𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨 𝐅𝐮𝐫𝐲.
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witchreign · 6 years ago
Summoning a demon just for a cuddle session is valid
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witchreign · 6 years ago
Like a deer in headlights she freezes up, eyes wide as he addresses her. The hand that went to reach for the strange object pulls back, a worried look on her face.
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“-- Oh! I’m sorry! I just didn’t know what this device was so I was curious and-- I’m really sorry!” She begins bowing in apology several times to authenticate her words.
{ @witchreign​ }
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     “…That’s mine,” came the monotonous but rather audible greet from Henry as he approached the woman who was just about to touch at his camera. Or swipe it away when she believed no one is looking –  and here he thought he trusted this neck of the woods…      He took hold of the device, making sure it hadn’t been tampered with before giving her a blank stare. Not  judgmental  or even silently asking as to why she thought of touching it; he just STARED.
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witchreign · 6 years ago
Ah, what an interesting revelation from the smaller female as a curious head tilt followed her words… maybe he was a bit too inside his usual element to know of anything like this, but still he understood in a way how she felt about this whole predicament.
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Then, there it came; what happened to her apparent child…? He never known the woman so best to be honest with what words came to his mind.
“ I haven’t a faintest idea, but perhaps relaying the information to me might be of assistance. I have seen many children, small or tall, youthful and mature, and the likes… I might have seen your kindred.”
In all honesty, her children were the least of his concern seeing how … neglectful he was to his own; surely never visiting any of them counted as neglect in any cases but she didn’t have to know, right? Nobody knew he fathered a few misfits with no traces it was him… surely.
“My daughter is long gone...” She responds with sadness in her voice, eyes falling to the ground with a wry smile. No matter how strong she liked to pretend to be, just one mention of her daughter was enough to crack her facade-- showing the true naive, vulnerable person the former ruler truly was.
All she’d ever wanted to be was a wife, and more importantly... a mother-- and both those opportunities were taken from her.
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“I’m sure she grew up to be a lovely young woman...  But I want the peace of mind to know that she lived a good life.” 
As long as she had that... that was good enough.
“The greatest thing for a parent is knowing their child lived prosperously.”
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witchreign · 6 years ago
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                                      I CAN KEEP GOING!
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witchreign · 6 years ago
Although she had been there for a short while, the present was still so foreign to Amelie. With so many things out there that she still didn’t understand, the witch opted to adapt to things the best as she could-- which meant residing in the less occupied land, separate from the town.
Until the moment where she could fully adjust, the former monarch survived by stealing supplies and food in the dead of night-- and so when she heard the noise, she couldn’t help but jump up in shock.
Had someone caught onto her?
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She stepped back as her eyes fell to the direction of the noise.
“-- .... An... animal?” How odd. She doesn’t remember taking that herself-- which meant there was another thief in town. “.. Oh.. Are you hungry too? Do you need help?”
@witchreign // starter call
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It’s been a few days since he’s come across a person, so his first instinct is to scurry off behind a bush and quietly observe for now. Had the people from town finally figured out who had been stealing food and supplies from them? Even if they had, how would they have known where he was hiding out? He supposed the deer carcass he’d been munching on for the past day or two could have been a hint, but even that had been hunted down and killed as a hound so surely… Ears flatten against his head as he lowers himself to the ground and watches hesitantly, silently cursing to himself when he notices his bag is left out in the open. Slowly he crawls forward enough to grab the strap between his teeth and begin to tug it closer to the bush where he was hiding. Don’t mind him! 
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witchreign · 6 years ago
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“No,” he said flatly, a bit dismissive, but it was very rare that anyone approached him and he preferred it that way.  Tone eased up as he spoke however, the faces of thieves and scam artists sure were changing these days, and she was rather bold to just ask outright to pull out some money - he had to give her some props for that. “Unfortunately, most people don’t bother to carry around cash these days. You’ll be hard pressed to find anyone willing to show you without suspicion.”
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“Oh..” She’s clearly dejected, tone matching her expression. She had no reason to doubt him, with the large gap between her time and the present-- she had all the reason to believe that perhaps physical currency had completely been eradicated completely. And his words certainly authenticated that. 
“-- Cash? Like physical currency? Then how are things purchased? I was hoping I could’ve used some of my belongings to buy things but...” There’s a pause. “I’d feel horrid taking things without paying...”
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witchreign · 6 years ago
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                  It’s always different if I’m the one in love.
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witchreign · 6 years ago
Send me a ( // ) To see a sketch of what I think our characters would look like fused.
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witchreign · 6 years ago
𝚒𝚝  𝚖𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝  𝚋𝚎  𝚌𝚛𝚞𝚎𝚕  ,      but  watching  her  struggle  with  a  soda  can  was  entertaining .      he almost didn’t  want   to   intervene  ,      but he knew this shouldn’t    𝙜𝙤  𝙤𝙣  ��𝙣𝙮  𝙛𝙪𝙧𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧  .    opening  a  can  …     akira  never  thought this  menial  task  would be  so  challenging  to  someone  .    she’s  peculiar  to him  ,    it  felt  a  little  unreasonable  to assume she’s just never had a soda before  .    this  might  be    a  joke  . 
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“    kind    of  …    ”        akira  responded  to  her  assumption  in  monotone  ,      as  he  lifts  a  finger  to  gesture  towards  the  pull      tab  .        “    the  ,     uh  ,     metal    thing    on    top  …    ”        his voice was  softer  this time  .        “    it    should    do    the    trick  …    ”         𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚜𝚝  𝚌𝚊𝚜𝚎  𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚘  ,      he  just offers  to  open  it  for  her  …      he  didn’t  want  to  be  rude  and  grab  it  out  of  her  hand  though  .
the former queen pauses in her actions as she hears the teen’s voice, head raising and turning in his direction as she blinks in silence-- paying close attention to his words.
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“..... the metal thing...” amelie repeats, her eyes now shifting to the top of the can. “do i....  pull it? must i remove it off completely? they really should have some instructions on the side of the can...”
with one hand holding the can, her other hovers above the top of it-- fingers reaching for the pull tab.
“i’m a little scared-- what if i break it? will i never be able to open this drink if i do?.... do you think you could open it for me?”
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witchreign · 6 years ago
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       ❝ yes– CRISPIAN.  ❞ he tells her. those eyes that he remembered so VIVIDLY – they were the last thing that he had saw before he died. ❝ do you mind telling me WHY you killed me in the first place ?!  ❞
“crispian.....” she repeats, listless eyes unflinching to the other’s rage.
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“it was never my intention to kill you. there was no ill-will... i simply just...” she clutches the fabric over her chest, eyes closing. “i remembered my husband at that moment.”
and in her mind, there’s a brief flash of his face-- her features gradually twisting in melancholy.
“..... an apology cannot fix my actions-- but i truly am sorry.”
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witchreign · 6 years ago
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“I recently had a hot dog.– At first I was adverse to trying it, but I’m happy to report it’s delicious and not made of real canines!”
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witchreign · 6 years ago
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casper blog?? y/y?? @warraigoe
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witchreign · 6 years ago
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“I recently had a hot dog.-- At first I was adverse to trying it, but I’m happy to report it’s delicious and not made of real canines!”
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witchreign · 6 years ago
one day i’ll write about all of amelie’s abilities because holy cow, she sure made a good deal-- and all she needed was to give her soul away!!!
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witchreign · 6 years ago
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Can you see me? With how cold our joined hands feel I’m digging my bloody nails into you So frown upon me
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witchreign · 6 years ago
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witchreign · 6 years ago
This is an open invitation for followers to throw their muses into my inbox.
Please don’t be shy! Even if we haven’t interacted, asks are always a good way for muses to get to know one another!
Alternatively, send some OOC asks or anons? 
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