The Witch Is In.
828 posts
Hi, my name is Mady! I'm a 26-year-old, Cuban-American witch from Miami, FL. I’m a Libra sun/moon, and Virgo rising. I like combining Hellenic traditions with Cuban witch traditions. Main blog is luxuriant-starlight, so when I follow/like, that’s what you’ll see. ✨
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witchy-daydreams · 5 months ago
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witchy-daydreams · 5 months ago
🍁 Autumn will bring prosperity.
🎃 Autumn will bring release.
🦉 Autumn will bring wisdom.
🔮 Autumn will bring peace.
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witchy-daydreams · 9 months ago
Shake Out Your Devils - To Remove Burdens of the Heart
Inspired by Florence + The Machine, & their song ‘Shake it Out’. Intended to help remove emotional burdens that may be restricting, causing inconvenience, or just lagging at the back of your mind.
What you will need:
A vial or small bottle with lid 
Paper and pen 
Saltwater - Natural or homemade
Sea salt (or black salt if you want)
A source of fire - Matches, candles, lighters etc
Black Ink - For the properties of its colour
The song can be found Here and lyrics Here, it may help to have the song playing whilst preparing or charging the working..
The first step is drawing a representation of a heart onto paper. This can be as simple or as anatomically correct as you want. Proceed to write your burdens into the heart. These can be pains, regrets, whatever you feel you need to progress from.
Cut out the heart from the paper, preferably when listening to the quote displayed in the picture above. Burn the heart while visualising the purging of these problems from yourself. Add the collected ashes to the vial.
Add the saltwater and extra salt to the vial. Focus on the cleaning and healing properties of the water as they dilute the ashes. Only fill the vial half full.
Add the ink which can be ‘charged’ or enchanted using whatever method you feel comfortable with beforehand or during the working. I would recommend setting a bottle of it into a crystal grid for charging the absorbing properties of it’s colour, as running your fingers through it can leave them stained. Stones that i will be using include haematite, smokey quartz and tourmaline.
At the verse ‘shake it out’, ensure the lid is fixed firmly on your vial and vigorously shake the mixture. The saltwater and ink will neutralise and disperse the energy of the burdens.
Feel free to leave the mixture to stand for as long as you feel necessary, i advise pouring out the contents somewhere off your property into a safe trashcan before dropping the vial in after it and walking away..
“And I am done with my graceless heart, So tonight I’m gonna cut it out and then restart.”
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witchy-daydreams · 9 months ago
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Reflection Spell - A spell to make a person realize how they hurt you
2 mini mirrors ( you can get them from micheals and also use a compact mirror) write the name of the person and what they did to you. Ex, persons name realizes how their words hurt me (you can choose to say your name or not). On the other mirror do a sigil either to banish them from harming you, protection or for realization.
Tip: cleanse mirrors before using them
Thyme for healing and protection.
Cloves for removing pain and stopping negativity energy from harming you. Also a good anti-gossip herb.
Garlic for a little kick and breaking down negative mindsets
Sage for reflecting on actions and healing
Tip: If you want some extra spice and a little bit of karma on the person add red chili pepper flakes or anything else spicy
1 small candle for sealing the two mirrors and herbs together use red, black or white and inscribe a sigil or rune on the candle.
After you have all your herbs sandwiched in between the mirrors facing each other seal together the mirrors and imagine your intent while doing it.
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witchy-daydreams · 2 years ago
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witchy-daydreams · 2 years ago
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witchy-daydreams · 2 years ago
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Witchcraft: Binding
Binding is a method to restrict or restrain an individual entity on a metaphysical level, often to prevent them from hurting themselves, you, or others. This is a more defensive form of protection magic as opposed to an offensive approach. I would recommend using this in a dire or dangerous magical situation. This does not harm the being, but it is affecting their will. As always, it is vital to be spiritually and psychically protected before, during, and after preforming this.
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Brief Binding History:
The people of Ancient Greece practiced or preformed binding rituals through their own method called Katadesmos. The enactment of this was carving or inscribing a spell or curse onto a tone tablet. Do whatever you wish or need to do, but please be careful or cautious with yourself and this information (Especially if you lack experience in Binding.)
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Binding Traditions:
A Binding related incantation, prayer, song, or chant. You can make one for yourself, or find one, and use it in thoughts when needing to be discreet.
Knot or braiding spells set with intention and activated through tightening the knots. Using intention towards the individual is a very key aspect of this. You can choose specific twine of varying strengths, even using their hair or a barbed wire is effective.
Visualization with intent whilst wrapping a poppet, jar, candle, or other vessel of representation of said entity with string or wax to seal the spell and confine their movement. You can also do this using a lid.
Inscribing, Drawing, Carving, or Tracing Binding Wards, Sigils, or Runes with intent onto a candle or scroll, proceed to wrap the item afterward. Dripping wax or scribbling on a Taglock of target.
Casting a Spell-jar or Bottle with something representing them, scroll with your intention. As aforementioned, seal lid and place in a shady spot. This is their vessel, so use something to constrain them.
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witchy-daydreams · 2 years ago
Rebirth and Renewal Spell
This a very simple spell I like to do on Samhain every year. Though it can be done at any time.
All you will need is:
A white candle
A black candle
A fireproof dish
Prepare your candles, carving any sigils you desire onto them.
Next place the dish in between the two candles.
Light the candles as you repeat:
"With these candles I create light,
That will help to rid me of negativity,
Change me for the better
And allow me to be reborn a new."
On the paper write down a couple things you would like to be rid of or change. Make sure to specify whether it is rid or change.
Fold the paper three times. Touch it to the white candle and repeat:
"Purify and cleanse me"
Now Touch it to the black candle and repeat:
"Banish negativity and protect me"
Now let the paper drop into the fireproof dish and allow it to finish burning.
After this spell you should feel lighter and ready to start again. Hope this helps some people. Blessed be!
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witchy-daydreams · 2 years ago
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(via (352) Pinterest)
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witchy-daydreams · 2 years ago
Samhain Cleansing Spell
This can be used during any of the Sabbats or entering/exiting any prominent event in your life, but is especially helpful during the Wiccan new year!
You Will Need: - any crystals - incense + candles - plastic baggie(s) - soap + shampoo - an area for bathing - candy + a cup of water 1) Prepare your shower or bath. Nearby, place your BAGGED (don't wanna damage any) crystals to draw energy from. Light your incense. 2) Step into your shower or bath; then take a moment to visualize your intentions and draw energy from the crystals. 3) Place the candy in your mouth. This is to symbolize a sweetened tongue, an increase in kindness, and a decrease in negative intention going into the new year. 4) Draw a sigil of your choice on your forehead, to symbolize clear thoughts. Draw that same sigil over your heart to represent loving intentions. Draw that sigil on the tops of both your feet to manifest good luck going into the new year. 5) Wash yourself thoroughly, starting at your head and finishing at your feet. Visualize all negativity coming away with each swipe. 6) Rinse. Now would be a good time to pray to any deities you may have. 7) Once you dry off, drink a cup of water, to symbolize washing away internalized negativity and self-destructive thoughts + actions. 8) Light a few candles for the ancestors. 9) Have another piece of candy before you go to bed to sweeten dreams <3 Happy Samhain!!
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witchy-daydreams · 2 years ago
Samhain ritual to free yourself
This is my ritual I do every year on Samhain. As it is the witch's new year, it is the perfect time to free yourself from the things binding you and holding you back. Some examples would be anxiety, depression, etc.
Ingredients/tools needed:
red yarn
an athame (knife)
The ritual/spell:
Cut the yarn into 9" pieces, as many as you need (one per thing you are freeing yourself of). Knot the ends to form a circle. Give each piece a label- something you feel is holding you back (Ex: anxiety) slip them around your wrist and tell each one:
"(insert label) I have carried you long and far, your burden has been my teacher. And I accept your lessons. Now I summon the power to release you, for your presence serves me no longer"
Cut through each with the athame, imagining yourself separating from your actual bonds. Burn the yarn in the cauldron and repeat:
"You are now consumed by the flames of transformation, you no longer bind me. away you go, so that something new and blessed in me shall grow"
Once the flames die and the cauldron cools, take it outside. Stand with the wind at your back and release the ashes into the air.
Alternative: you could bury the yarn and slightly alter the words if you cannot burn things safely.
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witchy-daydreams · 2 years ago
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Samhain marks the end of summer. Meaning ‘Summer’s End’. A true celebration.
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witchy-daydreams · 2 years ago
Samhain Traditions
✨ Go for a meditative nature walk. Observe colors, aromas, sounds, and sensations. Contemplate the circle of life and death as crucial parts of nature.
✨ Create a Samhain altar. Incorporate things like skulls, skeletons, ghosts, pumpkins, squash and gourds, nuts and berries, dried leaves and acorns,/‘d cider.
✨ Have a ceremony with food. Invite your friends and family for fruit, veggies, game, dark bread, and apple cider. Light candles around the table while dining.
✨ Create an altar for ancestors. Set up photos of deceased family members, heirlooms, mementos, and votive candles. Speak their names and offer them well wishes. Thank them for their lineage.
✨ Guide spirits. Place a white seven-day candle in the window to guide the dead to the spirit world. Speak a chant of guidance.
✨ Reflect on your life since last Samhain. Consider personal growth and your accomplishments, travels, challenges, adventures, and learnings.
✨ Create bonfire magick. Write down things to release and burn them in a bonfire or even a small cauldron outside. Dance around the fire and thank the universe for its services.
✨ Divine invocations. Call upon the powers that be in nature. Invite them to aid you in your remembrance of the dead and understanding of life, death, and rebirth.
✨ Community connections. Join a group ritual. Exchange ideas, information, and celebration experiences.
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witchy-daydreams · 2 years ago
⛤How To Celebrate Samhain⛤
Samhain, Celtic New Year, is the passage, threshold, conclusion and beginning.
It is the darkness from which everything begins, the silence from which the first vibration will arise, that initial void that must be in order for birth to take place.
Precious and necessary time. Time of rest and silent listening.
Threshold of this passage, of the limit between life, death and life, Samhain is an open door between the dimensions of time and existence.
The guardian of this threshold is Hecate, an ancient goddess who holds the keys of this Celebration.
Fairies and spirits are especially active on this night.
It is equally one of the many times to honor and host dead ancestors.
Prayers and food are left on the door steps and altar doors are left open and additional chairs are set outside. 
Hearths are clean and home hearths are rekindled by a sacred common bonfire that is lit by rubbing. 
The patron God and Goddess of this festival are the Dagda and the Morrigan.
On this day, spirits and fairy creatures invite mortals to spend a year together on the Hill of Delights with them; the druids act in the opposite direction, writing messages for the dead and entrusting them to the fire. 
With the food and drinks of the afterlife, wine, beer and mead, they feast for the duration of the festival, which takes place from a minimum of 3 days to a maximum of 6 weeks, including meetings, battles, prophecies, spells and ritual sacrifices, in honor of the god of fertility Dagda and his wife Morrighan.
In the Celtic tale "The Wasting Sickness of Cuchulainn", the feast of Samhain is celebrated for a total of 7 days, of which 3 before and 3 after the party night.
To worthily celebrate the full circle of existence we must recognize the reality of death and physical decline as natural events, not as something to be ignored or hidden. 
To these energies we must now pay homage but at the same time we must remember the new life that will come.
The Holly King teaches us that death is an end but also a beginning. 
Let us keep in mind the lesson of the ancient Celts and do not indulge in sadness!
⛤Little things to do for Samhain:
Collect acorns, giving an acorn to friends and family as a wish for good luck.
Toast the local orchard with ale and cider in thanks for a copious harvest. Part of the harvest was left on the trees to ask for a good harvest in the coming years.
Apples were also buried to provide food for the spirits waiting to be reborn.
Before pumpkins were introduced, turnips were carved outside and lit with small candles. They could then be placed on the windows or carried in procession around the neighborhood to ward off diabolical intentions.
Scary stories were told throughout the night until the crowing of the cock drove all the fairies and spirits back into their world.
Stones marked with the owners' names were thrown into the fire and recovered the next morning. The state of the stone indicated the person's luck for the coming year.
But you can also:
Invite your friends to dinner, dress up as witches and ghosts, decorate your homes with Halloween pumpkins and celebrate traditional games by trying to grab the sacred apples hanging from a string or floating in a basin with our mouths of water!
You can have fun carving and digging pumpkins and turnips, inserting candles in them to expose them to the windows or balconies of your homes.
Finally, it is a moment in which in order to favor our regeneration, we can ritually abandon all the things of the past that we must or want to leave, abandon (let die) the things that we do not like in our life. 
We can then write these things on slips of paper to burn them in our Samhain fire, which can also be a black or otherwise dark colored candle.
You can say a phrase three times like: "The so-and-so thing has come into being, the so-and-so thing has its season, and the so-and-so is going away!" Then, the slip of paper is burned in the flame.
We can then, more simply, give away or burn those objects that we no longer like.
It's time to give up bad habits, to change your life! In fact, before the new growth can begin, the soil must be fertilized with the remains of the previous year's crops and with the waste (if there were no death and decomposition there would be no Life).
An undoubtedly more complex ritual, but one that is worth performing, can be performed in our homes. 
At sunset, the eve of Samhain, all the lights in the house go out and you stand in front of a black or dark candle. We hear the old year that is about to die, we remember all the good or bad things that you have experienced, we remember the people dear to you who are no longer there, and when we feel ready we light the candle saying: "I welcome them with this light. spirits of those who left before me. Welcome! ".
 Let's take a cup or a glass full of wine and drink some, after having said: "To the dead!", Leaving a few drops. 
We can then light a special candle for each of your dead friends or relatives: it can also be white or colored candles. 
To light them we use the dark candle, and with the same candle we also light the Halloween pumpkin lanterns, if we have made any.
After doing this we take a plate or a tray where we will have put some bread or sweets (you can use the "sweets of the dead" if there are typical recipes in your area) and we invite invisible friends to share the food with us. 
Always leave a few portions.
Then, taking the dark candle, we go to all the rooms and turn on all the lights, maybe just for a few minutes.
Let's go out the front door and throw a coin: it should be silver but a common coin will do anyway.
We say: "Money on the floor, money under the door" and leave the coin on the floor for a month, perhaps sliding it under the doormat. It will bring good luck to our home.
Let us meditate on the meaning of this holiday and leave the door of the house open to let our invisible friends in!
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Witchfully yours,
⛤Isidora & Bleiz⛤
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witchy-daydreams · 2 years ago
Happy Samhain everyone!!!!!!!
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witchy-daydreams · 2 years ago
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On Halloween to Nov 1 at sunset is when the veil between our world and the spirit world is lifted! I made this image to help anyone curious about what they can do to celebrate Samhain this weekend. 🎃What are your Halloweekend plans?!
IG: emeraldlotusdivination
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witchy-daydreams · 2 years ago
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