and spirits you work with
me, a smart adult who knows what i’m doing, unlike you: knows that the gods would never give a shit about any of us and endorse the same ethical worldview as your average self-righteous NuAtheist, except i’m also really stuck up about knowing a lot of obscure facts about mythology
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🌃 Urban Witchcraft Masterpost 🌃
This masterpost will be continuously updated as new posts are published by me and/or other fellow witches.
All my posts are in italics
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Magic in the City
🌃 Urban witch tips #1
🌃 Urban witch tips #2
🌃 Urban witch tips #3
🌃 Urban / city witch things
🌃 More urban witch things
🌃 Transit Witchcraft
🌃 Using Soda in Witchcraft
🌃 Discreet witchy things to do during winter
🌃 Beltane
🌃 Mabon
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Apartment Life
🔑 Apartment witch tips #1
🔑 Apartment witch tips #2
🔑 Dorm room witch tips
🔑 Cleansing Routine
🔑 A Deep Room Cleanse
🔑 Witchy (eco-friendly) cleaners
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Rituals / Spellwork
✨ Creating A Morning Ritual
✨ Bag Spell for A Nice Day In The City
✨ Instant coffee spell
✨ Weird/Fun Places for Sigils
✨ Jewelry Enchantment Ideas
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Tech Witchcraft
🔌 Tech witch tips #1
🔌 A Guide to Shufflemancy
🔌 Lazy Tech Witch Tip: ZIP Spells
🔌 My Witchy Apps
🔌 Messy Witch App Recommendations
🔌 A List of Witchy Android Apps
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Updated on 25/05/2020
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re: do you have to be female to be considered a witch?
Short answer: Yes. 
Women creating life, nourishing life was the original act of “magic” 
their knowledge of berries and spices and medicinal salves were the first instances of “witchcraft” 
The female intellect and resilience were the first sign of “wickedness”
THEY were burned at the stake, stoned, drowned, executed publicly because they dared to have agency and knowledge, and were disgraced and exiled (best case scenario) for their craft. 
Witchcraft is a woman’s gift. The goddess imparted it on us. 
You want to be a druid? Cool, go for it. But don’t pretend that our craft can be co-opted as your own. You are not a male witch, you are disrespecting centuries of blood and sweat and tradition. Men cannot be witches. 
This is our witchcraft. 
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If you support bigoted charlatans and/or believe that trans women aren't really women and can't participate as women in traditional witchcraft, block me. I don't want you and your TERF/TERF-adjacent bullshit on my dashboard or in my DMs.
Trans women are women, trans men are men, and there is no room for transphobes in traditional witchcraft or any spiritual path.
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As a native I don't even understand why so many white witches want to "smudge" so bad - smudging is lovely, but there are SO many amazing alternatives that dont involve using culture that isn't yours....why not embrace a piece of your own history or culture?
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I want to learn more about witchcraft but 1) I don’t know where to start and 2) I’m scared my mom will get scared/disown me if she sees me practicing.
Hey love💙 I know how intimidating it can be starting witchcraft- there’s so much to learn and you never know where to start. So here’s some quick closet witch (meaning no one knows you’re a witch yet) and baby witch ( meaning new witch) tips for you:)
Baby witch tips
🦋cleanse everything!! It’s so important to cleanse your space, your crystals, your tarot cards, or anything else you use in your craft. This helps to get rid of all the negative energy and keeps things like crystals doing what they’re supposed to! It depends how much you use them, but usually I cleanse my tarot cards about twice a week and everything else once a week
🦋you don’t have to buy really expensive supplies. Those specialty witch shops are way over priced! If you need a bag for your tarot cards, dice bags are great and a lot cheaper. Places like etsy are great for finding affordable crystals. You don’t have to own loads and loads of tarot decks. You can use things you can find in your kitchen for spells instead of more expensive ingredients. You don’t need heaps of witchy books to be a great witch.
🦋don’t trust everything you see on tumblr. Tumblr is a great place to find information and talk to other witches, but there is also a lot of misinformation out there! Make sure to check a few places to make sure the information you are using is correct.
🦋If you don’t know what to start researching first here are some really important things to know: the history of witchcraft, cleansing, grounding, warding, casting a circle, protecting yourself during a spell, correspondents (crystals, herbs, etc.), how to look after your crystals, what herbs and incense and stuff is safe to use and when (eg. If you can ingest it, if it’s safe to use around pregnant women, safe for pets, etc.), how to make sigils, types of witches. These are just a few things I could think of, but they’re a great place to start!
🦋It’s not essential, but its handy to enchant something you always wear, like a piece of jewelry, to protect you throughout the day :)
🦋start a grimoire/ book of shadows. It’s handy to have any research you’ve done or spells you want to try on hand Incase you need them. And if you’re not a fan of writing, google docs is great for online grimoires
🦋If you want to work with deities, please DO NOT try to contact them or work with them striaght away. Make sure you have done a ton of research and are pretty comfortable with your craft before doing this. I don’t personally work with deities so I don’t know too much, but if you need more advice there are plenty of lovely witches on here that I’m sure wouldn’t mind giving you some tips!
Closet witch tips
🦋make your altar in a shoebox. If you don’t want your parents to find it or get suspicious, this is a great solution! You can easily hide it on a shelf or under your bed
🦋if people ask why you buy so many crystals, just say you think they look pretty. I told my parents this for years and they didn’t think twice about it.
🦋a lot of people collect candles! They smell great! It really doesn’t seem that weird and even if it makes people suspicious, they’re pretty cheap in a lot of shops and easy to hide
🦋if you don’t want people to see your sigils, just trace them on things with your fingers or in the air with incense. It works just as well as drawing them
🦋If you want to cast a spell but you’re afraid someone will walk in, wait until everyone’s gone to bed to do them. I know this one seems kind of obvious, but I actually didn’t think of it for ages lol
🦋If you cant get a tarot deck because your parents won’t let you you could : ask a friend to get it for you and pay them back, make you own(!!), use playing cards, or use an app. There are plenty of apps you can download that are essentially just a virtual tarot deck and they work just as well!
These are just a few tips I have, but if you have any other questions I’d love to help, and I just started a groupchat on here called The Witches Room (message me if you’d like to join) where you could ask for some tips and advice! I know it sucks when you have to hide your craft all the time, but I hope these tips helped a little. Sending lots of love and good vibes your way🦋🌿
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youre nb but you call yourself a bitch (bitch is a FEMALE dog btw) why???
i am on the FLOOR
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Small Witch Things I Find Satisfying
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flipping through the good ole BoS for correspondences
stirring my tea a particular way 
appreciating various weather patterns a lot more than i used to
spells i cast to help out a friend working way better than intended
getting excited over jars with corks
seeing some witchcraft-related show or movie and it actually being rather accurate to real witches
80s/90s magical girl anime
watching something and thinking ‘i can make a spell off of this’
walking around and seeing more than one mushroom
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witch tip
If you’re leaving your tarot cards in the full moonlight, you can pick the top card facing up to correspond with a wish or intention for the next moon cycle. For example, I went with the 10 of pentacles for wealth, financial stability, and home stability. You could go with the Lovers or ace of cups to attract love, Death to find closure, etc. It’s a nice low effort spell that works well! 😄
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reblog this if your blog is a safe space for poc
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Hi. I’m a licensed mental health therapist here with a reminder:
Taking medication for psychiatric issues does not weaken your magickal abilities or witchcraft practice.
Anyone who says otherwise needs to
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