witchofheart2000 · 2 hours
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made this image to try and cheer myself up. i think it worked, especially after learning i could pose kornelius' wings.
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witchofheart2000 · 6 hours
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Share to save someone with nut allergies a hospital trip hoooly shit
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witchofheart2000 · 6 hours
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Remember Marcellus Williams! A black Muslim man falsely accused. Remember that he's innocent. Remember that the governor of Missouri, mike Parson who had the opportunity to save this man's life, decided not to. Remember all but three supreme court justices decided his life wasn't worth saving either. Remember his face. Remember his Last words. And remember how fucked up this country is
Rest in peace Marcellus
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witchofheart2000 · 6 hours
saying “they can CHOOSE to not have sex and therefore condoms shouldn’t be free, menstrual products should be instead” is not feminist btw. you are no better than a conservative.
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witchofheart2000 · 10 hours
just had a pumpkin spice latte for the first time. this fucks. everyone apologise to women right now
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witchofheart2000 · 15 hours
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what do you mean it's almost october
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witchofheart2000 · 15 hours
I wish people were more chill about plurality. My family has gotten to the point of “Antlerkitty has brain people, it’s disordered but that’s ok, they’re just chilling and the disorder is the unwelcome intrusions, not the people.”
I wish everyone could have that. Normalize plurality please.
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witchofheart2000 · 15 hours
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The act alone of posting something we drew on paper without putting much thought into it is a radical act against our perfectionism. Take that asshole
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witchofheart2000 · 16 hours
btw if youre mean to alters because of their sources.... hitting you with a brick.
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witchofheart2000 · 16 hours
System reminder list, except for once it's not written by someone who's anti-endogenic.
You likely don't know everything about your system, and this means that sometimes you'll be wrong about something related to your system. This doesn't mean you're faking or making things up. It just means that you made a small mistake or lapse in judgement, which isn't a moral failing. Just because you realized something about your system may be different than you previously thought, it doesn't mean you deceived people (or yourself) about your plurality.
Not all switches are the same. Switches can take hours, seconds, or minutes to go through; they can come with no dissociation or dissociation so bad that from an outsider's perspective it looks like you shut down; switching can be done with only one headmate knowing what's happening; it can be done without anyone knowing what's happening; it can be difficult or easy to switch – point is, there's a large variety in switches as a whole, and it's likely that you'll experience a variety of switches too.
Any neurodivergencies you have are likely to affect your plurality. If you have disorders such as MaDD or schizophrenia, one or more alters may hold more symptoms than others so other sysmates don't have to deal with them. Memory-affecting disorders may worsen amnesia, or even be a cause of amnesiac barriers. Sysmates may specifically form because of certain disorders. There are many ways that other neurodivergencies can affect your plurality, so don't think of it as a sign of faking – it's really not.
After you first discover your system, you may experience a new burst in system members. This isn't an uncommon experience; there are many factors at play in this situation that could explain the sharp increase in sysmate count. Changes in mental/dissociative/spiritual barriers, stress and worry over being plural, just plain brain weirdness, and a lot of other reasons can result in more sysmates forming when you first learn about your system, which may cause worry as to whether your experiences are real. I promise, new sysmates do not indicate fakeness.
Introjects do not work on a "first come, first serve" basis. You may have multiple introjects of the same character/person, especially if you're a larger system or have a lot of attachment towards certain characters/people.
It's okay to not know who you are or who's fronting. These experiences aren't always fun, but they happen, and they'll pass in time. You may need to ground yourself or focus on your own identity during these times, and that's okay. Unsurety isn't a moral failure.
Relationships between system members can be complicated. Headmates can date, consider each other family, work for/serve someone, and have pretty much any other kind of relationship there is. Sometimes, relationships are complicated and weird, and it's best to just go with the flow.
Everyone's plural experiences are going to be at least a little different from each other. Don't define yourself by what is common or constantly compare yourself to other systems! No two systems are identical, and that means no two experiences are going to be identical. It can help to look to similar experiences for occasional guidance, but using what's common as a "guideline" for yourself may harm your system in the long run. (Or others! You shouldn't judge others for being "too stereotypical" or "too different." Plurality is a widely varied phenomenon and what that variety ends up looking like in certain cases may surprise you.)
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witchofheart2000 · 16 hours
honestly at a point I'm at, there is a ton of art, some blatantly fetish art, that I'm 100% not into but I think art with sexuality and kink should also have a right to exist and watering it down to "degenerate art" or "lesser art" because it doesn't fit your standards of what "good art is" will make you fall down a really DARK pipeline.
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witchofheart2000 · 1 day
ily dropouts ily ppl getting their ged ily ppl who arent even getting a ged ily homeschooled ppl ily ppl who have to take breaks or leave the school system or who got held back i love everyone with a nonlinear or short school journey with my whole heart. btw.
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witchofheart2000 · 1 day
Hey, just checking in once again. A quick reminder that you are not alone. There is so much out there to live for, even if you haven’t discovered it yet. You will make connections, you will feel excitement and contentment, you will laugh again.
Just because you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel does not mean that it isn’t there. Please keep holding on. Things may change for the better at the moment you least expect it.
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witchofheart2000 · 1 day
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witchofheart2000 · 2 days
im getting my oil changed and i heard the mechanic go "tee hee hee". whats happening
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witchofheart2000 · 2 days
there's something so extremely depressing about looking through nsfw artists Tumblr accounts and those accounts being abandoned/last posted on 10 years ago or just gone... so many artist livelihood and connections and community just, gone. it's like a graveyard.
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witchofheart2000 · 2 days
cmon child safety lid you know it's me
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